• Published 29th Feb 2024
  • 333 Views, 6 Comments

The man who gave up on the future - Udahyas

Romantic oneshot about Jack Hanma and Rainbow Dash

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This feeling. . .

To become stronger. The strongest. To avenge his mother. Defeat Yuujirou Hanma. Defeat the strongest creature on the planet. To achieve this at any cost.

It was these very basic thoughts that flashed through my head when I saw my opponent. The strongest creature in the world, the ogre, he has many names. But I'm only interested in one thing. Defeat him.

Almost instinctively, I clenched my hands into fists and made a quick dash towards Yujiro. I bit into his neck and tried to inflict maximum damage. But to my surprise, all I felt in response was a pat on the head and a woman's voice: "Hey, big guy! Have you been here all night again?"

My eyes widened when I felt something familiar in that voice. The tapping on her head intensified, and she said giggling, "Get up, get up!"

I blinked a few times quickly before the dream finally dissipated. With my teeth, I was hanging tightly on a towel that was attached to a tree. A pony was sitting on its thick branch and kept tapping me on the head with a giggle. It was a blue Pegasus with rainbow hair.

Rainbow Dash. Perhaps the only pony in this strange place that deserves any respect. She's fast and agile. To the extent that when I bit her at the first meeting, she was able to just get out before I started squeezing my jaws.

When she noticed that my gaze was focused on her, she stopped banging on my head and said, "Good morning, Jack! How did you sleep?"

Taking a small breath through my nose, I unclenched my jaws and almost immediately felt the solid ground under my feet. I cracked my neck a couple of times before responding calmly, "It's okay. Nothing out of the ordinary. "

" Are you sure? I saw how much you winced in your sleep! Did the big guy have such a terrible nightmare that he's afraid to talk about it? " Rainbow asked teasingly. Judging by the wagging of her tail, she's just playing. Like some kind of dog.

I just looked directly at pegasus sitting on a branch and reluctantly replied with my hands in my pockets: "I dreamed of Yuujirou. That's all."

Rainbow nodded understandingly and replied, rising slightly into the sky, "Oh, that guy. It seems to me that you're a little fixated on him."

I don't like the way ponies are constantly trying to start this conversation.

Noticing my frown, Rainbow laughed a little and said, scratching the back of her head with her hoof: "But I understand why you want to become stronger so much. So, I won't bother you."

Reflexively, I nodded slightly and took a towel from the tree before answering with a nod, "Thank you. Unlike other ponies, you are not so fixated on the help that no one asked for. "

" No problem! " Rainbow chirped cheerfully before quickly flapping her wings and perching on my shoulder the next moment. Considering how often she does this, she already has the skill. It should be convenient for her. After all, I'm a more than twice her size.

It's a pity that ponies don't have bone lengthening surgeries. I can't get any taller. This is one of the main reasons why I need to get out of here sooner or later.

After shifting a little to get more comfortable on my shoulder, she asked: "Well, I have a day off today so we have the whole day ahead! What are we going to do, big guy?"

I briefly looked at the towel in my hand before answering: "I've already spent too much time talking. I need to do some training."

After that, I looked around for a path to get out of the apple tree forest. Having found my target, I slowly turned around and walked forward, keeping my hands in my pockets. Nothing happened for a second, but then something happened that made my muscles tighten reflexively. I felt something strange wrap around my neck, but a brief glance allowed me to identify what it was.

Rainbow tail. Is she trying to strangle me? Calling for a fight?

I focused my gaze on the pegasus sitting on my shoulder and said: "You wrapped your tail around my neck."

"Hmm? No, no! I don't know what you're talking about. Rainbow quickly replied, looking away. I swear, it seemed to me that her blue fur had changed its shade a little. It got darker.

It doesn't matter, I have to think about how I'm going to work out in a terrible pony gym. They have very small weights. I can already feel my progress slowing down in this place.

After a few seconds of thinking for which I did not come up with anything, I asked a little irritably: "Do you plan to continue sitting on my shoulder?"

"Actually, I'm putting you under extra strain! You want to become stronger and I'm helping you!" Rainbow said with a hint of resentment in her voice. Glancing at her briefly, I saw that she puffed out her cheeks like a child.

After holding her gaze for a couple of seconds, I focused on the road again and answered: "I can hardly feel your weight. But thanks for trying. It is very cute. Truth."

"Hey, I'm not cute!" Rainbow said resentfully, lightly hitting me on the head with her hoof, which caused me only a brief grunt and an idea.

I have nothing to do anyway. So. . .

I quickly poked her nose with my thumb and said with a smile, "Boop."

I felt Rainbow straighten up on my shoulder and said, slightly stuttering, "D-Don't ever do that again! N-Never!"

Sighing, I squinted into the distance and said with amusement: "I don't even know. You're really cute when you're trying to look cool. "

" I'm not trying to look cool, I'm cool! " Rainbow replied by tapping her hooves lightly on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I managed to notice that she fluffed the fur on her chest and spread her wings as if trying to look bigger. Not that it worked.

Hmm, she's really cute.

Eventually she sighed and flapped her wings to get off my shoulder. Rainbow just flew next to me the rest of the way to the gym. At the same time, her cheeks still had that strange dark shade for a while.

When we got to the gym, I quickly opened the door and went straight to the main part. No one dared to ask me for a season ticket or anything like that. Maybe it has to do with my strength. Or the fact that I come here every day without a break.

In just a couple of minutes, I got to the most interesting part of the gym. Barbell. Pulling my hands out of my pocket, I started attaching more and more weight plates. And despite all this, the final weight was negligible. A measly five hundred pounds.

So I just need to do more reps. Even if I have to stand here for too long.

Noticing how I was attaching the towel to the barbell, Rainbow asked worriedly, "You're not going to pick it up with your teeth, right?"

I asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at Rainbow, who was leaning on one of the exercise machines. Interesting fact: pony simulators are not suitable for me. No one, not even the ponies themselves, knows how to use it.

"Well, lifting heavy weights is cool, of course. But what will you do if your teeth fail? How are you going to get your Ponywood smile back?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice. What a strange pony.

But I have to get stronger. And my bites are the main weapon.

"Relax, this is absolutely pathetic weight," I said before taking the towel tied on the barbell with my teeth. Then, without much difficulty, I straightened up to my full height, holding the barbell in the air with my jaw.

Unfortunately, Rainbow quickly ended up right in front of me anyway and stood on her hind hooves. It seemed like she was trying to be insurance for me or something. She's really acting weird. But now I can't afford to stop training for such a small thing.

Hmm, I can use she.

Grabbing the barbell with one hand, I asked appreciatively, looking at Rainbow: "How much do you weigh?"

She slightly opened her mouth, startled by such a question, but then returned to four hooves and replied with a touch of insult: "You can't ask a mare that! As well as age. It's very, very uncivilized, Jack! "

I just kept looking at her, waiting for an answer. Rainbow laughed briefly and replied with a wave of her hoof: " Just kidding. For a second, I imagined how Rarity would answer such a question. Anyway, I weigh a hundred and forty pounds. Why are you asking?"

That's not enough. But considering that the barbell just doesn't fit more plates, I don't have much choice.

"Get on the barbell." I said, lowering the barbell closer to the ground so that it would be easier for Rainbow to climb on it. For a while, she just looked alternately at the barbell and at me.

In the end, she carefully climbed onto the barbell and said, looking at me: "Okay, just don't overexert yourself, okay? If you break your jaw, you'll say even less, which no one needs!"

In response, I just snorted and grabbed the towel in my teeth again. Has the workload become serious? Not really. Did I start to feel any heaviness? Yes. Plus, Rainbow willy-nilly moves slightly, which creates additional tension for the jaws to stabilize the barbell.

The useful pony.

After I lifted the barbell several times, Rainbow asked, focusing her gaze on me: "Well, can you tell me something about yourself? Like, you've been living here for a month or something. But nothing but your desire to become stronger, no pony knows."

I just looked down at her. At first, her ears pressed slightly against her head, as if she was upset. But notice she brightened up, giggled briefly and said, "Oh, right. You're holding this barbell with your teeth. Well, then, let me ask you simple questions, and you'll nod or shake your head, okay?"

Without saying anything, I just continued to lift the barbell with my teeth. It's too small a thing to interrupt your workout for just a moment. But Rainbow took it as agreement and chirped, excitedly, clapping her hooves: "Good, good! So, uh, do you have a hobby? Like, for example, I like to read sometimes. Sometimes, I'm not an egghead."

Why do I want to answer this question? Why?

For a while, I just kept lifting the barbell without slowing down. But in the end, I took the barbell in my hand for a second before quickly shaking my head and taking the barbell in my teeth again. I don't understand why, but Rainbow's ears went down to her head again, as if she was upset by my answer. What's wrong with that?

Fortunately, after just a second of sadness, Rainbow clapped her hooves again and asked the following question: "Okay, you don't have a hobby. If you ever want to try it, we can read cool books together! Well, anyway. Um, what kind of food do you like?"

How should I answer this question? My jaws are busy.

Suddenly, an annoying voice was heard to my right, who asked mockingly, "Hey, Rainbow Crash! We didn't expect to see you here, because there's no trash nearby."

Almost immediately, Rainbow's ears pressed against her head and she closed her eyes. After a couple of seconds, she lifted her eyelids and began to quickly look around for an answer. Or hide. It doesn't matter. Anyway, there was a group laugh to my right. Two ponies, at least. No, four. Yes, there are four of them.

What is this strange feeling? Not rage, not the desire to fight. Something else.

My jaw opened, throwing the barbell to the ground with a bang. Fortunately, Rainbow managed to land safely on the ground and cast a displeased glance in my direction. Almost instinctively, I reached into my pocket where I kept a limited supply of steroids. There's going to be a fight now, so don't give the opponent a chance. Straining my neck in advance, I took out a syringe with pink liquid and shook it slightly.

The purple winged unicorn called it liquid magic or something like that. In this world, it's the closest thing to steroids that I could find. Sighing, I brought the syringe to my neck and was about to stick it in, but Rainbow hung on my arm. I just stared at her for a few seconds while the ponies next to me continued to laugh and talk some nonsense. In the end Rainbow said softly: "How many times have I told you not to take this thing? It is harmful and unfair!"

This is probably the only bad thing about Rainbow. She really doesn't like that I take steroids. She's very insistent that I don't take them. Normally, I would just brush it off, but now. . . For some reason, because of this unknown feeling. . . I obey.

Sighing, I returned the syringe to my pocket, to which Rainbow smiled gratefully. It was at this moment that another taunt was heard from the right: "Huh, it looks like Crash has a crush on someone."

I was about to turn around and take a bite out of them, and Rainbow whispered: "I'm not a mare in trouble, it's okay. And in general, hitting others just for words is not very cool. "

I frowned down at her and tried to suppress a strange feeling. As if her words really mattered. The most important thing in the world.

More important than. . . than defeating him. Now, only now she is more important.

I growled a little under my breath, but still turned to those who were mocking Rainbow. It was a group of four ponies, all of whom were wearing some kind of tight clothes. Not that it really mattered.

I clenched my hands into fists and looked down at this group. Noticing that they were not retreating much, I bared my teeth and said: "If life is precious, you'd better leave."

"I'm not a mare in trouble. Rainbow muttered softly behind me but didn't interfere.

Just stay behind. I'll take care of it.

One particularly brazen mare from the group came up to me, wagging her tail and asked mockingly: "And what will you do, bald gorilla? Will you bite us?"

"No, I won't bite you," I replied instantly, looking coldly at the pony.

"I'm going to eat you." I finished by glaring at the pony's neck. For added effect, I leaned towards them, but still towering significantly above them. Fortunately, it worked. The ponies took a collective step back. Then another one. And finally turned around before hurriedly heading for the exit. Or at least to the part of the gym that is as far away from me as possible.

It's such an interesting feeling. It's like when I defeat an opponent with my uppercut. But this feeling is softer and more pleasant. Several times.

Sighing with satisfaction, I turned to Rainbow and saw that she was awkwardly rubbing one hoof against the other, while lowering her head down. Almost instinctively, I knelt down in front of her and asked: "Is everything okay?"

She snorted quickly and suddenly rose into the air before replying with crossed hooves, "I'm fine. I just don't like that you think I'm a mare in trouble. "

" So the next time someone calls you names, should I ignore it? " I asked, putting my hands in my pockets.

" Well, maybe not completely ignored. But like, um, I don't know, okay? I just don't like you are saving me like I can't stand up for myself. " Rainbow replied, hanging in the air and lifting her nose. No, she's really bad at not being cute.

And looking at her. . . My hands move on their own. And I don't control them. Do I want to stop them from doing what they want? . . . No.

"Hey, what are you doing? Oh!" Rainbow said as my arms wrapped around her and squeezed. In battle, this would be followed by a powerful throw to the ground. But now? This strange feeling flares up.

Rainbow fidgeted in my grip for a while before sighing in frustration and asking, "Aren't you going to let me go? Even if other ponies are watching?"

I was silent for a couple of seconds before asking, looking down at her, "If you don't like it, just say it."

Suddenly, Rainbow wrapped her tail around my arm and sighed. The sight of her looking pleased made me do something unusual. Smile. But this is not a smile of anticipation of battle, nor a desire for victory. No, it's something much bigger.

My thoughts were interrupted by a strange sensation on my cheek. Some kind of humidity. And Rainbow's cheeks have a strange shade again. It's much much darker this time. Really?

Is that a kiss? It's a feeling. . It's becoming incredibly powerful now. I don't want to let her go. I don't want to take a step back. I want to freeze in place with her and not move. Never.

Feeling that I had to respond somehow, I leaned closer to her head. Maybe it was my imagination, but it looks like Rainbow is shaking a little. I opened my mouth slightly and bit her ear. No real damage, in fact just a touch with minimal hold.

But even that made Rainbow giggle and say, fidgeting in my grip, "Oh, you never lose your brutality, do you, big guy?"

"It looks like it. I muttered while still holding her ear with my teeth. At first, her fidgeting confused me, but then I felt on some animal level that it was playful.

No real dislike. Not from either side.

For a few seconds, she just kept giggling contentedly in my grip. The moment seemed eternal, but like all good ones, it was over. With a sharp flap of her wings, she broke free from my grip and hovered right in front of my face with an incredibly pleased smile on her face.

She just looked at me for a while before looking at the barbell and saying, "Well, big guy, you want to get stronger, remember? So I won't distract you from your stressful thirty-hour workout. But if you need anything, you can look for me somewhere nearby. Maybe in Sugarcube Corner?"

Before I could say anything, she disappeared, leaving only a trail of dust in the air. I sighed and slowly walked over to the barbell before muttering, "Yes, I need to get stronger. Thanks for the reminder, Dash."

After these words, I lifted the barbell with my jaw again. But he stopped. All these thoughts, desires, feelings could not calm down. They are more deafening than the strongest blows to the head and more suffocating than the strongest grip. All this can be combined in one word. The word that I seemed to use. I've never used it in my life. "Love."

I think. . . I think I'm going to shorten my workout a little bit today. I'll just do a couple of repetitions and go look for Rainbow.

And with that thought in mind, I started lifting the barbell with my jaw, faster than ever.

Comments ( 6 )

That was surprisingly... awesome, especially for a person like jack:moustache:

This honestly the first time A fic caught my attention with a baking character! I don't think dashie would be able to handle Jack though.😈

At least it wasn't Yujiro. Equestria would be screwed. Literally.

I haven't read this but holy shit, Baki representation on this site! I love it.

omg this is so cute. i’ve been binge watching baki shorts lately

Pachi #6 · March 7th · · ·

Remember, clapping cheeks canonically makes you stronger in the Bakiverse, so this is also a form of training

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