• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 2,041 Views, 14 Comments

Blush - ThePrancingMare

That first glance, a single, awkward look that sends you down a new road in life... FlutterMac style

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Rarity let out a light, contented sigh, sliding her body into the large bath tub up to her neck. She felt the all the dirt that remained from yesterday's mad dash through the streets rinse out of her fur. Her luxurious purple was wrapped in a lavender towel after having undergone one of the most intense cleaning of its life, which truly was saying something considering it was Rarity. She placed a slice of cucumber over each eye, attempting to eliminate the dark circles left from a long night of tidying up the Carousel Boutique after Apple Bloom's rampage in it yesterday.

Even with her eyes covered, the glamourous unicorn knew there was another presence with her in the large tub of water. Not that it was surprising, she had expected Fluttershy to actually come to their prearranged spa day after all. As she luxuriated, the mare turned things over again and again. She would have to approach the subject tactfully, using her full repertoire of social skills to subtly pull the strings so the conversation seemed natural and friendly, especially when she was dealing with someone as timid as Fluttershy.

“ So Fluttershy, do you have anyone in mind to be your very-special-somepony come Hearts and Hooves day?” Rarity asked, breaking the companionable silence between the two mares.

“ Umm... No, not really,” the pegasus replied in her usual, quiet manner.

“ Oh come now darling, there simply must be somepony you would consider asking?”

“ No... There really isn't to be honest with you.”

“ Really? There's not one stallion in all of Ponyville you would at least consider?”

“ Rarity, is there something you're trying to ask me?”

“ What? Oh no no no no nooo, nothing of the sort, simply curious whether you had you eyes on anypony, especially with Hearts and Hooves day being so close at hoof and all,” Rarity gushed, trying to hastily cover her tracks.

“ Umm... Rarity? Hearts and Hooves day isn't for another five months.”

“ Really? Oh how silly of me, it's just I was talking to Sweetie Belle earlier and she was talking about how it was almost time to go back to school and how they were really going to find Miss Cheerilee a very-special-somepony this year for Hearts and Hooves day and I guess I just got the two mixed up,” Rarity explained, throwing in the last bit about Miss Cheerilee to see if the name affected Fluttershy one way or another.

If the unicorn's eyes hadn't been covered, her probing would have been rewarded as she would have noticed the pegasus give the tiniest of flinches at the school teacher's name.

A long pause in talking was maintained between the two, until Rarity once again broke it, “ So, remaining between us, if you could have your choice of any stallion in Ponyville, who would it be?”

“ Rarity, are you sure there's nothing you're trying to ask me?” Fluttershy inquired, wary of her friend's sudden interest in her romantic affairs.

“ Nothing of the sort, just a little idle chat between friends. Personally I don't think I could limit myself to just one admirer, but I wondered if you could and, in fact, would.”

“ Really Rarity, I just don't think about stuff like that... And why would I need to when I have so many friends? Aren't friends more important than anything?” Fluttershy suggested in a stream of gentle words which made Rarity wonder if maybe she'd somehow only imagined what she'd seen yesterday.

Oh come now Rarity! Don't be so gullible! She's just trying to throw you off! Now, if you ever want to really find out, you'll need to be much more subtle...She thought, chastising herself for her brash, and admittedly rather tactless initial approach.

Following another length of time in which no one spoke, the dress maker began, “ I for one know that I cannot wait until apple cider season! I could really go for a cup of it right about now, what do you think?”

“ I guess some cider would be rather nice,” Fluttershy stated, smiling her customary soft, kind smile.

“ I heard from Applejack they have an entire section of that convention she and granny went to devoted only to hoof pressed cider. She said that if they learned a few new tips and tricks from some other ponies, then they might even make enough profit this year to finally get Granny Smith her new hip. Isn't that just wonderful?”

“ Oh Rarity, that is wonderful, I hope that everything works out.”

“ Not to mention, if Granny Smith can get her hip fixed, she can help out more on the farm, not a lot, obviously, but she can take some of the strain off Applejack and maybe even Big Mac too. Oh, wouldn't it be nice to get to know Big McIntosh some more? I mean he doesn't say much, but he's always seemed so nice, and then he's usually too busy to really socialize. I just think it would be a wonderful gift to him if after sooo many years of hard work, he actually got a little bit of a break. Don't you agree?” Rarity, said talking very quickly as she removed the cucumber slices from her eyes and sidled over toward the now rather nervous looking Fluttershy.

Oh well done Rarity! Well done indeed! The perfect blend of subtlety and directness, not too much on either side. Well done! The unicorn congratulated herself.

“ Umm... I g-guess that w-w-w-w-would be nice. H-He r-really does w-w-work hard all the time,” Fluttershy said, stuttering profusely.

“ Oh dear, Fluttershy, whatever is the matter? Was it something I said?” Rarity asked, playing the part of the concerned oblivious friend expertly.

“ Oh, n-n-n-no, it's nothing. It was just... just that when you-you mentioned...”

“ Mentioned! Mentioned something? So I did say something! Oh do tell me what's wrong.”

“ It's just that... that when you mentioned Big Mac... It's really that I... Oh Rarity, you'll keep a secret won't you?”

“ Oh darling of course I can, you can rest knowing have my silence.”

“ Thank you Rarity... I just need to say it to someone... I... I think I might be in l...,” Fluttershy began timidly. Finishing with a rapid, almost shouted, “ I think I might be in love with Big McIntosh!”

“ I know, I saw you two together yesterday. So-”

“ You saw us! I-I mean, you saw that umm... The umm...”

“ The wee little touch? Yes I did, and I saw how it made you blush, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say he was a few shades redder than normal too.”

“ You really think so?” Fluttershy asked, her tone showing her hopefulness a little too well for her liking.

“ I most certainly do... Oh isn't this wonderful! You two are so perfect for each other! You're both so quiet and nice! Oh I can't wait to-” Rarity began, opening the flood gates on her contained excitement.

“ Can't wait to what?” the pegasus interrupted, an uncharacteristic, almost accusatory question.

“ Can't wait to tell the others of course! It will be so wonderful! And we'll all be right there behind you, we'll help you get him all right! We'll-”

“ Rarity, there is no 'we'll', remember? You promised you would keep it a secret.”

“ Well yes, but... I mean surely you don't really want to keep this all under wraps?”

“ I do... At least until I can figure out what I'm feeling inside anyway... Please don't tell anypony Rarity? If... If I tell anypony else... I only want to do it when I'm really sure I am in love... Not if this is... something else... Okay Rarity? Please?” Fluttershy pleaded.

“ Oh alright,” Rarity conceded.

“ Ladies, it's time for your hooficures!” the spa pony, Lotus Blossom, called.

“ Ooh yay! Come along now Fluttershy, let's get you all dolled up, I think you'll want to look your very best. I'm rather sure the next few days will be very interesting, very interesting indeed...”