• Published 2nd Feb 2024
  • 287 Views, 3 Comments

We Could Build An Island - Crimson Enjoyer

Twilight and Pinkie are stuck living on a boat in the middle of the sea.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Conviction To Joy

Twilight is in my bedroom. And she’s sleeping on my bed. Which I am also sleeping on.
I have had so many dreams about exactly this happening, though in my dreams the circumstances were…pretty different.

We’re not really that close right now, even though we are under the same blanket this time. She’s all curled up in a ball, snoring away. I can’t even keep my eyes closed right now. Too busy thinking about…a lotta things, really.

We’re not even facing the same direction. This doesn’t really as nice as last night did. But at least this time, she actually knows we’re doing it. She even asked me specifically! Which means she…must have liked it too…

And this morning, when she did all those little exercises, she…was she trying to show off her body? To me?
No, that’s just silly. Twilight would never be interested in someone like me. I’ve known that for years. Just because we might be the last two mares on the planet doesn’t mean she’s gonna suddenly want-

Ok. No more thinking about that. If I let my head go there, I definitely won’t be getting any sleep tonight.

Suddenly, I feel something being pressed against my back, and then what feels like forelegs wrapped around my waist…
There’s no way.

I look to my back, and- oh my gosh it’s twilight she’s spooning me she actually came up to spoon me in her sleep oh my gosh this is actually happening this isn’t a dream-

I’m cool. I’m totally cool. Why wouldn’t I be cool?

She nuzzles my back, and I hear her make a happy little murmur.
Ya know what? Maybe instead of indulging in gay panic, I should just let myself get comfortable in her embrace, because really, when am I gonna get a chance like this again?

But…she’s doing this in her sleep, she probably has no clue what she’s doing. Does that mean I’m taking advantage of her?

For about three minutes straight, my mind is split between two sides, one going “just let this happen! She’s so soft and it feels so good!” while the other is all “wake her up! She doesn’t know what she’s doing, and neither of you gave consent!”

As much as I don’t want her to stop holding me, I have to at least make sure she knows. I turn my whole body around to face her. Her face looks just like it did last night, when she was resting on my foreleg. Which is to say, absolutely perfect in every way.

I really don’t want to wake her up, she looks so comfortable. She lets out a very pleased sounding “mmmm” in her sleep. I wonder what she’s dreaming about? Maybe something tasty. Like cupcakes. Or pancakes. Or cupcakes baked inside of pancakes. Ugh, now I’m getting hungry.

She then lets out a very breathy “ooooooo”. Ok, probably not a food dream. Maybe a massage dream?
Ok, enough wondering about what area of dreamland she’s in. I have to wake her up now. I have to make sure.

But then she does something that hits me like a train.

“mmm, ooooh, Pinkie, mmmm”

Suddenly, I’m frozen in place. And to make matters worse, it doesn’t stop there.

I watch helplessly as she takes her hooves off me, and drags one of them all the way down to her-

My eyes shoot open, and for several seconds, I attempt to process my current situation.

I was dreaming. Of course I was. There’s no way something like that could’ve actually happened…

I scan the room. In no time at all, everything comes back to me. The boat, the fish, the chess, the-

It is at that moment that I notice the presence of a pink-coated, frilly maned Earth Pony, with baby blue eyes sitting on the bed.
The bed of her room. That I had asked to sleep in that night.

I had just had an erotic dream about my friend, while sleeping in the same bed as them.
I then recall what woke me up. It was a voice. It was her voice.

She knows.

I can’t even look her in the eye right now. Whether that’s because of the sheer uncomfortable awkwardness, or an intense feeling of shame, I can’t tell.

It has to be shame. Bad enough that I have a dream like that about one of my friends, but to have it while I’m sharing sheets with her?
Another thought then hits me. I had an erotic dream about her.

I’ve always thought Pinkie Pie was a very attractive, very pretty mare. But I thought that about all my friends. It’s not like I’ve never had dreams of that nature before, but they were always about ponies I had imagined in my mind. Sometimes a big, burly stallion, other times, a shapely mare with pretty eyes and a curly mane.

Shapely. Pretty eyes. Curly mane. Those all describe Pinkie to a tee. They also describe Rarity quite well, but Rarity didn’t have Pinkie’s beautiful pink coat, or her adorable face, or her wonderful poofy mess of a mane, or the extra layer of fluff that comes with being an earth pony. And as pretty as Rarity’s eyes were, they couldn’t compare to the brilliant baby blues the pink pony had. She also most certainly couldn’t compare when talking about Pinkie’s big, round, cushion-y looking flanks-

…..oh my god.

I still can’t bring myself to look at her, but she doesn’t sound angry. Her voice actually sounds…comforting.

“Twi…I’m not mad at you, or anything…if that’s what you think.”

I finally gather the nerves to look her in the eye. She doesn’t look disturbed, or uncomfortable like I thought she would. She just looks concerned. Concerned for me.

No matter the situation, Pinkie always seems to put everyone else’s happiness above her own. Even after everything that’s happened, after losing our home and getting lost in the middle of nowhere, being forced to eat the same thing every day, all of that, and her conviction to joy has never wavered.
Even after I do something like this, betraying her trust, she’s still concerned for me.

And that’s when it all hits me, all at once. The dream I had with the strange pink entity. The dream I just had about being intimate with Pinkie. The sense of comfort and adoration I felt during Pinkie’s chess show. Something has definitely changed in how I view Pinkie, and it’s not just a matter of physical attraction.

“Pinkie…” my voice comes out strained and small. “There’s some things we need to talk about…some things about…us.”

Her cheeks turn red at the use of the word “us”. It’s honestly an adorable sight.

“Ok…um, what-do you wanna talk…about?”

I open my mouth to speak, but something clicks in my head as I look at her, nervously stammering. I suddenly feel a strange sense of boldness.

“Ya know what, Pinkie? We can talk tomorrow. Right now, there’s just one thing I want to ask.”


“…Can I kiss you?”

Her eyes and mouth go as wide as I think possible. I instantly start to regret what I said.

Damn it, Sparkle. What’s gotten into you? You should be talking to her about important things, but instead you go and try to be some suave ladies’ mare? RIGHT after she catches having a wet dream about her-

“I don’t know, can you?”

Her voice shuts down my mental self-chastising. I stare at her dumbly for a few seconds. She has an awkward grin on her face, like she’s trying to look smug and snarky, and failing.

I’ll take that as a yes.

I give a smile of my own that probably looks just as stupid, and slowly lean my muzzle forwards, closing my eyes. She does the same, albeit a bit faster.
And then, our lips connect.

For what feels like an eternity, everything goes blank. Everything, except the sense of touch on my muzzle, and inside my mouth. Her lips taste sugary and sweet, almost like they were designed for kissing.

At some point, our mouths open, and her tongue made contact with mine. Or mine with hers? I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I know is that this might be the best kiss I’ve ever had.

When we finally disconnect, our eyelids are heavy, and my tongue is hanging slightly out of my mouth, a small strand of saliva connecting it back to Pinkie’s muzzle. I lick my lips, trying to savor as much of that taste as I can.

She puts a hoof to her lips, blushing profusely, smiling. It’s not a shy smile though. It looks almost...bittersweet. Wait...are those tears? Is she crying?

“I’m ok, Twilight, I just…I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time.”

Does she...is she saying what I think she’s saying?
I shake my head. Tomorrow. That’s when will talk.

For now, I wrap my forelegs around and bring in for a hug. She sniffles quietly into my shoulder.

“You make me so happy, Pinkie. I hope you know that.”

She lifts her head to look at me, a look of longing in her eyes. Then she darts forwards, and our lips meet once again.

Though at first, I’m taken aback by this, I very quickly lean into the kiss. Our grip on each other becomes stronger, and I run my hoof through her mane.

The kiss quickly becomes more and more impassioned, our chests pressing against each other as we run our hooves over each other’s bodies.
I wrap my wings around her waist and caress and trail down her back with my feathers, until they reach her flank. I feel her shudder slightly at the touch.

That night, Pinkie and I became closer than ever. And it was the best night of my life.

As I awake with a yawn, I take a look around the room, until my eyes land upon a pair of pink forelegs wrapped around my barrel. I look behind me, and see her. Her head resting against my back, and her hindlegs draped over my own.

The memories of last night all come flooding back to me, and I smile.
I turn my body around to face her, her grip never wavering. I run a hoof through her mane, and she begins to stir.

Her eyes flutter open, and she looks at me.

“Good morning, Pinkie.” I caress her mane once more, before cupping her cheek. She grins happily and places several pecks on my hoof. Her lips are just as soft on my toe as they were on my muzzle, and my chest, and my…

I can’t see my own face, but I’m pretty sure I’m blushing. Still, her kisses are making me somewhat eager, so taking her by surprise, I put my hoof to her chin and bring our muzzles together.

We may both be too tired to take things any further, but that doesn’t mean the kiss is any less passionate. She strokes my mane, and I rub gentle circles on her chest.

At some point, she rolls me and herself over so she’s on top of me, her lips never breaking contact with mine.

Her fur is so nice and soft against mine. Eventually, our kiss ends, and we go back to just smiling at each other.

“Twilight…there’s something I have to tell you.”

“Yes, Pinkie?”

“…I really, really like you.”

I giggle softly. “I never would have guessed,” I say with a smirk. But she’s frowning. Why is she frowning?


“I’ve- really, really liked you for a really, really, really long time…”

“…How long?”

“For about…as long as I’ve known you.”

Oh. Oh.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“Well...at first I thought it was just a tiny little crush, and that it would go away. It never did though. I thought about, ya know, maybe asking you out on a date one day, but I never did, because…”


She doesn’t answer. She keeps opening her mouth, but nothing comes out. Instead, she just seems to keep getting more upset about…something.

I cup her cheek.

She looks at me with those amazing eyes of hers.

“I really, really, really, really like you too.” I kiss her on the nose.

She blushes, gives a huge adorable smile, and buries her head in my chest. I wrapped my forelegs around her, and time stands still as we lay in each other’s embrace.

Author's Note:

I'm gonna be taking a small break from this story now that this chapter is out. Not a long enough break for me to mark it as on hiatus, but don't expect chapter 5 to come out for a few more weeks.

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