• Published 20th Jan 2024
  • 553 Views, 63 Comments

Making Friends - TheKing2001

Sunset as the rest of Equestria is looking forward to the summer sun celebration until the main attraction goes missing and Sunset is determined to get her back.

  • ...

Surprisingly Not As Scary As It Could Have Been

Sunset sat on a bench as she watched her now friends hug their friends or family members with a drawn out sigh.

“I was so worried,” Derpy admitted as she hugged Dinky and Sparkler with her wings. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

“No mom we are not hurt,” Sparkler answered as she hugged her back. “We’re fine. How are you? What’s with the necklace?”

“I’ll tell you later. It’s a long story.”

Sunset glanced over at Silverspeed and Silver Spoon talking about Celestia knows what before sighing and looking at Roseluck, Daisy and Lily sitting next to each other.

“And then Silverspeed single hoofedly saved us,” Trixie continued and waved her hooves around for emphasis as Raindrops snickered as a crowd of ponies listened to Trixie. “And then we fled for our lives with multiple hungry creatures after us.”

“She does know that’s not how it happened right?” Shoeshine asked curiously as Carrot Top and herself stood next to Sunset.

“It’s Trixie. She always was a bit creative with her stories. No harm,” Sunset waved a hoof dismissively as they watched a white pegasus filly give Luna a flower necklace before flying off. “What was that about?”

“Oh that’s Cotton Cloudy. She’s a friendly kid but doesn’t talk much.”

“Then how is she friendly?” Sunset asked as the two paused before shrugging.

“Actions I suppose,” Carrot Top answered. “So what exactly does being this element mean for you all?”

“Not sure,” Sunset admitted as she tapped a hoof on her chin. “I guess we will see what the future holds.”

“As friends,” Shoeshine added and nudged Sunset with a smirk.

“What, do I have a choice?” Sunset said with a smile as Shoeshine shook her head.

“Nah, not really.”

“So what is your relationship to her?” Luna asked as she and Celestia watched Sunset.

“Daughter. By adoption, mind you.”

“So we tried to kill our own niece repeatedly,” Luna sighed as she looked at the ground. “Lovely.”

“While you were Nightmare Moon, not Luna,” Celestia corrected and rolled her eyes. “Different pony entirely.”

“We suppose. Equestria has changed a lot in a thousand years,” Luna looked around curiously. “We remember when Ponyville was nothing but huts in a circle.”

“Me too,” Celestia mused as she looked at the sky. “We fought Discord here too. Ponyville didn’t even exist back then.”

“That was forever ago. Is that Canterlot?” Luna pointed a hoof to the city on the side of the mountain in the distance. “It looks so different from before.”

“So you don’t really remember anything from being Nightmare Moon? Canterlot is where the other ponies from the towns were kept,” Celestia said as Luna shook her head.

“We don’t remember anything except the small parts you told me and trying to kill Sunset Shimmer.”

“And her friends,” Celestia said pointedly. “It wasn’t Sunset alone so quit trying to blame yourself. Really, she would have killed them all not just Sunset.”

“You make a fair point,” Luna sighed and scuffed a hoof on the dirt.

“I’m going to talk to Sunset. Will you be alright alone?” Celestia asked as Luna nodded and Celestia gave a nod back as she stood up and trotted over to Sunset. “Sunset.”


“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” Celestia asked with a smirk as Sunset turned faintly red as Derpy, Silverspeed, Roseluck and Trixie trotted over to join Shoeshine and Sunset. “I know Silverspeed but not the others.”

“Shoeshine, Trixie, Roseluck and Derpy,” Sunset pointed a hoof in rapid succession to each mare. “Town farrier, magician, she runs a flower company with her sister and she is the mailmare.”

“I see. I hope you have made up your mind about staying here as my representative for the town,” Celestia said casually as she sat down next to Sunset as Shoeshine and Trixie exchanged nervous looks as Sunset inhaled.

“I have,” Sunset admitted and nodded to the others. “I’m going to stay here. And let’s be real, you never intended on me coming back because this was my assigned role, were you?”

“No I was not.”

“And you knew I would make friends here hence why you insisted on Ponyville, correct?”

“Sharp as always,” Celestia sighed as Sunset laughed quietly. “You are correct. I just didn’t know who they were but I’m glad it was them. I expect weekly letters Sunset on all matters about the town and what you learn about friendship.”

“Kind of a weird order but I understand Princess,” Sunset said as the other mares gave relieved sighs. “What, you think I was gonna actually leave?”

“Kinda yeah,” Trixie admitted as she yawned. “And well, I’m staying too. Might as well if you’re all in one location.”

Raindrops made a sound that Sunset honestly couldn’t find the words to describe as the pegasus hugged Trixie with a grin.

“When did you two start dating?” Roseluck asked curiously as the two blushed.

“Trixie is not dating her friend! Why does everypony think that?” Trixie demanded as Raindrops snickered.

“Well, you two have always been super close,” Derpy pointed out.

“And you’re always together,” Dinky continued as she smirked up at the older mares.

“So it makes sense,” Sparkler finished and laughed. “I’m gonna have to come up with a ship name. Trixdrops. Raintrix.”

“Sweet Celestia,” Raindrops muttered under her breath and blushed. “Kill me now.”

“Speaking of her, where is she?” Roseluck asked as they all looked around and Sunset pointed to the fading white and navy blue dot in the sky.

“Just like Mom to disappear without saying goodbye. She always did love a stealthy exit.”

Sparkler gave Derpy a confused expression as the older mare mouthed “I’ll tell you later.”

“Are you actually the princess’ daughter?” Dinky as she she stared up at Sunset.

“Yeah. It’s a bit of a story that’ll have to wait until later. I’m going to bed. I’ll see you all tomorrow?”

“You bet,” Shoeshine answered. “I might be hungover though.”

“Sure why not.”


“Trixie has no plans except hitting the hay in the middle of the afternoon for her scheduled nap.”


Sunset waved as she started trotting away, glancing at the silver pegasus next to her.

“Go to her,” Sunset said simply as Silverspeed gave her a confused.


“Your sister. Go home with her tonight. I’ll be fine alone at the Residency by myself,” Sunset explained as the two stopped.

“If you’re sure...” Silverspeed trailed off as she scratched the back of her head.

“If you don’t go to her right now, I’m gonna make you clean my room,” Sunset threatened as Silverspeed paled and galloped off. “Wow. My room isn’t that messy.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she continued her trot through out downtown, occasionally stopped to say hello to random town ponies as she made her way to the Residency before she stopped and stared with wide eyed at it.

The windows were shattered and the shutters to one fell off as her jaw dropped.

“Holy fuck,” Sunset muttered in awe as she slowly walked in and stepped over some glass. “Those town ponies really bucked this place up.”

She sighed and unlocked her bedroom door from the inside as she pushed the door open and stood inside, looking around. It had been the only room not touched apparently. Sunset sighed and turned to leave.


Sunset paused and looked around before dropped to her stomach and staring under her bed at Screw Loose.


“Hello there,” Sunset smiled slightly and waggled a hoof. “You can come out now, I’m not going to hurt you. We should probably get you back to Shoeshine.”

Sunset levitated the mare out from under the bed and set her down as Screw Looses started licking her cheek.

“Okay, okay! You’re getting me wet!” Sunset laughed and paused. “Not like that, don’t think like that. Come on, let’s go to the bars.”

“Sunset! Is Screw Loose still here?” Shoeshine asked as the mare galloped inside. “I completely forgot she was- oh am I interrupting something?”

“Nope,” Sunset smirked as Screw Loose hugged Shoeshine. “We were just about to find you. Have a good night.”

“You too. Carrot Top has a spare room if you need it. This place is messed up,” Shoeshine commented as she glanced around quickly.

“I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

Months later

Starfish sighed as he wrapped his hoof around his beer as a amber unicorn with a fiery mane trotted inside and looked around before trotting to him. The mare examined the sea green unicorn before sitting down.

“Bottle of Jack Daniel’s please,” the mare requested and the bartender nodded. “Hello there.”


“Do you know who I am?” The mare asked curiously as she plopped some bits on the bar and drank from her whiskey bottle.

“No idea but we could go upstairs and find out,” Starfish suggested as the mare gagged.

“Not in a million years. My name is Sunset Shimmer, I’m a friend of your ex wifes,” Sunset said casually as the bar fell silent and everypony watched them. “A certain somepony told me you aren’t paying your child support and under Equestrian law, you’re required to if you cheat and divorce.”

“And how exactly do you know all that? You a lawyer?”

“Nah. I’m the government representative for Ponyville,” Sunset answered as she took another drink. “You’re a hard stallion to find. It’s only taken me six months and having a train to this bar in Appaloosa.”

“Sounds like you’re out of your jurisdiction,” Starfish turned back to the bar. “Now leave me alone.”

“Did I mention I’m also Princess Celestia’s daughter and element of harmony?” Sunset asked as he froze. “Which means I got jurisdiction Equestria wide. This here is a paper stating all the bits you owe Derpy and her family.”

“And if I don’t?”

Sunset’s face hardened as she glared at him.

“Then I’ll break every bone in your body slowly until you do. And if you still refuse, I’ll break your horn. And you know damn well as I do that a broken horn to a unicorn is very painful,” Sunset said casually as she swirled the whiskey in her magic. “And I’ll also have the full weight of the Crown coming down on your head to ruin your life more than it already is.”

He nodded hastily and signed the paperwork which had a very large number and Sunset nodded in approval.

“And by the way, one more thing,” Sunset said as Starfish faced her and she swung a hoof into his nose. “That was for Derpy. Also for Dinky and Sparkler, they’re the nicest kids I’ve ever met. If I ever see you in Ponyville, I’ll let Shoeshine and Trixie beat you up and turn the other way.”

Sunset stood up and took her whiskey bottle in her magic, tipping it in a mock salute his way.

“To your health sir,” Sunset said with a smug grin and trotted out of the bar with her court documents to where a grey pegasus was waiting.

“Did he actually sign them?” Derpy asked as Sunset nodded. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“Yes I did. Now come on, I’m hungry and I saw a nice diner on the way in. Dinner is on me of course. And we got alcohol.”

Derpy paused as she looked at Sunset back to Starfish holding a towel to his nose.

“Derpy! Come on!”

Derpy sighed and flew after Sunset with a faint smile.

Author's Note:

Nightmare Moon is the evil version of the Princess Luna. She despises everything Princess Celestia stands for and a thousand years in the moon with nothing to do has not been good for her mental health, often leaving her to talk to inanimate objects she created. Being alone in the moon had given her plenty of time to think of plans for revenge in her mind is brilliant but often poorly executed.

Motto: Desolation follows in my trail.

Allies: None.

Enemies: Sunset, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Trixie, Roseluck, Derpy, Dinky, Sparkler, Carrot Top, Celestia, all of Equestria.

Abilities: Physically very strong. Can enter ponies dreams, often to subject them to nightmares for her sadistic pleasure. Can turn into a mist and turn into various items, such as a thorn or a large splinter.

Weaknesses: Her poor mental health often leaves her conflicted, making it easy to harm her in a fight. Other than that, no known physical weaknesses.

Luna is the younger sister of Celestia and aunt to Sunset. Often visits Ponyville at night to visit Sunset to learn about how Equestria had changed in her absence. Luna acts like her sisters pranks annoy but secretly enjoys and likes getting even as she puts it. Often serves as a military advisor for Celestia in times of conflict. Is quite fond of Sunset and her friends, watching over their dreams in case of trouble.

Motto: The stars are the land marks of the universe.

Abilities: Luna has the ability to visit ponies dreams as well as communicate in them, raise and lower the moon. She can teleport long distances and is skilled at military decisions.

Weaknesses: Self hatred due to her time as Nightmare Moon often affects her and hates Nightmare Night. No known physical weaknesses.

Celestia is the older sister to Princess Luna and adopted mother to Sunset Shimmer. She is extremely protective of Sunset and Luna alike and doesn't tolerate anypony speaking negatively about them in her presence, often firing castle staff if they do so. Celestia often leaves Sunset to solve tasks herself, leaving hints for the unicorn if necessary. She is the more mischievous one of the sisters, often playing harmless pranks on her sister and the castle staff. Often visits Sunset in disguise to check up on her daughter.

Motto: As long as one innocent being is threatened, none are truly free.

Allies: Sunset, Luna, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Trixie, Roseluck, Derpy, Dinky, Sparkler, Carrot Top, Raindrops, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Moondancer, Lyra, Twinkleshine.

Enemies: Chrysalis, Sombra, Discord, Tirek, Nightmare Moon, Tantabus.

Abilities: Celestia is physically very strong but chooses to try to negotiate first instead of using violence. She is very persuasive and Sunset has taken after that ability herself.

Weaknesses: Often struggles with knowing when to quit being a princess and be a mom to Sunset. Struggles with being professional with Sunset as her boss. Doesn't know when to help with Sunset's adventures and when to leave her to solve her problems on her own.

Well, that's the end of this story. I do kinda want a group of this but I don't feel making it. I own way too many as is. There might be more in the future if someone does make a group. Lmk in dms if someone is interested in making one.

Comments ( 4 )

VERY nice ending, and I LOVE the revenge for Derpy at the end

Again, really good job on the dialogue, characterizations and future story set-up in this epilogue. Absolutely loved all the reunions with the families and friends as well as understanding Luna's guilt about what she did/tried to do as Nightmare Moon. Sunset tracking down Muffins's ex-husband and getting him to sign the necessary papers at the end was another beautiful touch. The files on Nightmare Moon, Luna and Celestia in the author's notes was a great way to end the story for the time being.

VERY MUCH looking forward to the next story in this series.

They could made some spin off with sunset, maybe something with her and her friends in college finding that the world itself does have magic that's not equestrian magic but some reason sealed for some unknown regions. Or perhaps sunset steps through portal to meet twilight and Celestia only for some mishap sending her to another world that in turmoil. Maybe becoming and alicorn herself but through her own way. Why enjoy finding fanfics of her as main character and how she does things a little different than twilight. I even enjoyed few finished and unfinished crossover stories I found of her involving dark souls, demon souls, Bloodborne, and few other crossovers which I don't really look up often.

Odd, didnt show up my library, compared to the other chapters. Something i noticed

So what is your relationship to her?” Luna asked as she and Sunset watched Sunset.

two sunsets?

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