• Published 7th Apr 2024
  • 350 Views, 15 Comments

Who said a foal couldn't be a cultist? - TunaAbolisher

Espeon cultist gets sent into Equestria as a fusion between a espeon and a unicorn. Also he's now a child

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Chapter 1: A new world

A bipedal creature was standing in a makeshift graveyard in front of two crude tombstones, holding a bouquet of lilacs. Unlike the rest of the graveyard, the ones standing before him were new and shared a familiar last name for the creature.

His long blond hair flowed in the cold wind as he continued to contemplate on the scene before him; his thick fur was the same pale purple color as the flowers and protected him against the raging cold of the devastated land. Closing his green eyes and losing himself in thought, the gem on his forehead glimmered slightly amidst the moonlight.

He didn't dare to look down at the tombstone…at their names.The names of ones he had cherished so much.The ones he would have given all of the world to had he been given the chance.Yet, he had no other choice since it would be the last opportunity he would get to see them for a long time.There was no running away from this cruel reality wishing as he might. Slowly fixating his melancholic eyes on the stones, he began to read–

Here lies.

Chester Memphis.

Brave swordsman, Loving Husband and Proud Father. Loved by all for his unwavering heart and overwhelming loyalty..


He almost choked on his own breath trying to stifle himself from sobbing.Just his tombstone alone was already too much for the poor man to handle. His eyes began to glisten with tears as he drifted to the second much smaller tombstone.

In Loving Memory Of.

Ava Memphis.

A ray of sunshine taken too soon from this world. May the Lord cradle her in their loving arms.


The man couldn't hold his tears back any longer and broke down crying. All of the sadness, guilt and anger that had been swelling up inside of him finally exploded in a whirlwind of emotions.

‘What did he do to deserve this? Why couldn't he save them in time? Why didn't he die instead of them? Why would it send such foul creatures to take his family?’ He thought to himself disparagingly as tears continued to blur his vision. Ruminating on the events that had led them to this outcome and how things could have turned differently only filled him with more bitter tears. However, his sorrow slowly boiled away into rage for he knew who had been responsible for the brutal deaths of his husband and son:


The Benevolent God of this world

"I swear...when I'm done with the mistress' orders, I'll hunt down this putrid excuse of a god and avenge both of you…” He whispered through gritted teeth. Shakaly lowering himself onto one knee, he gently placed the flowers between the graves. "Chester, my love…you will never leave my heart. You are the best thing I could have ever asked for in a soulmate. Even if you were a dork at times and we argued over the silliest things. You were always there by my side no matter how bad things got. Even after discovering the truth, you continued to be my foundation of love…you never abandoned me like everyone else–”.

The man had to stop to quell his heart for a moment, lest he break down crying again. Taking deep shaky breaths, he recollected his broken heart. "And you, Ava, my sweet sunshine…I…I'm sorry Mommy wasn't there to protect you. I am so sorry I wish I had been able to see you grow up and achieve every single one of your dreams. The whole world would have been much warmer with all of the love you still had yet to give…but I will never be able to hold you in my loving arms anymore. I hope that the stars above will sing you lullabies in my stead and remind you of my eternal love for you. But do not worry honey, Mommy will be back soon to be with you both once I find the ones who took you and your father from me.” He said in anguish, holding both graves in a tender embrace for a while. All of the memories they had experienced together flooded his mind with overwhelming joy, wishing that they were still here.

After some time, he wiped his tears from his face, quickly regaining the composure he had lost. The sadness that had once been in his eyes, was replaced with the cold stone gaze of hatred. “Arceus…I swear to the primordial powers that there will be nothing left of you and your FUCKING PET once I am done with you!” He howled with fury at the heavens above. “Once I am granted the powers I need, not even the deepest pits of hell will keep you hidden from me” He said, pulling out a midnight colored dagger from his belt. The blade had been seemingly designed for easy concealment with the only notable details being its red bladed tip and the engraving of six tentacles all pointing towards the head of his goddess, The Immortal Giratina.

Gripping the blade with one his other hand, he sliced open his palm in one swift motion not even flinching as his flesh was cut like butter. Holding out his hand in front of the graves, blood began to cake the ground as forbidden chants and whispers escaped his lips. The large pool of blood began to froth and boil as though it were alive, quickly enveloping the area surrounding the tombstones in a faint red glow. Ancient runes in a language long forgotten began materializing from the oozing blood as it pulsated with power. In a sudden flash, the two memorials were engulfed in a dark protective forcefield that would preserve them, even time itself, until he returned.

Satisfied with the results knowing that nothing else would harm his loved ones, he began to sigh in relief before he was cut off by a cold shiver running up his spine. It was as though all the warmth and sound of the world had been devoured in an instant, causing the temperature to drastically drop. The change had been so sudden that he hadn't noticed that the vegetation surrounding him had been covered in frost.

"Mmmmmh~...quite the impressive little creature aren’t you? This seal conjured up is quite powerful and should hold for a lifetime, but I would expect nothing less than my most faithful follower." a voice like honey reverberated in the air around him as he was enveloped in a thick mist. The faint wailing of damned souls permeated throughout the fog as he heard ghostly footsteps approaching from behind. "Are you ready to depart, Nikolas?"

"Yes, Mistress. I am ready to continue your bidding and thank you for allowing your humble servant this moment of mourning. This seal will be strong enough to resist anything that heathenmay send at their grave." He uttered with reverence as he turned around and bowed at the imposing presence of his Goddess. The Goddess of Death’s mere existence warped the world around her form with such pressure as though reality would be shredded apart at any moment. Averting his eyes from the eldritch divinity, lest his mind implode from insanity, he could only see the shadows of her six tentacled appendages flowing majestically in the wind. Despite his natural instincts being overwhelmed by a sense of dread, he could only feel the loving gaze of his Goddess upon him. "Are you sure you do not wish for my assistance in making your oncoming transformation easier for you? It would be such a trivial thing for us and we oh so wish for you success."

"No mistress, you've already done so much for me and even blessed thyne humble servant with such a grand mission that I simply cannot accept more from you without earning it." He said with the utmost respect, fearful that he might offend her by declining her generosity. However, rather than being met with ire Nickolas was quite surprised when the Goddess began to chuckle in a motherly way.

"Nikolas~ my sweet child…you worry too much. I have complete confidence that you will overcome any obstacles that come your way. I will abstain from interfering any further in accordance with thy wishes…unless we deem it necessary. Come then my darling child, rise and let your newest mission begin” Giratina said as she held a hand out for Nikolas to take.

Gently taking the hand of the Goddess, Nikolas rose up with a nod and closed his eyes as he began to focus. Nickolas began to feel magical energy coursing through his veins as Giratina embedded her essence into his very soul. Nickolas was suddenly raptured with an overwhelming feeling of agony as he felt his soul rip apart and remolded as though it were clay. Unable to brace the pain any longer, he felt his subconsciousness slowly drift away into nothingness.

"Good luck, my faithful follower… I will be watching over you very clos–" Were the words he heard before losing consciousness completely.

“Uuuggghhh...that was worse than I imagined," Nickolas groaned to himself as he started to regain feeling in his body. Every part of him felt contorted and out of place sending a wave of shivers throughout his nervous system. Slowly regaining his vision, the first thing Nickolas noticed was that he was no longer in his anthropomorphic form. Instead it seems that he had been transformed into a quadrupedal creature, closely a small pony. It had been quite a long time since he last had practiced changing into different creatures, pokemon and even anthropomorphic forms. The ancient spell book he had found many years ago had enabled him to take the form of all manner of feral creatures…though the experience had never been quite as painful as this one. The ability had honestly become quite the asset in his ability to serve his Goddess, but it really had been ages since he utilized it.
Shaking of the dizziness that still lingered in his eyes, Nickolas began to inspect one of his new appendages in greater detail. "Hooves? Interesting…so the dominant species of this realm must be equines," Nikolas said with curiosity, since the transformation magic was supposed to help him assume the form of the most abundant creatures in the area. Being able to easily blend in amongst the populace would be quite vital if his mission was to succeed. Focusing back on his appearance Nickolas noticed his fur had not changed color, still being a pleasant shade of lilac, though it was admittedly slightly shorter than he was used to.

Raising one of his hooves to feel his forehead, Nickolas was quite relieved to find the magical gem he’d been born with was still there. Meaning if he was in deep trouble, he could resort to using the outlawed moves he learnt back in his own dimension. Though, not like they would be prohibited in this realm anymore since he was pretty sure pokemons didn't exist here. Despite the ostracization he had suffered using said illicit techniques back in his world, they had honestly saved his life more times than he could count.

Feeling a weird protrusion right over his gem, he moved his hoof to feel the weird appendage, only to wince and recoil when he tapped it too hard. "Ouch. Whatever that thing is, it's sensitive. I hope that this thing was a normal part of the transformation…" He sulked before something more pressing dawned on him. "Wait is…cough cough…Is that my voice…what happened to my voice and why does it sound cute?!?" Nickolas yelped in surprise, incredulous at how drastically it had changed. To his credit, Nickolas had been basically known as a proud femboy in his previous life and even had spoken in a higher tone of voice. However when compared to his old voice, this new squeaky voice now reached all new octaves he was not used to.

"I have a theory of what might have happened to me during the transformation…but I hope I am wrong about this." Taking a look at his surroundings, Nickolas noticed that he awoke in a green grassy hill overlooking a forest when his ears perked at the faint sounds of running water. Walking in the direction of the noise, Nickolas soon found himself on a riverbank of a crystal clear river. It was quite surprising to see how clean the whole environment was, being a stark contrast to his own war torn dimension. Figuring that the water was safe to drink, he awkwardly dipped his whole face into the water in order to drink. Having hands was something he was going to sorely miss since they provided greater dexterity and had been quite handy in the past.

Quenching his thirst, Nickolas now took the time to admire his new form in the reflection of the water. What looked back at him through the reflection was the face of a weird hybrid between a cat and a small horse with a small lilac horn with a rep tip at the end horn. His feline-like features were quite more noticeable than his pony features, having pointy fluffy ears, oversized green eyes with slits for pupils and tiny carnivore fangs. He was extremely relieved to know that he was still an omnivore, since the thought of having to eat hay like horses only brought dread to his fragile stomach.His mane and tail had a golden blond color with streaks of green and vainilla running through them, but unlike his mane, his tail split in two at the end like an Espeon. After having every single aspect of his new body, Nickolas came to the one conclusion he had been dreading the entire time.

"I'm a kid..." He moped, letting his own words sink in at the realization. His body was way too small and had a few childish features that proved his theory right, much to his displeasure. "I'm an adult cultist in the body of a dang child...why must you hate me so much, fate?!” yelled the child in anguish at the sky. Which sounded way too cute to be taken seriously by any creatures who could have heard him at that moment. “I don't want to go through puberty again…all those horrible memories!!!" Nickolas continued crying out, feeling a twinge of panic bubble inside of him.

"Alright, calm down Nikolas no need to hyperventilate and panic. Remember those breathing exercises, you just have to breathe…INHALE…and EXHALE,” He said out loud trying to calm his frazzled nerves. “Giratina must have had a reason for molding me this way and as far as I can tell I've still got my magic. I just hope that my power level hasn't diminished, otherwise I'd lose access to some of my more powerful magical spells. I wonder if that transformation spell changed any other impor–WAIT” He cut himself off, fretting as he cautiously lowered his head to look between his legs.

“Im uuuuhhh…huh…guess I was shaped into the body of a male. Though not like that matter since I still remembered that arcane spell I had found while exploring that allowed me to either erase or change my gender at will,” Nickolas said while sighing in relief. That particular skill had always come in useful during several of his infiltration missions in the past trying to retrieve immensely powerful relics for his cult. He still could not believe how many blessings and words of guidance his Goddess had bestowed upon him over the years. Even though he still felt undeserving of her attention, this fact only further emboldened his resolve to dedicate his entire existence repaying her kindness.

Making his way back to the place he woke up in, he was surprised to find a belt with a sole dagger strapped to it, one he knew very well. "Oh hey, my ceremonial dagger made it with me!" He said with joy, carefully concealing the blade within his long mane and strapping on the belt. With all his gear and mind in order, Nickolas felt a surge of energy as he was now fully prepared to begin his mission.

“Alright, first course of action: get used to this body and its limits, gauge how capable I am performing my mistress' magic, then finally find civilization. Shouldn't be too hard to find a town if I follow the river upstream along the forest or get a better vantage point of my surroundings." He mumbled to himself as he hyped himself to venture out into this new land.

And so, Nikolas Memphis's new life in this magical world of ponies began.

Author's Note:

Phew! This was harder to write than i expected.

Still easier than other stories since Nikolas is my own original character i know perfectly but it's still hard to put in everything.

This fanfic was a random idea i got. Nikolas is my oc from a pokemon dnd campaign. Obviously, this fanfic is a Pokemon crossover. But only a small amount of other pokemons will appear as it will most likely be only mentions. I hope you'll like it!

If you wonder, Nikolas's new specie is called a Espeony. Fusion between a pony and a espeon. His body is equine like a pony, but his tail splits at the end like espeons and has bones in it so he cannot cut it like regular ponies, his ears are those of a espeon, he also has canines and fangs since he is still part espeon, as well as whiskers. He has the same gem espeon has under his horn because of course i had to make him a unicorn, he's a espeon magic is his stuff. But hey, you should know what he looks like from the cover art of this fanfic!

Also yes, this story's new chapters will come as sporadically as My other fanfic, Dragon troubles. But as i'm writing this, i'm working on the next chapter for this story. I try to focus on one chapter at a time, but this next chapter regroups both pain in my existence when it comes to writing. Pinkie pie and hospitals. Pair the two together and it's extremely hard to write. I'll try and get it out as soon as i can, but don't expect much.

Now with the amazing work of my new editor for this story, Xowatle. Huge thanks to them!

Comments ( 15 )

Like it, Hope you keep Writing more and have fun doing so.

I'm definitely having fun with how it's basically a au of one of my OC's and I know how to write him perfectly. And I'm glad you like it! I'm trying to get chapter two out as fast as possible so hopefully it'll be out soon!

Couple things right away, is the MC male or female? You use both mommy and yet call him he… also black text is almost impossible to read if you have dark mode turned on maybe try gray?

It's dark purple but maybe i'll try to find a lighter color for Giratina's text, yeah. And Nikolas is male. It's just that since he had a husband and a adopted kid, one of them had to fill out the role of the mother. And since original Nikolas is a full on Femboy and isn't hiding it. He took on the role of the mother in the couple for their kid, and so when their adopted child was still alive, he'd call Nikolas "Mommy" or "Mama"

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

It's no problem. I thought about how it might confuse people when writing this so i was expecting a question like this

That pic is adorable
Let's see where this goes

Yeah. The whole point of the commission when i asked was to make him look innocent to add to his character since acting like a good innocent boy is his whole thing.

And i hope you'll like the rest of the story!

Espeon cultist gets sent into Equestria as a fusion between a espeon and a unicorn. Also he's now a child


Espeon cultist

Anything that involves kneeling and pokemon is a bad time:pinkiesick:

as a fusion between a espeon and a unicorn.

Thats kind of redundant...:twistnerd:

Also he's now a child

Oh God and green apples and the tree their on from which I shall now hang, the bad time is doubled:raritydespair:

Also tuna should be abolished. His crusade shall encompass all edible toilet dwellers!

Except turtles and barnicles. Cause they're awesome

No, no. I'm aiming specifically at tunas. No other water dwellers. Also Fusion between espeon and Unicorn so he has access to new magic and his use of dnd like magic is less suspicious in the later run. Because there was no way i'd make him a espeon and earth pony fusion when he's able to do all he can do

I noticed you skated right by the blisteringly awful debate. Good job:twilightsmile:

Thanks. I'm good at steering away from problems :scootangel:

Honestly though, that particular bit of american minutia has to have rolled up on the shores of Nippons glorious Nintendo legal eagles,

What is that creature in the cover art?

That's our dear friend and main character, Nikolas. It's a commission i paid for to have his official look drawn. The artist did a really great job and it perfectly captures how i saw him look like after his transformation when he crossed over to Equestria

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