• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 334 Views, 31 Comments

Rainbow Dash the One Punch Mare - One Dashie

hello, this is my first story on fimfiction, It's simply about Rainbow Dash who trained as Saitama from One Punch Man.

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chapter 3 "The problems begin"

5 months ago...

Knock Knock Knock...




"Rainbow Dash..."




Knock Knock Knock...

"Rainbow Dash!"






Rainbow Dash opens the door and sees, Twilight, neither of them have a happy expression.

"Guys, can't you leave me alone?" asked Rainbow Dash irritably.

"we just want to help you, I know you haven't been doing very well since the accident, but that doesn't justify treating your friends like this, Pinkie Pie was really sad when she realized that you just ignored her and-" Twilight didn't finish because Rainbow Dash closed the door.




Twilight sighed and teleported inside Rainbow Dash's house.

"hey this is the princess of invasion" said Rainbow Dash.

"you're coming with me whether you like it or not!" Twilight exclaimed irritably.

Twilight touched Rainbow Dash with her hoof and teleported them both to Twilight's castle.

"princess of kidnapper" said Rainbow Dash watching her friends gathered together.

Applejack approached Rainbow Dash.

"it's okay, sweetie, you know we want to help you, so it would be great if you started cooperating, and not just lying around doing nothing all day and treating your friends badly" said Applejack, looking firmly at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash gave a blank look and said.

"I don't want your help" Rainbow replied.

"uhh... we just want you to be okay" said Fluttershy trying to calm the atmosphere.

“and I want you to leave me alone” said Rainbow Dash.

“you know we never leave a friend alone when they are in trouble” said Twilight.




"ok, so we're not friends anymore" Rainbow Dash said before trotting off.

At the time...


Rainbow Dash was sleeping peacefully on top of a cloud before being woken up by a familiar voice.

"shut up Pinkie Pie, you're disturbing my afternoon nap" said Rainbow Dash trying to go back to sleep.




"Which one of your afternoon naps?" asked Pinkie Pie.

“Say whatever you want,” said Rainbow Dash irritably.

"we are being called by Princess Celestia" said Pinkie Pie.




"zzzzzz..." Rainbow Dash went back to sleep.

"ok, let me sort this out Pinkie" said Applejack smiling as she grabbed a rope.

Rainbow Dash woke up feeling her tail being pulled, so she fell to the ground, thanks to her resistance and because she wasn't very high she didn't feel any pain, but they managed to wake her up, she faced Pinkie Pie and Applejack who were smiling at her.

“ok, let's see what the princess wants” said Rainbow Dash frustrated.

About this...

"Arctic... survive, my son... please..."

Ice Wings suddenly woke up, looked everywhere, and after a few seconds he realized that he was alone in a hospital bed, and saw that he was injured.

"Now I remember... Mosquito Mare... Rainbow Dash... how did she do it?" thought Icewings.

Ice Wings tried to get up, but felt a lot of pain, at that moment a nurse appeared, she had yellow fur, pink mane and green eyes.

“Ah, you’re awake, please don’t move, you’re really hurt” said the nurse.

"How long have I been here?" Icewings asked.

“4 days ago” replied the nurse.

“4 days…” thought Ice Wings in surprise “may I know who brought me?” Icewings asked.

With Rainbow Dash...

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie arrived at the train station, where they met Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike.

"What took you so long?" asked Twilight irritably.

"we had to find and wake up a lazy mare" said Applejack smiling as she looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack wondering whether or not she should hit her hard enough to send her straight to Canterlot, but she decided against it.

"the train will be here soon" Twilight said a little calmer.

"I hope it's something important, I missed my afternoon nap" said Rainbow Dash, sitting down crossing her front paws.

"which of the three afternoon naps?" Rarity asked.

“Of course it’s important, do you really think the princess would call us if it wasn’t important?” asked Twilight, offended by the words Rainbow Dash said.

"yes" replied Rainbow Dash.

Before they could continue talking, the train arrived and everyone got on.

About this...

"ouch! That hurts!"

It was Mosquito Mare, rubbing his side and glowering at a gorilla with mechanical arms carrying a comically large injection.

“Doctor, you must hurry when regenerating Mosquito Mare's blood bag, she gets hungry very quickly” said the gorilla while looking at a pony.

The pony was a stallion, unicorn, with gray fur, black mane, blue eyes and wore glasses.

“that will have to wait, I'm working on something more important at the moment” said the doctor, while looking at a photo of Rainbow Dash.

With wings of ice...

"Rainbow Dash?"

Asked an elderly Earth pony stallion, with white fur, gray mane, blue eyes, wearing a pink shirt.

"yes, she was the one who saved me from Mosquito Mare, could you do an investigation while I recover, Doctor Mind?" Icewings asked.

“alright, I’ll gather as much information as possible, I’m very curious to know about your strength too” said Mind.

“she was very strong” thought Ice Wings remembering the blow that hit Mosquito Mare.

"alright, get better and don't do anything stupid, Arctic," Doctor Mind said before leaving.

“if I were stronger…” thought Ice Wings.

With Rainbow Dash...

"I swear if she asks me to clear the clouds for an event in Canterlot again, I will destroy Equestria myself" said Rainbow Dash.

“It was just once, there was no one else available and you only took 10 seconds” said Twilight while reading a book.

"Twilight, the princesses could have done this, they have magic and can clear the clouds like any pegasus... and I didn't get any pieces" said Rainbow Dash.

"That's what was bothering you!?" Twilight exclaimed, looking at her book.

"What? We always have to do free work for the princesses" Rainbow defended herself.

"well she's right" said Spike agreeing with Rainbow Dash while drinking apple juice.

"well, we'll know why we were called when we get there, any ideas what to do until we get there?" asked Rarity as she tended to her mane.

"let's play truth or dare!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

"NO!" Everyone exclaimed.

"it always goes wrong, it's uncomfortable, and someone always gets hurt... especially Rainbow Dash, or ends up having a very shameful secret exposed... Rainbow Dash's fault" said Twilight.

"but that's why it's so fun" said Pinkie Pie.

In Canterlot...

“I don't believe it…” said Luna in surprise.

“He’s back, after so long he’s back…” Celestia said frustrated.

"he should be DEAD" Luna said worriedly.

“but it seems that he is alive, and more dangerous than ever, it will be much worse than what happened last time” said Celestia uneasily.

"Do you think Twilight and her friends will be able to solve this problem?" Luna asked.

“...I want to believe so” said Celestia.

With Rainbow Dash...

"who knew Miss Perfect Sparkle ever returned a book with a torn page to the library" said Rainbow Dash after hearing Twilight's biggest regret in her life.

"I don't think that's her biggest regret," Applejack said.

"now it's your turn Applejack, truth or dare?" asked Pinkie Pie smiling.

"uh...really?" Applejack replied, not sure if she made the right choice.

Pinkie Pie smiled even wider, as if Applejack had fallen into her trap.

"Do you have a crush on someone?" Pinkie asked.




Everyone looked at Applejack, waiting for her answer, Applejack regretted it when he agreed to participate in that game.

"I...uhhh...I..." Applejack tried to think of a way out of the situation.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay in the chapter, but some things happened to me, that's why the chapter took a while, it may have some problems because, as I already made clear, I'm not fluent in English, so I used Google Translate