• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 460 Views, 6 Comments

A Princess and a Skater's Affair - AndyHunter

With the castle's vast expanse at his disposal, Andy finds himself navigating the opulent corridors and grand chambers, transforming the royal abode into a playground of whimsy.

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I Will Stare Across the Castle of Love

Perched upon the regal throne, Andy Hunter assumed a position both novel and peculiar. The throne, positioned with its back against the wall, provided an unconventional vantage point for the skater in the kingdom of Equestria. Engrossed in a task that transcended the typical affairs of royalty, Andy, with his trusty Nintendo DS—a thoughtful gift from Celestia on his birthday—dedicated his focus to crafting an intricate animation within the realms of Flipnote.

The artistry bestowed upon Celestia was a departure from his usual escapades, a testament to the depth of his affection for the princess. In his heart, Andy believed that, despite the grandeur of Celestia's offerings, she would find solace and appreciation in the intricacies of his creation—an animated symphony, woven with threads of devotion and creativity.

His nimble fingers danced across the device, weaving a tapestry of movement and artistry that bespoke the passion emanating from his soul. As the final frames came together in harmonious unity, Andy carefully pocketed his Nintendo DS, a silent testimony to his artistic triumph.

"I've finally completed the animation for Celestia," he murmured to himself, a fusion of pride and happiness illuminating his features. The sacrifice of days spent away from his beloved skateboard was a testament to the significance of the gift he now carried in his pocket.

With the completion of his heartfelt gift for Celestia, Andy found himself alone within the sprawling expanse of the castle. Celestia, temporarily absent in the pursuit of her princessly duties, had left him the keys to this regal sanctuary. A mischievous glint sparkled in Andy's eyes as he contemplated the possibilities that lay before him.

"I have the entire castle to myself, but what mischief might I conjure while Celestia tends to her royal obligations?" Andy mused, his fingers intertwining near his nose—a telltale sign that the gears of mischief were turning within his inventive mind.

Contemplating the myriad possibilities within the vast confines of the castle, Andy, having momentarily set aside his creative endeavors, gravitated towards a familiar passion—skateboarding. The sport, neglected for several days in favor of his artistic pursuits, now beckoned him with the allure of untamed movement and liberating speed.

Luna, ensconced upon her throne in customary regality, observed with a quizzical arch of her royal brow. The throne's atypical positioning, with its back turned to the expanse of the chamber, stirred Luna's curiosity, prompting her to question the eccentric skater.

"Andy," Luna inquired, her voice tinged with a note of annoyance, "may I ask why you've chosen to have the throne face the wall?"

A mischievous glint shimmered in Andy's eyes as he met Luna's gaze. With a pause that heightened the suspense, he responded in a tone of feigned seriousness, "To do this..." The command, delivered with an air of theatrical gravitas, summoned two individuals into the chamber.

"Guardian Angel and Silver Sable, come forth!" Andy declared, maintaining the facade of authority. Luna's confusion deepened as she observed the unfolding theatrics, her narrowed eyes seeking answers in the whimsical display before her. Andy, a maestro of his own impromptu symphony, stood ready to orchestrate the whimsical dance that would transform the castle's solemnity into a playground of laughter and surprise.

Swiftly responding to the summons, both royal guards, Guardian Angel and Silver Sable, hastened to Prince Andy Hunter's side. The echo of their synchronized hoofsteps resonated through the regal chamber as they approached.

"At your service, Prince Andy Hunter," they intoned in unison, their deferential bows conveying a display of utmost respect and fealty.

Seated atop Celestia's throne, Andy assumed a position of whimsical authority. With a flair for the dramatic, he extended one leg, causing the throne to pivot dramatically back to its original orientation. The rotational spectacle concluded with Andy casually crossing his legs and resting his fists against one of his cheeks—an exaggerated tableau of regal gravitas, entirely at odds with the expected solemnity of the throne room.

Maintaining the theatrical flair, Andy extended his hand with pointed precision, index finger indicating his royal decree. The atmosphere, though whimsical, hung with an air of expectancy as he delivered his command.

"I want you both to execute a backflip," Andy declared, struggling to conceal the playful laughter that threatened to bubble forth. His tone, while striving for seriousness, carried a hint of amusement that danced on the edge of composure.

A moment of stunned silence enveloped the throne room as the royal guards, Guardian Angel and Silver Sable, exchanged wide-eyed glances. Luna, her regal countenance momentarily disrupted, observed with a mixture of surprise and intrigue.

"Prince, in our training, acrobatic movements were not part of the curriculum. Moreover, for ponies, executing such maneuvers is an exceedingly challenging feat," Silver Sable responded, her voice attempting to maintain a neutral tone while subtly conveying her concern. The reality of Andy's request clashed with the traditional training and physical limitations inherent to their pony forms, creating a moment of hesitation and trepidation within the throne room's regal ambiance.

"Really? But it's so straightforward; I'll demonstrate just how easy it is. I'm confident even a foal could master it effortlessly," Andy remarked, rising from Celestia's throne with a blend of sarcasm and ostensible seriousness.

Luna, her regal demeanor momentarily unsettled, leaned toward Andy with a whispered admonition. "Andy, what are you doing? That's not how a prince should act," she chided, her eyebrows lowered in a subtle display of disapproval.

Unperturbed, Andy gestured toward Luna, signaling her to maintain her composure. With measured steps, he approached Guardian Angel and Silver Sable, his intent clear. The theatrics, an unconventional interlude within the solemnity of the throne room, continued to unfold as Andy prepared to illustrate the purported simplicity of the requested backflip to the royal guards.

"We're well acquainted with ponies being in this position," Andy quipped as he gracefully dropped to all fours. "The first step is to stand up, lifting your front hooves off the ground," he explained, seamlessly rising back to a bipedal stance. "Then, you crouch down a little," he demonstrated the motion with a fluid grace, exemplifying the simplicity he asserted.

With a flourish of theatrics, Andy continued, "Then, with your arms, you perform a jump, as high as you can," and with that, he executed a backflip, showcasing the maneuver in a seemingly effortless manner.

Guardian Angel and Silver Sable exchanged nervous glances, their expressions betraying a mix of apprehension and uncertainty. Silver, as a unicorn, decided to incorporate her magical abilities, clumsily attempting a backflip with a flicker of uncertainty evident in her movements.

"What if I do it like this?" Guardian Angel, a pegasus, spread her wings and executed a semblance of a backflip, completing a slow circle in the air. "I reckon I did rather well," she declared with a hint of pride.

Andy, leaning back in mild surprise, hadn't expected their earnest attempts. Although not precisely as instructed, their efforts provided fodder for his mischievous intentions. A devious glint gleamed in his eyes as he contemplated the continuation of his playful teasing, spurred on by the unexpected response from the royal guards.

Andy, adopting an air of mock severity, brought his wrist to his chin and pointed accusatorily at Silver and Guardian with his index finger. "That's not how it's done. Both of you cheated! You don't use magic or flying for an authentic backflip. That's why..." he declared with feigned anger, "I will send you both to Tartarus for five months to reflect!"

The pronouncement, though delivered in jest, cast a sudden shadow over the regal chamber. Silver and Guardian, caught off guard by the unexpected decree, shared a glance of shock and fear.

"What?!" both guards exclaimed in unison, hooves instinctively rising to their heads in a display of surprise and trepidation. The whimsical theatrics had taken an unforeseen turn, leaving the royal guards to grapple with the sudden prospect of a purported sojourn to Tartarus.

Amidst the echoes of Silver and Guardian's startled expressions, Andy succumbed to laughter, bending over with both hands on his knees. "HAHAHAHAHA, I was just, I was—" Andy attempted to explain, but his words were drowned out by the uncontrollable waves of amusement that engulfed him.

In response to the sudden tension, Luna gracefully intervened, briefly taking flight to Andy's side. "Silver and Guardian, fret not. Andy was merely jesting," Luna reassured them with a calm and composed tone, her words a soothing balm to the lingering unease in the room. The princess maintained her regal composure, effortlessly diffusing the tension while guiding the situation back to a semblance of normalcy.

"Really, Princess? We won't be sent to Tartarus?" Guardian Angel inquired, her worry palpable as she placed a hoof to her chin, her frame trembling with apprehension.

"Yeah, we both have families," Silver Sable added, beads of nervous sweat forming on her brow.

Luna, maintaining her calm and reassuring demeanor, responded, "Don't worry. You won't be sent anywhere. He's just joking with both of you. That's how Andy behaves." Luna's words carried a soothing cadence, dispelling the lingering tension that had gripped the royal guards.

"Return to your positions," Luna ordered both royal guards with a regal authority. Responding to Luna's command, Guardian Angel and Silver Sable retreated to their posts, their hushed whispers revealing a mix of relief and curiosity about the eccentric nature of Andy's jest. Luna, ever the composed ruler, resumed her vigil, ensuring that the tranquility of the throne room was restored.

Luna shifted her gaze toward Andy, who lay on the ground, still in the throes of laughter at his playful jest with the royal guards.

"Andy!" Luna called, tapping her front hooves with a subtle display of impatience.

Andy, responding to Luna's summons, effortlessly executed a kip up, gracefully returning to his feet. "What happened, Luna?" he inquired, his tone casual and unaffected, displaying an air of nonchalance in the aftermath of his mischievous escapade.

"Could you please take your position as prince more seriously? Scaring the royal guards by sending them to Tartarus is no laughing matter," Luna admonished with a stern tone, her lips tensing in disapproval.

"Whoa, let's land the airplane of negativity, Luna. I was just having some fun with them, that's all," Andy responded, his hands sliding into his pockets, a playful smile lingering on his face.

Luna sighed, placing a hoof to her face. "Well, I don't think they're having fun. They're here to protect the castle, not to play or be the subject of jokes," she remarked, her expression conveying a mix of concern and a desire for a more responsible approach to their roles within the royal setting.

Andy, noticing Luna's disappointed expression, nervously bit his nails. "If she finds out that I sometimes play UNO with some guards, I'll get in trouble," he mused anxiously.

"But don't you think that being in one position all day can be boring for them? Sometimes I like to entertain them for a while and joke with them from time to time," Andy explained, attempting to justify his intentions.

"It's a good gesture, but, as I mentioned, they are not here to play. They also have their rest hours, but the problem is that you want to play with them all the time," Luna remarked, acknowledging Andy's intentions while expressing her desire for a more responsible attitude. The subtle admonition hung in the air, emphasizing the need for a balance between entertainment and the solemn duties of the royal guards.

"Alright, Luna, I'll leave them alone during their work hours," Andy affirmed with a thumbs up. "While I'll be walking around the castle." With that, he started heading towards the hallway.

"Fine, but don't bother the guards, and don't do stunts with that wooden board with wheels," Luna asserted with authority, her knowledge of skateboarding somewhat limited.

Andy paused in his tracks, meeting Luna's gaze. "I won't, Luna," he assured before resuming his journey, sprinting through the hallways toward his shared room with Celestia.

On the way, Andy engaged in a flurry of backflips, sideflips, and frontflips, using the impromptu acrobatics as a means to exercise after the extended hiatus from skateboarding. The castle's halls became his training ground, a dynamic space where the echoes of his flips resonated, blending a touch of the unexpected with the regality that surrounded him.

Discovering that the window was not merely a vantage point for enjoying the scenic views of Canterlot, but rather a shortcut to expedite his journey to the room he shared with Celestia, Andy seized the opportunity to inject an element of thrill into his routine.

With calculated precision, he initiated a series of frontflips, each movement building momentum as he approached the window. In a daring leap, Andy soared towards the opening, deftly snatching hold of one of the castle's flags. The fabric, originally a symbol of regality, now became his impromptu vine as he swung with fluid grace.

In a moment of exhilaration, Andy released his grip on the flag, launching it skyward. The flag, caught in the whims of the wind, arced through the air, landing with a gentle flutter on the balcony of his and Celestia's room. The unconventional acrobatics not only served as a shortcut but also added a touch of spectacle to the castle's grandeur, blending the whimsical with the majestic in the halls of Equestrian royalty.

Upon stepping into his room, a grin spread across Andy's face as he beheld the eclectic array of his beloved possessions. Skateboards, BMX bikes, snowboards, and video games adorned the space, each a cherished gift from his marefriend Celestia, who had brought these elements from his old world.

Tidiness rarely found its way into Andy's room, and he often quipped, 'I'll wait for Celestia to use her magic and tidy it up; I'm too lazy to do it myself.' Skateboards lined one side of the room, and the BMX bikes stood along the walls, carefully positioned to prevent them from cluttering the floor.

Navigating through the room, Andy skillfully avoided the various PlayStation 2 and GameCube controllers strewn across the floor.

"It might be a good idea to put on a helmet and pads. It's one of the few things that irks Celestia—me doing sports without protection. Although I don't particularly like it, as it ruins my emo style, I'll still use them," Andy mused to himself. Past experiences had taught him that forgoing protection not only jeopardized his well-being but also led to disagreements with his marefriend. The room, a haven of his favorite activities, bore witness to the clash between his carefree spirit and the occasional necessity for caution.

Seated on his bed, Andy took a moment to don his helmet and pads, a concession to safety that clashed with his carefree demeanor.

With the protective gear secured, Andy turned his attention to the collection of skateboards adorning his room. Each deck boasted extravagant and unique designs, a testament to his artistic flair and penchant for combining elements from both Equestrian and human cultures.

After a brief contemplation, he settled on his "Battle for the Treasure" skateboard. The deck featured an artistic collision of Daring Do and Lara Croft, seamlessly merging the realms of Equestria and human culture—a concoction that resonated with Andy's eclectic tastes.

With the chosen skateboard in hand, Andy's gaze shifted to the ocarina of time resting on his nightstand. The whimsical instrument, a nod to the magical abilities he possessed, hinted at the additional layer of creativity he intended to infuse into his skateboarding exploits.

The room, a sanctuary of Andy's passions and artistic expressions, brimmed with the promise of a day filled with daring tricks and imaginative stunts that melded the worlds of Equestria and humanity.

With a determined breath, Andy swung open the door to his room. "Here we go. I hope my Superman trick goes well," he muttered to himself, a mix of excitement and anticipation in his voice.

The Superman trick held a special place in Andy's heart, not only for its visual flair but also for its inherent danger, especially if not executed from an optimal height.

Several deep sighs escaped Andy as he mentally prepared for the upcoming maneuver. With each exhale, he steadied his nerves, readying himself for the daring stunt that awaited.

Finally, he took off running, the exhilaration building as he placed his skateboard on the ground and positioned his feet on it. The anticipation hung in the air, the room a temporary sanctuary before the impending launch into the thrilling world of gravity-defying skateboarding.

Skateboarding Session

The initiation of Andy's skateboarding adventure commenced with a classic maneuver—a kickflip, a fundamental trick that set the tone for the ensuing acrobatic display.

Launching himself into the air with a swift jump, Andy deftly kicked the skateboard, prompting it to spin a full 360 degrees. The seamless execution showcased the foundational skills of this experienced skateboarder as he effortlessly returned his feet to the board upon completion.

Building on the momentum, Andy propelled himself into a Freestyle sequence. With the skateboard hurtling beneath him, he transitioned into a Handstand on the grip tape, a testament to his balance and control. As the board gradually lost its initial speed, Andy elevated the complexity, seamlessly shifting into a one-handed handstand, adding a layer of finesse to the routine.

With the skateboard now losing considerable speed, Andy smoothly returned to its original position, seamlessly transitioning into a frontflip while the board continued its gradual motion.

Noticing the presence of a nearby ladder, Andy harnessed the dwindling momentum. In a well-coordinated display, he approached the ladder and executed a Boneless—a move that involved Andy braking, lifting his front foot off the skateboard, and propelling himself forward using the front foot. The back leg remained firmly on the skateboard, creating a dynamic and controlled leap toward the ladder, with Andy gripping the skateboard with one hand.

In mid-air, Andy positioned the skateboard over his head, a fluid movement that culminated in a graceful slide along the edges of the stairs. The magical soap shoes, a testament to Andy's creative flair, facilitated the smooth descent, leaving a trail of mesmerizing movement in his wake.

Elevating the intricacy of his performance, Andy lifted his back leg, holding it aloft with one hand, while simultaneously grasping his skateboard with the other. With an elegant flourish, he slid along the edges of the ladder, using a single foot to add an extra layer of style to the evolving trick.

The speed of Andy's descent increased, and as the ladder approached its conclusion, he prepared for a grand finale. Propelling himself into a soaring jump, Andy executed a 360 Airwalk, a gravity-defying maneuver that showcased both his aerial prowess and artistic finesse.

In mid-air, Andy manipulated his legs, creating a mesmerizing illusion of walking on air while executing a flawless 360-degree spin. Simultaneously, he expertly positioned his skateboard in proximity to his leg, harmonizing the board's movement with the grace of his aerial ballet.

Turning left, Andy set his sights on the castle pool, a dry expanse that served as his makeshift half pipe for practicing aerial tricks.

Building momentum, Andy propelled his skateboard into a cartwheel, skillfully extending his legs to their utmost limit in a display of flexibility and precision.

Encountering Jade Barricade, another royal guard patrolling the area, Andy greeted her with familiarity. "Hey Jade! You already know the drill, stay still."

Familiar with Andy's penchant for incorporating extreme sports into his routine, Jade complied without hesitation. It wasn't the first time they had engaged in such antics.

As Andy approached, he orchestrated a Benihana, soaring over the stationary Jade with practiced ease. Executing a deft jump, Andy manipulated his skateboard mid-air, sliding it beneath his front leg while the back leg gracefully hovered above. The aerial ballet continued as he extended his back legs backward.

In a seamless reunion with the skateboard just before reaching the ground, Andy completed the intricate maneuver.

Arriving at the waterless castle pool, Andy focused on amassing every ounce of momentum within his command. His objective: to undertake one of the most renowned and challenging tricks in skateboarding.

With determination etched across his face, Andy initiated The 900—an audacious feat that demanded a complete revolution of nine hundred degrees in mid-air. As his skateboard left the ramp, the realm of gravity seemed momentarily suspended, allowing Andy to execute a gravity-defying turn that pushed the boundaries of both skill and daring.

Upon touching down, Andy teetered on the edge of losing his balance, but with skillful finesse, he managed to maintain his stance atop the skateboard. Building up remarkable speed on the opposite side of the pool, Andy ascended to considerable heights.

Seizing the opportunity, he embarked on a 540 Christ Air—a spectacular trick that combined artistry and athleticism. With one hand gripping the skateboard, Andy extended both hands outward, mimicking the iconic pose of Jesus on the cross. In a fluid motion, he executed a breathtaking spin of five hundred and forty degrees in the air.

With his skateboard now securely underfoot, Andy glided towards the opposite side of the pool. There, he take out his ocarina of time and, with practiced ease, began to play a melody resonating with magical potential—a melody that would bring forth a transformation.

Andy dubbed this particular trick the Shapeshifter Air. As the haunting notes of the ocarina filled the air, an enchantment unfolded, and Andy underwent a metamorphosis. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a Kirin—a mythical creature with a lustrous white coat, a distinctive emo-style mane blending the hues of red and black, his favored colors.

Despite the fantastic transformation, Andy's clothing persisted, lending an unexpected but uniquely personal touch to his Kirin form. His black t-shirt bore the design of the American Mcgee Alice cover, a visual nod to his eclectic taste. Complementing this, he sported black emo pants, the embodiment of his distinctive style. White Soap Shoes adorned his equine hooves, an unexpected but characteristic choice, seamlessly bridging the gap between two worlds.

To complete the ensemble, spiked bracelets adorned both of his Kirin forelimbs, adapted seamlessly to his equine anatomy. This peculiar mix of human-inspired fashion and Kirin elegance created a visually striking and uniquely Andy-esque appearance.

As a Kirin, Andy seized the opportunity to unleash a trick of his own creation—the Greenhill Maniac. Soaring through the air, he extended his front hooves backward and his rear hooves, one reaching forward and the other extending backward. In a striking pose, he imitated Sonic's iconic running stance, channeling the energy of the speedy hedgehog.

Simultaneously, the skateboard rotated like a ring, propelled by the magical abilities inherent to Kirins. The fusion of Sonic's dynamic pose and the mystical manipulation of the skateboard added a layer of whimsy to the routine, creating a visual spectacle.

Upon touching down, Andy, aided by Kirin magic, skillfully maneuvered his skateboard onto its rear hooves, preparing for the next airborne feat.

Launching back into the air, he initiated his own signature trick—the Mctwist + Madonna. With one front hoof gripping the mute part of the skateboard and the other elegantly extending it backward, Andy embarked on a 540-degree backside spin. The synchronized movement created a visual spectacle, blending athleticism with an artistic finesse that only Andy could bring to the realm of skateboarding.

As the McTwist neared its conclusion, Andy seamlessly transitioned into the Madonna, introducing a captivating twist to the aerial routine. With his rear hoof suspended in mid-air, stomping the invisible currents while gripping the skateboard's nose with one of his front hooves.

As fatigue began to set in, Andy resolved to execute two more daring tricks before concluding his skateboarding session and transitioning to BMX.

In a move that could induce fear in any spectator, he initiated "The Human Dart," or, in this case, "The Kirin Dart." Soaring high above the pool, Andy assumed a face-down position on his skateboard, mimicking the streamlined form of a dart hurtling through the air. Despite a fleeting moment of apprehension about the potential risks associated with this unorthodox position, Andy pressed on, committing to the completion of his final trick.

Guiding his skateboard to the other side of the pool while still prone, Andy, suspended at a considerable height, orchestrated the second trick—the Superman Tailgrab. Rising from his face-down position, he stood on the skateboard and, with remarkable precision, seized the tail of the skateboard with one front hoof. The remaining limbs extended outward, creating a captivating silhouette reminiscent of Superman in flight. This audacious maneuver, known as the Superman Tailgrab, stood as one of Andy's favorites—a testament to his commitment to pushing the boundaries of conventional skateboarding with a touch of equestrian flair.

Having successfully executed his favorite trick, Andy jubilantly brought his skateboarding session to a close. As his hooves made contact with the ground, he engaged the brakes, halting the skateboard's momentum. Unable to contain his excitement, he erupted into a spirited celebration.

"YEAHHHH DUDE!" Andy's enthusiastic proclamation echoed through the air as he joyfully raised his front hooves toward the sky. The exuberance in his voice and the triumphant pose encapsulated the satisfaction and thrill derived from conquering the final trick of his skateboarding session. The echo of his celebratory cry lingered, blending with the atmosphere of the now-pulsating surroundings—a testament to the fusion of Andy's passion, skill, and unbridled joy in the world of extreme sports.

Andy retrieved his skateboard and gracefully exited the pool. As he emerged, a group of royal guards greeted him with cheers, acknowledging the impressive display of tricks they had just witnessed.

In response to their applause, Andy, with a gesture of gratitude, bowed deeply. Placing his other front hoof over his heart, he leaned forward in a show of appreciation. "Thank you all!" he expressed, his words carrying genuine warmth and acknowledgment for the audience that had witnessed his aerial feats. The camaraderie between Andy and the royal guards, forged through a shared moment of exhilaration, resonated in the air as a testament to the universal language of admiration for skill and artistry.

"That was incredible, Prince; it's the most impressive thing I've seen today!" exclaimed a royal guard, enthusiasm evident in their tone.

Acknowledging the compliment with a gracious nod, Andy expressed his gratitude. "Thank you. I'm going to grab some water and then pull off another stunt. All of you can take a momentary break... just don't tell Luna," he added mischievously, playfully placing one of his hooves on the shoulder of the royal guard. Their shared glances hinted at a conspiratorial understanding, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and lighthearted mischief among the royal guards and the adventurous prince.

Transforming back into his human form, Andy Hunter conceived a plan to inject an element of Jackass-style antics into the mix before transitioning to the BMX section.

Thirsty after his skateboarding endeavors, Andy chose the convenient option of quenching his thirst at the fountain adorned with the statues of Celestia and Luna. While not the most formal behavior for a prince, Andy's irreverence knew no bounds, especially when it came to avoiding unnecessary exertion such as climbing stairs to reach a bathroom.

Having sufficiently hydrated, Andy rallied the guards who were monitoring the garden and pool area, ensuring they had a front-row seat for his impending stunt. Positioned on the second floor of the castle, he boldly stepped to the edge of a window, phone in hand, preparing to record what he cheekily referred to as his 'Super video.' The anticipation among the guards and the mischievous glint in Andy's eyes promised an entertaining spectacle that would seamlessly blend extreme sports with his signature brand of humor.

Recording himself with a playful yet confident demeanor, Andy Hunter addressed an imaginary audience as if he were the star of a Jackass movie. "My name is Andy Hunter, and I will be performing the 'Late to Work' stunt, where I'll jump out of the window to land in the seat of my 2000 Ferrari 360 Modena Spider!" Andy's excitement reverberated through his voice as he geared up for the daring stunt that lay ahead.

Downstairs, the royal guards, positioned near the Ferrari, displayed a range of reactions. Those familiar with Andy's audacious exploits were intrigued, eagerly anticipating the spectacle about to unfold. However, for those less acquainted with Andy's unconventional antics, a ripple of concern permeated the air, fearing potential harm.

Silver Sable, vocalizing the collective worry, expressed her concern with a raised voice, "Prince, are you sure you want to do this? It looks dangerous!" Her tone carried a genuine apprehension, reflecting the shared sentiments of those witnessing the unconventional stunt.

Reassuringly, Andy responded, "Don't worry! The helmet and pads will protect me. I've already done stunts like this several times." Despite his confident assurance, Silver Sable couldn't shake off her unease, witnessing Andy's stunt for the first time, unsure of what unpredictable twists might unfold in the daring spectacle that was about to unfold.

In a daring leap out of the window, Andy descended from the second floor, only to realize mid-fall that the Ferrari was farther away than he had anticipated. With a comedic twist of fate, Andy landed on the hood of the car, bouncing off its sleek surface in an unscripted sequence of events. The momentum carried him to the ground, where he rolled in a lighthearted and slightly comical manner.

Reacting swiftly, the concerned royal guards hastened toward Andy, their primary concern being to verify that he had emerged unscathed from the impromptu stunt. The unexpected turn of events added an element of unpredictability to the performance, transforming what was initially a planned stunt into a humorous mishap that left both the guards and Andy himself amused by the unexpected outcome.

Silver Sable, exhibiting genuine concern on her face, was the first to inquire, "Are you okay, Prince? Do you need medical assistance?"

Reassuringly, Andy responded, "No, I'm fine. I'll try again," as Silver Sable employed her magical abilities to lift him back onto his feet.

Undeterred by the initial mishap, Andy returned to the window, this time ensuring a more precise calculation for his jump. With the Ferrari properly positioned, he infused an extra element of excitement into the stunt by executing a backflip. As he leaped out of the window, he performed multiple spins in the air, resembling a cannonball in descent, before landing with precision in the seat of the waiting Ferrari.

"YESSSSS!" Andy erupted in jubilant celebration, standing triumphantly on the hood of the Ferrari. His successful stunt elicited a wave of celebration from both Silver Sable and the other guards who had never experienced such exhilaration during a day of royal duties. The unexpected blend of danger and amusement had turned an ordinary day at work into a memorable and enjoyable experience for everypony involved.

Embarking on his BMX session, Andy positioned himself at the castle's entrance and swiftly kicked off, pedaling with all his might.

For his inaugural trick, he showcased The Unicycle + Peg Grind. In a display of skill, Andy hoisted the front wheel high, creating the illusion of riding a unicycle, while gripping the front pegs of his BMX. Transitioning seamlessly, he executed a jump, guiding the back peg of the bike along the edges of the stairs before concluding the trick with another impressive leap, seamlessly returning to regular BMX riding.

As Andy propelled himself through the castle halls, his BMX wheels humming with speed, he seamlessly executed a Wallride + Can Can combination.

Approaching a wall with calculated precision, Andy initiated a daring jump, ascending the vertical surface and engaging in a four-second wallride. During this gravity-defying feat, he extended one of his legs over the BMX's tube, showcasing the Can Can maneuver in all its daring glory. The extension of his leg, reaching as far as possible, added an extra element of flair to the already impressive stunt. With perfect timing, just before returning to solid ground, Andy retracted his leg and smoothly landed back on the pedals, completing the intricate and visually captivating trick.

Anticipating his return to the pool, Andy initiated a skillful trick known as the Nose Manual One Foot as he approached the designated area.

Executing the maneuver with finesse, Andy lifted the rear wheel of his BMX, embarking on a controlled wheelie. While one foot remained suspended off the pedal, contributing to both balance and style, he deliberately allowed the BMX to lose some speed, all while showcasing his remarkable ability to maintain equilibrium during the complex stunt.

Upon reaching the pool, Andy propelled himself with a burst of speed, determined to execute his first aerial trick, the Indian Air.

Launching into the air, Andy extended one leg forward and the other backward, reaching the extremities of his limbs to their full extent. This deliberate extension not only added flair to the trick but also showcased Andy's dedication to infusing style into his aerial maneuvers.

Returning to the ground with increased momentum, Andy seamlessly transitioned into a more intricate BMX trick: the Barhop + Handstand.

In mid-air, Andy skillfully maneuvered his BMX, initially sitting on the handlebars for a duration of three seconds. Demonstrating remarkable balance and control, he then elevated the complexity of the trick by seamlessly transitioning into a handstand on the handlebars. With one hand maintaining stability on the handlebars and the other placed confidently on his back.

Just before descending to the ground, Andy gracefully settled back into his bike saddle.

Elevating the complexity of his aerial performance, Andy seamlessly blended elements of martial arts into his routine, executing a Butterfly Kick + Superman One Hand Seatgrab. Executing the butterfly kick with unparalleled elegance and height, Andy then proceeded to grab the seat of the BMX with one hand. As he did so, his other limbs remained extended outside the bike, creating a striking resemblance to Superman's iconic mid-flight pose.

Mid-air, Andy deftly retrieved his ocarina of time, poised to unveil a unique trick—Shapeshifter Air + Nothing.

In a melodic flourish, Andy played the familiar tune that transformed him into a pegasus stallion, boasting the same coloration as his Kirin form but adorned with a cutie mark featuring the head of a flaming skeleton pony. This distinctive mark underscored Andy's passion for extreme sports and added a touch of individuality to his equine forms.

Continuing his airborne spectacle, Andy released his grip on the BMX, momentarily parting ways with the bike. However, before gravity could exert its pull, Andy swiftly reclaimed the BMX, seamlessly reconnecting with the bike just moments before their collective descent to the ground.

Taking advantage of his newfound pegasus flight capabilities, Andy soared to greater heights with each powerful flap of his wings. Positioned high above, he embarked on an intricate aerial combination—Tornado + Double Frontflip + Triple Tailwhip + Pendulum.

In a mesmerizing display, Andy and his BMX initiated a dizzying spin akin to a tornado, executing sideflips while Andy's wings gracefully flapped, creating a captivating vortex in the sky.

As they began their descent, Andy seamlessly transitioned into a double frontflip, orchestrating a synchronized rotation of both himself and the BMX. In the midst of this acrobatic descent, Andy's rear hoof deftly kicked the BMX's rear wheel, setting off a stunning sequence of three rotations around the bike's front end—a triple tailwhip.

The grand finale of the airborne performance was the Pendulum. With precision and flair, Andy's hind hooves executed a graceful kick to the left and then to the right, culminating in a skillful return to solid ground.

Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Andy ascended into the sky for his grand finale—a Kiss of Death + Seatgrab Peacock. The strain on his body was evident, the fatigue from his earlier skateboarding exploits lingering.

Hovering at an impressive height, Andy grasped the handlebars with his front hooves, orchestrating a daring inversion of the BMX over his head, creating an awe-inspiring image. Both rear hooves extended gracefully backward, marking the Kiss of Death.

As he descended, the spectacle continued. Andy smoothly transitioned, seizing the BMX's seat with his front hooves while elegantly extending his hind hooves in a perfect split—a Seatgrab Peacock in all its finesse.

Just before making contact with the ground, Andy returned to a seated position, applied the brakes, and concluded his BMX session. Exhaustion settled in, evident in each labored breath, a testament to the physical demands of his extraordinary performance.

"I need... water," Andy uttered with extreme fatigue. He wiped the beads of sweat from his face with a weary gesture, and then, leaning heavily on the handlebars of the BMX, he rested his head on them in an attempt to recuperate his spent energy.

Meanwhile, Luna sat on her throne, growing increasingly concerned as two hours slipped by without any sign of Andy. The absence of the skater, who usually filled the castle with the echoes of his parkour activities, was indeed suspicious.

"I wonder where Andy is; I haven't heard from him in a while," Luna mused, rising from her throne with an air of determination to find the missing prince.

Swiftly, Luna took flight through the halls of the castle, her keen eyes searching for any signs of disturbance or irregularity.

Luna headed towards Andy's room, contemplating the possibility that he might be occupied with his machines, as she referred to his video games, displaying her unfamiliarity with them.

Approaching the room, Luna noticed the door was ajar, and upon peering inside, found it empty. Perplexed, she scanned the surroundings and, to her right, discovered peculiar marks on the floor.

Baffled but determined, Luna followed the trail of marks, which led her to the castle's grand staircase. The once-pristine golden railings now bore deep scratches, and the pieces started falling into place for Luna.

Frustration and a sense of impending seriousness crossed Luna's features as she clenched her hooves. In her mind, she sternly declared, "Andy, you and I are going to have a serious conversation. Just wait until I find you."

Andy, perched on the head of Luna's statue at the entrance of the castle, awaited his marefriend, Celestia. His presence not only symbolized a subtle act of rebellion but also reflected the occasional disagreements between him and Luna. As he rested, recovering his energy, the scene conveyed a complex dynamic within the royal relationships.

Celestia, having completed her princess duties, joyfully returned to the castle. Spotting Andy, her excitement was palpable as she swiftly flew towards him. "Andy!" she exclaimed, extending her front hooves for an embrace.

Andy, still in his stallion form, responded to Celestia's enthusiasm by flying towards her. Their reunion was marked by a warm embrace, accompanied by a tender exchange of kisses on the lips, capturing a heartfelt moment between the two.

Celestia and Andy descended gracefully from the air, maintaining their tight embrace.

"Will Blueblood be visiting today? I'd love to spend the day with you without interruptions," Andy inquired, noting the strained relationship between him and Blueblood due to their differing perspectives.

"No, my dear. Blueblood won't be coming today. You both should try to resolve your differences. I believe he will gradually come to accept you for who you are," Celestia said, smiling and placing a hoof over her chest.

Andy skeptically responded, "I doubt it, sweetheart. Ever since the day I tried to scare you with a chicken suit and ended up falling from the ceiling, he's become more annoying than ever." Pausing dramatically, he continued, "Now, he even calls me 'SWEATY SKATER,'" accompanying his words with exaggerated facial expressions and imitating Crocker's high-pitched voice, while comically flying in different directions and performing a rapid headstand.

Celestia, witnessing Andy's unique way of expressing himself about Blueblood, couldn't help but burst into laughter. She tried to cover her mouth with her hooves, but the amusement overwhelmed her.

"I finally found you, Andy!" Luna exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice and clenched teeth.

Celestia, taken aback by her sister's anger, looked on with surprise. Meanwhile, Andy, realizing that Luna might have discovered the tire marks and soap shoe trails he left during his castle adventure, nervously backed away.

"Calm down, Luna. I can explain," Andy stammered, a worried expression on his face.

"Luna, what's going on? Did Andy do something wrong?" Celestia inquired with genuine concern.

"Yes, I explicitly told him not to perform stunts inside the castle, but he didn't listen. I found multiple marks on the floor, stairs, walls, and the pool is a mess. It's not acceptable at all," Luna said, her anger palpable, lips tensed.

"Luna, I swear I was planning to clean it... but I forgot," Andy said, attempting to reassure Luna.

"It doesn't matter, Andy. You disobeyed me. I was very clear when I told you not to engage in such activities. The castle is not meant for such stunts," Luna said with disappointment, crossing her front hooves.

As Celestia heard the exchange between Andy and Luna, she couldn't help but feel torn between her sister and her boyfriend. On one hand, she agreed with Luna, but at the same time, she understood that Andy just wanted to have fun and enjoy himself.

"Well, I'll clean everything up quickly," Andy said, ready to rectify his mistake, but Luna halted him.

"It won't be that easy. Transform back into a human and hand me your instrument," Luna demanded, indicating that she wanted the ocarina of time.

When Andy heard that Luna wanted the ocarina of time, he realized her intention.

"Do you want me to clean everything without magic?" Andy said nervously and surprised, leaning back.

"Exactly," Luna affirmed with a nod.

"That's not fair!" Andy turned his gaze to Celestia. "Honey, support me on this."

Celestia took a breath and made her decision. "I'm sorry, Andy, but Luna is right. I truly appreciate your passion for extreme sports, but you must learn your limits. The castle is not a playground. Being a prince doesn't mean you can do whatever you want while I'm gone," Celestia said, maintaining her calm posture.

Feeling even more guilty when Celestia sided with Luna, Andy lowered his head. He retrieved the ocarina from his pockets and played the melody using his wings as fingers, a tune that signified defeat for him.

Upon returning to his human form, Andy handed the ocarina to Luna, extending his hand toward her.

Luna took the ocarina with her magic. "You won't have access to the instrument for three days; maybe that way, you'll learn," she said as she spread her wings to fly and store the ocarina.

Celestia, using her magic as well, handed Andy a cleaning kit. "I do it because I love you, Andy, but you need to learn from this experience."

Andy spent hours meticulously cleaning the marks he had left throughout the castle. The tire marks on the stairs, the scratches on the golden railings, and the walls adorned with the imprints of his skateboard and BMX—it was a daunting task to restore everything to its pristine state.

However, the pool posed the greatest challenge. Marks from both the skateboard and BMX intertwined on the pool's edges, creating a chaotic pattern that mirrored the intertwining of his two favorite extreme sports. Scrubbing away the marks in the pool became a laborious and time-consuming process. The night had fallen, casting the castle in a serene moonlit glow as Andy continued his work.

Amid the cleaning, Celestia approached Andy to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Celestia rested her head on Andy's shoulder, finding solace in his comforting presence as he tirelessly worked to undo the consequences of his escapade.

"You're quite tender when you seek affection," Andy remarked, his fingers gently tracing through Celestia's mane.

While engaged in the meticulous task of cleaning, Celestia shared her feelings. "When I was on the throne, I couldn't help but feel alone and troubled, especially while you were down here cleaning."

Andy seized the opportunity to transform this challenging moment into a special one. He pulled out his Nintendo DS, revealing a heartfelt creation he had dedicated days to. Celestia directed her attention to the screen, where an animation depicted her and Andy soaring through the night sky, hearts cascading around them. On a fluffy cloud, they stood together, their manes fluttering in the wind, holding each other's hooves.

Overwhelmed with joy and touched by the thoughtful gift, Celestia exclaimed, "That's truly beautiful, Andy. It touched my heart. I can tell you put a lot of effort into creating this."

Their embrace deepened, and Andy whispered, "All for you, my precious."

Under the enchanting moonlight, they shared a kiss that sealed the moment as a cherished memory.

Comments ( 6 )

I’ve been waiting years for a mlp x Tony Hawk crossover! Thank you so much

No problem, I'm glad that there are people who like Tony Hawk, thanks to his games I now practice Skate and BMX.

I wouldn't exactly say it's a crossover, since no pro skater or anyone who has appeared in his games appears in this story, only me, I mean, I'm a skater, but obviously I haven't appeared in any Tony Hawk games.

If you are interested, in this story where I am Twilight, it will have much more Skateboarding and BMX, even Snowboarding. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/544638/what-does-the-future-hold-for-us

Heck yeah! Thx for the link. Tony hawk games were a big influence on me growing up and now I’m getting into solarpunk and am trying to think of a way to combine the two into either a story or something

Great story I’d love to see a full multi chapter version!

Also thought you’d enjoy this


That video was sick man, incredible tricks, especially the basketball one, I think a skater from Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 has a special trick similar to that.

I would do more stories about me and Celestia but I don't think it will be multi-chapter, I prefer to do them in oneshots, I wouldn't want it to be similar to my chronicles. :twilightsheepish:

Aw ok sorry I was mostly thinking a multi chapter origin of how you got to equestria and how you and Celestia became a couple but to each their own still great work!

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