• Published 22nd Jan 2024
  • 1,122 Views, 51 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part One - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty as they meet two ponies from the past, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Then try to find the Elements of Unity.

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Chapter Two - What we Truly Believe in?

Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz were bored. Hitch was busy giving his speech to open Canterlove Studios and they were stood amongst the crowd.

“Is it really the same speech every time?” Glory sighed.

“Pretty much,” Seashell replied. “Let’s sneak off to the beach, no pony will miss us.”

“I can’t, Poppa’s watching me,” Peach Fizz sighed.

Seashell and Glory looked around and sure enough, stood right at the back with a good view of them was Peach Fizz’s father, Peach Stone. He was a big-looking stallion with the same orange-coloured coat as his daughter. However, his mane and tail were a reddish-brown colour, and his cutie mark was half a peach with the stone flying out.

“Why’s he watching you?” Glory asked. “Did you do something wrong?”

“You remember I dropped my phone the other day,” Peach Fizz sighed. “He took it away.”

“But it still works, the screen was just cracked a little,” Seashell frowned. “It wasn’t your fault anyway. Toots wasn’t looking where he was going.”

“I know,” Peach Fizz sighed. “Poppa says I spend too much time on it and it’s not the Unicorn way. He put it somewhere on top of the kitchen cupboards.”

“That’s not fair,” Seashell moaned. “We need to rescue it. Glory can reach it.”

“There’s no need,” Peach Fizz replied.

“Hold on, Sheriff Hitch is finally finishing,” Glory smiled.

“…welcome to CanterLove Studios,” Hitch smiled before turning and cutting the ribbon.

The three young ponies cheered along with the crowd before they and everypony else dispersed in all directions. Much to Hitch's confusion, none entered the Studios.

After making their way across town, Seashell, Glory, and Peach Fizz walked up the path to Peach Fizz’s house. Carrying a roll of paper along with some drawing materials picked up on their way from Glory’s mum.

“I’m not sure about this Seashell,” Peach Fizz sighed.

“It will be fine,” Seashell smiled. “We need to work on the poster anyway so it’s not like we’re lying. If we do it in your kitchen, then Glory can look for your phone.”

They all entered the house and headed towards the kitchen. They found Peach Stone was just putting the last plates away after washing up. “Oh, hey girls,” he smiled. “What are you up to? I thought you’d be outside playing on a day like today?”

“We’d like to but need to finish this poster for school,” Seashell smiled.

“Can we please use the kitchen, Poppa?” Peach Fizz asked. “We won’t make a mess.”

“Or if we do, we’ll clean it up,” Glory added.

“I guess it’s okay if it’s for school,” Peach Stone smiled. “Is it a project or something?”

“Yeah, we need to make a poster about what we really believe in,” Seashell grinned.

“We’ve nearly finished it,” Glory added. “Mom just needed our kitchen to do some baking.”

“Well, that’s fine then. Your mother does make some very nice cakes Glory,” Peach Stone grinned. “I’m off to the store so don’t make a mess.”

“We won’t,” all three chorused as Peach Stone left the room.

Peach Fizz grinned as she spread out their poster on the table. Glory smiled as she placed the drawing materials next to it and got out a crayon. Seashell meanwhile hung back and waited to hear the front door.

When she heard it close with a bang she hurried over. “So, any idea where your phone is Peach Fizz?” she asked.

Peach Fizz blinked with confusion before remembering. “Oh, Poppa normally puts things he doesn’t want me to have on the top of the cupboards, where I can’t reach. It really doesn’t matter though.”

“Sure, it does,” Seashell smiled. “Glory can reach, that’s what wings are for.”

“In a minute,” Glory giggled. “I want to finish colouring in this unicorn’s horn first.”

Seashell grumbled to herself before starting to supervise the drawing and colouring.

“This was supposed to be easy,” Seashell moaned sometime later.

“I’m trying,” Glory whimpered. “These boxes are heavy.”

Gory was fumbling with the boxes on top of the kitchen cupboards. Her little wings flapped hard to keep her hovering in the same position as she searched for Peach Fizz’s phone.

“Keep looking,” Seashell replied. “I’ll keep an eye out.”

“I told you it didn’t matter,” Peach Fizz moaned. “Can’t we just finish the poster?”

“You are finishing the poster,” Seashell replied. “I’ll let you know if your dad comes.”

With that, Seashell looked out the window where she had a view of the street. Meanwhile, Glory had finally gained access to one of the bigger boxes. She removed the lid and her eyes widened. Sat snugly within the box was a phone, but it wasn’t Peach Fizz’s old phone with a cracked screen. It was a brand new one with a small bow tied around it. She realised it was the very latest top-of-the-line model.

“Any luck?” Seashell asked. “You’ve stopped looking.”

“Sorry, I thought I’d found it but it’s something else,” Glory replied quickly.

Seashell scowled with annoyance before looking back through the window. She gasped as she spotted Peach Stone heading towards the house, two large bags of shopping floating beside him.

“He’s here!” Seashell exclaimed. “Quick put everything back Glory!”

“Ahaa,” Glory squeaked as she started moving everything back to where it had been.

“I’m back,” Peach Stone shouted as he walked through the door. “I hope you three haven’t made a mess.”

Just then he heard a clatter in the kitchen. Frowning he walked in and gasped, a jar of coffee lay smashed on the floor. “What have you been doing in here?”

“I’m sorry,” Glory said quickly. “I knocked it off with my wing.”

“Your wing?” Peach Stone frowned. “I thought you were working on a project?”

“We are,” Seashell said quickly, “Glory wanted something from the other side of the table and flew over it.”

Glory blinked with confusion before cottoning on. “Y…Yeah, I caught the jar as I landed. Mom keeps telling me off for doing things like that. I’m still getting used to when I should and shouldn’t fly.”

“Okay,” Peach Stone said unsurely. “So, what’s your poster about?”

“What we truly believe in Poppa,” Peach Fizz grinned.

Excitedly, she levitated the poster up so her father could see. “It’s celebrating all three pony kinds reuniting and continuing to share their knowledge with each other.”

“Like the Pegasi sharing their phone technology,” Gory smiled.

“And the Earth Ponies sharing their knowledge of plants,” Seashell added.

“And the Unicorns helping everypony learn more about magic,” Peach Fizz grinned.

Peach Stone laughed. “Well, we Unicorns have to learn more about magic ourselves before we can share it. Maybe we should share our crystal knowledge.”

He sighed, placing the bags down before opening the box on top of the cupboard Glory had found the phone in.

“When you came home with your phone broken, I was so upset,” he explained. “I thought I’d been silly getting you one in the first place, that maybe you were too young. It's not the unicorn way after all. However, I spoke to Sweets in the shop yesterday and she told me she’d seen everything. How Toots tripped over and knocked it out of your hoof. She told me you were more worried about him than your phone.”

From the box, he levitated out the new phone. Peach Fizz gasped as he presented it to her.

“I needed your old one because Sweets said she could transfer everything. I have no idea how these things work to set them up,” Peach Stone explained. “We did that this morning before the opening of that CanterLove thing. She told me it was all ready to make sure you’d be safe online."

“Oh Poppa, you’re the best,” Peach Fizz giggled as she turned the phone on.

“That’s completely fine, now you take care of this one yeah?”

“I will,” Peach Fizz grinned.

As Seashell watched, she heard Glory whispering to her. “Maybe it was a good thing I didn’t find it.”

Author's Note:

Having only watched Make your Mark, the threesome of Peach Fizz, Glory and Seashell get so little development. These are therefore my interpretations of their characters.

I'm not sure if there's more development in Tell your Tale, I've barely watched that series.