• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 107 Views, 2 Comments

Darkness: His Last Visits - The Real Darkness

An Otherworldly person visits Equestria, offering the same offer again and again. He always wonders how much regret each one of them has. He pitied and admired them for each decision.

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The Princess of Love looked at her daughter, reading alone in a chair just next to her. Flurry had grown into a very mature mare, a very fierce hearted mare. That’s what happens when you let Auntie Luna foalsit.

However, Flurry’s eyes stopped moving left to right. Her entire body stopped and she ceased to breathe. A deep purple shade fell over the entire bedroom. save for Cadance’s bed.

“Who...who’s there?” Cadance almost cowered. This was an age of great peace, was Sombra trying yet again?

“She’s cute,” he spoke, making his third visit as he walked over to the bed. Lucius stooped over, looking at the Flurry frozen in his power, “she’ll be a great leader of the Crystal Empire. I’ve seen many like her,” he side-eyed Cadance.

“Am I to trust that you mean us no harm? Who are you?” Cadance moved her blanket in an effort to stand, but couldn’t even manage that.

“Bedridden, but you persisted for two entire years. Apologies, a little more than twenty-four moons,” Lucius corrected his terminology, “I do not intend any harm.”

“You were watching me?” Cadance continued her line of questions.

“Only sparsely checking in. Your health continues to worsen and I’ve come to introduce myself. I am Lucius. I’ve come to make you an offer as I have to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” for the third time, that same orb appeared in his right hand. Lucius looked away from Flurry and faced Cadance, drawing closer and sitting on the bed next to her.

“An offer? Of power?”

Lucius shook his head, “I will not return you to life, that was one of the abilities I gave up from my earned inheritance. I offer you something after.”

“An afterlife? We all just return to the magic of Equestria when we pass,” Cadance answered.

“I can take you to a paradise, you shape and manifestation will alter, but you will be you. You will continue to exist with every memory and ability you had in your prime,” Lucius whistfully sighed, “and as you still rule over the Empire, make this decision for your people as well.”

“I can not decide for my subjects. I have not seen any of them for so long,” Cadance smiled, “but I can decide for myself. Is Shiny there?” Lucius smiled wistfully.

“Ah, then I know your answer. Shining Armor is not there,” Cadance shook her head at Lucius’ words.

“I do not wish to spend an eternity longing for my husband.”

Lucius stood from the bed, closing his hand and vanishing the orb away, “mmm, seems I will be keeping Luna company for quite a while longer then,” he crouched low to look at Flurry Heart in her eyes, “she’s accepted, the only pony in my world, my paradise,” Lucius peered into the focused eyes of Cadance’s heir, “this one, she’s a warrior. Maybe one day I can find her on the fields of battle and watch.”

“I would hope not.”

“It is every mother’s hope to wish that their child will not see the ravages of combat and war,” Lucius raised a finger, a purple flame flickered with a black center, “my own mother never got that wish, not even for a moment,” he placed his finger to the book she read, highlighting an empty space in the corner, “but I can give the peace I’ve earned to others. I can hope that would be enough for her,” Lucius tone dropped lower, Cadance’s ears pricked up on his change of emotions.

This was her talent after all, detecting love in others. Cadance could only wonder how long he had been without his beloved, she could markedly tell he was immortal.

“How long?” Cadance asked while the sigil of Lucius’ kingdom emblazoned onto the page corner.

“Hmm?” He stood, rising up and looking to Cadance who looked much more frail than just a few minutes ago.

“How long since you’ve seen your wife?” Lucius’ eyes widened before they dimmed, the impaling purple obscured by partially closed eyes.

“Time has no meaning to me, but I still mark the days. It’s been well over nine thousand years,” he wandered back over to Cadance, pulled by her own pitying eyes.

“That’s a hundred thousand eight hundred moons,” Cadance pulled her blanket off of her and slipped her rear hooves over the side of the bed.

Lucius nodded, quiet and curious to her actions. He stood right in front of her, not stepping away as he had done to many others who would approach so closely. Cadance leapt up with what little strenght she could muster and wrapper her front hooves around him, one around his neck and the other right across his shoulders.

Just like...

He gently hugged her back, placing a hand in the center of her back and pressing Cadance tight to him. Lucius’ other hand guided her head to his open shoulder, wrapping around the back of it and her mane while he held her.

Exactly like it was.

They stood together for a few moments before Lucius let go and Cadance withdrew, falling to her bed. The two of them parted at the exact moment. Lucius did not attempt at hiding the watery lines on his cheeks while he stepped away.

“Thank you.”

“It’s my duty as Princess of Love to sometimes remind others of who they have lost and that their grief is the love they still have for them,” Cadance smiled while she laid back down onto her bed.

“With your last bit of life, you’ve gifted me something I-,” Lucius lost his words and straightened himself back, “I’ll make sure you are not forgotten, in my people’s tradition. And,” he looked to Flurry Heart, “as a ruler enduring countless other kingdoms, I’ll lend my ear and my expertise to Flurry.”

Cadance shook her head, “I didn’t do this for favors.”

“In my long life, I’ve learned when to tell someone is showing true kindness from their heart and when someone expects the same generousity in turn,” Lucius looked to Cadance’s flank, taking time to memorize the cutiemark, “so, please accept my own kindness, princess.”

“Very well.”

Seconds ticked by in the silence while Lucius slowly recomposed himself.

“It’s time I leave,” he bowed his head to Cadance before he looked close to Flurry one last time.

“Brave fledgling, fierce warrior, ruler to be,” he smiled, “when you are need, call my name. King Lucius. I will come rushing to your aid,” he placed his hand on one of her hooves, letting the smallest purple spark bounce from a finger to her pristine coat, “I will always hear you.”

Lucius straightened himself back up, stepping away from the both of them, “are you sure?” He addressed one final time to Cadance.

“Positive,” Cadance assured with a cough and a sip of water.

“I see. I will cling to the hope that I may see another soul just like you,” Lucius nodded before he turned, he widened a portal open, and he disappeared.

The purple shade over the room disappeared and Flurry looked at the odd symbol and heard Lucius’ voice in her head. She next heard a desperate call from beside her.

“Flurry,” Cadance managed out weakly, “I’m going.”

“Mo-mom?” She looked to her, watching while Cadance smiled.

“Never forget to show everypony a little love. You’ll make a fine leader,” Cadance closed her eyes, she knew to stop hanging on and she simply let go.

Flurry rushed to her side in incoherent pleas and sobs. Minutes passed and passed before Cadance’s chest stopped rising. Flurry’s horn lit and her spell returned the same suspected result that her mother had left. The new ruler cried at her bedside for many more minutes before she shouted.

“Lucius! King Lucius! Fix this! Bring her back!” She cried, wondering if the voice was just a hope given personality in her head or if someone really poked into her mind.

The same portal that carried him out brought him back. Lucius laid a hand on Flurry’s head, gently stroking over her mane, “this is the one thing I can not assist with. I assure you, if I could, I would. I gave that power up a long time ago,” Lucius softly let the words slip from his lips while he comforted her, “but I will stand with you at the very least.”

The two of them stayed quite a while longer.