• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 2,734 Views, 9 Comments

Hearts and Hooves Hassle - AndrewsArchive

It's Hearts and Hooves Day Day and Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, and Misty are acting weird with you today. 

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Hearts and Hooves Hassle

Today was Hearts & Hooves Day, which you found out was the ponies' version of Valentines Day. You were walking all by yourself through the town, greeting the many ponies who lived there. When you were found unconscious somewhere outside of the bay, they all took you in. Six ponies in particular did the most, being Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn.

You saw many ponies on your stroll who were with their special someponies enjoying the holiday. Giving each other things such as gifts or physical affection. While you enjoyed being friends with these ponies. You envied them because you yourself are a human and not a pony. It's illegal back on Earth. Even though you don't know if that same law applies here in Equestria, you didn’t want to take any chances. But at the same time, you yearned for romance in this world. If only you were a pony.

"Hi Anon!" A familiar voice called out to you from the right. You look over to see Sunny Starscout in her smoothie booth who was looking back at you with a smile on her face.

"Oh, hey Sunny." You spoke. "How's it going?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just selling smoothies to couples today! Nothing very special." She replied.

"Sounds nice." You replied.

"Oh, how about I make you one as a nice token of our friendship." Sunny said.

"Uh... I dunno Sunny, I-"

"Oh, come on, it's on the house. I'll even make it your favorite flavor~" She insisted.

You thought about it for a few seconds. You didn't want to say she was pressuring you. But you didn't want to refuse her because you would probably regret it later or make her feel bad.

"Eh.... Alright. I guess so.." You reply.

With that, Sunny smiled as she began her work on your smoothie. Adding the right fruits you loved into it. Unbeknownst to you, she was planning something. After a little while she had finished it. But instead of handing it to you from the window. She exited the stand and handed it right to you.

"Here you go!" She smiled.

"Thanks, Sunny." You reply, until you you noticed that there was an extra straw in the smoothie.

"Um.... Sunny. Why are there two straws on this?" You ask.

"Oh um... I don't know..." She replied, looking a little nervous. "But um... hey! How about you just take a sip? I mean, you do deserve a nice treat after a while.

You felt confused by Sunny's questionable behavior right now. But a free smoothie is a free smoothie. So, you decided not to question it as you put your lips onto the straw. As you closed your eyes, enjoying the taste. Sunny knew this was her chance as she got closer and was about to put her lips on it.


Before you could process what just happened, Izzy suddenly zoomed out of nowhere and tackled you on to the ground. This wasn't anything new from her, but it still caught you off guard.

Meanwhile, the smoothie went flying out of your hand and landed right upon Sunny's mane. Her eyes were widened finding you suddenly disappeared.

You look up to see the lilac unicorn smiling down at you as her eyes sparkled.

"Uhh... hi Izzy..." You speak. "Can... you please get off me?"

"Haha... sorry..." Izzy blushes before getting up off of you as you get back up as well. "Anyway, I NEED show you my latest creation! I just gotta know if you'd love it!"

"I... mean... I don't see why not..." You reply.

Izzy squealed at your response, "Thank you so much, Nonny! Come on, I left it over here!"

Izzy brought you right over to what her next unicycled project was. It looked to be something being hidden under a giant red cloth.

"So, uh... what is this?" You ask.

"Prepare to feast your eyes, my friend. For I, Izzy Moonbow have created one of the best things Equestria has ever seen!" Izzy said while trying to be all dramatic. "Once you gaze upon it's fantastic form, you'll never want to look away!"

"I present to you," Izzy then pulled the red cloth off it and presented it right to you. "The year's HOTTEST look!"

What stood before you was a big sized heart that was painted bright red and was covered in glitter that sparkled everywhere and was displayed on a podium. Izzy seemed to have put so much effort into it.

"Wow.... It's amazing..." You speak.

"I knew you'd love it Anon!" Izzy beamed. "I had a feeling you'd love it!"

"So.... Who'd you make it it for?" You ask.

"Why I'm glad you asked, Nonny!" Izzy replied. "I made it just for yo-"

You suddenly feel two Hooves pick you up from your shoulders and pulled you off a few inches from the ground and sped off with you, leaving Izzy shocked.

"Hey!" Izzy scowled.

You now found yourself seated in one of the chairs at Mane Melody. You then noticed Pipp flying above you in the mirror's reflection with a hairbrush in one of her hooves.

"Pipp? Uhh... what are you doing?" You ask her.

"Hiii, Anon! Sorry about pulling you in here against your will like that." She apologized. "But I saw you walking by, and I was thinking of giving you a nice new manestyle, free of charge! You don't mind it, do you?"

"Uhhh... well... I... guess so...."

"Eeeeeee! Thank you! I'm gonna make you look so gorgeous after this!" Pipp instantly got to work on styling your hair as her brush streaked through it. Humming to one of her famous songs she wrote. But while she was doing that, something just didn't sit right with you.

Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp all were acting very unusual with you today. First, Sunny was insistent that you would have that smoothie she made. Then Izzy showed off that giant glitter heart that you never got to know who she made it for. And now Pipp is willing to give you a free hairstyle for you.

You knew that they could be questionable at times, but this just didn't feel right, even for ponies like them.

"Alright~ I'm done!" Pipp spoke up as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Somehow, Pipp was able to make your own hair look just like Her's. You didn’t even know your hair could extend down to that length.

"Well, whataya think, Nonny?" Pipp asked.

"It's... uh... very gorgeous.... like you said..." You reply awkwardly, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Thanks for it..."

"Oh no problem! Anything for a good friend of mine!" Pipp smiled before she turned away and whispered under her breath, "Or even more than that soon..."

"What'd you say?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Oh ummm.... N-nothing!" Pipp laughed nervously.

"Really? Becau-"

"Y'know what? How about you go show off that hair of yours to the whole world! They'll envy you greatly" Pipp then pushed you to the doors and outside of Mane Melody. "Anyway, see you soon Nonny~!"

Pipp closed the doors leaving you in even more in a fit of confusion. You awkwardly walked away from the building and into the streets again. Not only were Sunny, Izzy, and Pipp really confusing you. Now they were starting to creep you out.

Your heart started racing a bit as you continued walking. You felt like you needed to relax somewhere to ease this unnerving tension. Looking around, you see the walkway down to the beach. Maybe listening to the waves could help you. So, you decided to go down there.

You walk onto the beach, which luckily the sand wasn't hot due to it being in the colder weather in February. You sit down and take a few breaths. You feel the stress start to fade away from your body the longer you listened to the soothing ocean's waves. You think you made the right call coming down here. You close your eyes and sigh feeling like nothing could ruin this...

"What’s up, Anon?"

You open your eyes hearing another familiar voice above you. You look up to see Zipp slowly flying down to the ground right beside you.

"What're you doing down here on the beach alone?" She chuckled. "It's not summertime yet."

"Hey... I'm... just trying to release some stress, Zipp." You reply. "Sunny, Izzy, and your sister are being weird today..."

"Oh really? What makes you think that?" Zipp raises an eyebrow, but her smirk didn't leave her face.

"Well, it's just... Sunny offered me a free smoothie and was insisted that I have it. Then Izzy showed me a heart she made, and I didn't get to hear who it was for. And Pipp just gave me a makeover..."

"Well, I guess that explains why your hair looks different..." Zipp commented.

You blushed remembering that you still had Pipp's hairdo. You quickly shake your head fast as your hair returns back to normal. Zipp just chuckled at this.

"So, I'm just down here trying to calm myself..." You spoke.

"That sounds pretty nice. Mind if I join you?" She asks.

"Uhh.... yeah... sure..." You reply.

With that, Zipp sat down right beside you. Being a little too close for comfort. The two of you just sat there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes. Neither you nor she said a word to one another. The waves from the ocean felt incredibly more soothing now the longer you listened to them.

"Y'know. did anypony ever tell you that you're a pretty cool person before?" She asked.

"Uhh, I don't think so." You replied awkwardly.

"Well, here I am to be the first one to say that." She replied. "You are a pretty cool friend in my book!"

"Uhm, thanks...? I guess." You replied. "Did you come down here just to tell me that?"

"Maybe~? Maybe not~" She replies in a flirty tone you didn't know at the time.

The white pegasus was looking right at you. She had gotten way too close to you. You could feel the tension rising up again. Now she was acting weird with you too. You then eyed the way you came down here. While unbeknownst to you, Zipp was leaning towards you. Her lips puckered ready to give you a nice kiss.

"Uh... I just remembered... I err... need to... uhh.. go find my... uh... see you around Zipp!"

You quickly got up and fled towards the way leading up back to Maretime Bay. Meanwhile, Zipp was still leaning forward, unaware that you had left, her lips still puckered.

"Mmmmmm... Woah, Woah, WOAH-"

Zipp exclaimed before falling and faceplanting right into the sand. She grumbled annoyingly as she raised her head back up.

"Ugh.... almost had him!"

You ran all the way up back to the bay. But you didn't want to stop there, you sprint through the town. Many nearby ponies giving you a confused glance. You wanted to make sure your friends couldn't find you. But you knew that they knew Maretime Bay more than you did. Finding you would've been a breeze for them!

You then noticed that Misty was just up ahead. She noticed you and smiled.

"Hi, Anon... Can I-"

You ran right past her before she could finish her sentence, the wind blowing through her mane. Leaving her in a state of shock.

"Sorry, Misty! Can't talk right now!" You shout back at her.

You turn the corner near an opening. You looked behind you to see if Sunny or the others had followed you. Luckily, they were nowhere in sight. However, you were looking back for too long as you feel yourself bump into somepony. You look over to see Posey on the ground a bit dazed from your impact.

“Oh god, I'm so sorry, Posey!” You speak.

“Eh, don't bother, Anon. I'm used to it at this point.” Posey responded, her expression not changing from it as she got up completely unfazed.

You quickly check your surroundings to make sure that Sunny or the other mares weren't nearby. Sweat continuing to form across your forehead. Posey noticed this as she spoke up.

“Hey, are you alright?” She asks, a bit concerned. "What are you even looking for?

“I'm... just trying to make sure Sunny and the others aren't around.... They've put me on edge recently today.” You speak. "They're being kinda weird around me.”

“Acting weird?” Posey rolled her eyes. “As if you're implying, they never were before…”

“Right…. But I mean that they've been doing weird things around me today and it's really freaking me out." You spoke. "Sunny's insisted that I have a smoothie. Izzy showed off some heart creation she made. Pipp gave me a new hairstyle against my will. And Zipp was invading my personal space! I'm honestly scared they're trying to pull something on me!"

Posey's eyes widened at that last part, she then suddenly busted into laughter. She fell to the floor and repeatedly hit the ground as if she was told the funniest thing in the world.

“Uh …What’s so funny?” You ask.

Posey got up and wiped the tears away after she calmed down. “Wow, no offense or anything. But I didn't think that you could be so oblivious. They obviously are crushing on you!”

"Wh... What?" You exclaim, taken aback by what she just said. "But why me?! And why today of all days?"

"I mean, it's Hearts and Hooves Day, Anon. Of course, they'd try to do something like that!"

“But… I don't... understand...” You ask, “I'm not even a stallion like Hitch is! What makes me so special?”

“I dunno.” Posey replied, “But if you ask me, you might be the luckiest creature in Equestria if five ponies are in love with you. Pony or not.”

“Thanks… I guess…”

“Well, I'll leave you to it, Anon.” Posey says as she trots off. Leaving you with your thoughts.

You stood there, thinking about everything she had said to you. Everything they had done today, was all to make you feel loved? You had to admit to yourself that you felt flattered by them. Though you did wish they would've just been more open about it...

You then heard the sound of hoofsteps nearby approaching rapidly. You turned in the sound to see Misty had caught up to you, completely out of breath.

"Misty? Did you... follow me?" You ask.

"Yeah...." She panted. " Phew... I tried to ask you something... but you ran away..."

You sigh, feeling regret for rudely running right past her. You approach her and kneel down to her level and apologize.

"Sorry about that. So, what did you want to ask? Was it a hug perhaps?"

Misty's cheeks turned bright pink as she blushed hard. "H-how did you know?"

"Let's just say, I was able to put the pieces together after a while." You confirmed. "Though, I wish the girls just said it right away...."

"Whaat? And spoil the surprise at the end?" Izzy exclaimed, appearing out of nowhere with the glittery heart from before in her hoof. "Don't be ridiculous, Nonny! There wouldn't be a story then!"

"I mean, I appreciate the kind efforts and the favors and all...." You reply. "You girls just made me feel uncomfortable with those advances."

"Oh, you were...?" Sunny said, approaching you and the two unicorns. "I'm really sorry about that, Anon. "We felt horrible that you were all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day. And we...."

"We wanted to make you feel loved here." Zipp interrupted while also approaching from behind and laughed nervously. "I... guess we went a bit too overboard, didn't we?"

"Please forgive us, Nonny!" Pipp said, giving you the puppy eyes. "We didn't mean to scare you! Honest!"

You sighed before chuckling to yourself. "I can't stay mad at you ponies forever. Though I thought you ponies would've fallen for Hitch or something."

The five ponies all blushed at what you just said. Their cheeks turning bright red.

"What?! Nononono! He's just a friend." Sunny shook her head.

"Y-yeah, besides. I'd to not let you die of loneliness here, Nonny." Pipp said while nudging your shoulder. "So hey, you're a lucky human!"

"Heh... thanks, Pipp." You thank her.

With that, all five ponies all group-hugged you on the spot. Sunny and Pipp nuzzling their heads on your neck. Zipp hugged you from the back and rested her chin on top of your head. And Misty and Izzy both were held by your arms. For the rest of the day, you and your now five marefriends all spent time together at the Crystal Brighthouse. Watching movies, receiving kisses, having lovely conversations, and best of all, cuddling with them.

This was a great Hearts and Hooves Day after all.

Author's Note:

:heart:Happy Hearts & Hooves Day!:heart:

Comments ( 9 )

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Happy Valentine's Day/Hearts and Hooves Day to you, bud.

What episode is the pic from?


Season 2, Episode 4 of Tell Your Tale, I believe.

I guess you could say it’s a “Ponycule”

Comment posted by Mosthero1 deleted February 14th

Pensé que era el único que escribió una historia sobre el día de corazones y cascos de la g5 😍😍😍

"What are doing down here on the beach alone?" She chuckled. "It's not summertime yet."

What're you

Comment posted by DM Fitrs deleted March 6th
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