• Published 1st Apr 2024
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The God of Death - TenebrisScholar

The Chosen Undead is on the verge of undoing the curse of undeath cast upon humanity by Lord Gwyn, when he falls for a trap laid within the First Flame and is transported to Equestria, over a thousand years in the past.

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Chapter 6

Alric was in his sitting room with Celestia and Luna. He had made some nice green blossom tea and had given the girls a bit of time to relax after their trip to the city. But it was time he got to the point.

He took a final sip of his tea before setting it on a small table next to his crystalline rocking chair. “Well little ones, now that we’ve all had some time to unwind after our trip to the city and I have had some time to think this through a bit more, I must pose a question. Would you two like to become goddesses?”

The two of them looked at him curiously.

“Goddesses? Like Gwynevere?” Celestia asked.

Alric smiled and nodded. “Exactly like her. You see, I believe I have a way to turn you both into goddesses, to raise and lower the sun and moon, just like your father would have been doing. Only, you won’t ever lose your magic. In fact your magic will be stronger than you can imagine. But I am hesitant. You likely do not understand why, after all one might assume that becoming a deity is purely a good thing, yes? After all, how could it not be? Immortality, vast power, eternal youth and beauty… But there are some serious detriments to consider. Issues that may well make becoming goddesses not worth the price.”

“Like what?” Luna inquired.

“Well, you won’t be able to live normal lives. You will be goddesses. Thus you will be immortal. And believe me, immortality is not always pleasant. I should know… In your case, you will outlive everyone around you, save for each other. You might take husbands and attempt to start families but you will have to watch your husbands slowly wither away. Growing old and dying without you while you two go on to live until the end of time. You might have children. Foals of your own. They may inherit a fraction of your power and be immortal themselves so there is the possibility you will have some family besides each other to weather through eternity.”

“What about you? You just said you’re immortal.” Celestia asked him.

Alric sighed. “That goes into some topics I’d rather not speak of… Tell me. Can you two keep a secret? This is very important. So you must promise me you will not speak of this with anyone besides myself.”

“Mhm! We won’t tell anypony! Promise!” Luna nodded.

“Yeah. We’re good at keeping secrets!” Celestia agreed.

“I’m trusting you. No one else can know what I am about to tell you… Celestia, Luna, Lord Gwyn is not the hero he is made out to be in the stories I have told you. He is selfish, manipulative, and power hungry. He is truly evil. Or at least he was before I slew him and took his Lord Soul…” Alric trailed off, thinking back to his battle with Gwyn.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he continued, “He cast a curse upon my people. The curse of Undeath. I am afflicted by that very curse. I am an undead. A being cursed to die over and over again, until I eventually go mad and become a mindless husk of my former self. This process is called hollowing… Hollowing can be staved off so long as an undead has a purpose. Something to cling to to keep them going through all the pain and horror. A reason to keep their humanity. My purpose is to end the curse. In fact that’s how I arrived here. When I defeated Lord Gwyn, I attempted to undo the curse. But in doing so I fell into a trap he laid upon the First Fire and the curse which sent me here, to this world…”

“You’re from another world? And you beat Lord Gwyn? But how? He’s a god, right? Does this mean you’re a god too?” Celestia inquired.

Alric nodded. “Indeed I am from another world. As for whether or not I am a god,... Eh... Yes and no. I suppose that entirely depends on your definition of a god. I’m certainly powerful enough to qualify, under Big Hat Logan’s definition that power is all that separates a god from a mortal. However the Gods are beings of the First Fire, descended from the Lords. Whereas I am human, a scion of the Furtive Pygmy born of the Dark Soul and the Abyss rather than the First Fire. So what I am is somewhat of a philosophical matter, I suppose. But I digress.”

He picked up his tea and took another sip. “Now that I’m here, to fulfill my purpose I must find a way to return to my world so I can finally end the curse. In which case I will be free of the curse. What happens from there I know not. Perhaps the power of my soul or humanity will keep me alive and I shall live forever. Or… I might die. My soul may finally be allowed to pass on and I will finally be granted the eternal rest I have worked so very hard for… If I fail, however, I will go hollow. I will slowly lose all of my memories piece by piece until I can no longer remember who I am. Then I will become a mindless monster, who is a danger to all who are around me. A hollow. In which case I shall need to be imprisoned so that I do not hurt anyone whilst I’m not in my right mind.”

He chuckled humorlessly as he realized the irony in that. He began his journey imprisoned in the Undead Asylum, and there was a very real possibility his journey would end with him being imprisoned again. This time in a prison of his own making. All of his hard work, all of the countless millennia he spent researching a way to end the curse, all the blood, all the death, and all the suffering he had endured going completely to waste and ultimately amounting to nothing as he went hollow. His crowning achievement. His crowning failure…

He shook his head. He couldn’t let himself think that way. If he did, hollowing was a certainty. It wasn’t over yet. Not even close. There was still a chance. He just needed to find a way back to his world. He would find that path back even if it took another ten millennia. He would not give up hope no matter what.

He finished off his tea in a single large gulp, feeling the effects of the green blossom restoring his energy. Setting the now empty cup down he leaned forwards in his chair “In either case, it is quite likely that, unless the best case scenario comes to pass, I will not be here forever. So yes. I am theoretically immortal. But in reality… It’s questionable. So I do not count myself among those you will be able to have by your side forever should you become goddesses. That said, I will gladly stay by your sides for as long as my curse and fortune permits. And should this last forever, I will happily stay with you until the end of time.”

“I don’t want you to die…” Luna whimpered, tears in her eyes.

Alric gave her a warm smile. He leaned further forward, picked the two of them up, and set them both in his lap. He embraced them as he began slowly rocking his chair. “I appreciate that… I do not wish to leave you either. But the chances are we shall be separated one way or another. Either you shall both remain mortal, eventually growing old and passing away peacefully amongst your future loved ones whilst I continue on, researching a way to return to my world. Eventually succeeding or failing long after you have already departed. Or you will become goddesses and may potentially outlast me. It’s unfortunate, but I’m afraid it’s the truth. I wish I could say otherwise, but I shall never lie to you. Not about something like this.”

They leaned into his embrace, neither of them particularly happy.

Alric held them like that, gently rocking in his chair for a bit, trying to comfort them. Eventually he said, “Well, that’s a matter we shall not have to worry about for a very long time. Anywhere from decades to centuries or longer. So you needn’t let my fate weigh too heavily upon you. I shall be with you for as long as I can.”

“If we become goddesses, we can spend more time with you, right?” Celestia asked.

“Please do not consider me as a factor in this decision. That is technically true, we may spend centuries together instead of mere decades, but it is still temporary. Rather consider your future. What might you lose from immortality? What might you experience? You will outlive any friends or lovers you ever meet. Societies and civilizations will rise and fall in your wake. You will have to witness countless wars and plagues. History repeating itself as individuals make the same mistakes as their predecessors over and over again. That is the curse that comes with immortality. It will be difficult, tiring, and tedious. You should only accept it if you can bear that burden. Do you think you can handle such a thing?” Alric inquired.

“Mm… It sounds scary…” Luna muttered.

“It is, in a way. The prospect of eternity is indeed quite daunting in its own right. But it’s not something that will harm you. Not directly, at least. Quite the opposite, in fact, by its very nature. It’s merely a matter of finding the strength and courage to keep pressing forwards despite whatever hardships you may face. To weather the storm, as it were. Something everyone must do in their lives, just over a much longer period of time.”

“It's scary… But you did it. I think Luna and I can too.” Celestia stated.

Alric nodded. “There is more still to consider beyond just immortality. For example, as goddesses you would have immense responsibility. Raising and lowering the sun and moon every single night and day without fail, blessing crops, and being competent leaders. You will bear the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Your actions and decisions will impact countless lives across the entire world. If you make a mistake, become lazy, fail in your duties, or Velka forbid you act in true malice then countless individuals may suffer for it. And you will be to blame for their suffering. Can you bear the burden such responsibility will place upon you? Or would you break upon it? Please be honest. There is no shame in admitting it may be too much for you.”

They both remained silent for a long moment before Luna nodded. “Yeah… We can be the bestest nicest goddesses ever.”

Alric patted her head. “I’m sure you could be… What is your answer, Celestia? Would such responsibility be too much for you?”

“I… I’m not sure… Can you teach us how?” She asked.

Alric raised an eyebrow at that. “Teach you how to do what?”

“Not make mistakes… I don’t wanna hurt anypony…” She stated.

Alric put a hand under her chin and gently directed her head to look at him. “Celestia, allow me to clarify something for you. It is impossible to be perfect. Even gods fail and make mistakes. Velka knows I have made countless in my existence. So, no. I cannot teach you to be perfect, for I myself am not perfect. The harsh reality is this. You will falter. You will fail. You will make mistakes. There will be things you regret in your life. But that will be true regardless. What matters is how you handle those mistakes. A responsible goddess will recognize that she has made a mistake and do everything in her power to fix that mistake if she can. If she cannot, then she will bear the consequences of her actions, hard though it may be, and try her best to lead others into a brighter future regardless of the past… What I can teach you is to be responsible. To take accountability for your actions. The question is if you are strong enough to do that on this scale.”

Celestia thought for a long moment before nodding. “I think so…? Maybe…”

Alric nodded. “Very well. Let’s see, what have we covered so far…? The price of immortality, the weight of responsibility… What else is there… The temptation of power? It technically goes with the weight of responsibility, but yes. I believe it’s worth elaborating upon in its own right.”

He looked at the foals sitting on his lap. “There is an old saying. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you accept this and become goddesses, you will gain vast power in every sense of the word. Magically, physically, socially, and politically. People may start praying to you and there may be religions dedicated to you. You will be worshiped. It will feel good. Very good. But therein lies the most dangerous trap you can fall into. It is the trap Lord Gwyn fell into that led to him casting the curse of undeath upon humanity. Greed, addiction to power, a lust for more, and a fear of losing the power you hold. You must have the restraint to not allow yourselves to be corrupted by the power you wield. It is the ultimate challenge of all who wield such power.”

Alric looked into the fireplace, staring into the flames he recalled scenes from his past. All the atrocities he committed in his youth. “It is a lesson I had to learn the hard way…”

“Alric?” Luna asked, looking up at him.

He was drawn out of his recollections. “Hm? Ah, yes… My apologies, I became lost in my memories for a moment… That temptation can wear away at even the strongest of wills until one succumbs. Some can bear it. Others cannot. In your case, I suppose you two are both too young for me to take you at your word that you could resist it on your own. Thus it’s something with which I must simply take a leap of faith and hope I can guide you both in the proper direction. But now, considering everything I have told you, do you wish to become goddesses? Keep in mind, I have only told you all the negatives so that you might be fully aware of the dangers and potential costs. There are many blessings that come with being goddesses as well.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other for a moment before looking up at him. “It's scary, but… I wanna be a goddess.” Luna stated.

Celestia hesitated a bit longer but eventually nodded. “I want to be a goddess too.”

Alric nodded. “Very well then. I’ve never done something like this before. So I would like to perform something of an examination first to make certain it’s safe. Come. Let us head to my laboratory.”

The fillies hopped off his lap onto the floor and followed him through the castle to the lab.

He picked them both up and set them on a table. He then reached into his bottomless box and took out the souls.

“These fires are what will allow me to make you into goddesses. Celestia, I assume you wish to become the goddess of the sun, and Luna, I assume you wish to become the goddess of the moon, correct?” Alric asked them.

“Mhm. I like the moon. It’s pretty.” Luna nodded.

“I like the sun a lot. I really like how warm and bright it is.” Celestia agreed.

“I thought as much.” Alric said before setting the souls in front of the fillies. He then drew Velka’s talisman. “I’m going to start my examination to make sure this is safe. Please hold on a moment.”

He raised his talisman and a light enveloped them and the souls as he began casting a miracle.

“Huh?” Celestia grunted looking at herself.

“This feels funny…” Luna commented.

“That is to be expected. I am studying your souls and seeing how they interact with the souls of the gods. If it starts to hurt, let me know and I shall immediately stop what I am doing and fix it.” Alric stated.

The process continued for a few more minutes.

Eventually both of the fillies began shifting uncomfortably. “I don’t feel so good…” Luna muttered.

“I don’t either. I feel sick…” Celestia stated.

Alric sighed. “Mmm… Indeed… Seeing what’s happening to your souls I’m not surprised. It seems neither of you can withstand having the soul of a god implanted into you at the moment. Well, I’m not surprised. This is why I decided to perform this examination rather than implanting the souls immediately. It is always better to be safe than sorry. I’m reversing what I’ve done as we speak. It will be a simple matter so you needn’t fret.”

After a few minutes the fillies stopped squirming and began to relax, then the light faded and Alric set his talisman down on the table. Then he took the souls and put them away.

“It would appear neither of you are quite prepared to accept the souls of gods. You lack… well… a few things really. First, you simply aren’t prepared to handle this much raw power. And seeing what was occurring, I sincerely doubt an adult unicorn would be able to either. Thus we shall need to build up your tolerance for power by starting with weaker souls and allowing you to acclimate to them over time.” Alric explained, taking out two fading souls.

Fortunately he didn’t have to worry about transferring the curse to them through the souls. The souls of man were embers of the first fire placed within mankind when Gwyn linked the fire in order to suppress their humanity, the fragments of the Dark Soul within them. Since the sisters weren’t human and had no humanity to speak of, they could not contract the curse. Thus they could safely gain power from human and undead souls without fear of becoming undead themselves. The problem was they couldn’t consume souls as undead could. Thus it had to be done artificially. Tedious, but it could be done.

If he was to be honest with himself, while the delay was rather frustrating as it meant it would take longer before they could start helping others on any scale, it was probably good that he couldn’t simply grant them divinity right away. This would give him the chance to teach them to be humble and responsible before they ever became gods. They would not have the temptations of power thrust upon them all at once and let it go to their heads. They would have a chance to learn and grow over time.

He set the two fading souls down in front of the girls. He then picked up his talisman again. “These souls should be more suitable for you. Enough to push your current limits without harming you at all.” He then began the process of feeding the fading souls into theirs.

A faint white light flowed from the fading souls into the girls. It lasted for about three seconds before the souls vanished and the light disappeared.

“I feel weird again.” Celestia stated.

Luna nodded in agreement.

“Worry not, the souls are already fully assimilated with yours. Thus that strange feeling will be the extent of it, you should get used to it soon. It shall be some time before your bodies and souls fully acclimate to this increased power and shall be able to withstand more, however.” Alric explained putting his talisman away.

“Now. There’s another issue. Your souls aren’t quite attuned enough to the gods whose souls you shall be receiving. That is an issue as it could potentially lead to instability in your divine powers. This can be remedied, quite easily given that this will take time regardless. Thus I will be adding theology and miracles relating to the sun and moon to your education.” Alric informed them.

He reached into his bottomless box and took out several tomes. The holy texts of Gwyn, Gwynevere, and Gwyndolin. “These will be the books I will be having you study. I’ll need to teach you to read, of course. Until then I shall have to read them to you myself, which I’m more than happy to do whenever I have the time to spare. Now I have a question for you both. You are going to be learning sorcery and miracles. Sorcery as you are able to use it naturally with your horns and miracles because as deities you will use them as well. However, those are only two forms of magic. There are two others I can teach you. Pyromancy and Hexes. However, I would like to know if learning them is of any interest to you. I will not force you to pursue them if you have no desire to do so.”

“I don’t know… What are they?” Luna asked.

Alric smiled. “For that I suppose a quick lecture on the different magics is in order.”

He summoned his pyromancy flame to his hand. “By far the least complex and easiest to learn of all magic is pyromancy. Producing a flame and holding it in one’s hand, or perhaps paws or mouth in your case, then channeling it. My first teacher was a pyromancer named Laurentius and he told me that a pyromancer must be in tune with nature herself. I agree with his assessment. Unlike miracles that rely on faith, sorceries that manifest the power of one’s soul to bend arcane cosmic forces to one’s will, or hexes which channel the Abyss, the power of fire for pyromancy comes from the world around you. The plants, the animals, the rivers and seas, the sky above, the air we breathe, and even the very earth we walk on. Fire is the very essence of life itself, and it can be used to achieve a great many truly wondrous or truly terrible things. It all depends upon how its used.”

He closed his hand and extinguished the flame.

“That sounds nice. I kinda wanna learn that.” Celestia stated.

Alric nodded. “Very well. I am more than willing to teach you. What of you, Luna?”

“Mm-mm… Sounds boring.” Luna shook her head.

Alric laughed. “Hahahaha! Ah… Yes, many a sorcerer would agree with you, dear. Some do look down upon it for its simplicity. Personally I disagree, but I suppose it’s not for everyone. So I will teach you, Celestia, but I suppose you shall have separate lessons, Luna.”

He then placed a hand on the holy texts on the table. “You will both be learning this, as I said, but allow me to explain what miracles are and how they work. Miracles are the use of prayers and faith channeled through talismans to manipulate divine energies from specific deities to achieve what would otherwise be impossible. They can be used to heal yourself or others, to teleport yourself vast distances in an instant, to generate spears of lightning manifested from sunlight, to call down karmic retribution upon those who would harm you, to silence all magic within an area, to coat a blade in the power of moonlight, and more depending on the source of veneration.”

“The only requirement for this is faith, or a source of power to draw from as was the case for the gods. The Lords drew upon the power of the First Fire itself through the Lord Souls. Not fire in the same sense of nature and life as with Pyromancy, but the First Fire as in the ancient flames deep beneath the ground from which they found the Lord Souls. Even Nito, the First of the Dead, the God of Death drew from this same source so it is not anathema to death. That, however, is a very complex topic for later. Regardless, in your cases, the source you shall draw from until your ascension are the souls of Gwynevere and Gwyndolin. Thus the sun and the moon.”

He took out the four lord souls and set each of them on the table in a row so the girls could see them. “In fact, if I fail in my purpose and go hollow you will inherit the Lord Souls from me. The Light Soul of Gwyn, the Life Soul of the Witch, the Death Soul of Nito, and of course the Dark Soul of Manus.” Alric hovered his hand above each of the Lord Souls in turn. “And should that come to pass you will not be simple goddesses but Lords. In which case it will be beyond crucial for you to take my lessons to heart so as to not end up as tyrants.”

He already had an idea of how to divide at least two of the Lord Souls between the Sisters. Light to Celestia, Dark to Luna. If he could give the Dark Soul to Luna without risking her contracting the Curse of Undeath. He would have to conduct some experiments to see how Gwyndolin’s soul interacted with the Dark Soul before he could be certain if it was safe or not. If it functioned how human souls interacted with their humanity, then he would not be able to give her the Dark Soul as he refused to damn her with the curse of Undeath.

Then there was another problem. The Death Soul. Death was often viewed as a burden while Life was often viewed as a blessing. To give Life to one sister and Death to the other… he wasn’t quite happy with that. It could be viewed as favoritism, which he was wholeheartedly against.

But someone would need to inherit the Dark and Death souls if he went hollow. They couldn’t simply be abandoned and they certainly couldn’t be left with him.

He frowned at the two Lord Souls sitting next to each other. They were a bit of an issue for him. One he was going to have to solve soon.

Luna walked across the table and reached out to try and touch the Dark Soul with her hoof.

Alric quickly grabbed her and pulled her away before she could. “Ah, ah, ah! Please do not touch the Lord Souls and especially not the Dark Soul in particular. We just finished the process of enhancing your souls. I do not know what might happen to you and I have no desire to find out.”

“But… It’s so pretty.” Luna said, looking at the Dark Soul.

“Luna, please listen to me. I do not wish to risk you being harmed if you have a negative reaction with the Dark Soul. Besides which, I still need all four Lord Souls. They are my key to ending the curse. I cannot allow anything to happen to them unless I start going hollow. So you may look at them, you may pray to them, but you may not touch them.” Alric told her in a serious tone.

She seemed sad and disappointed. “I’m sorry…”

Alric stroked her head. “It’s alright. You are not in any trouble, little one. It’s my fault for placing them where you might try to touch them. I should have been more cautious. But keep this in mind for the future. The Lord Souls are not playthings and are not to be touched.”

“You were holding one of those at the village, when you showed the pegasi you could grow crops.” Celestia stated.

“Indeed I was. The one I was holding was this. The Life Soul.” Alric said, walking back over and picking up the Life Soul. “Plants are a form of life. And thus I can channel the energies of the Life Soul to make them grow. Gwynevere was a goddess of fertility as much as the sun. Thus you shall be able to do something very similar when you inherit her soul. That’s one of the miracles of hers that I plan to teach you, as a matter of fact.”

“I’m gonna be able to make food like you did?” Celestia asked, looking up at him.

He nodded. “Indeed… Moving on, there are two final types of magic. Sorcery and Hexes. Sorcery is the manipulation of arcane cosmic forces by leveraging the power of one’s soul. It is arguably the most versatile magic of all considering all it can be used to accomplish. However, it is by far the most intellectually challenging. It is to be part of your education regardless as you both are unicorns and thus have a natural inclination towards it.”

He drew his Tin Crystallization Catalyst and examined it. “You can master miracles with some petty memorization and lessons in theology. Then later, after you become a goddess you would already be a master of miracles through your prior experience as mortals. You can master pyromancy with simple practice and meditation. You could master hexes through a combination of theology, practice, and mental and spiritual discipline. Sorcery, however, requires in-depth knowledge of science and mathematics. I do not expect you to become researchers as I am, if you do not wish to. But I promise you, you shall both become highly proficient sorcerers under my tutelage. Perhaps some of the best this world has ever known.”

“Lastly, hexes. It can also be called dark or abyssal magic. It calls forth the power of humanity or the abyss. And no, I’m not talking about humanity as in humans like myself, though it is related in a sense.” He picked up the inky black Dark Soul and held it up for them to see. “When the other Lords found their souls within the flames of the First Fire, this was found by the Furtive Pygmy, Manus. The progenitor of mankind. It is the Dark Soul… Well, not the true Dark Soul. You see, the Dark Soul is unique among the Lord Souls in that it can be split infinitely. So the Furtive Pygmy took shards of the Dark Soul and distributed it among all of his children, Humanity, keeping only the core to himself. These fragments are called ‘Humanity’ after us, his children. This is the core of the Dark Soul which he had kept for himself, though I have gone to painstaking effort to restore it to the former power it held when it was found within the flames of creation.”

He shook his head. “I’m getting off topic, forgive me. My point is that humanity as in the shards of the dark soul, and humanity as in humans are not the same thing. So you needn’t think you are incapable of using hexes because you aren’t human. There is much more to it, such as the Abyss. A realm of pure darkness connected to the Dark Soul. However, what is important is what hexes can do. Earlier when I said sorcery was arguably the most versatile magic, hexes are the reason it’s arguable. This is because hexes can be used in the form of any of the other three magics. It can be used as pyromancy, sorcery, or miracles.”

He conjured his pyromancy flame once more. However this time the flames seemed to be made of pure darkness.

Luna examined the pitch black flames curiously. Celestia seemed less than impressed.

“Or it can be used as its own completely separate form of magic. As is the case with the Art of Lifedrain.” He banished his pyromancy flame and summoned the Dark Hand. “So you can learn it as an extension of learning miracles and sorcery or I can teach it to you as its own separate subject or I can do both. If either of you have any desire to learn it, that is.”

“I wanna learn hexes!” Luna exclaimed.

“Somehow, I am not surprised.” Alric smiled. He then banished the dark hand and started putting the Lord Souls back in his bottomless box. “And so you shall… So you shall learn pyromancy, and you shall learn hexes. Wonderful! I shall have to plan your lessons accordingly. For today, however, let’s begin with the basics of reading and writing. Then I shall cook lunch for you both.”

Author's Note:

I have a question but it's a bit of a spoiler for the Lord Souls so continue at your own risk.

My idea is to have Alric make like two or three other beings to inherit the Lord Souls if he goes hollow. My question is, should Luna inherit the Dark Soul or should she and Celestia split Gwyn's Light Soul and share it? Or should neither of them inherit a Lord Soul if something happens to Alric?