• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 896 Views, 7 Comments

Another Night To Remember - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Once again, Twi and Dash are stuck in another locker after another game of dare...but this time, someone joining in on the action

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Comments ( 7 )

I always love seeing Twilight with glasses. Nice work! Can't wait to see where it goes next! I love the details. Hope to see more futa too! I wonder if Sunset might give herself or Twilight a set, as well as RD, so two can double team the third member ;)

Have you considered using EQG versions of some of the movie characters? Captain Celaeno, Capper, or Tempest Shadow? I never see enough of them so I often pitch them to whoever I can XD

thx man :twilightsmile: and maybe, if any of the other mane6 routes settings gets voted on. like i can see captain celaeno being used in fluttershy story.

so far, Rarity is winning in the voting lol

okay thats adorable. I had not thought of it! I totally can see Fluttershy having this big pirate(parrot) girlfriend! XD

now that gives me a idea for her story :rainbowhuh:

Oooh, can't wait to see it! Let me know if you need/want any more input :raritywink:

Twilight was impressed by Dash’s stamina? After Dash lasted one whole minute?

Those are some really low standards, lol!

Twi just wanna make Dash feel good and be a good partner lol

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