• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 1,502 Views, 25 Comments

Rap, Pain, and Friendship - Twilight Best Pony

Lyrical and shadow have always had a hard time in Detrot, but when they move to ponyville, will it change?

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Lyrical walks down the street of his old neighborhood, Normane St. He was only just a small colt back then, only eleven years old. It was night time, and since he didn't know how to use his magic, he had to walk alone in the dark. He is only two houses away from his home, he was so close to the safety of his warm, comforting bed, until he heard a scream coming from an abandoned house. He walks into the abandoned home, standing in the doorway. Only the moon's light could be seen and his silhouette was covering some of the light that entered the house.

"I-Is any pony there?" Lyrical asked. In response, he was quickly pushed aside by a big pony, wearing a black hood and a smiley face mask. As soon as he hit the ground, he caught a glimpse of what the stallion was carrying before he was pushed to the hard, cold wooden floor.

The stallion had a small rusty knife, dripping with fresh blood. Lyrical's eyes widened at the sight of a large pool of blood, covering his coat. He looked up, and in front of him, was a light grey stallion with ice colored hair. Behind the pony, was a colt that looked at least thirteen years old.

"My- My dad...That guy stabbed him." Cried the shaded gray coated colt. He had a black and and ice colored mane. Lyrical walked up to the crying colt, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Are you o-okay?" Lyrical said between stuttering and tears. The blood on his coat traumatized him only slightly. But since he had never seen a dead body, he had tears swelling up his eyes. The colt only sobbed even louder.

"Stay here, I'm going to go get help!" Lyrical said. He galloped as fast as he could outside, but was quickly pushed back in by the same stallion that stabbed the colt’s father. He took a few steps closer, causing Lyrical to stumble on his hooves and crawl behind the lifeless body of the colt’s dad. The masked pony didn't say anything, he just stood there, causing the small colt’s to wince in fear.

The stallion trotted to the too colts, raising the rusty, blood stained knife. "We can't have any witnesses, now can we?" The masked pony said, smiling under the mask. He quickly brought the blade down straight to Lyrical's forehead.

"NO!!" Shouted the grey colt. In a few seconds, both the colt and Lyrical were wrapped in a black, shield like aura.

Lyrical suddenly snapped his eyes open, breathing heavily. Shadow was just staring at him, concerned for his friend. Lyrical looked around, and released a sigh of relief, thankful that he was just dreaming. About the past. "You all right Lyrics?" Shadow asked his panting friend. Lyrical only gulped and wiped his forehead with his left foreleg.

"Yea man, I was just....Dreaming." Lyrical said. Shadow only shook his head, sighing. He knew what his friend was dreaming about, he's been having the same dream for weeks.

"Look pal," Shadow said, lightly punching Lyrical's right foreleg. "That happened a long time ago. We don't live in that terrible place anymore. We're in Ponyville, we can start new here, forget about all the bullshit we suffered through. Besides, don't you remember what 2trot said?" Lyrical's ears instantly perked up, a smile forming on his face.

"You got to smile through all the bullshit." Lyrical said, quoting one of his favorite Old School rappers. The corners of Shadow's mouth quickly stretched to a large grin. He hopped off his seat, helping Lyrical get up from this.

"That's the spirit!" Shadow said, walking outside of the train. "Now come on, let's go, the train already stopped 5 minutes ago." Lyrical's eyes widened slightly, amazed that they reached their destination so quickly.

"We’re here already? But I thought it would take a good, one full day?" Shadow only gave a "Are you serious?" look before he facehoofed. "Dude it was a full day, you SLEPT the whole way here."

"....Get the buck out the train."

The second Lyrical stepped out of the train, he was instantly greeted with air. FRESH air. Back home, he could only smell the stink of factories, the smell of the morning grass, (The bad kind) and the burnt oil coming out of trains. The economy of Detrot was in the gutters. It used to make money off of its trains, but since most earth ponies walk, the business went down dramatically. Lyrical gasped in awe as he stared up into the sky: it was a beautiful cyan blue color, with only small patches of clouds around. Back home, the weather did not look nearly as nice as Ponyville's, since the factories’ smoke clouded up the skies. There was one downside though.

The sun. The bucking sun.

Don't get him wrong, Lyrical was thankful that Celestia's sun grew food for them, but he just could not handle waking up every damn day with the shine in his eyes.




Anyways, he just wasn't a day kind of guy. He was more into the night. How mysterious it is, the cold it brings with the moon shining down on his city. And the stars. Oh dear Luna, the STARS. Besides, he wore a hoodie, and was getting a little bit warm, but he didn't mind. Too much. He was just glad he and Shadow moved out of Detrot. Don't get him wrong, yes he might call it a horrible city, but it had its beauty before, but it was all swept away due to the mayor’s greed. Moving on, he was staring at the houses, left and right. So colorful and filled with easygoing lives. His peaceful zen state however did not last, because somepony just had to wave a hoof in front of his face.

"Yo, Lyrical, you ok?" Shadow said, waving a hoof in front of his dazed friend. Lyrical just snapped his head side to side, mumbling something about strangling somepony for ruining his sightseeing.

"....freaking, grey ash trey lookin' mother- what is it Shadow?" Lyrical said, calmed down. The pegasus just chuckled at his friend’s cursing and waved a foreleg behind him. "How are we gonna find a place to stay? This place got's like, dozens of ponies trotting everywhere!"

Lyrical brought up his left foreleg and thought for a few seconds. "Maybe we can ask somepony for directions to an inn, and from there on we can get started by sightseeing and all that other shit." Shadow nodded in agreement, and the duo walked around asking for directions.

Eventually, they stopped in front of a giant gingerbread looking house. They walked in, and were assaulted with delicious smells of sweets. Lyrical and Shadow looked around the store, mouths watering with hunger. Eventually, Shadow stopped in front of Lyrical, pulling out 50 bits.

"Ok, I got about fifty bits here, that should be enough for-" Shadow looked up from counting his bits, looking left and right for Lyrical.

"Lyrical? Where'd you go?" Shadow said.

"I'll have four chocolate eclairs, two glazed donuts, and four chocolate frosted cupcakes." Lyrical was standing in front of the counter, ordering food from a blue colored mare. She had a frosting like hairstyle, and slightly chubby body. Shadow only facedhoofed and groaned. Lyrical turned around to his annoyed friend.

"Oh did you want something, Shadow?"

"Fat motha- Yea, just get me a small, piece of chocolate cake." Lyrical turned around and told the mare his order. "That will be fifteen bits please." She said. Shadow walked up and payed the mare. "Thank you Mrs.?" Shadow said, pondering her name.

"Cake. My name is Mrs. Cake." said the mare with a smile. Lyrical returned the gesture and Shadow nodded.

"I haven't seen you two before, are you...?" Lyrical shook the mare’s hoof. “names are Lyrical, that's me, and this is my friend, Shadow Breeze, we're new here, and we're looking for a-" Lyrical however, was caught off guard, because he and Shadow were suddenly tackled by a pink, curly maned pony.


Fun fact, Lyrical and Shadow Breeze are INCREDIBLY SHY. Whenever they tried to talk to a mare, their faces would go red quickly, and stumble on their words. So, obviously, Lyrical and Shadow had no idea how to react, the best they could do was just stay quiet. Their faces already red of course.

"Um...this is a nice hug but...can you let go...?" Shadow muttered, very shyly.

"......Cupcakes?" Lyrical said, face even redder. He and Lyrical could both smell the sweets and sugar in the mare’s mane. Lyrical's face got even redder when he said:

"You...smell nice.." He muttered.

Pinkie Pie quickly placed both stallions back on the ground after the long hug. She grinned at the compliment. "Thanks!" She said. Out of nowhere, she pulled out both orders, as if she conjured them out of thin air. Lyrical and Shadow stared in shock, how could she cook so fast?

"Here's your order, and make sure to be at your party at six o'clock sharp!" Shadow looked at a nearby clock, and the time read 12:30. The pink mare then ran back into the kitchen, as if nothing happened. Mrs. Cake walked up to the confused ponies, smiling.

"I'm sorry, she's just a bit energetic when a new pony comes to town. But now that she has two stallions here, she's most likely going to throw a bigger party." She said, walking back to the counter. The stallions then got up and left, waving goodbye to Mrs. Cake. Shadow just shakes his head and scratched his mane.

"Well that was interesting, right Lyrical?"

Lyrical just kept walking.

"Lyrical? You ok?" Shadow said, nudging his friend.


"What happened?"

".....Pinkie lost me when she said cupcakes." Lyrical said, staring at the bag he was levitating with his magic, hunger in his eyes. Shadow just rolled his eyes and facehoofed.

"Come on, lets go find an inn before more unexpected things happen." With an agreeing nod, the two trotted faster, hoping to find a good place to stay..

Author's Note:

Decided to post the second chapter as well.