• Published 19th Feb 2024
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By the Will of the Council - Captain Neckbeard

Sent to Equestria by their tribe, Celestia and Luna have to uncover their kin's most sacred artifact. During the mission however, Luna starts to realize there might be more important things to find than a mere artifact.

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Chapter VIII: Equinox

It was already a shiny morning by the time Willow Leaf had returned to the village with the finished healing potion. She could only hope it wasn't too late, and it would still make a difference. She knocked on the door of her house, and not getting an answer for several seconds, she entered.

To her biggest surprise, both of the Angels -alicorns?- were lying in the middle of her main living quarters, with their legs tucked underneath them. Wasn't the white one dying, just the previous evening? She seemed fine now though. But, maybe that meant these creatures were indeed the messengers of the gods, or spirits, or whatever, and couldn't be killed in the conventional way.

Their eyes were closed, as if sleeping. Or meditating. Willow wasn't sure if she could disturb, or if she should just leave, but then decided she would announce her presence anyway. Angels or not, it was still her house after all.

"G-good morning." she said, her voice trembling a bit.

"Ah, good morning to you!" came the answer promptly, from the white one, with her eyes still being closed. It was Celestia, wasn't it?

"Now don't be afraid" she continued "Please come closer, I'd be happy to get to know you."

Willow walked up to the duo, and then, they opened their eyes. Celestia seemed friendly, while Luna seemed much more calm than the previous day.

"But I think an introduction is due from me first. After all, I'm your guest. My name is Celestia, of the alicorn tribe. I'm Luna's sister."

Willow's eyes went wide for a moment. Sisters?! That can be a thing with Angels? She glanced at Luna, who shifted her gaze to the ground. She really didn't share her sister's disposition, did she? Celestia seemed much more cheerful from the get-go. Even their looks showcased that very well.

Willow Leaf bowed her head a little, then introduced herself as well.

"Greetings to you, o great Ang...alicorn. My name is Willow Leaf."

Celestia nodded with a smile. Willow reached into her saddlebag, and grabbed a huge flask with her teeth. She put it down between the two sisters.

"Alicorn Luna requested me to make a healing potion for you. But it seems, luckily enough, that it won't be needed anymore."

Celestia looked at the potion for a moment, and seemed a bit touched. Now she was the one who bowed her head.

"I'm very grateful for what you have done to me, Willow Leaf. To you, and the rest of your companions. The kindness and generosity of ponykind is truly something to behold."

Willow grinned with a blush. She was a bit embarrassed by these words. Some otherworldly being praising her and her fellow ponies? Truly, that was something else.

"Y-you're very welcome, Alicorn Celestia. But make nothing of it, really. We earth ponies always try to help folk in need, that is all."

Celestia made another grateful nod, but then, Luna seemed to have something to say. Her eyes met with Willow's, and the mortal pony got frozen in place. Luna's stare was a bit intimidating, to say the least.

"Willow Leaf, I'm grateful as well for what you have done, but listen to me very carefully, for what I'm about to ask is most important."

Although Willow's attention was fixated on Luna, she couldn't not notice Celestia's ever-so-subtle sigh. She didn't know what was that for, but regardless, Luna continued.

"You seem like a smart pony. So tell me: do you know anything about a certain Teardrops of Creation?"

Willow's mouth went agape a bit. She searched her memory for the word, but nothing came up.

"I'm sorry, but I never heard of them. What are they, even?"

Luna raised an eyebrow, as if that answer surprised her.

"They are a most powerful magical artifact. Finding them would be most important to us. I was hoping somepony could point us to them. Because apparently, they are located here in Equestria somewhere."

Willow stepped back a little, and shook her head. She also noticed Celestia rolled her eyes. As if the topic was tiresome to her...

"If it's something involving magic, then surely nopony here will be able to help you. Most of us here are simple earth pony farmers. Even my magical knowledge extends only to alchemy, but I know nothing about artifacts of power."

Luna let out a disappointed sigh. She asked with a hoof raised:

"So there's nopony here to help us?"

Willow felt disappointed. So was this about a hunt for some artifact then? Were these creatures proper Angels even? Okay, alicorns, but so far, those two seemed the same to her. Regardless, she couldn't deny an answer.

"Your best bet would be the mages of Canterlot, I think. Provided there are still somepony sane enough among them to help you."

"Canterlot?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, our capital city. It's about three days of walking to the east. The whole city is built into the side of a mountain. You surely won't miss it."

"Then we're going there. Let's go, Celestia." Luna said resolutely, and already stood up.

Willow was baffled by this turn of events. Wasn't it them who needed the help? Discord's corruption was still present, most of the houses were still uninhabitable. She was afraid, but she felt she had to speak up.

"Excuse me, but... What about our village? All respect to you, Glorious Luna, but you said you would fix it...later?"

Luna didn't seem angry. Her expression showed some empathy, even. She looked at Celestia for an answer though. The other alicorn took over the conversation.

"We could dispel the chaos Discord wreaked, but we would also grab his attention. Then he would just turn everything back to how it is, AND corrupt you too. At least now you are yourselves. Stay put. I swear, we will come back and fix EVERYTHING in due time."

Willow's eyes shifted between the two alicorns. Luna's expression didn't reflect Celestia's reassuring words.

"I-I see. We'll await your return, then." she responded, her tone forlorn. But she was doubtful as she said that.


As the sisters left the house, a small crowd greeted them. They expressed their relief seeing Celestia alive and well, and kowtowed once again. Celestia smiled awkwardly, and didn't say anything. After the ponies got up, they seemed to be expecting something. As silence reigned, Luna wrapped her sister's leg in magic, and tried to drag her along, but Celestia stood firm. Luna stopped.

"Fair ponies," Celestia began "we can't fix your village right now, but we will return soon. We will deal with Discord, and turn things back to normal."

That was the cue for Luna to yank on her sister with some more powerful magic, and Celestia indeed moved on, but not before blurting out a "Goodbye, and stay put."

After they put some distance between themselves and the group of villagers, Luna talked, in a hushed tone.

"Did you really have to say that? You have no idea if we can actually deal with Discord or not. Actually, I'm sure we can't. So why give these unfortunate mortals false hope?"

"Because that's all they have for now, Luna." Celestia answered, trotting along.

"So much for your famous honesty, then."

"Luna, I WILL find a way to defeat Discord, even if it will take a hundred years. I won't let these ponies down."

Luna shook her head. She responded, with some disappointment in her voice.

"Look, let's just admit we were outmatched by him. We should just find the Teardrops for now, then let the tribe handle Discord. I'm sure all of us, led by Arcana, would make short work of him."

"Do you think she would care after we delivered the Teardrops to her? I think not. We're ponykind's best bet. We need to find a solution."

Meanwhile, the duo cleared the village. Luna stopped, and turned to Celestia. Her expression was unusually sorrowful.

"I'm not against helping ponykind. But do you think we will find a solution? Some way to defeat a god?"

"I know you hate my "vague implications"," Celestia said, and put a forehoof to her chin "but many future events seem to be tied to this Canterlot. Yes, I had another one of those flashes when Willow Leaf mentioned that place. A big city and many ponies and... I feel like we might indeed find some answers there."

Luna left her mouth agape a bit. Written on her face was a strange mix of disbelief and wonder.

"If you say so. And since I have nothing to add right now, we should pick up the pace. Let's get those answers in a timely manner."


Celestia and Luna traveled for the rest of the day, tirelessly. But as the day progressed, heat built up, unusually for springtime. Perhaps it was not so unusual, as the Sun was locked to the top of its arc in the sky. Its rays giving life now rained down heat like it was the middle of summer. Without a doubt, it was Discord's doing, like all the previous celestial irregularities.

Celestia looked up at the Sun, feeling a struggle emanating from it. The arcane kind, that is. Her father must have tried fixing it, like so many times before, but once again, he has failed. Now knowing who they were dealing with, she wasn't surprised even an ancient and powerful Alicorn like Guardian Solus had trouble wrangling back control.

She had to do something.

She felt she had to do something.

Celestia looked at her sister. The heat started to become scorching, and Luna was struggling a bit to keep the pace up. Celestia slowed down, then stopped.

"Luna, let's stop for a bit. Some rest should do us some good."

"I'm fine. We shouldn't waste any time." Although she did stop as she said that.

"Discord is ruining the day-night cycle. It's one of the foundations of nature. I feel like I should do something. If for nothing else, for the sake of father. And mother."

Luna gave her sister a thoughtful look, then looked at the ground. Celestia continued.

"The Sun is calling to me, Luna. Did you ever feel that way? As if it begged for my help. As if it was my responsibility to restore harmony this way."

Luna shifted her eyes around, like someone guilty of a crime. Only a few seconds later she stammered out a response.

"D-did you feel that often?!"

"I know I feel it now more than ever."

Luna looked back at Celestia. Some unexplainable sadness contorted her mouth into a frown. Yet again, she didn't answer.

"Will you help?" Celestia asked.

"Oh no, I'm... I can't. That's your kind of spell, Celestia. You know I'm more of a combat-type alicorn. I'll just…" she looked around, as if searching for an excuse "...sit down under that tree, and have some rest."

They gazed into each other's eyes for a few moments, then Celestia nodded, sort of accepting the unchangeable. Then she stepped up, and gathered all her inner strength. It was time to do something she never did before.


The small hill Celestia was standing upon was just perfect. From there, she could visualize the whole trajectory the Sun should take. Then, she only needed to reach out.

That was the easy part. Celestia channeled all her available magic through her horn, and tethered it to the Sun. But this would only be enough for adjustments. To lower it, much more was needed. Not necessarily in raw power though. From her father, she knew celestial spells needed a different mindset. Devotion. Giving in.

So Celestia let the Sun connect to her. It was strange, she never dared to do it, but it was pleasant. Instead of scorching, it was a warm, soothing sensation very deep inside her magical core, in her very soul. And in turn, the Sun let her magic inside itself, and now Celestia felt as if her very being was one with the glorious orb of fire.

The restrictive magic that anchored the Sun to its position in the sky now felt much less powerful. With one motion of her mind, Celestia willed the Sun to follow her orders, and it began to sink towards the horizon. She smiled. She never managed to do that before, and at the same time, she felt she shared it with another being.

It was her father. Now they were lowering the Sun together, slowly, but steadily, making way for the Moon to rise soon. But that was her mother's domain. For now, the Sun had to go down.

To Celestia's joy, their progress was unfaltering. It was hard, she had to strain herself, but the Sun was still moving. But soon, she felt the first signs of exhaustion. Progress was slowing. The foul magic corrupting the land didn't give up on the Sun. She struggled, pouring the very last ounces of magic inside her into the spell. It was almost done. The Sun was so close to the horizon.



But then, her magic gave in. Celestia's horn lost its glow, her grasp on the Sun was gone. She opened her eyes, and looked upon the great source of light. It stopped so close to its destination. Almost as if it was mocking her efforts.

Celestia's head hurt. She gave it her all, yet it wasn't enough. Nothing could challenge Discord's godly powers, not even temporarily. She let out a tired sigh. She looked back, at her sister.

Luna was still in the shade of the tree, sitting on her rump. She looked so uncharacteristically timid and humble like that, Celestia thought. Her expression didn't help: she looked sad and disappointed. She must have followed the struggle in head, too.

"Sister, I need your help."

"I told you, I can't help you lowering the Sun." Luna answered, but she was looking away. As if she didn't feel worthy of eye contact.

"You misunderstand." Celestia said, and walked closer "I'd need you to raise the Moon. I'm convinced if we cast our spells in tandem, we can do this, and restore the cycle."

Luna now actually looked at her sister, but bit her lips. Then turned her head towards the Sun, hanging not much above the horizon.

"I can't possibly cast a celestial spell that powerful. Raising the Moon requires incredible effort for the uninitiated."

Celestia walked even a bit closer. Luna got up, and also stepped forward.

"But you aren't uninitiated! Luna, our mother's blood courses through you. And you don't even need to raise the Moon all on your own, only give it a little push."

"Even if I was able to do so, what good would it do?" Luna said, hanging her head once again "Discord would just ruin things immediately."

"If my theory is correct, we only need to break his spell imprisoning the heavenlies this once. Then Mother and Father can take over control. And by the time he would bother to ruin the cycle once again, we might just figure something out against him."

"That's a lot of faith in a plan so fickle."

"Luna, just give it a try. Give it a chance. Give yourself a chance."

Luna looked upon the Sun, then at the ground, as if she saw the Moon through the planet. Then she let out a long sigh, and steeled her expression.

"Alright. I can try."

Luna stepped up next to Celestia. Now they both looked towards the horizon, resolute.

Moon's calling. The Teardrops can wait.


Just before Celestia reached out again, she gave her sister a subtle, but reassuring smile. It was now Luna's turn to do what she deemed impossible, yet obviously necessary. To call forth powers that lay dormant inside her. To call forth a hidden Luna.

She took a rapid trip down memory lane, to recall all she knew about moving the heavenlies. There wasn't much. When she was a filly, her mother, Selena showed her what she did to guard the Moon, how she subtly corrected what mortals thought to be a perfect spell. She also got some lessons from Master Guardian Stella, who explained how she arranged the stars upon the firmament of the heavens into the beautiful constellations they still belong to.

But there was one more thing...


When she was older, once she met her in the Citadel's orrery. True to her name, she practiced celestial spells, and lifted a miniature sun towards the dome-like ceiling. Celestia asked her to do the same, but with the Moon. Luna brushed off the notion, she didn't feel like practicing such a spell would have any use for her. She was already under the Magikhan's influence well enough. But to amuse herself, and to show off a bit, she raised the mock-up Moon, and it felt easy enough to do so. Everything in the orrery was made to have the same feel and properties as their real life counterparts, but scaled down. So, after all, Luna knew the celestial spell controlling the Moon.

Now, she only had to remember it. And cast a much more powerful version of it. It was no big deal, right? After all, she was the daughter of the Guardian of the Moon, Selena. It would come to her naturally.

She only had to believe it herself now.

She let out a long sigh, and closed her eyes. She reached out with her magic, searching for the Moon. It was easy enough. It was just below the horizon, ready to push the Sun under it on the other end of an imaginary semi-circle.

Luna, finally, gave it her all and gave in. She committed all her magic to the spell, and she felt her aura wrapping around and inside the heavenly body. It was strange. She expected that to be harder, yet as if the Moon welcomed her magic, her presence. And that made her strangely happy.

And the hard part began. Celestia was moving the Sun, inch-by-inch (on the heavenly scale), and Luna had to keep up with it. The spells were supposed to work in tandem, the Moon-moving spell being easier when cast in the wake of the one moving the Sun, and in turn, the Sun-mover getting help being pushed by the Moon.

Luna tried to follow suit, but the Moon didn't obey. She was powerless to move something so majestic, so fundamental. She strained herself, but the Moon didn't pop up. She could reach out, but she wasn't there yet. She wasn't fully ready. She was ready to admit defeat, and let go of her spell, but then, a voice, so distant, so ethereal, yet so familiar, spoke to her.


It was her mother. She didn't give up on her, despite all their years being estranged. Along with Celestia and father, she still believed in her. And urged her to do the same. But it was hard, so very hard.

It could be yours, too. Make it your destiny.

Luna opened her eyes. Celestia was keeping up her own spell, but with difficulty. The Sun was still lingering over the horizon, and her sister wouldn't be able to lower it without the Moon coming up in its place.

I'll oblige, Mother.

Luna closed her eyes again. She concentrated, and let her magical core refilled from the depths of Caelum. She wouldn't let her mother down, she wouldn't let her sister down. She wouldn't let herself down.

When she opened up her eyes again, she saw things very differently. Gone were the landscape, the trees, the hills, the very ground, everything. She only saw the firmament of creation in front of herself, the stars brilliantly poking through it, and the Sun, a mere halo, hanging above an ethereal horizon.

How beautiful the Moon would look upon such a magical sky!

Luna now not just felt the Moon, it was her friend. And in turn, she was a companion, a guardian to it. She had it together now. She could begin. Gone was the difficulty she felt earlier. She only had to guide it to its place upon the sky now.

Gently, Luna lifted the Moon, and realized the Sun made considerable progress going down. They were helping each other, just as their spells were supposed to work; and overjoyed, she poured a little more magic into her spell. The Moon appeared above the horizon, and with it, nighttime came. The Sun gave way, its last rays said goodbye to the earth, and welcomed the beloved sibling. And in turn, the Moon promised nighttime, but not darkness, so none of the creatures of the earth had to live without light, even for a second.

And the process was complete. The cycle was fixed, the harmony of the heavenlies restored. Luna looked upon her work, the Moon resting low upon the night sky. And it was beautiful, and right, and as if something she was always supposed to do, just didn't realize...

And in that serene moment, Luna shook to her very core. As if all the magic that ever existed, the entirety of Caelum washed over her. She faltered, almost collapsed, but collected herself, and managed to remain on her hooves. And as quickly as the strange sensation came, it was gone. All in all, she felt good, great even. She looked at her sister, who was gazing at what they just achieved. Together.


"You did it, Luna. You raised the Moon! I always knew you had it in you! It is now your night sky, too!"

Celestia turned her head towards Luna, and smiled. And there was something strange about her, but among her flurry of emotions, Luna just couldn't pinpoint it. But maybe, it wasn't that important. What was important, that they did it.

"You told me the Sun was sometimes calling you. I also felt the same from time to time with the Moon. But I always ignored it, I didn't want to give it any importance. I felt my servitude to the Magikhan came first. But you kept believing in me. And lo, you made me finally believe in myself!"

Luna couldn't keep it inside anymore, and dropped a few tears. They were tears of past regrets, but also happiness. She glanced at the Moon, shining through a wet haze now.

Celestia stepped closer and embraced her sister. And unlike previously, Luna didn't escape this one. She hugged back, and wrapped a foreleg around her sister's neck. Entangled like that, her face buried in Celestia's luminous mane, her tears were still flowing, but something else was flowing too.

Celestia's mane.

So that's what she found strange earlier! With her crying subdued, she let go of the embrace, and took a better look.

"Y-your mane, Sister! By the Creator, it flows just like the rest of the tribe's! The council's claims of you being weaker because of being born, are all moot now."

Celestia looked at the end of her mane, and smiled sheepishly.

"Yes. And by the way, yours is flowing, too. And..." she gasped "There's something else too. Look!"

She pointed at Luna's flank. Luna glanced back, and her mouth hung open. Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be. It wasn't possible. She was told it wasn't possible. Yet there it was.

Her mark of destiny.

Celestia also had hers. Stemming from the slight emotional shock, Luna could only point a hoof at the Sun.

"I have it too! Joy!"

Celestia beamed, and even fluttered her wings a bit. Luna blinked away the last of her tears, and couldn't help it, her shock turned into happiness. She never felt so happy or fulfilled before. As if a road, previously blocked, was cleared all of a sudden, and she began walking a different path. A path of her own.

"See, Sister? We do have a destiny! You do have a destiny!"

Luna didn't answer, only turned back to the Moon. She was happy, but it was somehow difficult. She wanted to feel unbridled joy, but something in the back of her mind didn't let her. And it wasn't the fact Discord was still rampant and loose.

Of course, Celestia noticed the silence wasn't just Luna basking in what she brought forth that night. She stepped right next to her.

"Something wrong, Luna?"

Luna slowly turned her head, but didn't make eye contact. She began, her voice slightly wavering.

"The Magikhan made me believe that as a born one, I didn't have a destiny, a purpose. And that being naturally born, I couldn't achieve it either. That magic didn't work for alicorns the same way it did for mortal ponies. Mother and Father objected. You objected. But I believed her lies, and thought if I put myself aside completely, and submitted to her will, I could become the best me. The least bad version of something inherently flawed. Only now I realized how much I was fooled. And even though I feel I'm walking the right path finally, I have to wonder: What's next? I won't be able to look at Arcana or the Council the same way ever again."

Celestia wrapped a foreleg and a wing around Luna, and nuzzled her slightly. She talked, her voice gentle and soothing.

"Luna, I'm sure the path ahead is going to be difficult, but you won't walk it alone. I'll be there for you, and our parents, too. But you're strong yourself. I'm sure you'll figure it out, with help, or without."

Luna finally looked up at Celestia. Her ears drooped slightly, and sighed.

"You're saying that, but you know I always feared being a failure. And now I simply fear the future. I'm weak. You're the strong one."

Celestia furrowed her brows, but then a smirk washed that away.

"I might be strong, but you're even stronger! And when we get back to Aeternum, we'll talk to the Council, and when they'll see our marks, they will be convinced of Arcana's lies. And harmony will return to our tribe."

"Y-you're just saying that. You know the Council doesn't work that way."

"Yes, but we can have hope regardless, right? But before that happens, we still have whole ponykind to save."

Luna wanted to retort, but suddenly realized she didn't want to. There was just no place for more doom and gloom right then. She found her true destiny, got her mark, and possibly got more powerful in the process, if her mane was any indication. So in a much less melancholic tone than previously, she said:

"You know what? You're right. Let the future's problems be future's problems for now. There is still a chaos god rampaging, so let's go!"