• Published 9th May 2024
  • 245 Views, 2 Comments

The Coziest of Diamonds - Betty_Starlight

Adult Diamond Tiara prefers to live in her new estate on the edge of town. This leads to a peculiar otherworldly encounter.

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Chapter 3: Natural Progression

I opened my eyes suddenly!

This was weird… I looked around and I was in a darkened room I don’t recognize… I also know that I’m laying on my side, with my head on a pillow… My usual curls are all gone and I can see my bluish-white locks of hair on this soft purple velvet pillow…

But none of that was anywhere nearly as concerning as what was over my body, as I lay there…

It was a pink hoof… I also felt warmth behind me… I felt safe here… I felt secure here…

I also felt really uncomfortable!

And so, I did the first thing that came to mind… I screamed! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

The hoof tightens around my body and I feel the warmth get real CLOSE! “Cozy! Are you okay?” I hear a feminine voice say from behind.

“I’m fine!” I shout out suddenly!

“Why did you scream?”

“You’re holding me!”

The voice is silent for a moment… “Yes… Yes I am holding you… I have no idea why?”

My wide eyes stare forward, “Uh, Diamond? How about we just forget about this, alright? How does a coffee and a joint sound?”

“You really smoke a lot, don’t you?”

I frown, “Uh, usually two or three times a day! But wake n bake is SUPER IMPORTANT and YOU DON’T miss that smoke session!”

I hear her chuckle behind me, “Alright my pink junkie! I’ll get you some coffee! You take it with two creams, yes?”

I narrow my eyes before finally conceding defeat… “Yes please… “


I stare at the pink mare, with her now disheveled bluish-white mane…

I try to be a good host, but sometimes, situations can get awkward!

Like right now, for instance, when she has narrow eyes and takes a drag from her joint while staring at me…

She says, “Idiot!” matter-of-factly out the side of her mouth…

I widen my eyes at this, “What?”

She takes the joint out and exhales smoke, “You were cuddling me!”

I gulp, “W-well yes! Yes I was!” my eyes go to the ceiling, “Technically… “

“Technically, nothing! You were holding me and loving me! So you’re an idiot!”

I stare at her as she takes another drag and frown as I ask her, “Why does that make me an idiot?”

She takes the joint out and says while exhaling smoke, “Because I’m me! The worst villain ever!”

My mouth straightens and I say, “I don’t think you’re evil… “ I say as she takes another drag…

She takes out the joint and exhales smoke again, “You don’t?”

“No, I don’t think that’s it, Cozy?”

She puts the joint in her mouth and takes a drag while saying out the side, “Then what is it, Diamond? If I’m not bad, why did I act the way I did?”

“You’re just confused, Cozy!”

She takes the joint out, “We aren’t snuggling again!”

My eyes widen, “Oh, most certainly not! I mean, I’m as straight as the day is long!”

She nods, “Right! I love stallions and cock is great!”

“Oh, yes! Penis is just the best! I have NO DESIRE to EVER be a lesbian! EVER!”

She smiles while taking another drag, “You wanna smoke with me?”

I blink and surprise myself! “Yes, please!”

She giggles while exhaling, “Get in here and shut the door!”

“I gotta be at work in an hour and a half!” I say matter-of-factly, as I’m trotting into the room.

“Well, we’d better get you good and smoked up, then, huh?”


I don’t know why I said those things to Diamond Tiara… I don’t know why I wanted to smoke with her and I didn’t understand why being near her made me happy… But I did know that it was joint time!

I took a deep inhale from the joint, before I hold it up with the cleft of my right hoof.

She smiles and collects it with her right hoof, while standing on her other three, and brings it to her mouth for a powerful draw…

I exhale and stare at her, “I thought you didn’t smoke weed?”

She exhales and takes it out of her mouth, “Well, I do now! Besides, I haven’t had a drink in two days, because of you!”

“What?” I widen my eyes.

She giggles, “Yeah, I normally had a couple of daiquiris every night, but with you here blazing up the way you do, there’s really no need!”

“Oh, golly! I got you to stop drinking!”

She chuckles while taking another drag, “That’s fine Cozy! This is better for me, anyway!”

I smile when I think about how I may have made Diamond a better pony… “Hey! No Ponegarting, remember?”


I sat at my desk, staring at the papers scattered there…

I scrunch my brow when I think about how I could’ve sworn this was organized yesterday?

I think about the pink mare with her bluish-white mane at my house…

I think about the time we’ve been spending together and how it DEFINITELY does not mean anything!

I raise my neck and puff out my chest when I consider my identity! I’m Diamond Tiara, after all! The most successful business-pony Ponyville has ever seen, and I take pride in that! I could NEVER be gay!

Then my shoulders relax when I begin to wonder why I’m even having this conversation with myself?

Suddenly, I hear a feminine voice from across my desk yelling at me, “Miss Diamond Tiara!”

I widen my eyes to snap out of my stupor and I witness the blue coat and darker blue wavy mane of my assistant, Shartrice, there on the other side of my desk, holding some papers in her glowing magick! “Shartrice! What a pleasant surprise!”

Her muzzle frowns, “Uh, are you okay Miss Diamond? I called your name three times, but you seemed to be in a daze?”

“I’m fine! Uh,” I widen my eyes, “what did you need?”


You know, she sure seemed like she was in a hurry to get out of here, when she left?

I suddenly recall my wager to her earlier…

I told her that since she aimed to reform me, and that since I wanted to be reformed anyway, we really had no argument…

I then I frown when I think about the cuddling…

I decide to forget it and avert my eyes down at the book that I’m reading… A romance novel I found in her personal library…

A straight romance novel, no less!

After all, that is what I, a perfectly straight pony would read! A completely straight and not gay novel, about two ponies being in love!


I suddenly thought about the pink mare, currently doing things in her office…

I smile when I think about how she probably forgot all about the snuggling incident and how those gay things will NEVER ever come up, ever again!

It’s so good to be straight!


I know it’s only 4 o’clock and I’m not supposed to be out of here for another hour and a half…

I also know that I want to get home, and so I made it a point to finish my work early today!

Boy, won’t Cozy be surprised to see me home, long before I said I’d be there!

Wait! Why am I thinking of her reaction to this? Why do I care so much? And why would I make her happy? Nothing about this makes sense!

I sigh out my nose before leaving my desk to trot around the right side towards my office door…

It’s almost time to see Cozy Glow…


I’ve been really stressed out and I’ll admit that I’m probably smoking a tad more than normal right now?

I should probably cut back tomorrow?

I was reading the beauty magazine, in the section on tips on how to pick up stallions, when suddenly, there’s a knock on my door!

I look up and say, “Uh, they served me dinner earlier! I don’t need anything, thanks!”

I hear a familiar female voice on the other side, “It’s me! Diamond Tiara! I’m home early!”

I widen my eyes and scrunch my mouth when I think about how I’m not ready for this! “Uh, great!”

“Can I come in?”

“I guess?”

The door opens and a pink earth mare with a white mane and tail, sporting blue highlights trots in and stares at me with her azure gaze, “How was your day, Cozy?”

I widen my eyes while still propped on my bed with my magazine, “Oh, it was great Diamond! Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed your beauty mag here and I was just reading it for uh,” my eyes dart to the magazine between my hind legs, “tips on uh, eyeliner, and mascara, and stuff!”

She frowns, “But you don’t wear makeup, Cozy?”

I gaze back to the other mare, “Well um, I could start, uh, I guess? That is, uh, if you really wanted me to?”

Her mouth normalizes, “Don’t be silly! You don’t need any of that stuff to look acceptable to me!” before it frowns…

I widen my eyes when I hear her words, look acceptable to me? “Uh, that’s fine! There’s also a section on sexy stallions!”

She smiles, “I like sexy stallions!”

I nod, “Me too! You wanna snuggle up and watch a movie, Diamond?” before frowning… Why am I like this?

She perks up and frowns, “C-can it wait until after I’ve eaten?”

“Oh, sure Diamond! Take your time!” Before it finally hits me what I just asked her… “I mean, golly! I’m certainly in no hurry for friendly cuddling!”

Snuggle up and watch a movie? I think to myself, as her eyes begin to widen and she frowns before saying, “Uh, I gotta go now!”

“Wait!” I shake my head, “Uh, would you like a hug? You know? Since you just got back from your stressful day at work or whatever?” I say, before wondering what I’m doing, for the umpteenth time…

She smiles, “I’d like that!”

I get off the bed and as I’m trotting towards her, I remind her, “Just as friends!”

She lovingly embraces me tightly and affectionately in her hooves while smiling and saying, “Of course! Just like we’re going to be snuggling tonight, just as friends!”

“Of course!” I say while savoring every bit of contact I can get from this other mare…


“Ugh!” I sighed while staring at that same reflection in the mirror of my desk…

Only it was different now… My usual curls were missing… I frowned when I wondered when and if I’d ever wear them again?

My eyes widen when I suddenly don’t think that’s the only thing that’s changed?

I shake my head and fix my face when I think that I gotta snap out of this! I collect some herb from my baggy and crush the nugs with my hoof, before taking a paper before me, sticky side up, and arranging the crushed weed into a neat little row…

I smile when I think about how soon, relaxation awaits!

I hold the paper in my forehooves and lick the top, before neatly rolling it up with my clefts, and then, stick it in my mouth, and grab my hoof lighter to ignite, and then I inhale the flame to the end so it ignites the devil weed there, as I inhale to bring the fresh cherry slightly closer to me…

I really need some joint tips! I think to myself while taking that first wonderful inhalation of smoke into my lungs!

Suddenly, there’s a knock on my door, followed by a voice I haven’t heard in a very long time! “Cozy Glow! Are you in there? This is Twilight Sparkle and we need to discuss the terms of your release!”

Oh, golly! I think to myself, with the burning weed roll in my mouth…

(To be continued…)

Author's Note:

In case you're wondering, this is entitled Natural Progression because their love is blossoming, despite the fact that they consistently deny it. This is natural...