• Published 17th Apr 2024
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My Mother ( Rewrite) - Dragonfan101

Spike ventures to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind during the migration, but instead of meeting Garble and his crew, he meets a kind dragon who helps him around, and he finally meet's someone he's always wanted too..

  • ...

2: Bonding With Mom

Skystar had slept the night away with Spike without any trouble, with the comfort of eachother by their side, they didn't need to wake up at all, it was a perfect night between the two of them and they slept like rocks. Skystar still couldn't believe it, she had actually been reunited with her long lost child, a child she never thought she would see again after an.. incident that happened that caused her to lose him..

He looked so much like a hatchling still, but she already could see a bit of maturity in him, if he really was raised on his own, he learned really well during his time alone, not that she's wanting to let him be alone again.. ever. This was a feeling of pure joy and happiness she hadn't felt in years, since he was.. taken.. she barely had anything to do when it happened. She was mostly living alone in her crystal cave most of the time, and sometimes went out to try and process her grief. She had spent years trying to find him, and with no clue as to where her egg was.. she was almost giving up hope that she'd ever find her child..

But thank the Dragon Lords she held onto it, she hasn't felt so much joy and relief in a decade, the very feeling of her son by her side again, it let her finally have the chance she's always wanted, to be a parent. She had learned a ton of interesting things after he was taken, it was a way to try and find him and bring him home, it took years to learn all she knows, but with what she knows now, she won't be letting Spike out of her sight again.

For Spike's thoughts on this matter while he slept, he couldn't be more happy either, what felt like a 1 in a million chance was something that payed off, by going alone and trying to learn more about the dragons as the migration. While he just wanted to learn more about his own kind since Equestria doesn't know much, he also was hoping for some chance of finding his family.

And not only did he not only meet a kind dragon in Nathen who helped him through the place, but he also helped him find his mommy.. after all these years, he really found her. Even though she's holding back the details on what happened to him, he didn't mind it right now. All he wanted right now was to spend time with his mom, as much as she wants, and something tells me it's gonna be a LONG time.

But while Spike was happy to be with his mom again, there was one thing he almost forgot about. Twilight. He said he would probably be back by the days' end, and now that he was found by his mom.. and taken back home that is really far from Ponyville, she and the other's will no doubt start to get worried.

So Spike was worrying on how he can explain all of this, sending a letter may be out of the question since it may just cause more concern to them in wondering if she's his real mom or not, he's not sure if they can handle the fact that Spike found his real mother.. and may be wanting to stay with her... he just hoped that what comes in the future, he and the other's can accept it and find a way to be happy.

And so the night had passed over the Badlands, the sun was starting to rise on the horizon of a view of the sea far off from the village, and the sun rays were reaching over the large dragon village that was surrounded by the mountains, some lights that were different colors were turning off after the sight, meaning the dragons were waking up, or just didn't want to be disturbed. And the same was no different for Skystar.

The sun was rising to her window within her large room, while it was mostly full of gold and other treasures, there were things that looked like shelves and tables around too, ponies aren't the only one who live a civilized life style. The ray's were hitting Skystar's eyes finally and she grumbled as she was waking up.
"Morning already?" Skystar asked herself opening her emerald green eyes, and what she was greeted with was a really cute sight. She saw her son was still in her tail, curled up and sleeping soundly, like nothing was wrong what so ever. The sight of him made her wake up instantly in both relief and surprise, it wasn't a dream after all.

Skystar yawned a bit while beginning to stand up, while her son just stayed asleep, he's a heavier sleeper then her. But that didn't bother her one bit, in fact, it was adorable to her. It made her smile lovingly seeing him in her soft grasp, him finally being here is something she's wanted for so long..
"Good morning my child.. welcome to your new home.." Skystar told the sleeping Spike while rubbing his head, Spike only turned a little bit to try and sleep still, it made her chuckle a bit even more. While she wanted to bond more with him, she needed to let her child rest. So she decided to go out and make something to eat, while keeping him firmly in her tail for safety.

Skystar went out of her room and walked through the crystal cave once again, she looked around and sighed at the sight she was greeted with every day, this cave was a unique place in the village, despite it being a popular choice for many of the dragons living here, she was given it after everyone learned what happened to her child, and they only wished the best for her after it happened, and hopefully she would find him again. And thankfully, she did.

It would only be a few more steps until she went in to an area that looked like a kitchen, despite them not having as much resources as the ponies did, the dragons still had they're ways of handling they're way's of living, like having a proper way to have water flow into their homes, or ways to cook and make food. They were simple but small things that made things easier for them. Skystar went over to a large pot that was on a counter, and she knelt down below to see a small placement of wood to heat it up.

But instead of using her breath to light it up, instead she brought her claw to it, and with a special motion, her claw lit up in a green fire that looks just like Spike's, and all she did to lit it was hovering it above the wood for a few seconds before it lit up to get some heat going, she then pulled away and put it out with a fist clench. This was one of the many things she could do with her fire, and she had interesting things to tell her son when he wants to learn more. And not wasting any more time, she started getting to work on making something to eat for them, to help them bond more and try and get used to this.

Spike grumbled a bit as he was finally waking up, he was starting to smell something delightful after a little bit, and while the light of the sun could've waken him up, this smell did.
"Wha?.. where.. am I?" Spike asked opening his eyes to adjust, but what he was greeted with was a bit surprising. He thought he would just wake up back in the Tree library he always did, ready to do more stuff out there today with Twilight like usual. But instead, he was greeted with a tail wrapped around him, and he looked up to see a large familiar figure cooking something..
"Mom? What are you doing?" Spike asked tiredly while waking up still, this got her attention quickly and she turned a bit and saw Spike was finally awake which made her happy.

"Oh.. good morning my hatchling, did you sleep well?" Skystar asked bringing him to her for some more nuzzles, and Spike didn't mind it one bit.
"I slept well mom, where are we? Is.. this your home?" Spike asked looking around the room, and was already amazed by the sight of the dozens of crystals in the walls and floors, it was like a new crystal cave to explore that was like the one he and Rarity did from time to time.
"Yes it is my son, this is my home, or more accurately.. our home. I hope you like it son.." Skystar said putting him down finally, Spike took a moment to get back to walking after sleeping for a while, he looked around with amazement seeing the place he was in, it was like a perfect place for any dragon to want to live in, with tons of different furniture that was mainly made of well designed rocks and shapes, while it wasn't as amazing as Canterlot Castle, it was still a really amazing sight to see.

"Wow.. this place is.. amazing mom.. you really live here?" Spike asked with awe turning back to her who chuckled a bit.
"Of course my son, i've been wanting something that will help us live our best lives, i promise you'll love it here Flamestar." Skystar said rubbing his head a little again, and while that was sweet to hear. She did say it like she wanted to have him stay here, and while he was willing to do so to finally be raised by her, there was still an issue he had to figure out first, but that can wait till later.
"I.. look forward to it mom.. so what are you making?" Spike asked looking at the pot which had something in it.
"Oh that's just some toasted eggs and bacon, we have tons of food like this in the village, i've taken my own time learning how to cook." Skystar said turning back to the food which was almost done.
"Wow.. that's really awesome to know.." Spike said still shocked which made her giggle even more.
"You'll find there's more to me then meets the eye son, you can count on that." Skystar said putting the food on a plate that handled it well.

But to Spike's shock, when Skystar went down to put the Green fire in the wood out, she somehow was able to absorb the fire into her hand! Spike had never seen any dragon be able to do that with they're fire before.
"How.. how did you do that?!" Spike asked completely shocked with seeing that.
"Just a special skill I've learned.." Skystar said proudly before leaning back up to him.
"Come son, let's have our meal, and i think we should go to the village, they'd be thrilled to know i have you back.. finally.." Skystar said again while moving to a stone table, Spike didn't waste a second more and quickly went up to it too.

Spike sat right next to her while they ate, and while Spike can eat by himself fine, Skystar was trying to feed it to him like a baby.. but to be fair.. this is the first time he's done this with her..
"Open wide son.." Skystar said holding more food, while Spike didn't want to spoon-fed like that, he compiled and opened up for it which made her giggle even more seeing it.
"There you go.." Skystar said while she and Spike ate at their food together, while it was a bit of a weird way, it was still something none the less, and Spike was just interested in knowing more about her.

The two ate like that for a bit longer, the food was really well done to say the least, while Spike doesn't eat meat, the bacon was actually really good, and it makes him wonder how well she can make other foods too, and if he can surprise her enough by cooking himself, maybe the two can have another thing in common and cook together.

After that little meal, they both sighed in relief while she put the plates away, Spike was stuffed just from the meal alone, she knew how to make something, but he shouldn't let that thought cloud his questions, he still had some he wanted to ask. After finishing that little meal, she went back to him and picked up in with her claw again, she looked at him with a loving smile while Spike was smiling back, not even one day with her, and he's already feeling like he needs more time here, even if it worries Twilight.

After that moment, the two walked around the cave together so Spike could know where to go, there was a few interesting rooms to list one, one of them looked like a library as well, there were dozens of books within that room on a bunch of shelves, there were red and purple carpets nicely made to add some decoration to it, and the next looked like a small bed room, and there was a little crib in the room with some more books besides it.. which meant one thing..
"Mom.. is this.. was this my room?" Spike asked while they walked into it, Skystar looked sad again being asked that, but she can't keep it from him.
"Yes son.. this was.. your room when you were an egg, when you hatched I was gonna put you to sleep here every night, and sleep besides you for your safety. That was.. before you.. were taken.." Skystar said looking regretful, while Spike wanted to know WHO took him, this was not the best time to ask, and tried to comfort her.

"Well.. if it makes you feel better, I think sleeping with you for a while will be best for both of us, we both need to spend more time with eachother, and i think that would be a great start." Spike said putting his claw on her arm to help her, she looked down at him a before smiling a bit once again. Her son was every bit of happiness she was needing right now.
"Thank you my child, you'll be sleeping well with me every night, I promise you that." Skystar said in a protective tone, even if Spike was finding that tone a bit worrying, she just found him, and needs some time to relax more.
"Thanks mommy.. I still can't believe i'm actually here.. with you.." Spike said while they were walking out of the room again.
"Me neither son.. but i couldn't be more happy.." Skystar said once again as they kept walking.

While Spike looked around the crystal cave and admired what he was seeing, there were other things he was wondering still, he wondered how this village he's in is, and what she mainly does in life.. and how she can.. control her fire like that.
"Hey.. mom.. may I ask.. what do you mainly do around here? Even when I was.. gone.. I'm sure you did somethings interesting right?" Spike asked looking at her again who was a bit surprised to be asked that, but this will help build up they're trust, even if it's not the best answer.
"To be honest son.. after you were taken.. I never really did much after that.. while before that, I was a skilled treasure collector and fighter, I was admired by a lot of dragons within this village, I was always there to help when they needed it, and it made me proud for who I am.. but once I lost you.. I just wasn't the same.." Skystar said looking down once again having some tears, it's a tough thing to talk about, but Spike wants to help her.
"Mom.. what.. happened to you?" Spike asked coming up to hug her who quickly returned it.

"I.. I fell into a primal rage... the feeling of loss.. grief.. sadness... and anger.. it was just.. far too much for me.." Skystar said looking at her claws while Spike was confused.
"Primal Rage? What's.. that?" Spike asked worried hearing that.
"It's.. a state where a dragon is in a uncontrollable rage, when a dragon loses something that is so valuable to them, so precious, something that they loved dearly.. it makes them fall into a state that makes them furious and nearly unstoppable , a state where they can't be reasoned with.. like a monster.. I wasn't any different.. after I lost you.. I fell into that state, and I.. almost destroyed the village as a result, I was only able to come back after our village elder used a spell that put me out of it. The only way to put a dragon out of they're primal rage state is to either defeat them in a fight, which is extremely hard to do. Or use a spell that can bypass they're emotions." Skystar said while she went to look out a window, Spike did too and could see the large village from just below them, and Spike was just worried to hear this.
"What happened after that?" Spike asked worried about this still.

"After I was restored.. the village did everything they could to help me, despite me almost destroying it.. they understood what happened, they were both sad to know you were taken, and also infuriated to know it too. Even before i found you yesterday, there were still dragons out there searching for you, even if they didn't recognize you as my son, they were willing to help me.. it was something that I would never forget.." Skystar finished wanting to move on from this topic, Spike felt really sad to hear that, even after meeting her, learning something like this is pretty sad to know.
"I'm.. really sorry to hear that, I promise I won't let you fall into that state again.." Spike said giving her another hug once again.
"Thank you my child.. thank you.." Skystar said hugging him once again.

After that moment once again, the two started to walk through the place once again, Spike was interested to know that fact that dragons had such a state of rage, if they couldn't be stopped.. they could destroy an entire town, while Spike lost control of himself when he went crazy with greed, this was something different. It made him worry about what would happen if this sorta thing happened again. But one thing he was also interested it was his mom's ability's to control fire, he'd never seen a dragon be able to to do it and wondered what it was like.

But before he could ask her that question, she asked him something else first.
"Son.. I must ask.. how did you survive on your own? We're you really alone for all this time?" Skystar asked looking down at him, while Spike did hate having to lie like this, she may not approve of him being raised by ponies, or would let him give a full explanation if he did, so having to find something, he mainly decided to tell her how he felt not going without her for so long, even if he had someone like her.
"I.. mainly did.. I wasn't really wanting to see what the other dragons are like, because I was just afraid of what they were like, I may not know much about my kind, but I have heard that they're well feared, strong, powerful, and menacing if you make them angry, and I.. didn't want to take that risk, even if it did give me an option of being adopted." Spike said really regretting this lie, he hated doing this so much, and Twilight would tell through a lie easily, but his mom seemed to believe it somehow, not because she's stupid, but concerned and worried for him.

"Oh you poor thing.. i can't believe i wasn't able to find you sooner.. i should've done something to find you.. I could've told Torch on what happened, or asked for a way to track you down.. I just.. didn't know what to do, i was so lost in my grief and sadness, I couldn't think of a proper way to find you sooner.. if I found a way sooner.. you would've been here before you even hatched.." Skystar said with huge regret, this was really showing how hard it was for her losing him, and it was making Spike worry more on how Twilight and the other's would react to it. But there was one thing he needed to do right now, and that's give her the comfort she needs to feel better.
"It's okay mom.. I know you were going through a tough time.. and I understand it, don't think this makes you a bad mother. You were just in a state where it was too much, and that does tons of bad things to others, but when you push through it, it shows that your far stronger then you think. And you still being here, it shows how strong you really are." Spike said rubbing her head a gain, and she smiled once again hearing that, it was a speech she really needed to hear.
"I love you my son.. don't you ever forget that.." Skystar said looking in his eyes once again.
"I love you too.. mom.." Spike said while the two of them had another moment.

So after that moment, Spike decided to ask his question, seeing her absorb her own fire like that is so interesting, and it makes him wonder how she learned it.
"So um.. mom.. think you can explain to me on how you were able to absorb your fire like that? I don't think i've ever heard of such a thing." Spike asked looking up at her who perked up hearing that.
"Oh, that's an interesting story son, come with me." Skystar said moving along to the library with Spike following behind curious to know. The two went into a large open area that had tons of bookshelves all over the room, Spike could count at least 10 of them, it was impressive seeing a room hold these many books.. but then again.. he lives in a tree library.

Skystar went over to a specific shelf to pick out a certain book, and after a few seconds, she pulled a strange emerald green one out.
"I learned some special fire spells from this book." The Secrets Of The Flame" It was a special book i found during my time as a collector, and while i could've sold this thing for a really high price given how ancient it looks, i decided to see what it has for myself, and i do not regret seeing what it has." Skystar said showing him the cover, it had an emerald green color to it like the rest of the book, but there was a strange flame symbol on the center, that looked like an elemental symbol of fire, wherever she found this, it must've been an ancient place.
"W.. what have you learned from this thing?" Spike asked amazed seeing it, Skystar simply flipped open the book to find a few things she learned.

"Well, I did learn to manipulate my fire around me, and use it for more then fire breathing. I learned to bend it to my will, and use it to give me an advantage in fighting. I don't know who made this thing, but whoever did, he was a skilled dragon to learn it." Skystar said showing him a page that had a dragon moving the fire around in a circle by using his hands which was something amazing to see.
"And I also learned to manipulate my fire in combat, and one of the moves I learned was being able to form my fire around me like a tornado, and I would spin around so fast the tornado would blow the opponent far away with a strong blast." Skystar said showing him another image of a dragon forming a tornado of fire around him, it kinda looked familiar somehow, he just declare what it is.
"And the most recent one I learned was to absorb my fire back into me, after shooting a blast at an opponent, I can absorb it back, and it would form around me to create some extra layers of defense, it's a great move for self defense, and when your opponent try's to attack you, the fire will burst out from you and blast your opponent away. These are some of the most unique fire spells I've ever seen, and i've only learned 10 of them at this point." Skystar finished before closing the book while Spike was in pure shock to know this.

"Do you.. think I'll be able to learn these cool things like this?" Spike asked already wanting to know some of this which made her chuckle a little.
"Perhaps one day son. There's one thing you should know about these spells. You'll have to have grown your wings in order to have the fire strong enough to manipulate. I was lucky enough to have had my wings before I was even a teen, so since that's the case, you may grow yours by your next birthday or so. Even if the experience of growing them.. won't be that pleasant." Skystar said shuddering at how her process went.
"I can't wait.." Spike said already feeling nervous about that thought, whatever she went through to get her wings, he'll most likely experience it the same way.

"I got something to show you son, consider this a first lesson in controlling fire." Skystar said with a loving smile while she held out her claw.
"And.. what would that be mom?" Spike asked eager to see what she was gonna do. She chuckled in response, and with a simple finger snap, a small bit of fire appeared in her claw which amazed him.
"Whoa.." Spike said amazed looking at the perfect green flame in her claw.
"Now for the best part son.." Skystar said as she went to one of the crystals on the wall which confused Spike a little. But his confusion turned into amazement from seeing what she did. With a special gesture, she somehow inserted the flame into the crystal, and turned it emerald green! And to top it all off, the green color somehow spread through the whole cave, lighting it up in a gorgeous emerald green color that made Spike's jaw drop in amazement, Skystar giggled again in seeing this, and the two looked around the cave which was now glowing bright green.

"So.. what do you think son?" Skystar asked slyly looking at him, Spike barely had words to describe it.. but he tried his best with it.
"It's.. completely.. radiant.." Spike answered which made her laugh seeing his cute face.
"Oh I'm so glad to be showing you this son, and don't forget, your time will come too when you get your wings." Skystar said taking one of his hands while Spike regained focus.
"They can't come any sooner.." Spike said walking through the place once again.

And so, after that little lesson, Spike and his mom went through the halls again, and Skystar was getting the idea to head to the Dragon Village, it was still early in the morning by now, and a little air is something they all need right now.
"Son, would you like to come to the village with me? I think it would be a great idea for you to see what our culture is like." Skystar offered which already excited him.
"Are you kidding?! I'd love to see it! Whatever you have to show me mom, I'll be glad to come with you!" Spike said excitedly which made her really happy.
"If that's the case, come along my son, the village will be glad to see that I've finally gotten my child back." Skystar said as they went to the door, Spike may have his worries about what happened with his egg all those years ago right now, as well as how he can explain this with Twilight, but he has a little idea on how to put her worries at ease. He just hopes that whatever he and his mother will be doing today, it'll be just another minute of them finally spending time together as mother and son..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! I felt like i could make Skystar more interesting in this story by adding a few more things to her character, so i think her being able to control fire, as well as explaining that she went into a state of rage once he was taken would be a good start, that will be important later just to let you know, i have a few more things to add to her character, as well as Nathen, with what i know now i feel like i can do something cool with them, and help make things in the story make a bit more sense.

Speaking of which, while i know Spike only went to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind, and not find his parents. I felt like adding this thing to his character would help, because while he is like 11 at this point, he's far smarter then most dragons and would understand more complex topics, and i'm sure he'd see some struggles with showing the others he's capable of being more then just an assistant. I just think adding these things will help the story flow and make things a bit better, even if it may not be part of the original episode with why he went, so i hope you can understand that. Thank you all for reading this chapter and look forward to more!