• Published 19th Jan 2024
  • 667 Views, 3 Comments

Supplements - Non Uberis

We all need a little something extra for our diets at the start of a day. For Rarity in particular, a strict regimen of supplements is necessary to maintain her voluptuous form.

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Part 2

Rarity’s approach along the avenues of Ponyville is impossible to ignore. There’s simply no way for anypony not to notice so much mare all in one place, such a dense and voluptuous package of pony. There’s also the fact that the shifting of her form has had the side effect of changing the sound of her hoofsteps. When her gut dragged on the ground, it would diminish the sound of her hooves, now the full weight carries through her legs with every step, thudding against the earth. More than that, however, her motions are punctuated by a curious sound, churning and sloshing like a water balloon, the beat of a deep bass drum echoing within her body.

Of course, this is exactly the kind of reaction she usually hopes for—why else would she dress in such a showy manner? Though most of Ponyville is at least used to her presenting herself this way by now, reducing the presence of the bewildered stares she once would have received, there will still be those who can’t resist ogling. She’ll make little offerings to her audience when she catches sight of them: a wink, a shake of her hips or chest, a puckering of lips. She chuckles low in her throat when a stallion or mare goes red in the face upon seeing this display.

She’s a little winded by the time she finally comes trotting along the final approach to Sugarcube Corner, a daily destination for her. On a pleasantly balmy day like this, there are several tables set out in front of the bakery for customers to dine upon their purchases, and Rarity is eager to take a seat. Of course, given Rarity’s regular patronage, friendship with the local baker, and particularly irregular dimensions, there is one table with a particularly large seat which is always reserved for her. More than once, she has come by to find that somepony had taken that most cushy and comfortable and capacious seat for themselves. Usually, the pony and whatever party they were with would oblige Rarity by moving when she asked, but there had been one particularly incorrigible stallion who adamantly refused. Rarity responded to this by sitting on him instead.

Today, there is nopony in her seat, but there is somepony else sitting at the table, nose buried in a book and in all likelihood waiting for her.

“Ah, Twilight, my dear,” Rarity remarks with glee as she wobbles closer, regarding the mare across from her with a warm smile, “how marvelous to see you out and about on such a pleasant day.”

The book held in front of her face falls back, revealing Twilight Sparkle’s face just as she lights up with recognition and realization. “Oh, Rarity, just the pony I was hoping to see!” she remarks with a giggle. Her plump purple lips form into a smile (the nuances of expression with such exaggerated facial features can be difficult to parse, but a pony like Rarity can easily discern the faint curls and flexes). She leans forward until her cushy chest presses into the edge of the table, her tail swaying languidly, just to get closer.

“So I was correct in sensing that you were waiting for me,” Rarity says with an amused chuckle whilst hauling herself into her chair, both it and the table rattling as she bumps into them and sidles into place. Despite the chair being specifically laid out for her, her rump utterly smothers the seat and fills the span between the arms, while her belly spills between her legs. She doesn’t need to scoot closer or lean in for her voluminous chest to press into the table—it’s more a formality than anything, and she’ll usually use her own body to deposit any plates or cups. “Perhaps you have some business that we must tend to? Or did you wish merely for a chance to observe my magnificence in person?” She chortles to herself and bats her eyelashes.

Twilight makes another adorable nasally laugh, her cheeks lighting up with a hint of color. “Well, how could I say no to the opportunity to see the most curvaceous mare in Ponyville?” she mutters bashfully, eyes shifting to the side.

Rarity smiles and drinks in the compliment, more delectable than even the sweetest treat, but still she waves a hoof and insists, “Please, darling, do not discount yourself, I’m sure everypony who sees you cannot help staring at your fabulous flanks.”

The alicorn’s blush deepens while her forehooves reach down to self-consciously press at her broad thighs. She doesn’t even have a chair, instead simply electing to lean back on the girth of her rear, enormous buttocks that would struggle to find space to fit in most couches. Rarity doesn’t think it’s especially hygienic for her to do so, not to mention running the risk of dirtying her clothes, but she has to admit the practicality of it is undeniable. It suits Twilight well, so often prone to sitting around while studying, though her friends have been endeavoring to get her out in public more often. The supplements have done a great deal to help her in that regard.

“Um, w-well, anyhow, uh,” she then mutters, hesitantly raising her gaze to meet Rarity’s again, “I also wanted to see you because, um, I needed to get some…refitting done.” The anxiety in her quavering voice might make one think she was Fluttershy instead of Princess Twilight Sparkle (at least, Fluttershy as she had been before going through her own similar treatment process). She gestures to her chest, and though she is relatively small compared to the unicorn across from her it is clear to see how, where the bulging lavender mass should make a smooth curve, there are noticeable divots made by the low-cut neckline of the dress she wears. Though it is difficult to judge in this position, Rarity has to imagine that the skirt she’s wearing can’t even cover her rump while she’s standing—making all the more of a show for anypony watching her go by—and the underwear might be riding up uncomfortably between her cheeks.

“Hmm, that is quite the dilemma,” Rarity replies with one hoof raised to tap at her chin. “You could have come to the boutique, you know. I would have been glad to get to work on the measurements at the very least.”

“Oh, I did, actually,” Twilight says, smiling sheepishly, “I knocked on the door, but you didn’t answer.”

“Ah, yes, well, I must have been…indisposed. My apologies.” She coughs discreetly. There’s no hint of knocking in her memory, so she must have been asleep. Of course, the reality is that, even if she had roused from her slumber and heard the noise, she probably would have desperately avoided answering. The idea of appearing before somepony else in such an indecent state, without clothes or makeup or a dose of her daily supplements, is utterly anathema to her.

“It’s okay, no harm done,” Twilight says quickly, waving off the issue. “Well, I figured you’d be here eventually. And I needed to come by to get a refill anyway.”

There’s suddenly a rapid rush of movement, hooves scampering over the ground, and an audible sloshing noise.

“Did somepony say ‘refill?’” interjects a bright and cheery voice that could only possibly be Pinkie Pie’s. The pink pony stands beside the table, clutching a carafe in one hoof. The container is full to the brim with coffee, and how she managed to carry it without spilling a drop is a mystery only she knows the answer to.

“O-oh, Pinkie, there you are!” Twilight gasps, reflexively shirking away in her surprise, still so prone to being jumpy.

“Thank you, Pinkie,” Rarity remarks with a chuckle. She would reach out to pat her on the shoulder or hoof, but she knows it’s futile to try to reach that far. “I don’t believe that’s what Twilight meant, though.”

“Oh, okay!” Pinkie slips the coffee underneath her chest—a huge, rotund mass that juts out like a beachball grafted to her front—and with a magician’s sleight of hand next brings out a kettle, steam faintly rising from its spigot. “Tea, then, for the classy couple?” she asks next with a teasing lilt. She winks furtively at Rarity before turning to Twilight and suggestively puckering her cyan-painted lips. The alicorn’s whole face goes red and she seems to sink deeper into the cushions of her ass cheeks.

“No, darling, Twilight is talking about…you know…” Rarity gestures with one hoof, sweeping along her side, up to cup against the fluffy swell in front of her.

“Ohhh, I getcha!” Pinkie leans closer to the table, a devilish smirk on her face, and whispers, “You want the good stuff.” After disappearing the kettle, she reaches a manicured hoof into her puffy nest of a mane and from it she produces an object that she puts on the table with a rattle and clatter. It’s a little pink bottle with a label that reads “Pert Plus Plus” and as she slides it across toward Twilight she says, “Remember to use it responsibly!”

“Th-thanks, Pinkie,” she replies in a hushed tone, hurriedly levitating the bottle over to herself and stowing it away. Her eyes shift about nervously, as if wary of who might be watching.

“How bout you, Rare-rares?” the mare asks next, turning toward Rarity, beaming. “Need any more for your pretty little self?”

It takes a few seconds of earnest thought and conscious restraint for Rarity to shake her head, jowls and neck wobbling. “No, that’s quite alright, dear, I have enough for the time being. I will, however, take my usual daily order to go, and for while I’m waiting, hmm…I’m feeling scones today, whatever you may have.”

“Okie-dokie!” Pinkie salutes to her. “One baker’s dozen’s dozen variety pack coming up!” She turns and trots away with a skip in her step, now treating the mares at the table to the sight of her bulbous buttocks. Though Pinkie Pie’s chest is not as voluminous as Rarity’s, nor are her haunches as thick as either hers or Twilight’s, they bear a particularly exaggerated roundness, pert, defying gravity, protruding from her otherwise trim physique and audibly bouncing with every step that she takes. Her skimpier choice of clothing also helps to draw a lot more attention to herself, short-shorts and tube top leaving vast swathes of pink flesh for all to see. This includes Rarity, who appreciates the lurid display.

She glances back toward Twilight, expecting to catch her staring as well, and she’s correct, but the alicorn appears to have been staring at her before hurriedly looking down. Rarity chortles, rumbling in her throat, but doesn’t comment on this, instead asking, “That’s an awfully quick turnaround, Twilight. I seem to recall you last asked for a new batch hardly two weeks ago, if I’m not mistaken.” She leans forward into her pillowy bulk, hooves laid over top.

Twilight visibly flinches as if struck before stammering, “Uh, n-no, I d-don’t know what you mean! It wasn’t…that recent, it was…a m-month ago, yeah, I remember the exact date! It was…uh….” She fumbles and drifts, seemingly struggling to remember. Or, more likely, remembering exactly what it was but not wanting to admit it.

“Twilight, darling, surely you remember what happened to Rainbow and Applejack when they decided to have their little bimbo-off,” she says, gently chastising with a click of her tongue, “I know how tempting it must be, but it really doesn’t outweigh the consequences when you overdose like that.” Then she sighs and mutters, “The least you could do is come out of the castle and let us see instead of staying cooped up inside all the time.”

Twilight hangs her head, ears drooping, lips fixed in a pout. It’s an expression rather typical of her, so prone to bouts of shame, but it’s so unfitting the way she is now. She should have a smile on her muzzle as her eyes gleam with affection and hunger, cupping at her soft chest and swaying her huge hips from side to side. It makes Rarity frown, tapping her hoof on her pudgy chin.

Finally she says with decisive authority, “You know what your problem is, Twilight?” She lets the question hold just long enough to get the other mare’s attention, not waiting for her to respond before continuing. “You still just think way too much.”

“Wh-what?” A hint of anger creeps into her tone as her brows knit together.

“Now don’t be like that,” Rarity replies with a wave of her hoof, “I’m not telling you to stop reading or whatever. I’m simply saying that your brand of thinking tends to stray toward the ‘over’ variety far too often. You’re never going to get anything done if you spend your whole day thinking about what you’d like to do.”

Twilight still makes a frowning pout, maybe hurt just a little, but evidently unable to make any kind of rebuttal, glancing away while her cheeks redden once more.

“So perhaps, for example,” Rarity then says with a bat of her eyelashes, “instead of thinking about how much you want to kiss me, you should just come over here and kiss me.”

That prompts Twilight’s eyes to widen and her blush to deepen yet further. She stammers a few incoherent syllables and makes some weak jittering shakes of her head but still is unable to respond.

Rarity laughs, jiggles rippling throughout her. “You see? You’re thinking way too hard about it and it’s so simple! All you have to do is come around the table!”

“R-Rarity, I-I can’t…can’t just…!” Twilight stutters. It’s like the clockwork in her head is jamming, stopping everything and threatening to make the whole system fall apart.

“Well if you won’t do it, darling, then I’m just going to have to show you!”

The chair and table both groan as Rarity shifts, forcing herself out of her spot perched between them.

“N-n-no, you d-don’t have to do that!”

“Oh, I’m doing!” Rarity laughs again. “It’s all about doing.”

The unicorn’s body oozes out of the seat, back into a standing posture, all hooves coming down on the ground with a dull thud that makes everything rattle.

“R-R-Rarity, we don’t…we don’t have t-to do anything like this, we can just…just…talk about…dresses!”

“I agree, we can talk about how much we want to take off each other’s dresses!”

Twilight squeals and wails in convulsions of anxiety, but still she remains rooted in place, making no attempt to escape despite how easy it would be for her to run, or even fly or teleport away, while Rarity makes the slow lumbering circuit around the perimeter of the table, a white glacier steadily bearing down upon the alicorn.

Rarity licks her lips as she looms over Twilight, who cringes and cowers, making herself appear smaller in spite of her couch of an ass. The mare’s face is twisted into a mask of battling emotions, eager and agitated all at once—it takes drastically exaggerated expressions to be clear past the obfuscating barricade of lips over the muzzle. She pushes weakly when the unicorn begins to lean upon her, hooves pressing into the cushy girth of her overflowing chest, a marshmallow avalanche that rapidly engulfs her, far eclipsing her own bulbous front. “Rarity…!” she protests, half-muffled as the fluffy bulk threatens to smother her, yet the pretense of resistance gives way to grabbing at whatever is in her reach. She inhales deeply at the scent of perfume, eyelids fluttering, tail swishing and wings twitching.

“Shh, hush now, darling,” Rarity coos to her before she lowers her neck and makes the final push, just about flattening Twilight against the ground before getting into a position to press their muzzles together. Their mingling lips are about the same size, gloss blending together between them, but Rarity manages to be more forceful even as Twilight reciprocates her own passion. She pulls and sucks, wet smacks and pops made by the sheer suction of her mouth, and Twilight melts like putty in her grasp (so to speak, not being able to physically reach her with her hooves around the circumference of her chest).

When Rarity finally lets go, releasing the lock of their lips, Twilight nearly goes limp, lost in dreamy delirium. She chuckles quietly to herself, and she leans in just briefly to nuzzle against the other mare’s cheek, breathing a lungful of her scent. “You’re still such a softie, Twilight,” she whispers into her ear.

“R-Rarity…” Twilight mumbles back, slurred. Her eyes swim lazily, unfocused. One can almost see hearts bubbling through her sclera.

“Now now, no need to speak, just take it easy,” Rarity chides. She eases the pressure on her but doesn’t entirely separate. She uses levitation to pull Twilight into a more upright posture, hips balanced precariously, and then brushes past as she strolls around her. She sways into the alicorn’s back, the swells of her chest and then barrel and then flanks, pitching her forward so that she comes to rest against the edge of the table, barely stirring, as if she had fallen asleep. Now if only she can do the same, as after circling back around the table to her seat Rarity feels distinctly low on energy. She needs carbs to stuff down her gullet immediately.

“Right on time!” Suddenly Pinkie Pie is standing by the table again—Rarity wasn’t paying enough attention to notice her approach, almost making it seem like she just manifested out of thin air, but she’s too hungry to question the circumstances. “Got your first order up!” she says cheerily as she turns in place, a swift motion that sends the tray balanced on top of her rump sliding onto the table, a huge pile of steaming scones just waiting to be devoured. “We’ll have the rest out by the time you’re done!” she then says with a wink.

“I hope that isn’t a challenge, darling,” Rarity replies, smirking, while she takes one of the buttery treats to inspect. The smell of cinnamon and sugar to her is almost like her doughy softness had been to Twilight, intoxicatingly addictive, prompting her mouth to water.

“We’ll beat that tummy of yours someday, Rarity!” Pinkie taunts with a shake of her hips. She starts to walk back into Sugarcube Corner only to take notice of Twilight, slumped over on the other side of the table. “Ha, looks like Twi couldn’t handle you either, huh?” she asks with a knowing grin, eyebrows waggling.

“There are few ponies who can,” she says proudly before inhaling the first scone, gnashing the chewy dough up in her mouth, relishing in the flavor upon her tongue before finally swallowing and moving on to the next.

There is still so much more to indulge in.

Author's Note:

After finishing the first scene, I felt like keeping up my momentum and doing a little more. Unfortunately, this side of the project quickly fell apart. I lost much of my motivation after the first chunk and had a hard time coming back. I was originally going to have a goth Fluttershy in this scene but I wasn't much liking how she was coming out, so I replaced her with Twilight and I ended up not liking that much either. Consequently, this story has been sitting around for a while but I've been hesitant to upload it because I soured so much on it. Oh well.

For whatever reason, I felt like trying to keep this story to relatively tame levels and that somewhat limited my options.

Pinkie Pie needs to stop being a bad influence with her weird fetishes.

If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-Fi!

Comments ( 3 )

So the mane 6 are massive because they're taking a new medicine? I'm very confused

Ostensibly the vitamins aren't supposed to actually make anyone "bigger", rather they reallocate mass to a particular kind of shape. This is most noticeable with Rarity but vaguer with the others. Are we to imagine that Twilight is also fat normally? Who knows, I didn't bother to think that far ahead.

This is a one-off thing, it was just for the sake of thinking about a particular body type, it's not really supposed to be that complicated of a plot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Interesting. It makes more sense now. It's...enhancing certain areas on them.

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