• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I read-consume yes-yes! I maybe write yes-yes! I talk narrate! I-I draw paint! (You can find me as Zlagg1 on twitter if you're ever wondering what I'm up to)


This story is a sequel to The Royal Addiction Spreads

The princess of love visits Canterlot on her weekend off. However nothing could have predicted her for the weirdness that the day had for her. Not to mention that she seems to already be there.

Thank you for the feature!

Scuffed cover art is drawn by me.
[Rated teen due to the bonus chapter.]

I wanted to try something slightly different with this small series I've made. There will still be a the head pats and pampering but I simply decided to add a little more "content" to this story.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 13 )

I feel we were bamboozled here, hoodwinked if you will. We barely got any time to see Chrysalis get pampered in her natural form and Cadance is still oblivious to his touch. This is sacrilege most foul. We deserve a few paragraphs, each, of both Chrysalis and Cadance receiving scritches. We shan't settle for less.

I was trying out a different thing, I thought that simply having Anon pet ponies would get repetitive and boring, so I decided to give it some kind of content. In hindsight I should have probably added more pampering. I might do so a bit later today, when I'm out of work.

I mean, it doesn't have to be the entire story, but when it's the core premise it feels kinda empty when it's left out. Take Affection Therapy for example.


121k words at this point and plenty of pony pampering. It does not get repetitive or boring.

Replying to you that I added some buggo pats. There will be another chapter mostly based entirely on patting Chrysalis, Flurry and Cadance coming in the near future. The first chapter was mostly made to explain why Chrysalis is in Canterlot and why she isn't being thrown into Tartarus

Excellent. I look forward to those being added.

and then flurry will get a head pat, kidnap him either to parts unknown or prisoner in an impenetrable shield bubble selfishly for herself.

Adorable lil Luv Bug

To say that the pink alicorn wasn't put on edge by this sudden situation would've been a lie. "Antie, what's wrong?" Her walking speed faltered but the royal guards behind her forced the pink mare to keep up the pace next to her aunt. Flurry Heart babbled something incoherent to her mother who then nuzzled her cheek, comforting the small foal.

I think you meant Auntie also since Flurry Heart is also an alicorn wouldn't she also count as a "goddess"
PS I'd like the story but it's at 69 likes

I must have missed something, but what exactly was Chrysalis blackmailing Celestia with?

She saw Celestia without a day of pats

Caught two grammar errors.

The throughout look of confusion on the alicorns face ...


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