• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 855 Views, 157 Comments

My Little Sister is a Dragon: Ester Dracos Arc - AleximusPrime

Nightwatch and Buttercream encounter a young eastern dragon named Lily, leading them on an adventure to the land of Ester Dracos. While Buttercream has some fun, Nightwatch does some important research with the help of Emperor Antirrhinum.

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1. A Lost Little Long

Thunder rumbled in the distance, as the clouds grew darker and blocked out the sun. Buttercream leaned on the rail of the deck and watched eagerly. Nightwatch joined her, while Aurora Shine and Midnight Hue sat on a swinging chair by the front door. Buttercream and Nightwatch had always enjoyed watching thunderstorms in the summer, and there was a big one passing through Daleshire tonight.

“Nighty, see the rain in the distance?” the little dragoness said, pointing to the misty water falling down onto a mountain in the distance.

“I see it. This storm is gonna be the best of the summer!” Nightwatch responded.

Just then a bolt of lightning flashed.

“OOOOH!” they all said simultaneously.

“EEEH! I love watching thunderstorms!” Buttercream squealed.

“You kids might want to move in once the rain comes down. Also be careful of the lightning,” Aurora told them.

“Ah, they’ll be fine, Honey,” Midnight teased his wife. “Just don’t come crying to us when you two get soaked.”

“Jokes on you, Dad! I love getting wet!” Buttercream said, bouncing up and down as more lightning flashed.

“Whoa! That was a good one!” Nightwatch said.

The wind began to blow and the trees swayed from its might, as leaves fell off. The thunder rumbled louder, causing the window panes to vibrate. Nightwatch and Buttercream felt water falling down on them. They put their tongues out to catch more droplets in their mouths. The rain grew louder and faster and soon joined the sound of the wind. In just a few seconds, the darkest clouds had hovered right over their cabin and dumped millions of droplets. The lightning continued to flash and the thunder kept roaring every few seconds. The entire outdoors were covered in a thick mist of rain falling down. Nightwatch was already soaked and decided to move back in. They both dried themselves off with a towel that Aurora retrieved from inside.

“Alright, Butter. We’d better stay away from the outside while the lightning is still flashing,” he told his little dragon sister.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t wanna get hit by a bolt,” Buttercream replied. “Still, this is so fun to watch! This is why I love summer so much!” “When we get these storms, they’re like…huh? What was that?”

“What was what, honey?” Aurora asked.

“That sound. Was that a cat or something? Oh, it actually it sounds like someone calling for help!”

“Shhh! I hear it too!” Nightwatch said, motioning for everyone to be silent.

“HELP ME!” shouted the faint voice of a female child somewhere in the vicinity.

“There it is again!” Butter exclaimed.

“Oh my goodness! Who is that?” Aurora asked.

“Guys, look! There’s someone up there!” Nightwatch said, squinting his eyes to get a better view of the sky.

Several hundred yards away in the sky was a small object being hurled about by the wind. Lightning flashed and Nightwatch was just barely able to make out a little creature. It appeared to be a young pony from this distance but did not have any wings. The crying grew louder and the creature began to wave its arms.

“HEEEEELP! I CAN’T FLY IN THIS!” shouted the creature.

“She’s in trouble! Nighty, what do we do?!” Buttercream asked her brother, frantically.

“I don’t know if we can do anything with all this lightning!” Aurora said.

“Well I’m not waiting to find out!” Nightwatch replied as he boldly dashed out into the rain.

“NIGHTY!” Buttercream shouted, as Midnight and Aurora held her back.

Nightwatch ran through the front yard, crossed the dirt road and made his way to the field on the other side. His horn glowed and he casted a shield spell that would protect against the lightning. The creature was getting closer to the ground and finally landed and rolled around uncontrollably.

“WHOA! OW! UGH!” she said, tumbling into some tall grass.

“HANG IN THERE! I’VE GOT YOU!” Nightwatch said.

He used his magic to pick up the creature and set her on his back. He rushed back to the house and made it to the front porch, just as there was a final lightning flash followed by a loud crack of thunder. Nightwatch was soaked again but was only concerned with helping their unexpected visitor. He brought the creature down onto the mat in front of the door. Midnight used his magic to turn the front lights on so they could see what she was. Nightwatch thought she would be a pony, but sure enough, this creature was something else entirely.

Instead of hooves, she had digits at the end of her limbs like Buttercream. Her body was serpentine and her face was doglike. Nightwatch was suddenly reminded of Steven Magnet, the large water-dwelling dragon that he and Buttercream met a few weeks ago during their trip to see Princess Luna’s return. This one was different though. While she had scales visible on her yellow underbelly and nose bridge, the rest of her was covered in bright, spring-green fur. Instead of spikes, she had a mane of darker green hair going down her head and body and a small tuft of light green fur at the tip of her tail. Unlike Steven, who had fishlike fins on the side of his head, she had mammalian ears and a set of small brown antlers. She also had four limbs instead of just two.

“Is she alright?” Aurora asked.

“I think so,” Nightwatch responded, as he tried to wake up the creature.

“Nighty? Is that what I think it is?” Buttercream asked.

“Yeah, I think it’s one of those eastern dragons.”

“Didn’t you guys say you met one on your trip?” Midnight asked.

“Yeah, but Steven was a full-grown sea serpent. I’m not sure what kind this one is. Hey, Miss? You awake?”

Nightwatch continued to nudge the little furry dragon until she woke up. She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes with her fists. She opened her eyelids to reveal red irises. She looked up at the unicorn stallion that had just rescued her.

“Hey…tha…thanks for helping me,” she said, faintly.

“Are you okay?” Nightwatch asked.

“I am. Sorry about that. I’m not the greatest at flying when the weather is bad like this. Now you guys are…wait…you guys are unicorns…but is that a Northern Drake I see?”

The mysterious dragon stood up and made eye contact with Buttercream who was already excited to be meeting another fellow dragon.

“Is that my species or something? Cuz I still don’t’ know,” Buttercream giggled.

The dragon stood up and began to levitate around Buttercream, while examining her.

“Well of course it is! You have no horns, but you’ve got a very prominent set of dorsal spikes going down your head and back, which definitely makes you a Northern!

“EEEEEH! Guys, she knows about my kind!” Buttercream squealed as the dragon continued.

“You’ve got a good length for your claws, your spikes are nicely aligned, your scales are even, and you should be growing your wings in a few years give or take!”

“Wings? My kind grows wings?!”

“Not only that, but some Northerns grow to be quite rotund as they eat more healthy gems, so judging by your physique, that little belly of yours is soon going to be a lot bigger. That’s a perfectly normal thing for Northerns though and will keep you insulated in colder weather. I hear you guys are really cuddly but also really strong. You’re gonna be super cute when you get older!”

“Nighty, did you hear that? I’m gonna get wings and be a big, cuddly, fat dragon someday! I’ll be the best hugger around!”

Buttercream hugged her brother’s leg. Nightwatch was already very happy to be hearing someone talk a lot about her species as he had been wondering about it for a while.

“Gosh, you know quite a lot about other dragons! But you’re an eastern one, correct?” Aurora asked.

“Yup! I’m an Eastern Drake from Ester Dracos! My species is called the ‘wind longs.’ We have snake-like bodies, fur, antlers, and we can breathe fire and use magic!”

“Is that how you’re able to fly without wings?” asked Midnight?

“Most of our magic comes from our antlers, but when we levitate, you might not see them glow cuz it’s more like a mind power we have. It’s a little hard to explain. Oh and where are my manners? Sorry. My name is Lily.”

“Great to meet you, Lily!” Aurora told her. “I’m Aurora Shine. This is my husband Midnight Hue, my son Nightwatch, and our little adoptive dragon daughter over there is Buttercream.”

“Daw, you guys adopted her! That’s so sweet! I had no idea some dragons would allow ponies to adopt their young.”

“Well technically we found her,” Nightwatch told Lily.

“My egg was out in the woods, so Nighty hatched me and took me home. They’re the greatest family ever!”

“Still sweet that he took you under his wing…well, not wings, but you get my meaning.”

Midnight had opened the door and let everyone in where it was a bit warmer and dry. Aurora grabbed another towel and put it around Lily, while speaking to her.

“So, Lily, what were you doing in Equestria? And in a storm of all things?” Aurora asked.

“Well my brother Aster and I were abroad for some important business and I got caught up in this storm. Like I said earlier: I’m not the greatest at flying in heavy wind. My brother’s more the professional when it comes to levitation and magic, but I’m getting there.”

“You seem pretty well educated,” Midnight remarked.

“Oh, I just pay attention in school. Sadly that’s all I know about Northern Drakes. So Buttercream, do you know who your parents are?”

“Well they’re standing right next to ya, but I don’t know who my real dragon mom and dad are,” Buttercream replied.

“We’ve been wondering about Butter’s kind for a while, but we never found her parents. That’s okay. She’s been the greatest blessing this family has ever had.” Nightwatch added as he put his arm around his little sister.

“Aw! You guys are the sweetest ponies I’ve ever met! Of course you’re the first ponies I’ve ever met, but I’m sure you compete quite well!”

Everyone led Lily into the living room. She sat down on the couch with the towel still on and Nightwatch and Buttercream joined her. Aurora brewed some warm tea for their visitor while Midnight kept talking with Lily.

“So you and your brother were here on important business you say?” he asked. “What were you guys doing here?”

“Well, see, we just heard that Princess Luna returned from a thousand-year slumber, and according to our leader, Emperor Antirrhinum, that means it’s time for Ester Dracos to reunite with Equestria. Our family has a close friendship with Antirrhinum, so we volunteered to go into Equestria to find the princess and bring her to talk things over.”

“You guys are looking for Princes Luna?!” Buttercream exclaimed.

“Sure are. Is she around?”

“Well she’s not close, but we know her!”

“You know the princess!?”

“We sorta met her a few weeks ago after the whole Nightmare Moon thing happened,” Nightwatch explained. “We actually encountered her not long after the stars freed her. Thankfully some other ponies found the Elements after we left and dealt with her. We met Princess Luna later and became fast friends with her.”

“And she was so impressed with our Nightwatch, she actually asked for him to be her protégé!” Aurora said, rubbing Nightwatch’s cheek with her hoof as he blushed.

“Wow, I can’t believe it! Good thing I fell near your house and got your attention! I just wish Aster was here.”

“Well hey, you’re welcome to stay with us for now. Tomorrow we’ll see if we can find your brother,” Midnight told her.

“In the meantime, have some tea, dear,” said Aurora, handing her a tea cup.

“Ooooh, chamomile! My favorite!” Lily said, sipping the tea. “I really do appreciate your guys’ hospitality! When I find Aster, it would be nice if you could just point us in the right direction to Canterlot. I think we missed a turn and that’s how I got caught up in that storm.”

“Uh…actually, Lily, I’m not sure we should have Princess Luna go with you guys to your homeland. At least not right now,” Nightwatch warned.

“Why is that?”

“Well, it’s just…she hasn’t been doing so great ever since she came back. She did just get imprisoned in the moon for a thousand years after all. It hasn’t been easy for her to get with the times.”

“Eh…yeah, you do make a valid point there.”

“And we saw how bad it was with the Nightmare Moon possession. It’s left her feeling pretty depressed since then. I think she perked up a bit after meeting us that night, but all these new changes have not been easy.”

“I see. Well when I find Aster, we’ll see what we can do about it.”

“Tell you what. I’ll send a letter right now to Princess Luna and see if she responds soon. She just sent me these magic stamps that Celestia made that can be instantly transported to Canterlot so we might get a response real soon. Celestia can probably help out in her sister’s place.”

“Nighty, I have an even better idea!” Buttercream exclaimed. “Why don’t you and I travel over to Ester Dracos and talk with their Emperor! We can be ambassadors!”

“Uh…well, I guess that could work. Mom, Dad, what do you guys think?”

“Go to Ester Dracos? Well I’m not sure. We’ve never been there ourselves. Lily, is it safe for ponies to go?” Aurora asked.

“Sure it’s safe!” Lily chimed. “The Easterns aren’t used to ponies being around, but there’s no sentiment against them there. After Nightmare Moon happened a thousand years ago, it created this divide between dragons and ponies, but most of the longs have forgotten about it and the older ones have grown past it. To be honest, a lot of them are really interested in Equestrian culture and would probably love to see a unicorn there with a little Northern Drake!”

“They’ll be fine, Aury,” said Midnight. “Won’t be nearly as crazy as their last trip.”

“That’s true, dear,” Aurora replied.

“EEEEH! ANOTHER TRIP!” Buttercream squealed.

“Well we should probably wait till we get a response from the princess,” said Nightwatch. “I’ll send that letter tonight and see if she’ll get back soon.”

“In the meantime, Lily, we have a guest room upstairs if you’d like to stay in it,” said Aurora.

“Thank you so much!” Lily said. “I could really use a nice warm bed right now! That storm was pretty scary, but I’m glad this guy saved me!”

Lily cuddled up to Nightwatch as he put his arm around her.

“It’s what I do,” he said, bashfully.

“My brother’s a real hero,” Buttercream told Lily. “When you wake up tomorrow, we’ll tell you how he helped take down a big killer robot sheep!”