• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 918 Views, 11 Comments

A Cold World - Ice

It's never easy growing up, things like school, a social life etc all come into play....but what if in one sudden moment that's all taken away? This is the story of one little colt and his life.

  • ...

The Foodchain

Chapter Three

"Hey punk, long time no see," chuckled a voice.

"Ugh, hey Spark," chuckled the colt.

"Where've you been?" replied Spark as the two walked out of the building.

"Well, I've sort of just....been around," shrugged the colt somewhat confused.

"Nooo, what I mean is where were you during the break?" asked Spark a little more aggressively.

"Oh, that."

"Yes. that." replied Spark angrily.

".....I dunno, I guess I must've been busy because you know I come over all the time," replied the blue colt.

"Ugh, I guess we should just leave it at," murmured the colt.

"So what'd you do during the break?"

"I went to visit my grandma and papa in the country."

"The country, what's that like?"

"Well, it's pretty quite I supp...crud, look down," whispered the colt as a group of four fillies chattering amongst themselves with a dark look in their eyes began to walk towards them.

"Am I missing something?" whispered the colt.

"Dude that's Short Stop...the bully in the year above us."

"......How am I only just finding out about this?" replied the colt almost shouting, cringing slightly as he realised his mistake.

"Hello there runt and run...tiar. " chuckled Short as she and her "friends" circled the two.

The colt sized up Short Stop, she was only slightly bigger than himself, had a longish grey mane with a strip of white in it, her neck was covered up by a and her coat was only a shade or two darker making him looking rather....bland. However the thing that caught his attention was not her horn, no what caught his attention was the fact that it was glowing and he was now above it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHmmmmfffffff !" his screaming was caught short as she tied her scarf around his muzzle.

"Now listen to me and listen good," she said pulling him closer "Your little friend and I have some business to talk over so you're going go lie down over there like a good mongrel," she said cruelly throwing the colt to the side.

"Now you, where are this weeks bits?" she said glaring down at him, while she was only slightly taller than the blue colt Spark was even smaller than him which did a lot for intimidation.

"I...I....c-.couldn't..get any," he said shaking.

"Aww, what a shame, well, we both know what happens next," she grinned as she slowly lifted the colt in the air.


"PUT HIM DOWN NOW!" roared a voice causing the filly to squeal in fright.

"I don't know what you're doing to my little brother or his friend but this.stops.now," he said looking at the group with an insane look in his eye.

"...Fine but this isn't over Rus...HEY!" she screamed as the older brother grabbed with one hoof and began to walk towards the building.

"You're right, Shorty and co, lets go," he said looking at the blue colt and the others as he continued to walk.

* * *

"THEY'RE LYING!" screamed the filly. The group was sat in front of Mrs Sharp-pen, beside her was the blue colts older brother and in front of her were the four fillies, the colt and Spark.

"Well, he has an injured leg," she said pointing at the colt "He has a bruise on his side from being dropped and they both have Bolt here, who was an example pupil, who saw the entire thing."

"That proves nothing and why's he here in the first place?" she asked while glaring at Bolt accusingly.

"Well, the kid here forgot his lunch, since dad was in such a rush to get him here, because he was running late for some reason."

"A likely story."

"Miss Stop, you will not speak to an older pony like that again, do I make myself clear?"

".....Yes Miss."

"Also, I myself can confirm that he was late." she said forcing herself not to scream at the filly in front of her.

"What does it matter anyways? You can't expect me to take any punishment you give me seriously," Short said cockily while everybody else in the room looked at like she was an idiot.

"Is that so, because you're facing expulsion," said the mare, receiving a group of confused looks.

"It means she'll be expelled," to which a chorus of "Ooooh's" replied.

"Tch, like I care, I was getting moved to the "Manehattan Magical Institute for young unicorns" next week, " she said smirking.

"...You're not the sharpest knife are you?" said Bolt with a "are you serious?" look on his face.

"..Excuse me?" she asked slightly confused.

"The "Manehattan Institute" is a well known school for gifted unicorns and it's also famous for its zero tolerance policy," answered Miss Sharp-Pen.


"Meaning, that if you were to be expelled, you wouldn't be accepted."

"...No...no..no..NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" screamed Short Stop.



"Yes what?"

"Yes Miss,"

"Better, now Spark," she said turning to the young colt who'd been silent the entire time.

"Yes Miss?"

"Do you think Short Stop should be expelled?"

"Um, well....I want to say yeah but....ruining her future seems a little unfair...maybe she should get a few detentions or her parents should be told?" suggested the colt. Mrs Sharp-Pen stared at the colt amazed at the maturity he was showing for somepony his age.

"You're sure?" she asked.


"Absolutely sure?"


"..I suppose I'll let it slide...this time."

"Mrs Short-Stop and co. I expect to see you every day during break for detention, for the next month, do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," the group replied in unison.

"You three are free to go," looking at the two colts and Bolt.

"Yes Miss, thank you miss."

* * *

The rest of the day seemed to drag on for the blue colt as Mrs Sharp-Pen tried to force more and more knowledge down their throats the longer the day went on.


"Alright class, I expect all of you to have read about how our government works by tomorrow," called Mrs Sharp-Pen as the colts and fillies raced out of the classroom.

"Hey shorty," said Bolt as the colt ran out.

"Hey Bolt, where're mum and dad?"

"Dad's working late and mum is away visiting your aunt, so it's just you and me tonight."

"...This isn't going to end well is it?" asked the young colt.

"Of course not, it is me after all," chuckled Bolt.