• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 262 Views, 16 Comments

Blues Clues: Inferno's Secret Valentine - Big Imagination E

Spike's brother comes to stay with him. But when he gets a secret Valentine it's time for Blues Clues!!

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Skidoo and the Third Clue

In the living room we see Blue near a book full of love stories and when she saw the brothers she skidooed straight in the book and Inferno got surprised.

"Woah! What the heck happened?" Inferno asked.

"Well Blue just skidooed! Into The Book of Love. Hey Inferno. Maybe we might find the last clue in there." Spike suggested.

"You might be right. Let's go." Inferno said.

They went to the book and did the skidoo dance.

"Blue skidooed we can too!" Inferno and Spike sang as they jumped in the book.


They landed inside the book and looked around seeing that everything is a Valentine theme and they loved the scenery.

"Wow. This is lovely. It just screams love everywhere." Spike replied.

"You said it bro. Let's go look around." Inferno said.

They walked around seeing all the Valentine colors and loving the the details. Then they both saw a prince and a princess sharing the love they had.

"Hi there! I am a prince." He said.

"And I am a princess." She said as well.

The brothers smiled and bowed in respect.

"It's very nice to meet you prince and princess. I'm Spike and this is my brother Inferno." Spike introduced.

"Nice to meet you. Hey we were wondering if you can help us match the couples for us? They somehow got all mixed up and we can't fix them. Can you help us?" The prince asked.

"Sure! We'll help. And then we can look for the final clue. So what do we need to do?" Inferno asked.

"Well all you have to do is match the correct girlfriend with the right boyfriend. Should be easy." The princess explained.

"I think we can handle that. I'll go first." Inferno said as he went to the picture of Mario. "Ooh Super Mario huh? Well I heard he loves a certain princess. But what princess is it?"

"Princess Peach!" The reader answered and the picture of Peach went to the Mario picture.

"Oh your right! Mario rescued Peach from Bowser many times so that makes sense! Good job!" Inferno smiled.

"Ok my turn!" Spike said as he went to the picture of Sonic. "Ok this one might be tricky. So we got Sonic the Hedgehog. Now he had many girlfriends but there's one that loves more than the others. Which one loves him more?"

"Amy Rose!" The reader answered and the Amy picture went to the Sonic picture.

"Look at you being smart! Yes Amy loves Sonic so much that she must love him the most. Nice one!" Spike said.

"Ok we have one left. And I'll handle it." Inferno said as he went to the picture of Ash Ketchum. "Alright this one is gonna be quite hard. So we have the Pokemon boy Ash. Now he had many girlfriends too. But only one of them is his true love. Which girl is his true love?"

"Serena!!" The reader answered and the Serena picture went to the Ash picture.

"Serena? Oh yes! She was his childhood friend for many years and she developed a crush on him. Nice job! We matched all the couples!" Inferno replied.

"Wow! You did it! The couples all matched! Thanks for your help!" The prince said.

"Your welcome! Come on Spike! We still gotta find the last clue!" Inferno reminded him.

The two nodded in agreement and headed out. They both looked around trying to find it. Then the sun came out and there was a paw print on it meaning it's a clue!!

"A clue! A clue!" The reader said.

"Yeah. This place is really cool. Really gave a lovely Valentine theme." Spike replied.

"No a clue." The reader said.

"Oh. Oh you see a clue? Here in the Book of Love? Where?" Inferno asked.

"Right there!" The reader said.

They looked on the ground and behind the castle but didn't see it.

"We don't see it. Where is it?" Inferno asked.

"It's right there in the sky!!" The reader said.

They looked in the sky and saw the sun with the paw print on it and realized what they said.


"Oh! Now we see it! Our third clue is on the sun. But how did she get it on the sun?" Inferno smiled.

"I have no idea man. You know what we need. Our handy dandy..." Spike said.

"Notebook!!" The reader said.

"Notebook! Right!" Spike said as they took out there notebooks. "Ok. So let's draw the sun."


"Ok so we'll draw a circle like this. Then some lines for the rays and we have the sun." Spike said.

After they finished Inferno realized something.

"Spike. We have all three clues to figure out who sent me the Valentine card!!" Inferno replied.

"Your right we do! Were ready to sit in the..." Spike started.

"Thinking Chair!" The reader said.

"Thinking Chair! To figure it out! Let's go!" Spike said as he and Inferno skidooed out and ran to the Thinking Chair to find out the answer.

Author's Note:

All three clues are found! What will they be? Find out next time! Also I hope you like the references I put in there.