• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 619 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude! - WarriorofFaith18

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

  • ...

Return of Spikezilla Pt 2

After eating a curious gem, Spike suddenly became greedy and began to go on a rampage stealing other stuff. Despite their best efforts to stop, the heroes could not stop him as he grew gigantic and stormed off with Davis towards Canterlot.

“We gotta stop Spikezilla before he destroys Canterlot!” Mikey declared.

“Eh?” Twilight raised her brow.

“Spikezilla?” Ember asked.

“Well. because he's –“ Mikey was about to explain before Raph clamped his mouth shut.

“Hold on. It's because how pinkie said it when Davis was talking about that move, so you decided to call him Spikezilla because not only he's big,but he's also a giant monster based on that monster movie?”

“Hmm. That's pretty accurate of what I was going to say.” Mikey admitted.

“Yep. Just as I thought.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“I guess you know me too well.” Mikey grinned.

“just don't let it get in your head, little brother.” Raph pointed out.

“What I want to know is how come Discord wasn’t able to change Spike back?” Fluttershy wondered.

“And forwarded the growing process of his transformation.” Donnie added.

“It’s almost like someone wanted Spike to find that gem and fixed it to make him grow no matter how greedy he was and is able to block Discord’s power.” TK pieced together.

“And must be trying to stop us as well. Why else take Davis before he could Armor Digivolve?” Keno agreed.

“We’ll worry about who later. Right now, we gotta stop Spike before he causes any damage anywhere.” Leo stated.

“If only we could study that gem he ate.” Izzy pondered.

“How about a shard of it?” Everyone looked at Gamer who levitated a shard of the gem Spike ate. “Spike coughed this out after I kicked him off the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I think if we can analyze it, we can synthesis an antidote.”

“Alright, Gamer!” cheered Mimi and Pinkie.

“We better work fast! He’s nearing Canterlot as we speak!” Yolei pointed out.

Twilight squinted her eyes. “Then we better go to…. The medical room.”

“No! Not the medical room!” Pinkie cried.

“The medical room!” gasped Starlight.

“The medical room!” Discord jawdropped.

“The medical room?” Kari asked.

“Really?” Yolei deadpanned.

“What medical room?” Pharynx wondered.

In Twilight’s castle, Twilight led the group, minus Gamer, to a bookshelf.

“I’ve been saving this in case of an emergency that is too much for a doctor or Zecora was unavailable.” She said before using her magic to pull a book which caused the shelf to move revealing a secret room that had boards, potions, and a chemistry set.

“Impressive.” Donnie admitted.

“Very impressive.” Izzy agreed.

“I’ll show you guys around later. Right now, we got to stop Spike!” Twilight declared. “We’ll be done faster if we work together. Love Shine, grab that capsule! Please.”

“Got it.” Love Shine lifted a capsule as big as Cody while Twilight analyzed the shard with Donnie, Izzy, Yolei, and Sunset helping. Everyone else helped by giving items when asked for. Mikey reached for a beacon full of orange liquid and was about to drink before Yolei smacked his hand, gesturing to him not to drink it. Before long, Ember and Thorax worked together to close the capsule and they now had a big pill.

“Okay. This is all makeshift, but theoretically it should be enough to dissolve the gem in Spike enough to cure him. All we have to do is get him to swallow it.” Twilight explained.

“Couldn’t it be easier if we get it in his-!”

“Mikey!” his brothers scolded him.

“It worked for that elephant.” Mikey shrugged. The brothers however shuddered while Team Shine and Digidestined tried their best not to remember that part whenever they watched that movie.

“We are so not watching that movie again!” Raph groaned.

Shine Boy turned to Ember, Thorax, and Pharnyx who were confused on what they were talking about. “Don’t ask.”

“Duly noted.” Discord responded as well.

“So how do we get Spikezilla to swallow it?” Casey asked.

“Maybe one of the Digimon who can digivolve could throw it in his throat?” TK guessed.

“But we may need to distract him so we can, since we got only one shot.” Willis pointed out.

“And what about us nonflyers?” Shini asked.

“That’s what Gamer’s getting right now.” Donnie said. “Cmon! He should have it ready outside.”

Everyone hurried out of the castle as Gamer pushed out the flying machine he tinkered with earlier.

“We can use this to fly in close enough to get this into Spike’s mouth.” He pointed out.

“We’ll have to organize a team to fly.” Leo pondered.

“Why not have a couple teams? There are strengths in numbers.” Discord snapped his fingers and four more flying machines appeared.

“That’ll work.” Gamer wowed. “Remind me to ask you about mass production.”

Leo quickly began instructing everyone. “Okay! Here’s what we’ll do. Everyone who can fly won’t have to go on one of those. I’ll go with Shine Boy, Applejack, and Ken with Wormmon. Donnie will take Gamer, Josh, and Keramon. Raph, take Marie, Rarity, Clawmon, and Shine Girl. Mimi and Pinkie with Palmon will go with Mikey while April takes, Starlight, Karai, and Shini. Everyone else will fly next to us.”

“Oh! I almost forgot. I invented the leftover tech pieces for the plane and convert them for ember, thorax, and pharynx.” Gamer said as he levitated three technology boxes with a button on top.

“You’re giving these to us, Gamer?” Thorax asked.

“So what’s in the box?” Pharynx wondered while examining it.

“Press the button and you’ll see. Don’t be scared if something happens. It’s just part of the process.” Gamer instructed.

the female dragon lord and the two changeling brothers press the button simultaneous and the box turns into tiny little nanites as it surrounds their bodies.

“Woah! What’s happening?” Pharynx said.

“Should I be scared?” Thorax asked in worry.

“What should we do?” Ember asked in concern.

“Just relax and let it continue. It should be over in a few seconds.” Gamer said while the others were watching.

When the nanites were done forming, it turned into some kind of suits. dark blue and pink lines for Ember, light green and black lines for Thorax, and dark green with purple outline for Pharynx.

"These look very.... impressive." Ember looked at herself.

"These are very comfy." Thorax smiled.

"And sleet." Pharnyx added.

“Let’s get ready!” TK declared as Kari and Yolei stood next to him.

“DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!” They declared.




“I’ll help too!” Izzy held up his Digivice.


Everyone got in their assigned planes while the flyers got ready as well. Willis let Terriermon and Lopmon ride on him while Thorax took Veemon on his back. Izzy and Cody climbed on Kabuterimon’s head while Sunset climbed on Fugitoid’s back. As they got ready, Applebloom spoke to Applejack.

“Applejack, can we come too?”

“Out of the question, Applebloom.” Applejack shook her head. “This is dangerous stuff.”

“But we wanna help too!” Sweetie Belle protested.

“This is too big for you three to handle.” Rarity stated.

“I’m their age and I’m helping.” Gamer pointed out.

“That’s different!” Both ponies yelled.

”The point is you three fillies can’t come with us. End of discussion.” Applejack said.

"She’s right. I’m sorry, but you three have to stay here. It’s too dangerous out there."

“Is it?” Shine Boy got their attention. “Let me ask you two something. Did Big Mac treat you like this, AJ? And how hard has Sweetie tried to prove herself a sister to you, Rarity?”

“We don’t have time-!”

“ANSWER MY QUESTION!” Applejack was interrupted by Shine Boy’s roar.

“No.” she deadpanned.

Rarity sighed. “Alright. You three can come.”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TO THE RESCUE!” the three cheered clapping their hooves together.

Rainbow jumped next to Scootaloo. “Hop on, Squirt! It’s hero time!”

Scootaloo climbed on her back while Pegasusmon and Nefertimon walked up.

“You two can ride on us.” Pegasusmon offered.

“Climb on, Sweetie Belle.” Nefertimon let Sweetie get on her back while Applebloom got on Pegasusmon.

Rarity and Applejack looked at Shine Boy as Rarity asked. “What was that all about, Shine Boy?”

“Because we need all the help we can get for Spike and Davis. And whether you two accept it or not, your sisters are growing up and one day they will have to do things on their own. So you need to let them grow up without you. You can still love and care for them, but you can’t protect them but support them. Take it from a big brother who’s trying to do the same with his younger brother. Now let’s go help Spike.”

“Okay. Step on the left pedal to start the engine.” Gamer instructed. As everyone’s planes started up, Discord walked up to Mikey’s group dressed as a military commando.

“Commando Discord, requesting permission to board.”

“Granted! Now let’s go!” Mikey accepted as they let him sit behind Mimi and Palmon.

“Now push the red button and press the right pedal for takeoff!” Everyone did what Gamer told them and the planes began to drive off. “Take you steering wheel and…. LIFTOFF!”

Suddenly, Pinkie spoke up. “Excuse me, I just want to say that most of us probably won’t be surviving for this.” She paused before shouting, “NOW LET’S GET TO THE SKY, BABY!”

The flying machines all took off into the sky as everyone followed Gamer’s instructed.

“It’s working!” Donnie smiled.

“BOOYAKASHA!” Mikey cheered.

“You did good, Gamer.” April complimented.

“Beats pedaling your flank off.” Applejack admitted.

“Now let’s save Spike!” Leo declared as they flew out.

“Follow them!” Twilight added as the flyers followed right behind them.

As they flew over the Everfree Forest, Shine Boy saw something on the ground in the woods.

“Leo! Down there!” he pointed, getting the lead turtle’s attention.

They looked to see a certain mutant pony guard jumping through the trees.

“Blade Swipe!” Leo called, getting his attention. “I’ll swoop down and pick you up!”

Blade nodded and hurried next to the plane. When Leo got close enough, Blade jumped on the wing and held on. As they ascended back up, Blade turned to the group. “Am I glad to see you guys! Princess Celestia saw something big heading to Canterlot and sent me to investigate!”

“Would you believe that the thing is Spike?” Josh asked as the others explained the situation to Blade.

“So, we just got to get that in his mouth. Got it!” Blade confirmed. “Though I’m surprised you’re not pedaling in this thing.”

“Gamer did that.” Shine Boy smiled. “Discord made duplicates.”

“Very impressive.” Blade admitted.

“There he is!” Everyone looked ahead to see Spikezilla about five miles away from Canterlot with Davis still wrapped in his tail.

“GUYS! HELP!” Davis cried.

“We’re coming, Davis!” Veemon called back.

Spikezilla turned around and roared, trying to swat at the flyers who dodged his swings.

Pinkie looked over at Canterlot. “Ooooo! There’s my favorite gelato shop! Can we stop for some gelato? They got some great fruit mixes!”

“PINKIE!” everyone cried.

“Could we make mine a raspberry?” Mikey asked.


“Right. Right. After we fix Spike.” He chuckled.

“CHARGE!” Ember charged as they flew towards Spikezilla. Some tried to save Davis only to dodge a blow from the big dragon.

“GOONGALA!” Casey launched some explosive pucks at Spikezilla’s face followed by Fugitoid firing lasers as Sunset and Twilight fired magic beams at him. As he flew his fyler, Mikey pushed a button and a machine gun popped up.

“Oh yeah! Now we’re talking! I found the gun!” he cheered.

Gamer heard as his eyes widened. “Oh no.”

“One giant splatter dragon coming right up.” Mikey tried to fire but nothing comes out. “hey. There's no bullets in this thing.”

“They didn’t have the specific ammo needed!” Gamer stated.

“And you gonna tell us… when?” Raph remarked.

Gamer rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Yes, Raph, I purposely knew that Spike would become kaiju size and make sure we could never- I LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER, SHELL BUTT!”

“Don’t make me swing by to break your FACE!” Raph snapped.

“Like you’ll have the chance, STUPID!” Gamer threatened just before Halsemon flew between their planes.

“I have a message from Yolei to you two.” He cleared his throat. “HELLO! we still have a giant dragon to deal with so fly now, Fight later!”

“FINE!” Raph and Gamer huffed.

“Least we have our own projectiles.” Pegasusmon pointed out.

Shine boy spoke through the T-Phones. “And besides, we just wanted to get the magic out of spike's stomach, Mikey. We don't need bullets from the turrets.”

“Well, what else are we supposed to do?” Rainbow asked.

“Time to let Mikey do what Mikey does best: annoy him. Leo and I will come up with a plan to take care of the rest. Twilight, we gonna need you on this one.”

“You got it!” Twilight flew close to their plane.

“All right, Guppy. We’re going to war!” Discord boasted in a Sargent voice.

As Mikey’s group plane flew in, Shine Girl heard epic music. “Uh where did this music come from?”

“From Discord of course.” Pinkie pointed as everyone looked at Discord playing the charge song on a trumpet.

This irritated Raph again and he snatched the trumpet as he flew by.

“Hey!” Discord glared.

“Would you seriously cut that out!? You can still help us by saving Davis and prevent the destruction of canterlot! I’m also keeping this so that you wouldn’t play that thing again.”

“You think that they would be concerned about Spike.” Karai muttered bluntly.

“Hmm.” Blade hummed in agreement.

Everyone continued to fire at Spikezilla who roared back. Davis kept trying to avoid blows despite his predicament.

“Hey! Watch it!” he cried. “I’m still held prisoner here!”

In his group’s plane, Ken got up from his seat. “I think it’s time we joined in. Ready, Wormmon?”

“Ready!” Wormmon confirmed.

“Leo, could you fly near Spike’s back? We’ll try to rescue Davis while everyone distracts him.”

“You got it, Ken!” Leo thumbed up.

As they flew behind Spikezilla, Ken jumped out with Wormmon, shouting. “DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”


As they landed near Davis, Bucchiemon merged from the light.

“Hang on, Davis! We’ll get you out!” He said as he grabbed Spike’s tail.

“Knew you’d pull through for me, Buddy!” Davis smiled.

Suddenly, Spikezilla grabbed Bucchiemon and stared at him face to face.

“Heartner Beam!” Bucchiemon fired a beam in Spike’s face as he began to look entranced. “Twilight! The capsule! Quick! I don’t know how long I can keep him like this!”

“On it!” Twilight hurried with the capsule.

“I’ll grab Davis!” Cody jumped off Kabuterimon, revealing he and Armadillomon merged into Digmon, and slid towards Davis. Suddenly, Spikezilla began to resist Bucchiemon’s beam.

“He’s resisting!” Bucchiemon cried.

Twilight Flew up to Spikezilla’s face holding the capsule over her head. “Okay, Spike. Open wide!”

But before she could throw it, Spikezilla grabbed Digmon and threw him and Bucchiemon at Twilight, causing her to drop the capsule.

“NO!” Twilight cried as Bucchiemon and Digmon separated back into Cody, Armadillomon, Ken, and Wormmon.

Suddenly, a blue wind swooped in and grabbed the capsule. Turned out it was Rainbow and Scootaloo who caught it.

“Good catch, Scoots!” Rainbow smiled as Scootaloo held the capsule.

“Man the-!” Shine Boy felt around to notice something. “Uh guys? Anybody have a parachute?”

Everyone gasped realizing that no one had a parachute with them.

“Jump for the tree!” Leo said as he tried to have the plane not crash.

Shine Boy, Applejack, Blade, Cody, and Ken jumped off trying to land in the tree. Applejack used her lasso to grab hold of the tree and grabbed Ken who grabbed Cody along with their Digimon partners. But Shine Boy missed and was about to fall to the ground when Serenity swooped in and grabbed him.

“For once, I save you.” She teased.

“Who’s counting?” Shine Boy grinned.

“We need to get Spike back to normal!” Pegasusmon declared.

He and Nefertimon flew to each other as a glow appeared on their front legs. “Golden Noose!”

“Rainbow! Over here!” Rainbow nodded and threw the capsule at Willis who caught it before speaking to his Digimon. “Lopmon! Get this in Spike’s mouth. Terriermon, cover him!”

“On it!” The two nodded as they began to glow.



At that very moment, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon wrapped their lasso around Spikezilla as Turuiemon ran up on his body while Gargomon fired his guns at him.

“Gargo pellets!”

Turuiemon was nearing the mouth before Spike broke free from the lasso sending Pegasusmon and Nefertimon flying and he grabbed Turuiemon and threw him on Gargomon, sending the two falling.

“Gargomon! Turuiemon!” Willis flew over and grabbed Gargomon while Keno and Casey grabbed Turuiemon.

“The capsule!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“Hang on!” Nefertimon swooped down and Sweetie Belle used her magic to grab the capsule. “Good work, Sweetie Belle.”

“How are we gonna get it in Spike if he’s just gonna keep swatting us like bugs?” Applebloom asked while still on Pegasusmon.

“We just gotta keep trying!” Love Shine flew by as he fired photon lasers at Spike.

Veemon jumps off of thorax to get to Davis by Spikezilla’s tail ignoring the changeling telling him to stop. He landed by the edge of the dragon’s tail and climb up to where Davis is.

“Davis! Are you ok!?” Veemon shouted.

“Does it look like I’m okay!? I’m covered in glitter and shiny fabric, grabbed by the dragon’s tail and you’re asking me if I’m okay!? No! I’m not ok! Now get me out of here!” Davis yelled in annoyance.

“Don’t worry! I’ll try to get you out before he-!”

They both heard a roar and notices veemon holding onto his tail. It stared at the small Digimon in a menacingly look.

“Notice us.” Veemon gulped.

Spikezilla roared as he swing his tail to get veemon off. He’s losing his grip and was sent flying away. Luckily, thorax was fast enough to save veemon thanks to the suit.

“You’re okay, Veemon?” Thorax asked in concern.

“Yeah. I’m okay. Thanks for asking.” Veemon moaned.

Thorax sighed in relief before looking sternly at Veemon. “You shouldn’t jump off of me and try to save Davis like that! You could’ve been seriously hurt or worse!”

“Sorry. I just wanted to save my friend.” Veemon said.

“We still need to get spike to return back to his regular self before it’s too late!”

“Right. Just hold on Davis! We’ll save you!” Veemon shouted to Davis.

“What does it look like I’m doing!?” Davis shouted angrily. Then Spikezilla’s tail shake violently back and forth to try to hit the heroes.

“Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah! woah! “Help! Me! Somepony! Call! My! Mom!… My!” Davis shouted a when he swings by at every words.

April’s group flew past Spikezilla as Shini and Karai threw smoke bombs at Spike’s face, disorientating him. The dragon roared and used his tail, with Davis still wrapped up, and whacked the plane, breaking it in two.

“April!” gasped Donnie.

“Shini!” Mikey cried.

“Karai!” hollered Leo/Blade/Shine Boy and Gamer.

“Starlight!” Twilight worried.

Thankfully, they saw they were levitated to safety thanks to April’s power and Starlight’s magic.

“May not be parachutes, but it’s a close second.” Starlight smiled as she dusted herself off.

As they fly, a phone was heard ringing in Mikey’s plane.

“Whoops. I better take this.” Discord said as he pulled out a random cell phone and answered it. “Hello?”

“DID NOBODY EVEN THINK TO PACK A PARACHUTE?!” Yolei was screaming so loud she could be heard on the phone.

“I already got mine, so nopony never asked.” Discord grinned.

Yolei screamed in agitation and discord recoiled his head away from the phone before hanging up on her.

“Was that Yolei?” Mimi raised her brow.

“Sorry. Wrong number.” Discord shrugged.

“We’re losing teammates fast. So if you want to start insulting, Mikey, now’s the time!” Palmon insisted.

“Right! Hang on!” Mikey flew near Spikezilla to begin insulting. “Hey, Spike! Is that Davis on your tail or are you happy to see me?”

Spikezilla roared trying to swat the plane down, but Mikey managed to narrowly miss getting hit.

“Yo, Spike! Gotta call from Japan! Some giant lizard says you stole his style!”

“Now’s our chance!” Pharnyx declared as he and Thorax flew up again.

While fighting Spikezilla, Ember notice something on her left arm. It shows the holographic display on which types of fire breath should her dragon breath be.

“Hold on. What does this do?” Ember muttered to herself as she pressed the button to show the list of different kinds of fire attack. Fireball, firebomb, fire bullets, fire cracker, flamethrower, fire fists, and fire infuse. She pressed the fire cracker and the suit glows around her throat as she cough out a small fiery ball. It landed on Spikezilla’s face and exploded into some kind of fire cracker to stun him for a bit.

“Woah. Did my breath just-?”

“Spit out firecracker? Yep. It sure does.” Gamer said on Ember’s wrist while riding onto the plane. “Don’t be alarmed your suit has a built in radio so I can speak to you and the changeling brothers directly. Your suit can amplify your dragon’s breath into different kinds of firing rate according to the data from the suit that I’m looking.”

“Ok now that’s great.” Ember said in amazement.

"You’re most certainly welcome. Thorax. pharynx. You may be able to to change into forms, but the suit can amplify the changeling magic to do the exact copy of the originals. When you turn into rainbow dash, you can fly really fast. You can also learn one of the ninja’s skills when you take their forms as well."

“Really?” Thorax asked as he concentrated on his magic to transform into twilight sparkle to shoot the magic beam that is similar to the original. “Wow. Now that’s really interesting for the suit.”

Thorax changed into a BearBug while Ocellus transformed into her monster form.

Pharnyx transformed into a spider-like creature which caused Raph to shriek in his plane.

"Ok that’s a bit terrifying." Izzy blinked.

"he’s almost like me but different." Kabuterimon pointed out.

"It’s a good thing he’s on our side." Gamer mentioned.

"You’re telling me." Shine Girl agreed.

Despite being afraid, Raph tried to stay focus while telling himself to keep it together.

As Mikey kept insulting, Spikezilla kept trying to whack him as he dodged every blow. Just then, Kabuterimon grabbed the giant dragon in a full nelson.

“Quick! Get the capsule in his mouth!” he cried.

But before anyone can act, Spikezilla hit Kabuterimon off him, causing him revert to Tentomon while Izzy fell in the sky.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow grabbed him and placed him back on the ground.

“Thanks, Rainbow.” Izzy thanked before hurrying to check on Tentomon.

“Somepony throw that capsule! I’m running out of insults here!” Mikey called out.

“Hang on!” Nefertimon swooped in as Thorax and Pharnyx grabbed Spike’s mouth to try to open it. Just then, Ember flew up.

“Forgive me, Spike, but you asked for it!” Using her scepter to hit Spike’s lower jaw, slightly opening it.

“Now, Sweetie Belle!” Nefertimon ordered as she flew nearer. Sweetie Belle threw the capsule in the dragon’s mouth. As the capsule flew in, Thorax, Pharnyx, and Ember let go of Spike’s mouth. They watched as Spike tried licking the capsule out as the remaining flyers watched.

“Did it work?” Halsemon asked.

Suddenly, Spike responded by whacking Halsemon into Mikey’s plane. This was enough for Halsemon to change back to Yolei and Hawkmon.

“No! No! Not now!” Yolei griped as she struggled to levitate herself from falling only to malfunctioning and ended up falling and screaming along with Mikey and Pinkie. Mimi swooped in and grabbed Yolei while Hawkmon grabbed Palmon. “Thanks, Mimi!”

“Not bad for a flying beginner.” Mimi smiled.

Pinkie acted quickly and pulled a giant whoopee cushion out of her mane and threw it under her and Mikey and the two party lovers landed on it, making a big raspberry noise.

“Nice one, Pinkie!” Mikey thumbed up.

“I knew that big whoopee cushion would come in handy.” Pinkie smiled.

Just then, Yolei and Mimi landed next to them as Yolei asked. “Where’s Discord?”

“Up there.” Pinkie pointed up. Everyone looked up to see Discord descending in his parachute, landing next to the group.

This made Yolei crossed. “And you were going make parachutes for all of us when?”

“No pony asked.” Discord simply answered, irking Yolei more.

“I don’t get it! It should of worked!” Twilight worried.

“It must’ve not fully digested!” Donnie guessed.

Davis could not take the swinging and the shaking anymore. “I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous! Ah! Ah! I think I’m gonna throw up!” Davis shouted as his head is turning green.

"If you have to throw up, Davis, do it off camera! For parents sake!” Pinkie called.

“There!” Everyone looked at where Pegasusmon pointed and saw something shined in Spike’s mouth.

“We gotta get it down his throat!” declared Gamer.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders! I got an idea!” Applebloom turned to Pegasusmon. “Can you and Nefertimon make that golden noose thing?”

“I think we can manage.” Pegasusmon nodded.

“Good. Sweetie Belle, can you use your magic to blast it in there?”

“If I can get a clear shot.” Sweetie Belle stated.

“Good. Scootaloo! Rainbow Dash!”

“Way ahead of you, Bloom! C’mon, Squirt!” Rainbow flew past Spikezilla and she and Scootaloo made faces at the giant dragon.

As Spike roared, Pegasusmon quickly turned to Nefertimon. “Now!”

“GOLDEN NOOSE!” Pegasusmon and Nefertimon used their rope around Spike’s upper jaw keeping it open.

“Sweetie Belle, NOW!” Sweetie Belle looked and saw the capsule dangling over Spike’s throat.

"Ok Spike. It’s time to take your medicine!" She shouted as she shot a magic blast from her horn, hitting it in his throat.

“Direct hit!” she cheered. After Pegasusmon and Nefertimon released his jaw, Spikezilla gulped before letting out a big belch. Then, as quickly as he got bigger, Spike began shrinking back to normal.

“It’s working!” Shine Boy cried.

Shortly after, Spike shrank back to normal, unconscious, releasing Davis in the process.

“Alright! Spike’s back to normal!” Davis cheered before noticing they were still in the air. “Oh no! Spike’s back to normal!”

Davis tried to fly. unfortunately, he could not stop himself and Spike from falling fast. “HEEEEEEEEEEELP!”

“I gotcha!” Ember flew in and grabbed Davis while Thorax grabbed Spike.

“Davis!” Veemon cheered. “Are you okay?”

“If by okay, you mean queasy from being carried by Spike all afternoon, then I’m fine.” Davis groaned.

As everyone landed, Yolei griped. “Seriously? Did nobody think to bring a parachute?”

“Why don’t we ask Mr. Forget-to-load-ammo.” Raph bluntly pointed to Gamer.

“Well, did you remember one yourselves?” Gamer glared, not getting an answer. “That’s what I thought.”

“Enough of that!” Twilight barked before looking at the unconscious Spike. “Spike? Spike. Please say something.”

It wasn’t long before Spike groaned as he opened his eyes. “Uuuuh, Twilight? Leo? Guys, what’s going on?”

“Spike!” the pony princess hugged him as everyone smiled.

Spike then noticed Ember, Thorax, and Pharynx’s new look with their suits. “Woah. That’s a new suit."

“You can thank Gamer for that. Those things really do help us out.” Thorax said.

“I’m actually beginning to like this technology.” Ember said in astonishment while looking at herself.

“Yep. If you guys want, I can convert them into necklaces or a watch so that you may use it again. Only adding more upgrades would suffice." Gamer offered.

"I look forward to that." Pharynx grinned.

“Hooray. Spike is back to normal and Davis is feeling a bit queasy. This calls for a celebratory song.” Discord grinned as a trumpet appeared in his hand and starts to play a victory song.

“Okay seriously! THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!” Raph glared as he snatched it again and tore it apart through the mouth of the trumpet.

“Hey!” Discord cried.

“Finally!” Raph dusted his hands.

Discord however smirked. “You know I can always make more.”

Raph’s eyes wide eyed hearing that. “What!? Don't you even think about it!”

“I am!”

“don't you dare!”

“Too late.” A new trumpet appeared in Discord’s hand and Raph screamed in annoying defeat.

Mimi whispered to Fluttershy. “Is he always this acentric?”

“And this is only his good days.” Shrugged Fluttershy.

“Would that before or after he thinks about giving parachute?” huffed Yolei.

Discord then stopped playing and sneered. “Oh, just shut your mouth, Yolei! Or better yet,” he then grabbed Yolei's mouth. “Get rid of it!” he then pulled it off like a sticker.

Yolei looked to where her mouth was at in shock, and this surprised the others while Gamer was disturbed to see that. Discord laughed in amusement while holding Yolei's mouth.

“oh, ho ho ho! I just love taking things apart.”

Then, the mouth came to life and began to bite Discord's cheek. “Yeouch! Ah! Get it off, guys!”

“Not a chance, Discord.” Rainbow laughed.

“that's what you get for taking off her mouth.” Applejack snickered.

Gamer laughed as well and Discord tried to pull it off while Yolei was shown to be angry when she can still control her own mouth.

“Yolei!” Discord screamed in pain.

“Please just give her mouth back.” Ken asked politely.

“Since you asked politely.” Discord yanked of the mouth and slapped it back on Yolei. “Happy?”

“Retteb hcum. Taerg! Sdrawkcab gniklat mi won! Etad ngierof a ekil dnuos I won!” Yolei spoke.

“Whoops.” Discord took the mouth and flipped it over. “Put it on backwards.”

After feeling her mouth, Yolei huffed. “I suppose I should be grateful.”

“You’re welcome!” Discord huffed back before speaking to himself. “I’m gonna have fun with this one.”

Back to the group, Spike sighed in regret. “I’m really sorry for the trouble I’ve caused.”

“It’s okay, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“The important thing is you’re back to normal.” Rarity added.

“Take it from a Digimon who went through the same thing. It’s understandable.” Lopmon assured as he jumped on Willis’ shoulder.

“Very understandable.” April added as Karai nodded.

“Though I think from now on, I stay away from red gems. They’re bad news!”

Everyone smilled at Spike’s joke before Blade spoke up.

“Well I need to head back to Canterlot and report back to Princess Celestia.”

“Thanks for the help, Blade.” Leo waved as everyone waved to Blade as he left.

"And I conquered Pharynx's big bug form without breaking down. I think I actually conquered my fear of bugs!" Raph claimed. but suddenly, there was a snort behind him. He screamed as he ran away and behind which caused the others to laugh, seeing it was Pharynx who smirked.

"So much for conquering fear of bugs. Huh Raph?" Mikey chuckled.

"Just- shut up Mikey!" Raph shuttered.

Applejack and Rarity walked up to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as Applejack spoke. “Applebloom. I wanna apologize.”

“What for, Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“For not letting you come with at first. I did it because I wanted you to be safe. what I didn’t see was that yer growing up and one day you all will have fend for yourselves. And in the end, you three end up saving the day. For that, I’m sorry.”

“I wish to apologize too Sweetie Belle. You all did very well today.” Rarity added.

The two responded by hugging their sisters as Sweetie Belle smiled. “Thanks, Rarity.”

“Apology accepted.” Applebloom added.

Smolder and Ocellus smiled at the sight while Rainbow gave Scootaloo a friendly nugie.

Then Twilight noticed Shine Boy pondering. “What’s on your mind, Shine Boy?”

“I just can’t stop feeling like this was a setup.” Shine Boy shared.

“How so?” Sunset asked.

“It seems too much of a coincidence that that gem Spike ate made him go greedy and when we tried to stop him, he ended up growing anyway.”

“That’s right!” Starlight agreed. “And how he grabbed Davis to stop him from Armor Digivolving with Veemon.”

“Well I know that Spike sees something that he likes to take when he becomes a greedy giant dragon.” Twilight pointed out. “But it’s also strange somehow.”

“Like someone knows about us.” Kari pointed out.

“Which means that someone might be after us.” TK added.

“And this was just the beginning.” Leo worried.

Unknown to anyone, the same wisp of dark magic was floating above them. "so they managed to neutralize my magic on the dragon. No matter. This is only just the beginning of their end." The female voice said as the wisp floated away as a female voice could be heard cackling.

To be Continued

Author's Note:

Author's Note:

Who is the being responsible for turning Spike into a monster? Can our heroes stop her? Find out Next time!

Fun Facts-

-The elephant is a call to the Disney movie Operation Dumbo Drop.

-Thanks to an anonymous user who helped me with the dialogue in this chapter.

-The entire chapter was based on an episode of Annoying Orange.

- the part where Discord took Yolei's mouth was inspired by a scene from Ed, Edd, n Eddy. the part where Yolei's mouth was backwards was from an episode of Teen Titans.

Next Time: Too hot to Yak/ High tide for Griffins!

Updated 3/2/2024.