• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 1,324 Views, 8 Comments

Little Chrissy - Udahyas

Cute oneshot about an ordinary day Cadance and Chrysalis, who was turned into a filly after the attack on Canterlot.

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Maybe I can get used to it.

Mm, so soft. . . The throne in the hive doesn't even come close to that. Warmer and softer than any body. Envelops me from below and above. No unnecessary noise. I've never felt like this in my life. . . so, weird. It's like I'm not in any danger.

But what is it?

Slowly, my eyes opened and looked around. The walls looked like they were made of crystal. The blinding and annoying light that shines from the window directly into my eyes. Shielding myself from the light with my front hooves, I looked down. My body was located on an incredibly huge bed and was covered with a blanket on top. I tried to pull it off. Correction, this is a heavy blanket.

"Oh no," I muttered in an incredibly thin and high-pitched voice that annoyed me. Finally, the drowsiness disappeared, and all the necessary information quickly scrolled through my mind. I, Queen Chrysalis, have invaded Canterlot to feed my people. But I was defeated. Instead of a normal solution, like a life sentence, I was turned into a child. A child!

And the worst thing is that she decided to appoint a 'guardian' for me. In a simple way, a new parent. And this. . .

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and Princess Cadance entered, holding a tray of food with her magic. Not only does it make no sense, she smiled and cheerfully said coming up to me: "Good morning, little one! How did you sleep? Did you have nightmares? If so, you can tell me everything, I'm always there to comfort you, dear! "

Rrr, she's acting like I've never been a powerful Queen. It pisses me off! Uh, it doesn't matter. I can't change anything right now. I shook my head slightly before completely ignoring her questions and asking irritably, " Why did you bring a tray of food here? Changelings can't get any energy from the stupid food ponies eat! "

In response, Cadance only giggled slightly and sat down on the bed opposite me before saying, stretching out a hoof to my mane: " I know that, little one. It's just that yesterday, in honor of the day of hearts and hooves, there was a big holiday that you couldn't attend because of the naptime. But, don't worry. I brought you a cake!"

Don't even think about it!

I bared my teeth and the next second I took a bite. Well, I tried to be more precise. A moment before the contact, Cadance pulled her hoof back, which made me bite the air. To make matters worse, the next second I felt my mane being stroked.

"Little one, biting is not very good behavior. Maybe you should eat a cake and then play a little? Twilight read a lot of books and told me that games are a very important component of a child's development!" Cadance said softly, making me snort. Honestly, one day I will take revenge on you.

I briefly looked at my tormentor from under my forehead, to which she only smiled. Sighing, I looked down and saw that right in front of me was a tray with several cakes, for each of which a separate plate was allocated. While I was looking at the useless food, Cadance said gently again, "Just don't eat too many sweets, okay? You might get a tummy ache!"


With extreme reluctance, I grabbed the spoon with my magic and took a small piece of the only cake that didn't annoy me with its appearance. It had alternating layers of black and bright green. Taking a deep breath, I put the piece in my mouth and swallowed it as quickly as possible. But despite this, I was able to taste it. This is. . . satisfactory. Something sweet and something similar to nuts, but very soft.

Cadance cheerfully clapped her hooves and said enthusiastically: "You like it, you like it, little one! How nice to see your cute little smile!"

Did I really smile because of the food? This has never happened when I was feeding on someone else's love. No, don't think about it! I hissed in response to what she just giggled and asked looking into my eyes: "Well, will you have more?"

Never in my life. If you want something, I'll do exactly the opposite.

"I get it, you don't really want to eat right now. Well, then I'll just ask someone to take these plates and put them in the fridge until better times. Okay, then let's get you out to fully start another great day!" Cadance said before grabbing me with her front hooves and gently pulling me out from under the blanket. For just a second, she dared to try to hold me to her chest, but when she heard a loud growl, she nodded and just put me on the bed. Great, I can move now.

I started flexing and unbending my hooves, trying to wake up my tiny body and preferably make it stronger. After a couple of seconds, I started doing the same thing with the wings and I could swear that Cadance only allowed herself to chuckle for a moment. As soon as I thought about her, she raised her voice again: "Great, little one! It can be hard for your little hooves to move your pretty little body, especially after sleeping, so a warm-up is necessary. You're so smart, I'm proud of you. "

I instantly glared at Cadance and said irritably, "Leave me alone. I have been removed from the management of my subjects, even though I am the only being who knows what they need. So I was turned into this thing, with almost no magic left. You're only making it worse!"

Oh, it won't change anything. I tell her this several times every day. She's been used to it for a long time.

In response, Cadance only quickly ruffled my mane before getting out of bed and saying, "It's okay, little one. All ponies are a bit grumpy when they woke up. Come on, you're going to stretch your little hooves and I'll get your toys. I'm sure it will cheer you up!"

For just a moment, I wanted to thank her. The toys that were provided to me are probably the only good thing that has happened to me since I was turned into this. They are like that. . . comforting. Almost every night I take one particular toy and fall asleep with it, but the next day I wake up without it. But then I remembered how Cadance treats me all the time. I am not a child and a pony who does not agree with this does not deserve any respect!

It doesn't matter. Anyway, this tormentor absolutely does not care about my words. It seems that she lives in another reality.

I sighed and jumped off my bed onto the floor. To be precise, on the red carpet. Yes, my room can be said to be as secure as possible. Every inch of the floor was covered with carpet, and a special pad was put in every dangerous corner. In general, they treat me like a baby. There is no other way to explain it.

"Here's your kingdom, Sweetheart!" Cadance said before putting a large dollhouse in front of me that looked like an absolutely exact replica of my hive, only a small one. Inside, there were many changeling figures that were made of wood. But the best figure on the throne. It was my copy.

This is my real appearance, the state I'm in now, it's a lie and a mockery.

Returning to reality, I felt hungry. I long for love. But I won't let Cadance feel like my savior because of this. I will take all the love I need by force! All me need is. . .

Suddenly, I felt myself being pushed from behind and heard Cadance's words: "Come on, sugar, play. It's good for your development! "

With an exasperated snort, I sat down right in front of the dollhouse and looked at all the changelings. Some of them fell, most likely due to carrying. With my magic, I grabbed all the fallen changelings and placed them in front of the figure representing me before muttering: " For your weakness, you must give all your love to your great queen. I hope you won't show such weakness in the future. Otherwise. . ."

" Don't you think it's a little cruel? Maybe weak changelings need help to become stronger in the future? " Cadance tenderly offered, gently placing a hoof on my shoulder. It's so warm. I almost like it. No! No!

Keep quiet.

I jerked my shoulder away and silently continued to look at what was happening in the hive. No, I refuse to take it as just a toy copy. This is a hive in which I can plan in great detail how I will take revenge in the future. If that ever happens. And if I really need it.

Uh, because of the hunger, the wrong thoughts are running through my head. Sighing, I looked at the helmeted Changelings who were standing next to the figure of me. They usually act as my advisers and guards. Unable to help myself, I hissed and threw one of them out of the hive before screeching, "Why didn't you think through what to do in case of defeat!? Why should I be the only one thinking about everything while you're just nodding your head!? Useless trash!"

"Hey, hey, don't get mad. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, you shouldn't treat your subjects like that," Cadance said quietly, grabbing the discarded changeling and trying to put it back in its old place.

Don't you dare interfere with the management of MY hive!

I abruptly jumped up on all four hooves and looked up at Cadance with anger. Such anger, such rage, it's my time! I won't take it anymore! Fueled by my growing hunger, I bared my teeth and hissed: "Don't tell me how to rule! Only I know what's best for changelings! As soon as I rule the hive again, I will use all my strength to take revenge and make you SUFFER! SUFFER! And yet. . ."

Suddenly, Cadance touched the tip of her hoof to my nose and giggled before saying, " Boop."

Why do I feel so full?

While I was confused, Cadance continued giggling before saying with a knowing smile, "Dear, I know you get very angry when you're hungry, but you're too proud to ask me to feed you. But don't worry, Mom always feels when her child needs something."

Nonsense, nonsense, she's talking nonsense! I took a small step back and quickly shook my head before answering irritably, "You're not my mother! I hate you with all my heart and this place too!"

"Then why didn't you run away from here, sweetie? Like, you've never tried to escape." Cadance asked gently, taking a small step towards me and crouching down a little to be closer to my height. Uh, bad questions.

Uh, well, it's, like, uh. Leave me alone.

Noticing my expression, Cadance briefly chuckled before asking gently, "Well, I think it would be good for you to take a little walk. After all, you need to learn how to behave in public in order to become a good ruler in the future, don't you think?"

Reflexively, my ears twitched in displeasure and my tail made a sharp movement. Ah, turning into a filly has significantly reduced my self-control. In response, I just sighed irritably and replied, heading for the exit door: "What's the difference? As a last resort, you will take me by the tail and carry me upside down. "

Cadance laughed awkwardly before replying with a hint of guilt in her voice, " It was only once! And I hope it didn't scare you too much. It's just that back then I still didn't fully understand how to behave around you. But everything is fine now! I'm ready to be the best mother possible for you."

I just snorted and stood in front of the door, waiting for it to be opened. The problem is that my magic is too weak right now to turn the door handle and I'm too short to reach it. Unfortunately, my calm wait was interrupted by Cadance's careful request: "Um, before we go, can you please be a good girl and put all the toys in the appropriate place?"

How about no?

"What if I don't want to?" I asked, looking directly into Cadance's eyes. I have to complicate her life as much as possible. Make it as difficult as possible!

"Please, sweetie? For Mom's sake?" She asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible. Why . . .

Why do I want to listen to her? Rrr, some kind of nonsense.

Growling under my breath, I tried to raise the whole hive with my magic. But absolutely unsuccessfully, my powers were reduced many times along with the transformation into this thing. Noticing my failure, Cadance patted me lightly on the back and said: "Don't worry, kid, you will definitely succeed in the future. Let's do it another way. I'll carry the hive and you'll take as many figures as you can, okay? "

Sighing, I took a figurine of myself from the hive and no one else. Yes, I could have taken a lot more figurines. But do they deserve it? No, they don't deserve it. Involuntarily, I started stroking the figure of myself and said out loud: " They all betrayed you. The fact that no one is saving me from here now is a direct proof of this. That's how your subjects respond to you, isn't it, Chrysalis? "

" Hmm? Did you say something, dear? " Cadance asked worriedly, putting one hoof on my shoulder and at the same time continuing to hold the hive with her magic. It's soooo easy for her. Unlike me. Unfairly.

Stop touching me! Don't think that this will make me lose my guard!

I jerked my shoulder away and said shaking my head: "It's none of your business. Just show me where to put the figurine so we can go for a walk faster and I can go back to sleep."

Cadance smiled broadly and cheerfully tweeted: "Oh, you're already starting to like the quiet hour! That's very good, little one, because it means you're starting to get used to your new role. I can't wait for you to really start listening to your elders! "

I let out a growl under my breath, which she heard and said with an awkward laugh, " Well, it's not going to happen soon, right? Okay, let me show you where to put the toys. Although you should have remembered that a long time ago."

No, I didn't remember. The place in my head is occupied with more important things. For example, how to take revenge on you, tormentor.

Cadance didn't wait for my answer and just beckoned me to the corner of the room. There was a large open box on the front of which was beautifully written Chrissy. Wait, how can a text be beautiful? Uh, she infects me with her madness.

While I was thinking, Cadance carefully put the beehive in the box and said gently, "By the way, if you want to decorate your toy box somehow, then just tell me. You have the right to dispose of your personal belongings as you wish."

"But you dare to tell me how to control my changelings," I muttered, carefully putting the figurine of myself in the box.

"Subjects are not property, dear. They are living beings with thoughts and feelings just like you, do you understand?" Cadance asked in a strange tone.

For some reason, I don't even want to argue with her. Uh, she probably started using mind-altering magic.

I looked at her from under my brow and said hurriedly, "I don't care about anything you say. Just let's go to this silly street so that I can quickly go back to sleep."

For the first time that day, I saw a hint of sadness on Cadance's face, but it quickly disappeared when she picked me up with her magic. Involuntarily, I squeaked and started waving all my limbs, including my wings, which of course did not work. After a couple of seconds, I felt like I was being put somewhere, and instinctively wrapped my hooves around something.

"Aww, you're so cute. " Commented Cadance, which made me open my eyes a little. I was sitting on the princess's back and holding on to her neck to keep from falling. Oh.

It's warm . . . and so soft.

Before I could even come up with an answer, Cadance started walking out of the room and said gently, "Hold on tight, little one. Before going outside, I need to take care of your hair a little bit, and the corresponding room is located down the stairs. We don't want you to get hurt because of the shakiness of your little hooves, do we, sweetie?"

At first, I wanted to take my hooves off and hiss at Cadance. But the movement made me lose my balance and snuggle even closer to her neck. Worst of all, it caused another sound of affection from Cadance.

Shut up, shut up!

While I was clinging to Cadance's body, it was hard for me not to pay attention to the warmth of her fur. It feels like I'm standing next to the fireplace after walking through the cold wastelands for many hours. The first is unfamiliar to me, the second is well known.

Deciding to dilute the silence a little, I asked: "Well, you're kind of like a princess of love, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask, dear? " Cadance asked as she continued walking forward through the corridors of the castle.

" Well, doesn't that mean you should be overflowing with energy after yesterday's day of hearts and hooves? "

In response, she laughed briefly and said, slightly ruffling my hair with her magic: " You're such a smart girl! In fact, I am very very full of energy and Shining can't completely help me with that. It's good to have my baby around."

So that's why she's so loving today. She usually doesn't dare to call herself my mother. And do other strange things.

I sighed and said, burying my nose in Cadance's neck, "I hope I don't get fat because of so much love."

In response, she only made another sound of affection and said with a slight giggle: "Don't worry, dear, I won't overload you. And just remember that no matter how you look, I will always love you."

How strange she is, after all.

Suddenly, I was lifted into the air again, which caused another involuntary squeak. I really need to learn not to react to it so harshly. Anyway, when my hooves touched the ground, Cadance said as she opened the door, "Here we are. Now I'm going to take care of your hair a little, baby, and then we'll go for a walk!"

With a snort, I walked through the open door and saw a room in front of me with a lot of different combs and mirrors. The purpose of many other items is completely incomprehensible to me. After all, if I needed to look beautiful, I could always just transform into someone else. But right now I have so little magic that I can't do anything better than levitating objects.

Cadance walked past me, sat on a chair in front of one of the mirrors and said, tapping her knee with her hoof: "Don't be afraid, little one, come here. Mom needs to work on your hair and it will be more convenient this way."

Voluntarily? Never!

I took a step back and hissed baring my teeth: "Enough humiliation! I'm not going to climb on your lap like some kid. And even more so, I won't let you touch my mane!"

Cadance put a hoof to her chin, pondering the decision. Soon, she got up from her chair and took a pair of ladybug hairpins from one of the shelves. Cadance came up to me and offered gently: "If you don't want full-fledged work on your hair, can you at least let me use these hairpins? I think they will suit you perfectly."

Just leave me alone!

I tried to take a step back, but Cadance suddenly just attached both hairpins, so as to form two ponytails from my long mane. She briefly kissed me on the forehead and said, "Well, now you won't risk tripping over your own hair. Besides, it's cute, don't you think? "

Being slightly shocked by her speed, I glanced at one of the mirrors. With these hairpins, my appearance. . . has not deteriorated. At least I don't look ugly. After a couple of seconds, Cadance briefly stroked my chin and asked, " Well, are you ready to go for a walk? "

As if I have a choice.

Noticing how I was looking at her from under my brow, she smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I won't burden you too much. Just tell me when you're tired and we'll go straight back to the castle."

After these words, she slowly walked past me and left the room. Sighing, I followed her, which was not very easy. One of her steps was equal to about three of mine, that is, in order to keep up with Cadance's walking, I had to practically run.

By the time we got to the gate to exit the castle, I was already sweating profusely. Not that I'd let that stop me. Local ponies should understand with which queen they have the great honor to share this city!

Uh, it doesn't matter. In any case, there were guards standing next to the gate, who, at the sight of Cadance, had to start opening them. But instead they stared at me and one of them even muttered, "Aww, what a cute filly."

How humiliating . . .

Suddenly, Cadacne gently stroked my head and said proudly, "Yes, this is my little girl. And we go for a walk around the city with her."

Both guards spoke quickly and lit their horns. Soon the gate was open and Cadance beckoned with one hoof before walking forward. Snorting, I followed her and was momentarily blinded by the bright color of the sun. Uh, it's always been much better inside the hive.

After a couple of seconds, my eyes adjusted and I was able to see the city. The buildings seemed to be carved out of large crystals and there were many ponies walking along the street whose fur shone. This place is disgusting. The only good things here are that it's always warm here.

Not that this is a really serious plus.

"Well, where do you want to go, little one? Maybe to the playground to play with other fillies? Or go to the pastry shop and eat something delicious? Ask for anything, Mom will support you! " Said Cadance, bending down to be about the same height as me.

The tenderness of her tone touched something in me, and I really started thinking about where to go. My eyes began to wander in search of something interesting. Although, what could be interesting about this terrible place that is located in the middle of the cold wastelands? That's right, nothing.

Hmm, what is it there?

Frowning, I looked into the distance and saw a lot of trees, benches with only one single path. Before the small brain in my shrunken body could come up with a solution, Cadance asked, "Oh, do you want to go to the park? "

After a short silence, I reluctantly nodded and said, taking a small step forward: " Yes, there don't seem to be any people there. I don't want those stupid ponies looking at me. "

" Well, you still need to socialize sooner or later. And in the future, calling ponies stupid is very rude. " Cadance said, making me snort.

It's like I care what's rude and what's not.

During the time that a brief thought flashed through my head, Cadance had already managed to take a dozen steps towards the park. Growling irritably, I started running after her, but didn't say anything. No, actions speak louder than words.

After accelerating hard enough, I overtook Cadance and turned to her with my tongue out before accelerating even harder. If she wants to be so protective of me, then let her bother to catch me first!

When laughter burst out of my mouth, I heard Cadance call out to me from behind: "Chrissy, be careful you can..."


Suddenly, I realized that my face had collided with the ground. It hurts, it really hurts. For some reason, I also have some strange moisture in my eyes. Suddenly, I felt myself lifted into the air and it caused a quiet squeak in me.

"Dear, are you okay? Everything okay? Does anything hurt? If something hurts, just tell me, I'll help. Are you crying? Don't keep everything to yourself, you have the right to express emotions just like any pony. " Cadance asked worriedly, wrapping her wings around me. Hmm, I never thought they could be so flexible.

I squirmed a little in her grip and quickly wiped my face with a hoof before answering categorically: " I'm fine. "

" Are you sure? Your hooves are shaking," Cadance said, still worried.


I took a quick look at my hooves and saw that they were really shaking a lot. Moreover, when I focused on them, I realized that they were very painful, because of today's heavy traffic. Hiding a painful groan, I muttered: "I don't think I'll be able to walk anytime soon."

Cadance paused for a moment, thinking before saying, "Don't worry, we can rest for a while."

In the next moment, I felt like I was put on something wooden and Cadance lay down next to me. After blinking a couple of times, I turned around and saw that she was looking down at me with a small smile. What did I say to her?

Frowning. If I wasn't tired, I would have screamed at her and bit her. But my new fangs are not good for anything, they have been tested for a long time.

Sighing, I curled up into a ball to relax my tired hooves as much as possible. After that, I felt a slight movement from Cadance. It was as if she had lifted herself slightly but continued to lie down. There was no one nearby, not even a normal wind. It's so quiet.

Feeling tense because of such silence, I looked into the distance and began to think. Since I was turned into a childish version of myself, there have been a lot of strange things. But the fact that Cadance is trying to act like a mother is the strangest thing. Yes, I get love, but this is the worst way. But for some reason, I feel warm inside, despite everything. What's going on with me? I took a deep breath and started thinking about what to say.

In the end, I muttered uncertainly, "It's not like I want you as my mom or anything. . ."

"Uh huh, sure I believe you." Replied Cadance in a gentle and understanding tone. As if she understands anything at all.

This is clearly not what I expected.

"Do your hooves still hurt, sweetie?" Cadance asked, switching to a worried tone. Wow, I'm tired of being mad at her. The irritation limit has been reached.

I moved my front hoof slightly and immediately hissed in pain. It's better to continue to stay curled up in a ball. This was enough for Cadance to put her wing on me like a blanket and gently offered, "If you want, you can sleep. This way you will recover faster and grow up. Besides, you're going to have a quiet hour soon anyway."

Uh, I feel too full. It seems that because of her love, I can really get fat.

Despite this, I sighed and mumbled, closing my eyes: "Your wing is so warm. I'll probably really fall asleep right here. Even if you ask for the opposite."

In response, Cadance pressed her nose against my cheek and said, closing her eyes: "Don't worry, just rest. And really, don't be afraid to fall asleep, really here, I don't mind carrying you to the castle in my wings or on my back. How would you like me to carry you to bed? "

I don't know why, but I answered almost immediately: " Carry me in your wings, your back is too unreliable. "

" All right, Dear. " Cadance replied gently, which caused me to yawn with a little squeak. Fortunately, she didn't make any sounds of affection. I have at least some part left.

After just a couple of seconds, I already began to feel like I was falling into a deep sleep. Before I finally disconnected from reality, a thought flashed through my mind.

Maybe I can get used to it.

Comments ( 8 )

Sometimes wholesome is the heaviest metal of all. \m/

very cute story. and it can be said that almost all the images that inspired the story were shown in this chapter. :3
Although I would like to see more interactions between this version of Chrysalis and Shining Armor.

That's a nice, cute story! Chrysalis is like a chihuahua!

I love how Chrysalis's personality is only slightly warped by her new form. She reacts to everything perfectly.

so adorable

Good story please do continue.

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