• Published 11th Jan 2024
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MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 2 - JesusG0987

What If: The Mane 7 adventures continues while facing a snow leopard enemy that is on the lose in Equestria.

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Chapter 17: Emotional Rollercoaster

Chapter 17: Emotional Rollercoaster

At the Boardtrot, the Mane 8, except Misty, are on the rollercoaster as they are cheering as they are going up high up at the tallest trail as they stopped for a moment. “Everypony say ‘Zippercoaster’!” Pipp cheered as she brought out her phone.

“Zippercoaster!” The rest of the Mane 8 cheered happily before Sunny realized somepony was missing in their group.

“Wait, where’s Misty?” Sunny asked as the others realized that Misty wasn’t with them.

“Wasn’t she with us?” Twilight asked as they looked around for her.

“I think she’s still on the ground.” Sunset said as she pointed down as the others followed as they looked down and saw Misty waving to them on the ground. “Misty! Shouldn’t you be joining us?!” She called out to her from the sky.

“No thanks! You ponies have fun!” Misty called before the Mane 8’s ride went down at high speed as they screamed and cheered in excitement at the thrill. Misty frowned sadly as she looked at her friends having fun as she walked off.

At the crazy mirrors, Misty was walking by with a sad look. “Ugh! What's wrong with me? Just a huge, terrifying, rickety roller coaster.” She said to herself as she walked by the mirror before looking at herself that made her look like she was a kid. “I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to have fun.” She added sadly.

Then suddenly, Misty heard a curt laugh, which startled her. “Too bad you're such a frightened, little scaredy-pony.” A voice that sounded like her said as she looked around.

“I am not!” Misty shook her head. But then she saw a reflection coming out with a shadow figure, which made her confused before it was revealed to be herself, but with red eyes.

Boo!” The other Misty called as Misty gasped as she rushed off as her other self laughed evilly as she came out of the mirror with a smirk. “Oh, you're not getting away that easily.” She said with an evil look.

A bit later, Misty went up to the spinning cup while waiting in line as she gave a small nervous smile. “This is fine.” She said as she gave a nervous laugh. “I'm totally having fun.” She said before she turned and saw her friends walking by while chattering, Hitch and Sunny were chatting together, Izzy was eating cotton candy, Sunset and Twilight were holding some popcorn while Zipp looked at her sister, who has a balloon with her face attached to it.

“Aah!” Misty yelps as she rushes off to find a place to hide, but she then hides at a picture wall of a seapony as her head and hooves are poked out as she realizes where she was. “Oh, come on!” She groaned quietly at her poor choice.

The rest of the Mane 8 are still looking around before Sunny spotted Misty. “Oh, there she is.” She said with a smile as they walked up to the trembling Misty. “Hey, Misty.”

“Trying to be a seapony?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“Uh, not quite how I put it.” Misty said while removing her hooves from her face.

“We're gonna take another ride on the Zippercoaster.” Hitch said while gesturing to the rollercoaster they were on. “Wanna join?”

Before Misty could answer, Zipp came up beside her. “Misty! It's so fun! It's got all these huge drops! Spinning corkscrews! Loop-the-loops!” She cheered in excitement as she held her cheeks with her hooves as her eyes sparkled in pure excitement.

“I thought I was gonna barf!” Izzy cheered next to Misty.

“Okay, let’s go easy and not make Misty any more nervous.” Sunset spoke up as Misty got out of her hole and ran up to a golden teacup.

“Thanks. But I am good with these teacups. They can really pick up some speed.” Misty said with a nervous laugh as the others watched as she spun her cup around slowly as she then whined embarrassedly as she hid in her cup.

Sunny gave a concerned look. “Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Misty?” She said with a frown.

“Uh, y-yup!” Misty called with a nervous look. “I am totally good here. You ponies go have fun.” She said as she spun around.

“Come on, Ponies. Misty isn’t known for the thrills and extreme rides.” Sunset said to them. “Let’s just leave her be.” She said as the others nodded as they walked off.

“Okay, but we'll miss you, Misty.” Pipp said as she flew off to the others as Twilight stopped and look towards Misty.

“Misty, I know you’re trying to be brave, but it’s okay to be afraid.” Twilight said to her.

“M-Me? Afraid?” Misty asked as she spun around in the cup while Twilight flew up to keep up with her. “I-I’m not afraid.”

“Misty, I can see it in your eyes.” Twilight said to her. “You’re just a bit scared to go on a ride like the Zippercoaster. I understand that. And besides, you’re not the first shy pony I know went through similar things. Even Sunset knows it too.” She said to her.

“O-Oh, right.” Misty said with a frown. “I just… I don't know if I can do it. I mean, having been raised by Opaline, I really messed up my way to have fun or try new rides out when they look a bit… much.”

“You never know unless you try.” Twilight said with an assuring soft smile. “There are times when we must face our fears and push aside our doubts. But that is up to you to face them, to find the courage in your heart, like how I helped with Sunset before the first time. And many others before her.” She said as Misty was a bit touched by her words. “Now, I better catch up with the others. I hope you have fun.” She said as she flew off.

“Thanks, Twilight.” Misty said while looking down in thought.

So now you're hiding from your friends as well?” Misty flinched as she turned and saw her inner self beside her giving her a taunting smirk.

“After all we've been through together, I just don't want them to think that I'm a…” Misty spoke up but was cut off when she saw her inner self in front of her face.

A pathetic, scared little filly?” Inner Misty taunted with a smirk.

“Stop it!” Misty cried out as she turned away as she spun in her cup while her inner self gave a mocking smirk.

A bit later, Misty was in a bumper cart bubble with a nervous look as she slowed down and avoided the bumps. “Whoa. Whoa!” She called as she avoided the bumps as she looked out and saw the rest of her friends on the Zippercoaster as she sighed sadly before she hit a bump. “Aah!” She yelped before she saw her inner self in a cart as she gave an evil smile. “Go away!” She cried as she drove off with her inner self giving her an evil chuckle.

At a big slide, Rufus slid down from it. “Whoa!” He cheered as he gave a laugh.

Misty was next as she gave a nervous look while she watched Rufus slide down before her inner self appeared from above. “I'm still heeeere…~” Inner Misty sang while flying around Misty with a smirk.

“GO AWAY!” Misty yelled as she went down the slide.

A bit later, Misty was walking by herself with an irritated look as she quickly put on her headphones before her inner self appeared behind her and she blew a raspberry. “You can't get rid of me, Misty.” Inner Misty said as Misty groaned as she walked faster as her inner self gave a sinister laugh.

Misty continued walking until she stopped in front of the Zippercoaster as she saw her friends still riding on it as they screamed in delight as Misty’s inner self circled her. “Face it, Misty. You're not brave enough to join the others like Twilight said you would. That's why you'll always be alone.” She said while flying around MIsty before she gave an evil chuckle. “Well, apart from me, of course. We're going to be best... friends... forever.” She said with a smirk as she wrapped her hooves around Misty.

Misty shut her eyes tight while having a frown, knowing that her inner self was right that she was always afraid to even join her friends. But then she remembered what Twilight had told her earlier. “There are times when we must face our fears and push aside our doubts. But that is up to you to face them, to find the courage in your heart.” Twilight’s voice said in her head.

Misty listened to Twilight’s words as she took a breather before she spoke. “I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real.” She started as her inner self backed away in surprise as Misty began to glow as her Cutie Mark glowed. “When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!” She finished as she shined bright as she faced her inner self with a determined look as her magic pushed her inner self back.

Misty’s inner self rubbed her face before she looked up to Misty in shock as the glowing unicorn gave a determined look. “That... is... it! I'm not going to let my fear hold me back anymore!” She yelled as she looked at the Zippercoaster.

What do you mean?” Inner Misty questioned.

“I’m gonna do what Twilight said, face my fears!” Misty declared. “I am going to ride that roller coaster, and you're coming with me!” She yelled as she levitated her inner self and started dragging her to the Zippercoaster.

No. No! NO!” Inner Misty screamed as she started pawing the floor desperately to get away as Misty walked towards the Zippercoaster. “You can't! It's way too scary for me! I-I mean, you!” She cried as the ponies in line saw Misty coming and glowing as they moved aside so that she, and unknowing to them, Inner Misty.

Posey turned as she saw Misty walking by. “Um, excuse me? There's a line.” She pointed out with a brow, but Misty ignored her as she continued on.

Stop it!” Inner Misty cried desperately while still pawing the ground. “You hate roller coasters! You're making a big mistake!” She called as Misty went up to a cart and placed her inner self in with a crash as she jumped in next to her.

“We... are... doing this!” Misty called with determination as her inner self looked in shock.

“Yeah, we are!” Hitch’s voice called, which got Misty and her inner self attention as they turned and saw Hitch behind them as he smiled and waved to Misty before she noticed the rest of her friends hopping into the car.

“Hey, Misty. Got room for more?” Sunset asked with a small smile as she and Twilight got into a cart.

“You're... You're coming with me?” Misty asked with a small smile at her friends.

No!” Inner Misty cried while shaking her head in panic.

“Of course we are coming with you, Misty.” Twilight said with a smile.

“You didn't think we'd let you face your fears alone, did you?” Sunny asked with a smile while Izzy is still eating cotton candy.

“Friends stick together, Misty.” Sunset started with a smile.

“And that includes helping you face your fears. You’re not alone in this.” Twilight finished.

Misty gave a warm smile with sparkling eyes at her friends’ support before the roller coaster cart moved. “Whoa!” She yelped as the Mane 8 then went up the ramp while Misty gave a nervous laugh. “Okay, so I am a little scared.” She said while covering her face while her inner self gave a panic expression.

“Ah, that's okay. Roller Coasters are a little scary.” Izzy said to Misty with a cheerful smile as she looked down.

Pipp then started hyperventilating with a smile. “This is my sixteenth ride, and I'm still scared!” She called out while looking around.

“Same, and this ride got nothing on Equestria World back in the other world.” Sunset said, stating that this ride is even better than Equestria World back in the human world.

“Well, brace yourselves, everypony. Because we’re about to go down!” Twilight called as they all went down as they screamed in delight while Misty was covering her eyes while her inner self screamed in panic as they rode down the tracks.

“Whoa!” Izzy called before her cotton candy then hit her on the face on her chin and eyebrows. “Ooh! Edible beard!” She called as she took a bit out of her chin. “Yummy!” She cheered as the Mane 8 continued to scream in delight.

(Up Song)
If you're down, down, down
Get back up, up, up
Never on your own
'Cause you've got us

The Mane 8 continued to ride the tracks as they then went into the loop de-loop while Misty continued to cover her eyes before she took a peak.

If you're down, down, down
Just look up, up, up
You know that I got you
Even when it's tough

Misty screamed before she then placed her hooves on the railings to hold on before she opened her eyes as she then smiled as she and her friends got into a rainbow track as they got into a triple loop.

If you're down, down, down
Get back up, up, up
Never on your own
'Cause you've got us

“Whoo-hoo!” Misty cheered with her hooves raised as the Mane 8’s Cutie Marks then glowed together.

Inner Misty kept her eyes shut before she looked at herself frizzing out as she then began to fade. “No! You can't do thiiiiis!” She cried as she then broke into many pieces and faded away.

“This is so fun!” Misty cheered with her hooves raised and sparkles in her eyes. “I don't know what I was afraid of!” She added as her friends gave her smiles.

“Told ya!” Twilight called out. “You never know unless you try things out and face your fears!” She spoke with a smile.

“Well said, Twilight.” Sunset cheered.

If you have a wish, then let me hear it (hear it)
If you have a dream, then we believe it (we believe it)
It ain't over when you have each other

The Mane 8 saw the rainbow tracks glowed before they all blasted off into a magical rainbow trail into the sky as the Mane 8 screamed and cheered in delight as they flew in the air.

If you're down, down, down
Just look up, up, up
You know that I got you
Even when it's tough

The Mane 8 flew as they kept going into a magical rainbow loop in the sky as they kept cheering.

If you're down, down, down
Get back up, up, up...

Pipp then brought out her phone as Misty then levitated up in the air to give it a full view of them. “Everypony say ‘Zippercoaster’!” She called with a smile.

“Zippercoaster!” The Mane 8 cheered as the picture was taken with them all together, Misty found the courage in her and managed to face her fears with her friends by her side as they had a fun time together on the Zippercoaster.

End of Chapter 17.

Comments ( 30 )

“No thanks! You ponies have fun!” Misty called before the Mane 8’s ride went down at high speed as they screamed and cheered in excitement at the thrill. Misty frowned sadly as she looked at her friends having fun as she walked off.

Can't blame her actually. She's been a total shut in her whole life no thanks to Opaline, so she's still nervous to do new things. Kind of like Fluttershy.

“ Boo! ” The other Misty called as Misty gasped as she rushed off as her other self laughed evilly as she came out of the mirror with a smirk. “ Oh, you're not getting away that easily. ” She said with an evil look.

Huh, didn't even know that could happen. Then again, most times I'm afraid what my inner voice would be.

“Thanks. But I am good with these teacups. They can really pick up some speed.” Misty said with a nervous laugh as the others watched as she spun her cup around slowly as she then whined embarrassedly as she hid in her cup.

In a strange way, this kind of reminds me of Cow and Chicken, where Chicken was riding that granny machine where she was rocking him that time he and Cow went to that amusement park.

“You never know unless you try.” Twilight said with an assuring soft smile. “There are times when we must face our fears and push aside our doubts. But that is up to you to face them, to find the courage in your heart, like how I helped with Sunset before the first time. And many others before her.” She said as Misty was a bit touched by her words. “Now, I better catch up with the others. I hope you have fun.” She said as she flew off.

I'm so glad you decided to bring Twilight back. It just proves that the older generation needs to continue to teach the new in order for them to grow and evolve and to pass on what they have learned.

“ No. No! NO! ” Inner Misty screamed as she started pawing the floor desperately to get away as Misty walked towards the Zippercoaster. “ You can't! It's way too scary for me! I-I mean, you! ” She cried as the ponies in line saw Misty coming and glowing as they moved aside so that she, and unknowing to them, Inner Misty.

Pff, it's still weird that her subconscious seems to do all the craziness.

Pipp then started hyperventilating with a smile. “This is my sixteenth ride, and I'm still scared!” She called out while looking around.

Sixteenth? I would've thought anyone would get use to it by now. Then again, that's the same everyone said about me and Alien vs Predator.

Inner Misty kept her eyes shut before she looked at herself frizzing out as she then began to fade. “ No! You can't do thiiiiis! ” She cried as she then broke into many pieces and faded away.

And that one reminds me of Samurai Jack, where he conquered his inner anger.

Now that was fun.

I'm glad Misty overcame her fear of the roller coaster. And seeing that we all saw Izzy's friendship journey, I wonder what the others' will be.

True enough, poor misty

We all have our inner fears or demons inside us, they take form in many ways, that’s the inner evil part of Misty that was locked away when she was raised by Opaline

Thanks and yeah, the lessons and wisdoms have to be passed down

The mind and equestria has strange ways these days

Thanks and only time will tell

Honestly I've only ever been on the orange pepsi roller-coaster at mall of America in Minnesota and other than that? I HAAAATTE rollercoasters
Even though i know they are very safe? I just dont do well with the gravity feeling
So i relate to misty here

First time jitters, I get that

Another really good job on this latest chapter. In addition to being a good recap of the canon episode I appreciate the part of Twilight giving Misty that helpful advice concerning fears (and, yes, she would know given she has gotten scared only slightly less than Fluttershy has).

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Hi Jesus I have a music video that i found based on misty brightdawn being brave

JesusG0987, I just wanna say...That was totally awesome and so cool.

And as Crush from Finding Nemo would say...'Hahaha! Most Excellent!'.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Great work.
Maybe you could do a chapter on the Jade Sea again where Sunset and Izzy reunited with Destiny again

Thanks and I’ll think about it

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