• Published 22nd Feb 2024
  • 236 Views, 6 Comments

Wake Up Sleepyhead Daddy - Aurachalcum96

Misty and Alphabittle have a sweet father-daughter morning together.

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Wake Up Sleepyhead Daddy

This is a story about a father and a daughter. The father was Alphabittle while his teenaged daughter was Misty Brightdawn. They lived together in Bridlewood in a land called Equestria. Alphabittle runs a teashop called the Crystal Tearoom; which was also where he and his daughter lived. He worked hard at that teashop of his; giving everypony their tea and making the money needed to make a living. But more importantly, he was doing it for his little girl. He loves her more than anything in life and would do anything to ensure she stays happy. He'll take whole days off just to be with her, he'll get her any gift at any day of the year. Even if it isn't her birthday or a holiday. Misty believes he does a little too much for her, but she still loves him. She's a huge daddy's girl and isn't afraid at all to admit that she is one. She's proud to be his daughter and feel happy with all the attention he gives her.

One day, however, there was a huge party at the Crystal Tearoom that consisted of almost the entire village of Bridlewood. And poor old Alphabittle was busier and busier that whole day. At first, Misty wanted to help him, but he told her to not worry so much and just enjoy the party while he worked. Misty didn't want to argue with him and did as he told her to do, but as the party went on and it became nighttime, Misty saw how tired her poor middle-aged father was getting. When asked if she could help, he just answered again to not worry about it so much. And even when the party finally ended and there was much cleaning to do, Alphabittle just told Misty to leave it all to him while she went to bed. Being the good little filly she is, she did as she was told to do. The poor stallion stayed up till midnight to get the whole place cleaned up. When he was done, he was so tired that he was practically a dead stallion when lying in bed. During the night, Misty thought about how much her father worked and decided to do something nice for him tomorrow. She was going to give him a fun day away from work.

One early morning at Bridlewood, Alphabittle, a big, strong, grey-coated, white maned and tailed Unicorn was asleep in bed. He snored quite loudly due to his strong voice. As he slept, his teenaged daughter, Misty Brightdawn, a young sky-blue coated and multi-maned and tailed colored Unicorn, snuck into the room and got into the bed with him.

“Daddy.” Misty whispered as her father snored loudly, “Daddy, wake up.” She continued as she started shaking him slightly. But the sleepy stallion just continued sleeping.

“Come on Daddy.” Misty begged as she shook him some more, “Today is such a nice day and I want to play with you.” But he still didn’t wake up.

“Come on Daddy!” Misty cried as she started getting a little frustrated. Finally, she patted her hooves on his body really hard as she exclaimed, “Wake! Up!”

“What?! Oh-w-what?!” Alphabittle blabbered as he finally awoke. He looked as though he was in a daze; and had bags in his eyes not just because of him being a middle-aged stallion, but because of how sleepy he still felt. Once he rubbed his eyes to get some of the sleep out, he looked at his daughter and smiled.

“Ha ha,” he chuckled as he put a hoof around her and pulled her close to him, “Good morning Misty.”

“Are you okay, Daddy?” Misty asked as she hugged him back by putting her hooves around his neck, “You don’t normally sleep in like this.”

Alphabittle stroked her mane gently as he answered, “Daddy’s okay sweetie. He just worked a lot more yesterday and stayed up till late at midnight. Just a little tired is all.”

Misty began to feel guilty about waking him up after hearing that. “Oh. Okay.” Misty said softly, “I’m sorry for waking you up. I’ll leave you alone.” She then got out of bed and started heading for the door.

“No!” Alphabittle yelped as he used his magic to bring her back, “Don’t go! Stay with your Daddy.”

“B-but,” Misty stammered, “but I don’t want to bother you.”

“Oh, my little Misty.” Alphabittle cooed as he put both hooves around her to give her a big warm hug. One hoof around her body to keep her close, the other to stroke her mane again. “You’re never a bother to me. How can you be when you mean the world to me?”

Tears began to form in Misty’s eyes as she asked, “I-I do?”

“You’re my whole world Misty. You’re the apple of my eye. There’s no pony I want to be with more than you. No matter how sleepy Daddy is.” Alphabittle explained with a big smile.

Misty smiled back, hugged him while resting her head against his chest and said with glee, “Oh Daddy! I love you so much!”

“I love you too my precious Misty.” Alphabittle said back as he hugged her tighter.

After a little hug that went on for like three minutes, Alphabittle broke it to ask, “Was Daddy snoring?”

Misty giggled as she answered, “Yeah. You snore pretty loudly. Guess you really were sleepy.”

Alphabittle laughed as he replied, “You bet he is.” Suddenly, he gave a really big yawn and started resting against his pillows again.

“You can sleep for a little longer if you want.” Misty told him, “I don’t mind.”

Alphabittle smiled and said, “Thank you sweetie. Just give Daddy ten more minutes and then he’ll be ready,” he continued as he gave another big yawn, “to start the day...” He then went back to sleep while holding his daughter close to him. Misty giggled more once she heard him snoring again.

“Oh Daddy.” Misty whispered. She gave him a big kiss on his cheek before resting against his chest again. “You big sleepyhead.” She whispered as she went to sleep with him.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the short story as both just a cute slice-of-life thing for Misty and Alphabittle, and also as a taste-test for the relationship my OCs will have in my MLP story. Thank you for reading.

Comments ( 6 )

Btw, I’m sorry if the characters aren’t completely accurate to how they are in G5. This story is mainly a template for a father/daughter relationship for my OCs that I’m making for a future MLP story. I figured since Misty and Alphabittle fit their descriptions in some ways like a teenage mare and a big, strong, middle-aged stallion, they can be perfect stand-ins for my OCs until their characters are finished. Plus, I’m just a sucker for father and daughter relationships. Especially for ponies. So I had to write a story about these two.

This was a fun/cute fic of young Misty with her father before Opaline took her- but as far as formatting goes, there were a whole bunch of blank spaces in between text which it didn't seem was supposed to be regularly interrupted, and it was kind of jarring/disjointed to read. Nothing in the spelling or grammar was bad, and it was just that formatting issue which took me out of the story.

Fixed it. Also, this story I actually consider more of an AU story where Misty lives an entirely different life than she does in the show. In this version, she’s lived with her father her whole life. But that’s not too important to know since it’s just a short story.

Oh- I had been completely unaware it was part of an AU series. I had just seen it on the new stories list and checked it out from that. Thanks for telling me about that!

Sorry. I probably should have explained that in the description of the story.

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