• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 203 Views, 40 Comments

Pinkie's Fun Palace: a MLP x FNAF Story - EnvironmentalText850

Follow Guarding Grape as he discovers the dark secrets of Pinkie's Fun Palace...

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Chapter 9: The Fifth Night (Part 4: The Mare in Purple)

4:35 AM

"Come on... Pick up... Pick up!"

Grape was at the Payphones in the Main Party Room. He had called the Emergency Hotline for help, and was anxiously waiting for someone to pick up his call. After a few seconds of waiting, someone finally picked up the phone.

"Ponyville Emergency Hotline, what's your emergency?", said the operator. Grape wasted no time in responding back.

"H-hello? There's been a murder... at Pinkie's Fun Palace, send the police, please!", Grape didn't tell them anything more than that. How was he going to explain that an Invisible force had brutally killed his boss? There was no way anyone would believe him... unless...

Grape realized something. The cameras had probably recorded that incident. Maybe, if he could convince the police to look at the cameras, maybe they would believe him!

"Alright, Sir.", the operator said. "We've dispatched a police carriage to your location. While we're at it, would you mind answering a few questions? These are mostly just for paperwork, so you don't need to answer them if you don't want to."

"Uh... sure i guess...", Grape said.

"Alright then. What is your name?"

"Guarding Grape."

"Alright Mr. Grape, what's your home adress?"

Before Grape could answer, he heard something. It seemed like there was something going on in the Maintenance Room. He could hear what appeared to be something hitting against metal, something tearing, and what appeared to be screaming.

"Sir? Are you the- *Static*"

Suddenly the phone cut to static. Grape didn't understand what was going on. "Hello?", he said, hoping to get an answer, but he was only met with more static.

Then, he saw a figure holding a knife exit the room. It looked like... Pinkie Pie? No, it couldn't be. Her colors were wrong, her eyes were pitch black, with glowing white pupils, she was standing on her hind legs, her mane was drooping like it had been soaked in water, and she had a unnaturally large, toothless smile. Then "she" spoke, and it became clear to Grape that this wasn't Pinkie.

"Oh... Hello there. I believe i may have heard of you. "Grape", was it?"

Grape dropped the phone almost immediatly. "You're... You're the killer... aren't you?", he said, realizing who he was talking to.

"Correct. I must say, you're quite the observer, my equine friend. I figured that since your pink friend won't be needing this body anymore, i took it for myself. I hope you won't mind..."

"You sick buck...", Grape cursed, anger starting to build inside him. "Who even are you? Why are you doing this?", he said, as the murderer got closer.

"Well, Mr. Grape, i go by many names. "The Man in Purple", "The Rabbit Man", "The Hurricane Ripper"... but my real name..."

Grape watched as he started to walk towards him, then, he finally revealed his name.

"...Is AFTON."

Grape took a step back, his anger was now turning into fear. He never heard that name before, but the sheer mention of it made him lose his nerve. Despite this, he stood there anticipating whatever he would do next.

"As for why i'm doing this... Well, what point would it have to tell you... IF YOU'RE GOING TO DIE?"

Before Grape knew it, Afton had charged at him with the knife raised, ready to slash at him. Grape quickly dodged, barely avoiding the blade. Now one thing was certain, he wanted him dead. Afton proceeded to swing the knife repeatedly, narrowly missing Grape's snout.

"Crap!", Grape thought. "I need to find something to defend myself with, and quick!". He looked to his sides, trying to avoid the knife, when he had an idea. As soon as Afton stopped swinging, Grape punched him right in the face. This didn't do much, but it allowed Grape to quickly run towards the tables, and grab a chair. As he did this, Afton looked at him, and while his expression never changed from that deranged grin, Grape could tell he was angry.

Afton charged at Grape once more, only for Grape to slam the plastic chair on his head, stunning him. As he was stunned, Grape began to punch him repeatedly, the anger he was feeling coming back stronger than before. He wasn't just angry at Afton, he was furious.

Despite this, Afton eventually recovered, and managed to catch one of Grape's hooves.

"You... YOU BRAT!"

Afton swung the Knife at Grape, but he managed to catch the hoof holding the blade mid-swing. They were now at a standstill, both of their hooves holding eachother's, when another idea came to Grape. He headbutted Afton right in his snout, causing him to reel back, and allowing Grape to ready himself for whatever came next.

In the Maintenance Room...

"Ugh... What happened...?"

Twilight awoke in a dazed state. When she came to, she realized something. She felt... light. As if all the weight of her body had disappeared. She looked at her hooves, realizing they were now a pale gray. Under her, sat a pile of scrap metal and fabric. That's when she realized. She was no longer in her mechanical shell, she was now a spirit. She then noticed that her friends were also waking up, all of them free from their prisons of steel, which stood under them as heaps of scrap.

"Twilight...? What's goin' on...?", Applejack asked, confused.

"Are... Are we free...?", Fluttershy asked, looking at her now pale gray hooves.

"If we're free... Then why are we still here...?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"I second that... Darling...", said Rarity. "If we're still here... it means we can't move on just yet..."

"Girls...?", a familiar voice asked. The five mares turned to the direction of the voice, discovering that the speaker was noneother than Pinkie Pie herself, now in a ghostly form.

Twilight got up, realizing she was now floating. She slowly approached Pinkie.

"Twilight...? What are you doing...?", Pinkie asked, but Twilight didn't answer, instead she just continued floating towards her. "L-look... I'm sorry... please... i didn't-"

Before Pinkie could finish, Twilight hugged her tight. "Wh-what...?"

"Pinkie...", Twilight said. "You don't know how much we missed you... We thought he had killed you too... and now he has... we're sorry we couldn't save you..."

"No... Don't feel sorry for me...", Pinkie said, pushing Twilight away from her. "I'm the reason why you are all dead... I was too afraid to tell the truth to anypony... and now look what happened... I failed you... Twi... I failed all of you..."

Twilight looked down for a moment, as if contemplating what to say. Then, she looked at her other friends, who in turn, were looking at her. Then, they all nodded in unison, before she turned to Pinkie, and said something Pinkie wasn't expecting.

"We forgive you...

"W-what...?", Pinkie said, surprised. "You do...?"

"You were scared... and didn't know what to do... we were in a similar situation... only... we were desperate... and we let our rage blind us... the same way fear blinded you...", Twilight said, in a comforting tone. "Besides... it wasn't you who killed us... it was that monster who did..."

Pinkie didn't know what to say. She hugged Twilight back, and started to cry. "Thank you...", she said, as the other ghosts hugged her as well, in a group.

"Wait...", Pinkie said, realizing something. "Where's Grape...?"

"He went to call for help... We were going to follow him when...", Twilight paused, as her expression shifted to one of horror. "Oh no..."

"What...?", Pinkie asked. "What is it...?"

"You see Pinkie... uhhh... how do i put this...?", Rainbow Dash tried to think of what to say, before Applejack answered it for her.

"The killer took over your dead body... then he destroyed our mechanical shells... and presumably... he's now going after Grape..."

"What...?!", Pinkie said.

"Oh dear...", Rarity said. "We got to help him... before that fiend does anything to him...!"

"But what are we going to do...?", Fluttershy asked.

Then Pinkie remembered something. "I had a plan...", she said, as the other mares turned to look at her. "But since i'm a ghost now...", she said, as her expression became determined. "We're going to change it slightly..."

Back at the Main Party Room...

Grape was still fighting against Afton, dodging his slashes, and attacking back when he could. But he was relentless, even when Grape hit him, he barely flinched. "Damn...", Grape thought. "He's not giving up! Just how strong is he?!"

As Grape thought this however, he got distracted, and was barely able to dodge the knife, cutting his cheek in the process. "OW!", Grape yelled. As he was distracted however, Afton kicked him in the gut, causing him to fall on his back. He then stood on top of Grape, and spoke.

"Well Grape... this has been a fun scuffle, but i'm afraid this has to end. NOW DIE!"

Before Afton could plunge his knife into Grape, however, he was kicked by a pair of gray, ghostly hooves, causing him to be launched to the wall on Grape's left.

"Sorry to keep ya waitin'...", Grape looked to his right, seeing none other than Applejack's spirit. "Need any help...?", she asked, referring to Grape being on the floor.

"A-Applejack...?", Grape asked, surprised, as Applejack helped him get up. "But... weren't you-"

"Stuck inside an Animatronic...?", Twilight's ghost said, as she appeared behind Grape, spooking him a bit. "We were... but when he destroyed our vessels... he liberated our spirits from them..."

"Ugh... You brats! I should have known that destroying your bodies wouldn't get rid of you!"

"Well you should've thought of that earlier...!", Rainbow's ghost said, charging towards Afton, and punching him right in the face.

"Oh my...", Fluttershy's spirit said, taking a look at the cut on Grape's cheek. "That's a rather nasty looking cut... but it doesn't appear to be very deep..."

"But why are you all helping me?", Grape asked, a bit confused.

"Think of this as their way of apologizing...", Pinkie's spirit said, as she appeared behind Grape. "For tormenting you for all this time..."

"Rainbow Dash... Darling...", Rarity's ghost said. "Would you mind getting out of the way for a moment...?"

As soon as Rainbow Dash got out of the way, Rarity grabbed Afton with her magic, and threw him at the entrance of the Kitchen Hallway.

"Ugh... Damn you... Damn you all!"

Afton got up, but instead of rushing towards Grape and the ghosts, he ran deeper into the hallway.

"HEY!", Grape yelled out. "Come back here you coward!"

Afton's first plan was to run to the kitchen, but the ghosts of Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack suddenly materialized in front of the kitchen doors, ruining his plan. So he turned right to enter the Staff Only Hallway, once he passed through the door, he saw that at the end of the hallway, there was an emergency exit. But before he could run towards it, Twilight, Pinkie, and Dash all materialized in front of it, preventing his escape. Thus, Afton only had one option. He entered the Storage Room, and locked the door. Grape barely managed to catch sight of him closing the door.

"Hey! Open up!", Grape said as he tryed to open the door.

Afton looked around, looking for anything he could use as an advantage. He was outnumbered, so he'd take anything to get the upper hand. That's when he saw the Animatronic of Pinkie Pie sitting in the corner, it's torso open. Then, an idea came to his mind.

Meanwhile, Grape still couldn't open the door. "He locked it!", he said. "How am i supposed to get him now?"

"Let me try something...", Pinkie said. She pushed her ghostly hoof on the door, and after a few seconds, her hoof phased through the door. Seeing that her idea worked, she used her hoof to turn the key, unlocking the door.

"Woah... ummm... thanks, Pinkie...", Grape said, impressed by Pinkie's thinking skills. "No problem...!", she replied, giving a cheeky wink.

Grape opened the door, and looked at the room. Immediatly, what caught his attention was Pinkie's Animatronic, which sat at the corner. He didn't get near it, even though he knew it wasn't possessed. As he continued to look around the room however, he heard heavy footsteps behind him. When he turned around...


Grape barely had time to raise his foreleg in defense, as Afton, inside the Pinkie Animatronic, went in for the kill with a sneak attack, but ended up stabbing Grape's foreleg instead.

"AAAAAAAGH!", Grape screamed, as he lost balance. There was now a massive stab wound on his left foreleg, and it hurt like tartarus.

"Haha! I knew convincing that Pink idiot to tell her friend to modify this into a wearable suit would be useful! Ah... This feels like the old days again... Me killing brats like you, in a storage room, wearing a costume... Oh! Those were the days..."

Grape had no clue what he was talking about, but by the sound of it, it seemed the six mares weren't his only victims...

"But that doesn't matter... It's been fun knowing you, Mr. Grape, but i'm afraid that i can't let a brat like you live... PREPARE TO-"

Before Afton could bring down his knife, his body froze, as it was enveloped in a magical aura. It was Twilight's magic.

"He fell for it...! NOW TWILIGHT...!", Pinkie screamed out.

"Hnnngh... GAAAH...!", Twilight muttered, as she threw Afton at the back of the room, causing him to slam on the wall with an audible "CLANK!", due to him still being inside the Animatronic. As he got up, he felt the suit shake, and then...


First, it was the left hindleg, then the right one, and Afton fell to the ground, as he felt several sharp metal rods piercing his body.

"Remember how i told you that Twilight modified my Animatronic so that it could be used as a costume...?", Pinkie started to explain to Grape. "Well... She installed a mechanism that would prevent the Animatronic from switching modes while somepony was still inside... Well... Let's just say that I removed it... and turned it into a trap...!"

"While usually i'd be mad about you doing something like that... Pinkie...", Twilight said. "I gotta say... That was pretty smart..."

"Hahaha... *Cough*... You FOOLS!"

As Afton said this, everypony in the room turned to face him. He was clearly bleeding, and his organs had been pierced, but he somehow wasn't dead yet.

"I survived *Cough* something like this once... *Gasp* I can survive it *Cough* again!"

"What are you trying to say?", Grape asked. The answer he got was not what any of them was expecting...

"What i'm saying *Cough*... IS THAT I ALWAYS COME BACK!"

As he said this, Afton started to laugh maniacally. Then, after a sudden creaking sound...


Afton's head and neck were impaled by metal rods, causing blood to fly out of his mouth, his throat to be impaled, and his eyes to slightly pop out of their sockets, giving him a bug-eyed appearence. His laugh immediatly turned into gurgling and gasping, but it still somehow sounded like a laugh. After a few more seconds of gurgling and twitching on the floor, Afton went still, and stopped making any sound. He was dead.

Grape didn't know what to say. He looked around, only to see that the six ghosts were gone. He didn't know where they went, and he felt like calling out to them, but after what happened, he didn't feel like staying there. He walked away limping, due to his injured leg, until he reached the Entrance. He could see the lights of a police carriage stopping in front of the establishment.

"Oh boy...", Grape thought. "I better get ready, because i probably have a lot of explaining to do..."

While he knew the police probably wouldn't believe him, he still remembered that the cameras had caught everything. So even if they didn't believe him, he would atleast have proof of what he was talking about.

And thus, as the clock rang 6 AM, the hardest night of Grape's life came to an end...

Author's Note:

We're almost there. Only the epilogue remains. After that, I'll make a blogpost about making this fic, because trust me, there's A LOT i want to talk about...

Also, I'm not very good at writing fight scenes, so sorry if this chapter was kind of bad :/ .