• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 230 Views, 14 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Dastardly Return of the Dazzlings - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his crew are back! This time facing off three sirens known as the Dazzlings

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Chapter 6: The Dazzlings Plan

The gang all headed out to find Adagio and Aria to stop their evil plan before things get worse. For hours they looked around trying to see where they were but they couldn't find them. Suddenly Captain Underpants spotted a stage built on the top of a hill. Our heroes went to it and to their surprise they see Adagio and Aria! The two Dazzlings stared at our heroes and got off looking angry.

"Well well. Look who it is. Sunset and her friends. And I see Sonata has joined sides with you. How low has she fallen." Adagio replied.

"Shut up Adagio! I'm tired of you and Aria always going for revenge so you know what? I'm no longer your little sister! Were all taking you two down!!" Sonata shouted.

The two were shocked at her new attitude but the Dazzlings just smirked.

"So you finally grew a set of guts have you? Well it doesn't matter. Cause soon were gonna take over the whole universe and then we will head to Equestria and make everyone you know suffer!!" Aria said.

"Why do you plan on doing this?" George asked.

"Easy. We recently got a message from your little comic book you made. And do you honestly think that this naked man can really stop us?" Adagio answered.

"We took down many villains with Captain Underpants before and we will do the same for you!" Harold replied.

"Oh really? Ok then. If you really think that this pathetic excuse of an army can stop the two Dazzlings then we would love to see you try." Adagio smirked.

"We will! You won't be able to take over the universe!" Harold said.

"You may said that now. But when your doom comes you'll be saying otherwise. So let's battle." Aria said.

Everyone quickly placed their headphones on and right on cue the two Dazzlings began singing. They're voices started to hypnotize everyone in the city and they started causing chaos everywhere in anger. Our heroes looked our seeing all the negative energy leaving them and going in the gems of Adagio and Aria. They knew that it was only powering them up.

"This is not good. We gotta stop them!!" Starlight said.

"But how though? If they're voices are too strong we can't stop them!" Twilight worried.

"There is one way to stop them. We need to destroy the pendants their wearing. It's the only thing that's powering them. If we can distract them long enough for the boys to steal the pendants we can break them and they will lose their powers." Sonata suggested.

"That's a good idea. But the problem is they are so focused on singing that they will probably know if were trying to take their pendants." Mr Meaner thought.

"So we need a distraction to keep them busy for a while and maybe tire them out." George replied.

"Exactly what I was thinking boys. But what can we use to distract the Dazzlings?" Ms Ribble asked.

Everyone thought about til Harold began brainstorming. He remembered all the bad guys that he and George faced on their home world and thought that maybe if they brought them here then maybe they can help stop the Dazzlings.

"George? Remember all those bad guys that we faced on own home world?" Harold asked.

"Yeah? And I also remembered the Artistic Zodiac of Imagination Sonata gave us. Are you trying to say that we should summon everything that we faced back then to distract the Dazzlings?" George replied.

"Yes George. If every comic we made has brought the adventures to life then we can do the same thing to stop the Dazzlings." Harold answered.

"Great idea sidekicks! That might distract those Dazzlings for a long time to take away their gems!" Captain Underpants smiled.

"Your right Harold. Let's do this. And Sonata? Since you have some of the power in you why don't you join us and bring some creations of your own to life?" George asked.

"Sure boys. Let's summon an army." Sonata agreed.

So the three held hands and closed their eyes and suddenly a giant glowing zodiac circle appeared. George and Harold got busy choosing the stuff they want to summon to stop the Dazzlings. Then after a hour they finally got all set up. Then together they stepped on the giant circle and the magic did the rest. First came out an army of talking toilets chanting, then came the aliens from outer space they faced when they disguised themselves as the lunch ladies, then Sonata summoned a few creations of her own like a few mystic dragons and actual nice sirens, next was another army but it was Robo-Joggers.and finally came out the giant Turbo Toilet 2000. The light died down and the army was complete.

"All right boys! Now were ready to stop the Dazzlings!" Sunset smiled.

"Except where did they go?" Captain Underpants asked.

He pointed where the stage used to be and he was right they're gone!! They looked around trying to see where they went. Then Harold spotted them in the distance and saw them hypnotizing everyone on a tall mountain.

"I think they're on that tall mountain. They started hypnotizing everyone again. We gotta stop them and destroy those pendants!" Harold shouted.

"Your right sidekicks! Let's head to the mountain and make them face the music!" Captain Underpants declared.

Everyone nodded in agreement and they headed in the direction of the mountain. The final fight is approaching.

Author's Note:

They got a whole army and now will face the Dazzlings!!