• Published 3rd Apr 2024
  • 6,236 Views, 96 Comments

Ruffled Feathers - Some Leech

Life has a funny way of throwing you curve balls, even if those curve balls can be completely unbelievable...

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Comments ( 46 )

Cute ending although I want way more now

Mentioned it earlier, but there's a sequel in the works.

Caught up to speed. I’m enjoying this story so far.

Una #4 · April 7th · · ·

Great story. It's a shame we couldn't get a few more chapters though. It just seems like alot of interesting details were skipped between chapters with the reverse gender rolesm

Gotta pace it

Full disclosure, there was discussion of a second novella as this was being written - bearing that in mind, there's going to be a LOT of stuff in the next installment. Also there's some gradual bonding between Nimbus and Sapphire in this that could lead to some fun stuff.

Munck #7 · April 7th · · ·

I was about to say that this was too good to just end like that, so knowing that there's a sequel in the works fills me with joy.

Also, thank you for the lovely read.
I greatly enjoyed it and I'll be looking forward to seeing where it goes next.

Nice story, it definitely needs a sequel :pinkiehappy:


I may be just a humble smut peddler, but I try to deliver compelling stuff when I can

Call Twilight a virgin. She'll be so embarrassed, she'll let you go.





Heya guys, figured I'd just pop out there and ask what people would like to see happen to our poor human turned pegasus stallion in any sequels. I'm wondering how he should struggle at getting used to his new RGRE world and as well as still getting use to his equine body if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears. :derpytongue2:

“They’re just that, myths ,” she groaned. Seeing the curious look on his face, she rubbed her temples. “Old mares tales about how there was a rainbow bridge that crossed realities. Before you ask, no, I can’t give the stories any credit. There’s no tangible evidence, no documentation, and none of the Princesses have ever mentioned such a thing.”

Hah! Nice call back!
Ill have firefly enjoy this one

Nice! I can't wait for more from these two!

I was about to ask too. This somehow hit just the right blend between smut and story. It reminds me a lot about 'Jewel of the Everfree' and its sequel 'Romacing the Pone'. Maybe not in scope but the broad strokes are similar. And just as we got the first essential drama out of the way it ends? That didn't sit right. So good to know sequel is coming. Still feels like the conclusion with Twilight should be in this one to give it a proper ending point. But, I take what I can get. ^^


This felt way too short. I hope you plan a sequel or something.

Not a sequel, well not yet. I feel this story didn't have an end it just kinda stops. I wonder why Leech kinda just stops the story here? Usually they do give satisfying endings to their other stories. So I wonder what happened here. It was still a good story up until it stops.

Thank you for not doing one of those overly saturated stories of a summoner being rewarded for their actions via constant sex and marriage.


Think of this like a story arc for a comic.
Was it relatively short and concise? Yes
Did it set the stage and introduce some characters and a setting? Yup
Is this the end of the story? Hell no

The soft him of magic and light around her horn dimmed while she squinted at him. “Like a what?”

Gonna guess that's supposed to be 'hum'

So there's going to be more? Hell yeah, this couple is awesome. Can't wait!

We need more of Twilight being her element

This was quite a refreshing read :moustache:

That's one culture shock and a half. I always find it somewhat unbeliveable that in every single one of these stories the human doesn't know anything useful what-so-ever. I don't know how it is over at the US, but my father did try to teach me about soldering electronics and fixing the car. Imagine if Nimbus wasn't an ignoramus and could actually put together a radio. Now that would be a technological revolution.

I wouldn't necessarily say he's stupid, he's just at a loss - plus there's the whole lack of digits thing. He has skills, but they're not skills that could be easily put to use in a world of talking, marshmallow horsies.

That's exactly my point. If you were to judge by Isekai, the word consists of shop attendants and office clerks. I've seen one story where Anon is an architect, but that's the one exception.

Aye, but part of it has to do with relatability. Kinda hard to put yourself in the shoes of an architect, doctor, or aerospace engineer if you're not acquainted with the profession.

The inverse is true too. It's hard to put yourself into the shoes of somebody who has no skills in any field.

You forget lonely schoolgirls

Oh, yeah. And orphans on probation who have to give away the cat to the judge who just convicted them because their house got burned by the gang they owed.

Been a while since I've been able to read any of your works dude.

For a very lewd start, it is a very wholesome and lovely story. While it was a bit face paced at times for my personal preferences, you explain yourself why in the replies.

You always manage to create such well rounded characters and realistic dialogue. While when I did write, min felts shallow and stacarto.

And that ending makes me wish there could be more of these two. So I'm happy you mentioned there is a sequel planned.

I *need* a sequel

Two words: more please. :3c

This is a wonderful story and really leaves you wanting more. Thank you for writing it and please continue to write more. Your stories are always great.

I think with this story, though I liked it a fair bit and would like to see a sequel, it was awfully quick to dismiss the blatant sexism in the latter third or so. Like, it went from the MC feeling actually at-risk and super uncomfortable with the behaviour of several mares, to being like "Oh, they're actually nice enough generally, they weren't really going to bother me for real." even though at least a couple of them were very pushy with their sexual harassment and dismissive of his complaints. So, the MC seemingly discounting it towards the end was a bit disconcerting.

And yeah, I agree on your points about the past. It absolutely was that bad. Rose tinted glasses and ignoring pertinent details paints a different view of the past than the more objective reality of the known facts. Like people complaining about divorce rates being so high, when in the old days people 'actually cared about family', do ignore that women didn't tend to divorce because the prospects were pretty bleak, both financially and socially. Women were divorcing more in the 90's and on, not because family stopped mattering to people all of a sudden, but because women were actually much more able to support themselves independently, finally (and the social stigma was lessening somewhat). On a somewhat related note, the conservatives complaining about sexual deviancy and teen pregnancy in the 'modern age', conveniently ignored that teenage pregnancy rates fell for millennials and on. Not to get too political, but the overturning of Roe v. Wade is absolutely going to bite the USA in the ass not just now, but particularly around 15 or 16 years from now when the product of all those unwanted pregnancies start approaching adulthood. It's going to be the opposite of what was seen in the 90's, when the expected growth of crime and violence instead declined, at least partly attributed to all the unwanted pregnancies that got aborted starting in the 70's.

Dang, haven't read a good RGRE in ages. Hie is good too.. Transformation is not my thing, but I don't have to choose.
Waiting for the sequel)

I like it :pinkiehappy: :twilightblush:

I am a bit surprissed how this turned out, but not in the bad way and I can only hope the best for the two of them.

Also, is it mean of me that I want Nimbus to be stuck in Equestria? I simply belive it would be the best for these two.

Interesting that Twilight assumed he was executor of the spell that brought him there. Perhaps she was was hoping for something in particular? Maybe she set a beacon of sorts that interfered with the conjuration? The conversation leads us to suspect she's partially complicit in the accident.... 😈

...guess i said the wrong things

Also this is an m fic
Its gonna be a bit exaggerated

Damn, at the end already? Thought there'd be one more chapter to put a nice Lil bow on it. Meh still another good Leech tale. 👍

Shachza #45 · Monday · · ·

I came for the clop.

I stayed for the feel-good story about finding your place in a world not your own.

I'll be honest, given what the first chapter was, I was not expecting this to go in the direction it did.


Bait them with spice
Hook them with nice

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