• Member Since 27th Jun, 2023
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I'm not the DJ or the guy from EastEnders. I am the brony, skater and the fanfic character one.

Comments ( 49 )

interesting and nice work!

Also, in the original Fallout Equestria, it is implied that Littlepip has this fetish; in Mona Lisa Overdrive, this is explored further.

She does? Maybe I should finally read it.

Thanks again dude :moustache:

Yes, in the chapter "Whispers in the Darkness," Littlepip is horny while she is sick and vomits; it is very vague and is not mentioned again in the story; it was a wasted moment. But in my realistic version of Littlepip, she is emetophilic and is explored further.

I can only think of one scene.

shes bummed out that her love interest is getting close to the guy in their group. PIP is a lesbian and drinks alcohol to make herself feel better. She later uses a broken memory orb after imbibing in drink, which makes her nauseated and vomits. When shes out of the memory, she's laying on a bed alone with her love interest sleeping with her head next to her, she takes out a Rarity statue, gets horny and masturbates to it, then feels guilty bc its actually her love interest great great grandmother, so the guilt make her vomit again and now her love interest wakes up to clean her mess.

I'm not familiar with this fetish, but I think thr author is reaching for what isn't there. Pip is very awkward. Another scene is her peeing in public but she doesn't think on it bc it's raining. When she's caught all she can focus on is her friend had walked into the puddle she was using.

Forgot to add she was germy sick too. Her immune system took a hit being from a Vault and all and all of what happened prior had accumulated to that one moment.

People can draw their conclusions, and that's what I came to when I read that.

Those scenes are there, just for shock value, I took it and turned it into a complex emotional conflict for Littlepip, with the vague descriptions you can deduce whether she has it or not.

Your justification "Pip is very awkward" explains nothing, and I don't understand what you mean by that. So as I said, everyone is free to interpret those scenes in their own way, but no one is obliged to glorify Littlepip. In my story, she is treated like just another pony because Mona Lisa tries to imitate real life. It's not your typical "I have to be a hero" story.

Your comment felt like you wanted to detract from my work and that I wasted my time writing this. I can only tell you: don't let your fanboyism blind you and prevent you from enjoying the realistic approach of my story. I have no obligation to glorify Littlepip; that's not how real life works.

I wouldn't say they're there for shock value. Rather, it's a combination of her exhaustion, recent addiction, and physical/ magical exertion finally catching up with her, and Kkat was just really good at capturing that illness. Remember, she had a full fever, along with the nausea. As for the horny part, your inhibitions can go down when you're sick, her head is literally right up against Velvet's flank, and she's the only one awake.

Plus, an uneasy stomach doesn't vomit on command. Sure you'll have warning signs, and you're able to push things along with other stimuli, but your stomach is the only thing that determines when to purge itself. So, since she was still sick when she did those actions in the original, it was, more or less, an impulse that she acted on while delirious and in the grip of PTM-withdrawal, and the vomiting was always going to happen. I would say it's meant to make Pip seem pathetic, and thus garner sympathy from the audience. After all, we've all been sick like that at one time or another.

Edit: I'm looking at this comment section right now, and I'd just like to say for the record that I have not been contributing to any likes or dislikes on either the comment or the story. Nor was this comment in response to the story itself, but rather contributing to the discussion. I am not speaking against the author, nor making an attempt to discredit the work.

Edit: Decided to read it, it's honestly fine- decently written, nothing absolutely horrendous. I suppose it's just the creative choices of the author, rather than the quality of the work itself. Feels like this would be better suited to Blackjack, as Pip's drug of choice was Party-Time Mint-als, not whiskey. She drank whiskey on occasion, but not to this extent.

That is why I say that interpretations may vary, although I do not share your opinion, I will not detract validation from your comment.

If Littlepip hadn't been horny while being sick, I wouldn't have written this one-shot, but Littlepip was pleasuring herself while being sick and vomiting; those are signs of someone who has emetophilia. Like I said, this is not mentioned again in the story. As far as I know, if you are sick and want to vomit, how is it possible that you want to touch yourself? That would be the last thing you would do; nobody does that being sick, only if you have that fetish.

I don't know if you have experienced that thing of wanting to do that while you are sick, but I tell you, I have never gone through that, and anyone would see it as something weird.

Comment posted by Scenic Snapper deleted May 11th

I'm going to be clear now: if no one intends to read this one-shot and they only come with a cloak and sword to take credit away from my work, just because I think differently than 99% of this subfandom, your comment will be deleted.

I won't tolerate any more nonsense.

It's not nonsense to say what you're saying is in the story isn't in there and you interpreted it wrong.

I understand that you have an idealized perception of Littlepip, but still, my opinion is not going to change; the scene is vague, and it is not made clear if she have it or not. So there are no right or wrong interpretations.

Comment posted by sxcbeast deleted May 11th

It's really not vague...? If you want to say she has it, that's fine, but saying canon supports it is too far. Getting yourself off while sick could easily be a way to make yourself feel better when you feel like shit.

You've mentioned "that's how real life works" with near manic obsession in several of your stories.

In real life horses can't vomit on their own, unless you force them to. How's that for real life, bub?

I don't understand what you're talking about, when I'm sick what matters most to me is sleeping and resting my mind as a way to overcome the pain, I don't masturbate or vomit while my body is suffering. And when I said "Implied" I mean it's not said directly but that's what I understood from that scene, the fact that you don't agree with me doesn't discredit my story or what I say.

I was trying to highlight that unique aspect of my story, the realism, of course, the touch of fantasy is still there, the ponies can still talk, do magic, fly, but they act like real life people and not like a cartoon character.

I try to imitate the styles of films from the 2000s and late 90s that tried to be serious and deep.

Yeah, that's you, not everyone else. It's actually quite common, and even often recommended in the case of migraines.

I don't understand the joke, you say it's normal to masturbate, while you feel like your body is about to explode? And is vomiting while doing it advisable? I don't know if you're trolling me, but I would love for the comments to be about my story and not arguing about this that doesn't go anywhere

Thing is, you made an error trying push a fetish piece as gospel truth. Nobody cares what your interpretation is; if this is their thing, great; if not, welp that's the price of making niche fetish fic and you get what you get. And including this bit:

Also, in the original Fallout Equestria, it is implied that Littlepip has this fetish; in Mona Lisa Overdrive, this is explored further.

Don't try to justify your fetish. Ever.

No one else saw this but you. I'm trying to help you out. But if you're going to hostile about it. I was just trying to figure what scene it was that this might have come from. Bottom line, you are reaching. There's no fucking doubt about that, don't be a bitch about it.

There's loads of subtly in FO:E. Like this situation we're talking about, I didn't realize it was so much bad shit happening to her all at once. At first I thought it was just the memory orb thing, then oh yeah alcohol, then oh yeah germs on a 2nd read.

Its the subject matter of your story, where you say the basis of is canon. It's about your story.

It is obvious that you have not read my story and you are here drawing conclusions without having informed yourself before commenting, you did not understand the message that I wanted to give with this story, what I wanted was that people with these tastes should be respected, I was also against it and I didn't understand why there would be people who liked these things, do you know what it's like to be an outcast from society? Do you know what it's like to be alone for the rest of your life because no one understands you and they see you as a weirdo? If you are one of those people who judge and have no empathy for other people because it is more important for you to defend Littlepip, because society depends on Littlepip being treated like a god, then I tell you that you have serious mental problems, I never say that it is a fetish of mine, just that people who have taboo tastes should be treated with respect, no one is justifying anything. You can continue defending Littlepip and knock down my story, if creativity and originality is a problem, then I don't know what you're doing here in the first place, in a place that's about writing, originality is fundamental, I never said it was an absolute truth, that's how I interpreted that scene and if no one cares, I'm not going to care what other people think either.

Nope, you are talking about the description of my story and what happens in the original, not what happens within my story, for now I have not seen comments about my writing and how I treat this topic with realism and respect, for you It is more important to discredit my story than to give me feedback about my complex Littlepip, which was what I expected with this story and to promote Mona Lisa, my intention was not to offend any Littlepip fanboys, but, that's how things will be, it's okay, I'm going to continue with my visions anyway. I think I did a good job.

I could care less if it was littlepip, I was lured by the prospect of a new FOE smut fic. Since most writers aren't making finding fics convenient, since most can't be bothered to mention that it's in the FOE universe in the title. I wouldn't read this bc its not my thing. But seeing you making an ass of yourself is what lead us here.

what I wanted was that people with these tastes should be respected, I was also against it and I didn't understand why there would be people who liked these things

How dumb are you, really? Did someone pay you for this at least bc this is a stupid hill to die on.

There's only a few reason why anyone makes a fic like this. And it isn't altruism like you're saying.

You are allowed to believe what you want. But it won't change facts. We're just reintroducing the scene so that maybe you missed something that may bring you greater appreciation of the story.

As for me personally, I can't abide an autistic person getting something so incredibly wrong. I won't baby you like everyone else.

do you know what it's like to be an outcast from society

everyone does. You're not special.

I would be very careful with what I would write, you are being totally disrespectful, if you said it as a joke it's fine, but here you are making fun of marginalized people, be very careful, who knows, someone close to you is going through something similar and you are here laughing at the situation and acting intellectual.

Comment posted by YetAnotherTweenEdgelord deleted May 11th

I'm dealing with a sensitive topic in this story trying to empathize with isolated persons, and people here are laughing and trying to act intellectual, it's really worrying, but as they say, actions have consequences. :twilightsheepish:

...it seems some people dont know how to NOT FREAKING KINKSHAME!
seriously why do people do this?
I could care less WHAT it is because if it doesn't harm anyone its FINE!

Some people huh?
Its weird why some people dont learn not to kink shame!
like i mean there's a entire group for them all sooo yeah!

You sir
You need to leave them be!

The truth is that I don't understand anything that just happened LMAO :rainbowlaugh:

What just happened to me is so surreal that right now the only thing I can do is laugh, because I don't understand how there can be people against originality, creativity, respect and empathy.

I suppose that for them making fun is cool and that FOE is just about gore, sex, senseless violence, but the truth is that I don't understand anything.

The littlepip i know is someone who has compassion for those in need!

Exactly, I just made a realistic version of Littlepip some of her personality traits still there and people feels offended and attacked? I don't know, I don't understand, trying to make sense of the situation only gives me headaches.

Comment posted by Scenic Snapper deleted May 12th
Comment posted by Warren Peace deleted May 12th

I don't downvote for content. I downvote for using the title of a well-known story by William Gibson as your own, without any sort of attribution.

It's a very stupid reason to downvote...I don't know if you're trying to stop me from feeling forced to delete your comment, but even if the story didn't have that name, you were still going to downvote, don't try to take me as an idiot. In addition to the fact that the title Mona Lisa Overdrive is taken from a Juno Reactor song that appears in The Matrix Reloaded movie, I mean, anyone is free to use the Mona Lisa title. I didn't even know Gibson's book existed before naming my story that way.

I have been a Juno Reactor fan longer then you have been alive. Their work, and the subsequent use of them in The Matrix movies - which brought hem to popular awareness outside electronic music circles - was directly inspired by Gibson. As they have said.

This makes you both ignorant and using without attribution. You did not invent "Mona Lisa Overdrive". Reputible and honest writers give attribution to titles and sources they use. That applies to music, writing, or any form of creation.

Also, lazy. All you have to do is say "I used this title because I like it, the original creator is..."

The only ignorant here is you, now looking for any trivial thing to discredit my story, you just look like an idiot, now we go from talking about Littlepip vomiting to the title of my story, titles can share the same name, how many rock songs are called "Far Away"? It doesn't necessarily have to be inspiration or that everyone who names their songs that way, it has to be related in some way.

To think this comment section came about from one guy having a unique headcanon about some ERPer with mutton chops' crossover fanfiction.

I'm less concerned about the purported kink shaming and more bemused by the flagrant confusion of correlation for causation.

Littlepip was seriously ill and happened to become aroused while she was ill. That in no way indicates a chain of cause and effect.

I can cough while walking through a cloud of cigarette smoke and stub my toe on a brick left in the road. That doesn't mean that coughing hurt my toe.

So you're a William Gibson fan too? Cool, cool.

I can hardly wait to read your cyberpunk.

Also to the ones mass downvoting people? You're only just getting the mods attention and they aren't gonna do much alright? So stop it

You sir need to quit while you're ahead and stop arguing

Everything arose from a misunderstanding, it seems that nobody understands the word "implied" and said that I painted it as an absolute truth.

And we have people saying that being sick and doing these things is normal, then we have a dude insulting an entire community that suffers every day (I warn to him to be careful with his words and still my comment gets downvoted to death for asking for respect, that speaks a lot about people who can be found in the Foe Community. Littepip image as a hero is more important that the serious and reflective topic of my story, which is very shocking to me)

Nobody reads the story and still took precipitated conclusions, I simply take out that is leave for the interpretation and make it something complex, that already depends on each one, but they are literally forcing me to think the same as they.

All this is a surreal situation, absurd in every ways, do not waste time trying to analyzes or looking for ways to explain all this, because there's not and I don't think it really serves anything.

Because being sick and doing those things is normal, just because you don't doesn't mean it's not normal.

I'm tired of having to repeat myself again, leave it at that, bruv, people have different beliefs, that's it, the debate is over.

Now I want comments about my story, anything not related to my writing, I delete it, I already explained everything and I couldn't be clearer.

Fucking shit bro, sometimes I think they're trolling me, because they literally talk about anything except the story itself, now they need to tell me to change the cover because the color doesn't match the rest of the site's interface. :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Scenic Snapper deleted May 12th
Comment posted by Scenic Snapper deleted May 12th
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