• Published 12th Mar 2024
  • 361 Views, 11 Comments

One Way to San Franciscolt - dart157

Fresh off the moon, something snaps in Luna. Her sister is too ignorant to notice, and ponies have no respect. So, she decides to leave. Maybe, if she was gone, ponies would feel sorry for her.

  • ...

The Effects of Mistreatment

Luna sat in her chambers, lost in thought. It had been two weeks since she had returned from the moon, subdued her sister and plunged Equestria into eternal night, and then defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her five friends, who she still didn’t know the names of.

While Celestia had been more than happy about her return, as the days slipped on, her sister slowly returned to her normal duties, and paid Luna less and less mind.

At Celestia’s order, Luna was not allowed to leave the Castle under any circumstances, to allow for her magic to return, but that didn’t stop ponies from cowering in fear at the sight of her form. Everyone from guards to dignitaries, servants, and casual civilians delivering things to Celestia had quickly bowed low, begging for mercy from the wrath of the Nightmare.

Nightmare. It was a name Luna wanted nowhere near her. She could feel the Nightmare still within her, yet it had taken a more docile role, acting as Luna’s second, albeit more aggressive opinion. She was thankful that the Nightmare was treating her well, but the influence of the Nightmare in the past had more than soured Luna’s reputation amongst the common pony. Still, Luna thought it best to try and make amends with her former foe, so she put up with her occasional rambling.

Feeling the pangs of hunger, Luna slowly rose from her seat on the bed and stopped before the mirror. Every day she looked at herself, studying how her body changed as the power returned. Her voice grew deeper, her body slightly taller, and her mane more ethereal, yet nothing like the transformation she underwent as Nightmare Moon.

Luna sighed and opened the door, bracing herself for the closest guard to grovel at her hooves. She hated it. She wanted it all to stop. She wanted every guard to stand at attention like they did with Celestia, instead of fearing her. Sure, she had the Lunar Guard, but that was a small force Celestia created to keep Luna in check, not a group she could confide in.

Luna’s metal shoes clanked in the hallway as she walked through the castle, toward the kitchen. Even in her state, she was still able to find enjoyment in food, and messing with Celestia. As she passed some guards who had flinched at her straight face, she began to think about how to mess with Celestia next.

The Nightmare too thought it would be appropriate to aid Luna with this thought.

Luna…you should take her prized cupcake…

“Yes, that would be a delectable treat for us, but I have other ideas, Nightmare,” Luna thought to herself, as she opened the door to the kitchen.

Maybe, you should take her ice cream as well…it would be quite the way to exact revenge on our dear sister, hmm?

“A fair idea, Nightmare. It shall be an idea we will act upon then,” Luna chuckled, smiling a small smile as she opened the freezer and removed the carton of ice cream. “You are proving to be a valuable asset, Nightmare.”

Of course, my dear Luna. After that embarrassing defeat, I feel as if I still have an obligation towards you.

Luna popped the top off the ice cream carton and scooped a generous amount out, placing it into a bowl. She returned the now empty carton to the freezer and sat down at a nearby table. With a sigh of satisfaction, she began to eat the ice cream, savoring every single scoop.

Celestia will hate us, yet we will have a full stomach and a renewed energy. It shall be a joyous success for us, and the Night!

“Yes, it is the little things that matter, Nightmare. A victory is a victory, and I say we have secured the win tonight,” Luna thought.

The door creaked open slowly, letting light stream into the dark kitchen. The tall frame of her sister slowly stepped into the room and towards the freezer, apparently not having noticed Luna sitting in the corner.

Celestia had a crazed look on her face, as she rummaged around and fished out her carton of ice cream. Opening it, she looked around inside for ice cream, but found none. A slight gasp escaped her lips, and out of her periphery, she caught the smug smile of Luna in the corner of the room.

As Celestia slowly turned to face her sister, Luna slowly scooped the last bit of ice cream out of her bowl, and placed the spoon in her mouth, licking it clean. Setting the spoon down, she placed a hoof to her mouth and chuckled as she watched Celestia madden.

“Luna…” Celestia growled, but Luna slowly stood up and began to wash the bowl in the sink, the smug grin still plastered on her lips.

“What, sister? What do you require us for?” Luna asked teasingly. “Art thou angry with us?”

“That’s my ice cream, you know that,” Celestia replied through gritted teeth.

“We were peckish. Does the Princess of the Night have immunity to the pangs of hunger?” Luna mocked.

Celestia grumbled and opened the fridge, searching frantically for something else sweet to eat. As she did this, Luna rose from her seat and attempted to squeeze past Celestia.

“Dear sister, we advise thee to limit yourself to the sweets, thy rear is getting quite large,” Luna remarked, slipping by a now very angry Celestia and out the open door.

Success! We got some good food and messed with our sister. Another victory for the Night.

“And I am proud of it, Nightmare, but we must get to bed,” Luna replied to the voice in her head, as she walked along the hallway back towards her room.

Just then, a young mare, obviously a servant, rounded the corner in front of Luna, bumping into her. She fell to the ground with a small scream, and Luna reached her hoof down to try and assist the pony.

“Let us help you, young one,” Luna said to the mare, looking down at her, a small smile on her face.

The servant looked up at Luna, and her expression of gratitude turned into one of horror. The voice, the mane, the eyes, the color of her fur, all of it led the mare servant to believe the pony in front of her was none other than Nightmare Moon. She scrambled backward, her eyes widening and her face morphing into an expression of fear.

In spite of the fear, Luna kept a straight face, rolling her eyes as she waited for the mare to grovel at her hooves. Instead, Luna felt a hoof connect with her cheek, sending her backward.

“How dare thee, ‘tis foolish to hit thy princess!” Luna shouted in her Royal Canterlot Voice. “Thou shalt never forget thy actions!” she added as she charged up her magic, unfurling her wings.

Do it Luna, kill her.

Luna suddenly stopped her power trip as the Nightmare’s thoughts entered her mind. She could almost hear the Nightmare cackling, egging her on to do it. Luna slapped her forehead and discharged her magic, yet retaining the scowl.

“You’re Nightmare Moon, not my princess!” the servant shouted, meeting Luna’s gaze confidently, her brow furrowing. “You have no power over me, eternal night-bringing scum!”

Somewhere in Luna’s head, a thread snapped. Instead of retaliating, Luna began to tear up at the comment. Even the Nightmare had stopped her cackling and was studying the situation intently. Trying to keep the scowl on her face, Luna slowly stepped away, more tears flowing from her eyes, until finally, she couldn’t take it anymore.

In a fit of sadness, the Princess of the Night galloped down the hallway towards her chambers, sobbing. Opening the door to her room, Luna immediately jumped into bed and used her magic to tear off her regalia. Pulling the sheets over her body, she curled into a ball and cried harder, her makeup running down her cheeks and staining the covers.

“It is not fair, Nightmare…” Luna sobbed. “It is no pony’s fault other than my own, and yet I make an effort to change, and they do not accept,” she said to herself.

Normally I would be telling you to ‘give into your pain’ and ‘resent those who fear you’, yet I feel something…different. I do not empathize with you, but I am here if you need anything, my dearest Luna.

Luna sighed and rested her head on the pillow, snuffing out all the lights in the room with her magic. “I hate this castle. I hate being restricted here. I wish my sister would care for me more,” she said to herself.

Your thoughts resemble what you told me a thousand years ago. Shall we return to Nightmare Moon, my dear?

“No. That is out of the question,” Luna grumbled. “The mere thought of being her again disgusts me.”

Suit yourself.

Luna lay in bed for several more minutes as the tears dissipated. “I do not know what I want to do just yet, but I will seek help from my sister in the interim. Try to come up with an idea that does not involve becoming the wretched entity that is Nightmare Moon,” she said.

That is not very nice, my dearest Luna. Remember, I can hear what you are saying.

“That was the point, Nightmare,” Luna seethed. She could almost hear the Nightmare grumble in her head.

Fine, I will think of something that does not involve us returning to Nightmare Moon. You need to rest. I shall guard your dreams, like I always have.

“Even with your impulsiveness, I must not deny how much you have helped me. Thank you for sticking with me, Nightmare,” Luna said to herself, smiling a bit.

It is the least I could do. Now sleep, I command you.

Luna closed her eyes and drifted off, as the Nightmare made preparations for her nightly guard of Luna’s dreams.

The Princess of the Night walked timidly down the hallway, on the lookout for guards and servants. Luna had decided to try and convince Celestia that she was fit to venture outside of the castle, and with her confidence boosted by the Nightmare, she was feeling like Celestia would let her.

Knocking on Celestia’s door, she awaited her sister’s response.

You seem to have a lot of confidence in this plan of yours, Luna. What will you do with your freedom, assuming you succeed?

“I would love to explore Canterlot, for one. I have not seen the city since we were banished,” Luna whispered to herself. “Well, I could not have seen it regardless, this city was founded three centuries ago.”

Just then, Celestia opened the door. “Good morning, Luna,” she said tiredly. “What do you need?”

“We take it thou art tired?” Luna asked, furrowing her brow.

“Yes, sister. The Day Court has taken its toll, I’m afraid,” Celestia chuckled, putting on a weak smile.

Luna thought for a moment. “Sister, would you mind us venturing outside of the castle tonight? We have been imprisoned for a thousand years, and we are tired of being imprisoned once more within thine castle,” she stated.

The solar monarch sighed loudly. “I suppose you may. Promise me, sister, please don’t get into trouble, I don’t need to lose you again,” Celestia pleaded.

“I assure you, there will be no issues. We shall go to dinner, and sit in one of the numerous parks we have observed from the balcony,” Luna said confidently, smiling a little.

“Okay then. Shouldn’t you take some of your guards?” Celestia asked.

Luna snorted. “Guards will not be necessary. This is purely a casual trip for ourselves.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Have fun, dear sister. If you need anything, please let me know.”

Luna nodded her head and walked away slowly. When she heard Celestia close the door, she began to talk to the Nightmare again. “Nightmare, I am sure you would enjoy dinner, correct?”

I have no way of ‘enjoying’ food, I can only process your brain signals, nothing more. If taste is among them, then I can process it.

Luna snickered at the Nightmare and exited the castle. She trotted carelessly down the road, a smile on her face as she felt the cool night air grace her body and flow through her mane. Ponies stopped and stared, but Luna paid them no mind. She was not going to have her night ruined by a few commoners.

Luna explored the city for a couple of hours, venturing up the major roads and looking for interesting things along the way. She studied the various buildings in the city, observed ponies going about their night, and finally decided to get something to eat.

She stopped before a bar with a large crescent moon fitted over the door, named the Blue Moon. “I wonder if the virtue of getting drunk has changed since we were last atop this world,” she thought. Entering the bar, she was hit with the smell of beer, and a smile crossed her face.

So that’s what beer smells like.

“Yes, that is what beer smells like,” Luna thought, sitting down on a barstool. Interestingly, no pony seemed to mind her being there. Swiveling on her stool, she spied what appeared to be a photo of Nightmare Moon, placed on the wall near some distilling equipment. There were other photos too, and they were all framed.

Now that I recall, I do remember there being a pony taking photos that fateful night. Glad to see they captured my likeness in all of its glory.

“Shut up,” Luna thought, but she couldn’t help but giggle a little. She did look rather nice as Nightmare Moon, and the photographer had done a great job.

A few hoofsteps were heard behind Luna, and she turned to see the bartender approaching her, behind the bar. “Evening, princess, what brings you to my fine establishment?” the bartender asked, giving a small bow of respect.

Luna smiled at the newcomer. “Good evening. Tonight would be our first night out from our sister’s castle,” she said.

“Very nice. What can I get you to drink?” the bartender asked, turning to grab a glass. Upon noticing the confused look on Luna’s face, he chuckled. “Guess I’ll just get you a beer then.”

Luna nodded and watched the bartender work, as he mixed together different liquids and poured stuff into her glass. It was fascinating, watching him pull levers and press buttons on machines she had never once seen until today. He finally set it in front of her with a smile. “Drink’s on the house tonight. You are the princess, after all,” the bartender said with a cheeky smile.

Luna flushed red for a slight second. “Thank you, we appreciate that there are ponies who do not fear us and grovel before us. It is not fun watching a pony beg to not be eaten up.”

The bartender laughed. “Of course. Nopony here is gonna make you feel bad. We’re all just here to enjoy a pint or two and joke around,” he said, as he walked over to another customer. “Enjoy your drink, your highness!”

“Thank you, again,” Luna said, nodding her head and taking a sip of her beverage. As she drank, she began to reflect on her experience here. In just a few minutes, she had felt more welcome and appreciated than ever, and by a common pony, no less.

Ugh…this does not taste good.

“Hush, Nightmare. I am enjoying this,” Luna thought, taking another sip of her beer, and chuckling as the Nightmare expressed her disgust in her thoughts.

Several hours and a few beers later, Luna exited the bar, a bit woozy from the alcohol. She collected her thoughts outside the building, pressing against the wall.

After a bit of thought, I believe the effects of alcohol are growing on me.

“Mmm…it is not the best feeling, I think we should return to the castle,” Luna thought, slowly moving down the street. It was quiet and cold, and the moon hung high above.

As she slowly approached the base of the castle, a regiment of royal guards stood at the gate, blocking Luna’s entrance into the castle. They glared in her direction as she walked towards them.

Luna stood at the gate, waiting for it to open, yet it did not. She glared at some of the guards, who did not budge. “Open the gate! Thy princess commands it!” she yelled.

“Sorry, Nightmare Moon, we can’t let you in,” a guard sneered. “Get the hell out of here before we call up Celestia and send your ass back to the-” the guard added, but did not finish his sentence, as Luna angrily lifted him up into the air around his neck.

“How dare thee compare us to that terrible monster!” she said. “We ought to have thee imprisoned for a millennia for such a treasonous action!”

Luna dropped the guard onto the ground with her magic, and forced the gate open, leaving the guards with fearful looks on their faces. “Let this be a lesson to not disrespect us again!” she screamed, slamming the gates shut.

Luna walked slowly through the castle gardens and up to the castle, opening a door that led to her chambers. She sat on her bed softly. “They hate me, they all do. They never want to accept me, not even my sister cares,” she groaned, burying her head in her pillows.

Maybe you need a break. Take a vacation.

Luna growled. “I cannot just take a vacation! I have duties that need to be upheld!”

Celestia can do them. Maybe when she realizes you left, she will try to find you and apologize for her neglect. And if not…

“What do you mean, ‘if not’?” Luna screamed. “Are you suggesting my sister does not love me?”

No…you did not let me finish. If she does not come find you, just continue your vacation. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? Celestia ruled for a thousand years by herself.

Luna sat in silence for a while, pondering the Nightmare’s idea of a vacation.

What about a train trip? I am sure you and I are very curious about these…things.

“I suppose that would be most interesting. I once overheard my dear sister dealing with a pony who described himself as a ‘railroader’, whatever that means,” Luna said to herself. “Shall we tell Celestia?”

No. Just leave the castle. Let everypony realize what they have done.

“I guess that is a reasonable idea. I shall think it over,” Luna thought, smiling at the prospect of a vacation. She was tired of the insults, tired of being called Nightmare Moon, tired of the groveling and begging for mercy. Luna was so close to snapping, and all it would take would be one more pony.

And that pony would be none other than Celestia herself.

Luna decided she would talk to Celestia about her troubles, much to the protests of the Nightmare. To Luna’s more rational mind, it seemed like the more reasonable thing to do, instead of just leaving the castle. So Luna desperately tried to get ahold of Celestia. Each day, Luna asked her sister for some time to have a private conversation, and Celestia relented.

“Not now Luna, I have a meeting I need to attend to,” Celestia would say in response to Luna’s requests.

Finally, after several days, Celestia was able to sit down with Luna for a conversation. As she sat down in Luna’s chambers, Luna started to speak of her troubles.

“Sister…I do not feel appreciated in this castle,” Luna began “Ponies still call me Nightmare Moon, I get no respect from the guards, and I am rarely, if ever, allowed to leave. I just feel restricted, I feel awful…”

Celestia scoffed. “Luna…I’m keeping you in the castle for your own safety. When you went out that one night, I was scared, worried you’d come back hurt.”

“And did I?” Luna snapped.

“You didn’t…” Celestia said softly.

‘Why have you been so neglectful of me as of late?” Luna said, her voice getting louder and more aggressive. “I have been trying to get you to talk to me about things for days now, and you just kept blowing me off, stating you had ‘business to do’. Oh wow, I guess having sex with your secretary was more important than talking with your sister. What a nice thing to know.”

Celestia’s eyes averted from Luna’s gaze. “W-well…there was truth in that statement, I had a big meeting with other rulers.”

“And why did you not invite me? Am I not also the ruler of Equestria?” Luna snarled, her voice raising to Royal Canterlot Voice levels. “Sister, sometimes I feel as if you purposefully avoid me. Do you not think the Elements reformed me enough? Have you fallen for the rumors that Nightmare Moon is simply waiting around for me to get so MAD at you, so she can TAKE ME OVER AND DESTROY YOU?”

Luna’s eyes went white, and she got in Celestia’s face. “Do you know what is stopping me from just taking out all my anger and frustration on you right now?”

Celestia looked fearfully into her sister’s eyes. “N-no…I don’t.”

“My love for you, as my sister,” Luna said, her eyes returning back to normal. “But, with every single thing to you do, like not telling the guards to call me Luna, pushing me away, and maybe even falling victim to rumors, that love degrades ever so slightly.”

“B-but…Luna, we can fix this!” Celestia said, tears forming in her eyes.

“You should’ve done that earlier,” Luna growled. “And now, I think a certain somepony would like to speak with you,” and with those words, Luna’s eyes began to shift a little, the pupils turning to slits, an ominous cackle echoing through Luna’s chambers.

“Ah, Celestia, so nice to see you after all these years,” Nightmare Moon chuckled, her sultry voice flowing across the room. “I heard from my dearest Luna that you have not been treating her well.”

Celestia stood up and charged her horn. “What have you done with my sister, Nightmare Moon?”

“Oh, nothing. In fact, she let me out,” Nightmare Moon smiled coldly, albeit still in Luna’s body. “I cannot do much outside of talking to you, so let me make this quick, Celestia,” she snapped. “You have been horrible to her. So horrible, in fact, it made me, the so-called ‘evil villain’ you ponies speak of, feel empathy towards my dearest Luna. Over the past three weeks she has been back home, you have kept her cooped up in this castle, subjected to terrible treatment from the staff and guard, and ignored her. It took us five attempts to even get you to talk to us,” Nightmare Moon said, glaring at Celesta.

“If the ‘deplorable and despicable Nightmare Moon’ has to tell you what you have done wrong, you have seriously messed up,” Nightmare Moon added, snarling.

Luna’s eyes slowly changed back to their normal size, and Luna breathed heavily, watching her sister intently. “So, dear sister, did the Nightmare change your mind? Or maybe open up your eyes to my plight?”

Celestia sighed, but maintained her case. “Now that I know Nightmare Moon has been talking to you, you are most definitely not allowed to leave my castle. In fact, I’m going to station guards outside your quarters until we can remove her from you,” she said. “I cannot let you become corrupted again.”

Luna’s eyes widen, her expression turning into one of rage. “I did not let that monster out just for you to shut down our opinion!”

“Sister, I…I’m trying to prevent you from becoming corrupted, by removing Nightmare Moon from you, this will help you!” Celestia said, attempting to reason with her sister, but to no avail.

“Get out,” Luna snapped.


“GET. OUT.” Luna yelled. Using her magic, she pushed Celestia out of her room, and slammed the door shut.

The moment Celestia was gone, Luna snatched up her suitcase and began to pack. Throwing in all sorts of things, she stuffed it full of everything she needed to live life away from the castle.

Maybe after we’ve left her, she’ll feel bad for all the misfortune she’s brought upon us.

Luna ignored the Nightmare, continuing to pack. Grabbing some large bills, she stuffed them in a wallet, and threw it in her suitcase, shutting it tight. Opening her bedroom door, she scanned the hallway, and ran for the door. Using her strong wings, Luna took off the moment she left the castle. She flew to the train station, and slowly approached it, composing herself.

Walking up to the ticket booth, she leaned on the counter, trying her best to maintain a smile, desperately holding back the tears.

“One way to San Franciscolt, please.”

Author's Note:

More chapters coming soon!