• Member Since 20th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen May 17th

Big Imagination E

For those who wants to get to know me i may be 21 years old and feel like a teenage boy who may feel small but i got a BIG imagination inside me



This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls It's Showtime--Bear in the Big Blue House: Friends in Nature

The Rainbooms are practicing for a big concert later tonight. But trouble comes along when Trixie teamed up with Big Jet and kidnapped seven fairies of music. So they need to save them before things get bad. But they might need some help. Who's gonna help? The Little Einsteins!

This was requested by Crazycartoons5488. Respect to you man!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 25 )

Let the mission......BEGIN!

Might want to disable the ratings.

Comment posted by Skywalker215 deleted April 13th

Look man. I need to be real with you. Im not ready to make that yet. It's gonna be a while before I feel like doing the next space story okay?

You a fan of the Little Einsteins? I can tell your liking this.

When I was young, I was hooked on it, and I still have very fond memories of it

I can't see the video of the Rainbooms song in this chapter, change it.

Sorry I changed it. Try looking now.

A different song would be better, like this one:

What you think?

Alright I changed it again. Look again.

Another mission accomplished!!

Another great installment. If you do one of Barney & Friends, I hope you include the Barney Says segment at the end.

What kind of seatbelts are the Rainbooms wearing, Big Imagination E?

Comment posted by ShopperBrony90 deleted April 28th

After everyone aboard Rocket Leo pressed a button which made seven seats pop up and the Rainbooms sat down.

"Fascinating! These chairs are designed for optimal safety and comfort for young children. I wonder what kind of materials they used to make them so sturdy..." said Twilight, impressed and taking notes.

"What's up with these chairs? They look like they're meant for kindergarteners or something." Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, clearly annoyed about the chairs' size.

"Ugh, seriously? These chairs are for babies! Can't we just get some normal seats?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, clearly embarrassed about what she and her friends have gotten themselves into. "Fine, I'll show this chair who's boss..."

"Oh, aren't these chairs just the cutest? They're so colorful and fun! I love the little designs on them." Fluttershy said, admiring the blue color on them.

"Yay! Tiny chairs! This is going to be so much fun! I feel like I'm in a tea party with stuffed animals!" Pinkie Pie said, sitting down, bouncing herself up and down and playing around with the chair's arms.

"Aww, shucks! These chairs are smaller than the ones on my family's porch! I feel like I'm sittin' in a dollhouse!" Applejack chuckled.

"Oh dear, these chairs are a bit... plain, don't you think? I do hope they come in a more... fashionable design." Rarity cried out.

"Fascinating! These seatbelts use a clever combination of Velcro and plastic to ensure a secure fit. I wonder what kind of safety features they have..." said Twilight, her curiosity growing.

"Ugh, seriously? I know we're going to stop Trixie and Big Jet to save those music fairies, but why do we have to be strapped in like toddlers?!" Sunset Shimmer said, beginning to feel even more embarrassed.

"Seriously? These baby belts are so not cool. Can we just get on with the adventure?" Rainbow Dash asked, her annoyed feelings getting worse.

"Oh, look at these adorable little seatbelts! They're so tiny and cute! I wonder if they come with built-in stuffed animals?" Fluttershy said, adored by the seatbelts.

"Yay! These seatbelts are like the ones on the kiddie rides at the fair! Let's have a seatbelt party and play 'I Spy' with all the colors and shapes on them!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in excitement.

"Aww, shucks! These seatbelts are smaller than the ones on my little sister's car seat! I feel like I'm trying to squeeze into a doll's carriage!" Applejack chuckled.

"Oh, my goodness, these seatbelts are so adorable! But, um, don't they come in a more... grown-up size? These are a bit too... snug for my taste." Rarity said in confusion.

"Alright girls. We're going to need a lot of power to blast off. So do this with us. Pat to the rhythm and that will charge up Rocket. Ready?" Leo asked. The girls nodded and did what Leo said to do. Everyone was patting to the beat and Rocket started to power up. They continued doing that and then they all went a little faster and that got Rocket in ignition mode.

"Fascinating! The physics behind this Rocket power are quite intriguing. I wonder if we could calculate the exact velocity and trajectory of our blast off..." Twilight exclaimed, patting thoughtfully.

"Ugh, this is so...childish. Fine, let's get this over with. But I'm only doing this because I have to, not because I want to." Sunset Shimmer said, rolling her eyes and reluctantly patting, still showing signs of embarrassment.

"Alright, Rocket power, activate! Woohoo, this is gonna be awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she pats in anticipation.

"Rocket, you're so sweet! Let's go on an adventure with our new friends!" Fluttershy whispered, patting along.

"Yay, Rocket power! Now we can have a party in the air! Who needs solid ground when we can blast off, right?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, patting enthusiastically.

"Aw, shucks! This is kinda like ridin' a rollercoaster, but better! Let's do this thing, girls!" Applejack chuckled, patting with a big, determined grin on her face.

"Darlings, I do hope my outfit doesn't get wrinkled from all this blasting off. But I suppose it's worth it for the adventure." Rarity said in concern with a hint of excitement, patting elegantly.

Comment posted by ShopperBrony90 deleted June 11th
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