• Published 14th May 2024
  • 427 Views, 35 Comments

Spike's and Twilight's lost Connections - Twilightsonic75

Spike believes that she and Twilight are drifting apart, and wants to get closer to her friends. Can he succeed?

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Twilight's hole in her heart

As Twilight walked down the road to sweet apple acres, the sense of distress she picked up from her little brother kept playing on her mind. She'd never seen her #1 assistant/ little brother look so depressed, so defeated, so lonely. The more she thought about it, the more it hurt her heart.

But what hurt her heart even more... was the way Rarity made him smile in an instant. "It's not fair. What does Rarity have that I don't? Is it looks? I mean, I think I'm pretty! ...sigh. yeah, right. I'm no fashionnita or nowhere NEAR beautiful as Rarity."

"HOODY SUGERCUBE!" Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by her friend, Applejack. Owner of Sweet apple acres, element of honesty and physically, the strongest member of the mare 6.

Twilight spotted Applejack outside of her barn, excited to see her. She ran to her and said, "Applejack! It's great to see you!"

"You too, sugercube!" Applejack replied, hugging Twilight with her strong arms.
She then looked around and asked, "Where's Spike and Rarity? I thought they were with you?"

Twilight looked puzzled that she asked for Spike and said "Well Rarity said she had a last-minute order that came in and said she couldn't make it. Ask for Spike...I thought you said it was a girl's sleepove"

Applejack looked saddened by the news and said, "I said the invention was for you AND Spike. I was hoping he'd come this time instead of getting left out like last time. As for Rarity, I understand. When work calls, you gotta answer. That's how you get paid after all. So what happened to Spike?"

Twilight thought about the invite again, and she realized that she was right! The invite WAS for both of them and she assumed that it was a all mares sleepover immediately! Her guilt began to grow even more then and it showed in her face.

Applejack caught her face change and asked again "Twilight. What happened to Spike? Did you two have another argument?"

Twilight shuddered at the thought. The last argument they had was so loud that near by ponys could hear it and thought they were a married couple...not that Twilight minded anyway. "No. It's not that. Rarity asked Spike to help her with thr order, but before that he declined when I asked if he wanted to go."

"Did you tell him that he was invited to come?" Applejack asked, Wanting to know what happened.

"Well he said he had a package from the princess he was waiting on. But as soon as Rarity showed up and asked him for help he was all eager and ready to help." Twilight spoke bitterly. Her voice filled with jealousy.

Before Applejack could press more on it, a hyper active voice was heard from the barn said "Hooray! Twilight's finally here!"

"About time if you asked me! I was wondering if she'd show at all!" Another voice yelled, sounding more impatient then the last.

"A-at least she's here now. That's important." The third voice said, more quiet and timed then the others.

Twilight saw inside and saw her other best friends inside. The pink earth pony was Pinkie pie, Element of laughter, employee of suger cube corner, and ponyville's pristine parry planer.

The blue Pegasus with rainbow mane was Rainbow dash, element of loyalty, captain of ponyville's weather team, and future member of the elite flying team the wonderbolts!

The yellow Pegasus with the pink mane was fluttershy, element of kindness, and the local veterinarian of the animals of ponyville and the nearby forest of the everfree forest.

Rainbow was of course the first to notice something was off by saying "hey, where's Spike and Rarity at? Are they behind you or something?"

Before Twilight could tell her, Applejack started to explain what happened earlier about Spike and Rarity, to which Rainbow dash said, "Seriously? Aw dang." She said sadly. Looking a bit depressed at this. While fluttershy and pinkie pie understood and admittedly felt saddened by the news, For some reason, Rainbow dash looked more devastated about them not showing.

Applejack decided to ask about this later and decided to focus on Twilight later on in the barn and said "I know it's sad their not here, but I'm sure Spike and Rarity will be here for the next sleepover! Come on, Let's have some fun!" Applejack's pep talk seem to work as most of her friends got excited for the party.

Pinkie pie of course was excited for the Apple Family famous homemade Apple pie. While fluttershy was just happy to be with her friends, having fun. Even though Rainbow dash was still a little down about Spike, She was still pumped up after Applejack's pep talk. Especially since she was gonna challenge her to a cider drinking contest...then again, she decided to hold of on it Cas she wanted to include Spike in the contest too. Aw well, a hoof wrestling contest with aj had to do for now.

Twilight was a bit better after A.J's speech, but still bummed that Spike is missing out. Applejack noticed this and decided to continue their conversation for a bit by the haybails on the side of the barn. "Twilight, are you ok?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine a.j! No need to worry!" She said in a confidant tone. Applejack had a worried expression on her face and said "whenever you say that, that's when I worry the most."

Twilight blushed, having getting called out by Applejack. She sighed and said "Applejack, can you promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you?"

"I promise twi-"

"Pinkie promise Applejack!"

Applejack sighed, knowing that whatever Twilight was about to tell her most be important. "Cross my heart,hope to fly,stick a cupcake in my eye. Now what's so important that involves Spike?"

Twilight breathe in and out to calm down and say"...I'm jealous."

"Your jealous? Of Spike?"

"No! I'm jealous of Rarity! Every time she's around she ALWAYS makes Spike go all 'ga ga' over her and me?! Nothing but depression! What dose she have that I dont?! Is it my looks? My mane?! MY BREAST SIZE?!"

Applejack blushed when she said that. Knowing that she was too stressed to think straight. "WHOA there sugercube! Calm down. Your way too stressed out."

Twilight calmed down before saying "sorry A.j. especially for that last part. Sometimes I catch him staring at them...I never told him I noticed cas... I like it when he stares at them...it makes me feel...good about myself."

Applejack, instead of judging, understand where she's coming from. She'd be lying that she hadn't caught him staring at her 'goods' from time to time and... she admitted that it made her feel good. Especially after he saved her life recently from a giant Timberwolves that had her trapped. It was one of the main reasons she invited him to the sleepover, eas to show gratitude to Spike after all he did. Now SHE was feeling guilty and jealous of Rarity for hogging Spike Tonight.

"There's another reason too...recently I've noticed that...me and Spike have been...growing more distant." Twilight was starting to feel tears from her eyes as she told Applejack and said "it sometimes feels like he sees me as a stranger instead of his sister!"

Twilight cried hard at the thought. Thinking at the possibility of Spike leaving one day and abandoning her. Applejack hugged her and began to think about what she said. "I'm l considered his friend? Or a stranger to him?"

She started to tear up herself at the thought, knowing she needed to fix this as soon as possible.

Unknown to the both of them, Rainbow dash had accidentally overhead everything and came to two conclusions. One, was that she liked that Spike looked at her cleavage, it made her feel like a mare instead of a colt like how the boys that the factory treat her, and two was that she needed to fix her friendship with Spike. After hearing what spike did when she was under discord's spell, Rainbow dash has been laying off on pranking Spike and has been trying to show gratitude to the young dragon. But hasn't had much luck. However, now she was more determined to bond with Spike and tell him how great he was.

After crying and releasing her feelings inside, Twilight and Applejack headed back inside to join the others for the sleepover. Twilight decided to make more time for Spike and rebuild her friendship with him, and rainbow dash wanting to grow their own friendship more. And they had a blast all night long.

Author's Note:

And that's Twilight's first part of her sub plot done. I wanted to deepen their friendship with Spike to the ponit to where is borders the line of relationship and friendship. And turn them all into friends with benefits. :twilightblush: also the phrase "no need to worry" was a reference from dawn from pokemon Dimond and pearl. anyway. Next part is transfer from Rarity to Spike. See ya!