• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 1,508 Views, 21 Comments

Fair Exchange is No Robbery - ElementOfFlutterSwag

A grimdark fan fiction a friend inspired me to write! Also my first so don't be too harsh >.>

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The Rain

It was past noon, and Sweetie Belle wasn’t home yet. Rarity was only a little worried, and kept herself occupied by organizing her various colors of fabrics and thread spools. her room was quite messy; and she needed to tidy it up. She folded her fabrics up nice and neatly, ordering them by their base colors. All the blues, reds, violets, and all of the other colors were stacked up where they would be out of the way, but easily accessible. While taking a short break, she took a glance out of her second story window. Clouds were creeping into Ponyville. The sky was covered with grey clouds, with darker ones slowly moving in behind. A thunderstorm was brewing. “Seems the pegasi have something big planned,” The unicorn muttered to herself, “Oh Sweetie Belle, where are you?”

It was getting later in the afternoon, the sky over Ponyville was getting darker as the storm clouds moved in. Panic was starting to set in on Rarity. She didn’t need to worry, Sweetie Belle will turn up, right?

Too much time had passed, Rarity could no longer wait for Sweetie Belle to return home. She had to go look for her. Not wasting any time, she rushed out into the gloomy streets of Ponyville.

Rarity trotted through Ponyville at a brisk pace, scanning the town for signs of her little sister. She was heading to Sugarcube Corner, to talk to Pinkie Pie about what might have happened to Sweetie Belle. The density of the air signified that the rain would begin falling soon. Rarity had to hurry. Without noticing, she passed her good friend Twilight Sparkle. Twilight meant to greet her, but the white unicorn rushed past her. The lavender mare watched as her friend hurried down the street, a worried look coming across Twilight’s face.

Finally, Rarity made it to Sugarcube Corner. She quickly tapped on the door with her hoof and waited impatiently for the pink party pony to answer. A minute passed, and then the door opened. “Oh, um, hi Rarity!” Pinkie Pie greeted her friend. How strange. The tone of voice she used to greet her was odd for Pinkie. The kind that would make a pony suspicious. “So uh, what brings you here today?” The Earth Pony gave a worried fake smile.

Rarity gave Pinkie Pie a suspicious glance. “Why else would I be here, Pinkie? Sweetie Belle never came home today, and she was here overnight. Where is she?”

“I, uh, she...” Pinkie Pie paused nervously. “She left to go back home of course!” Pinkie Pie shifted uncomfortably, sweat visible on her brow. It was obvious that something wasn’t right. “Now I uh, have to go. Bye!” She slammed the door in Rarity’s face. There was something Pinkie wasn’t telling her.

The panic was rising inside of Rarity, she had no idea where Sweetie Belle could possibly be. All she could do is keep searching for her. She couldn’t ask Applebloom or Scootaloo if they knew anything. Applebloom was with the rest of her family in Trottingham for another Apple family reunion, and Scootaloo left with Rainbow Dash on a trip to Cloudsdale. She was on her own. She began by search every nook and cranny in Ponyville, and asking anypony she could if they had seen her sister. She had no success, so she instead continued towards the outskirts of town, coming very close to the edge of...(Pause for dramatic effect) the Everfree Forest. Rarity called out Sweetie Belle’s name as loud as she could, but was given silence in response. The white mare feared the worse for her sweet little sister. She sat down on her hind legs as tears began to take form in her eyes. Her eye makeup had started to become diluted from tear as she cried. Suddenly, the rain began to fall. Slowly at first, then faster. Rarity’s mane and tail were getting wet, the beautiful curls getting ruined, and falling straight. She didn’t care, she just continued crying.

Eventually, she had been able to regain control of herself again. Her mane and tail were soaked, laying straight against her coat. Her makeup had run down her face with her tears. What could she do now? Sweetie Belle was nowhere to be found. Perhaps she could go and seek Fluttershy’s comfort. Her cottage wasn’t far from here. She stood up, a little shaky from her crying, but otherwise fine. She slowly walked in the direction of the cozy cottage, her head hanging, and her expression that of depression and defeat. She had lost her dear sister.

Rarity’s hooves were getting muddy. It didn’t bother her. She simply kept walking as the rain continued to fall. She would arrive at Fluttershy’s cottage soon, and hopefully gain some advice and comfort from the pegasus she liked. It was true, Rarity had a crush on Fluttershy for quite some time now, but there was no time to dwell on that. Fluttershy’s cottage slowly came into view, and the defeated unicorn slowly trotted up to it. Before she got to the door however, Angel hopped outside through the little hole in the door made for the pegasus’s animals, and motioned for Rarity’s attention.

“Huh? Angel, what is it?” Rarity asked softly. Angel pointed toward the window, telling the mare to look inside. She hesitantly walked up to the window, carefully peering inside. Her heart sank as it broke in two. There, before her eyes, was Fluttershy. Not alone was she however, she was with Pinkie Pie. She was nuzzling up against the pegasus. Rarity couldn’t believe what she was seeing, she blinked back fresh tears and looked back towards Angel. “Thank you Angel I...I’ll just be on my way.” She turned and walked away in the direction that will lead back into Ponyville. Angel watched her go with sympathy in his eyes.

Rarity was utterly lost, she didn’t know who else to go to, it seemed she was on her own on her quest to find her missing sister. She was on her way back into Ponyville now, walking slowly down the stone path that led to Fluttershy’s cottage in the opposite direction. She could see the small quaint village somewhat in the distance through the heavy rain. She would probably catch a cold out here. Oh well. It didn’t matter to Rarity right now. She supposed she was just heading back to Carousel Boutique, but she didn’t know how that would help her get any closer to finding Sweetie Belle. The unicorn passed the sign that read: “Welcome to Ponyville!” written on it to welcome...Fluttershy? She was the only pony who lived in that direction, and there are hardly any travellers who would venture through the Everfree Forest to get to Ponyville. Either way, Rarity just continued walking, as the comfortable designs of the various buildings of Ponyville began appearing to her right and left. She passed by Twilight’s library, who saw her from her second story window. Twilight came rushing out to meet her fellow unicorn friend.

“Rarity?! What are you doing out here in this heavy rain?” Twilight asked worriedly. For the moment the lavender mare didn’t care too much about her own mane, and focused on Rarity.

“Oh...I’m uh...Just taking a walk I suppose..” Rarity blankly responded. Twilight could easily tell something was wrong the moment she saw her out her window. She frowned at her distraught friend, and gave her a soft nudge towards her library home.

“Rarity...Come inside with me, please. You need to warm up and dry yourself off before you catch a cold out here.

“But I...Well alright Twilight, if you insist..” Rarity turned and walked toward the door to Twilight’s library as her friend followed her inside.

Twilight closed the door behind her, and draped a soft blanket over her friend, who only had a blank and depressed expression on her face. Twilight put a blanket over herself as well, and sat down in front of Rarity, giving her a stern expression of concern.

“Alright Rarity, I’m terribly worried about you, you must tell me what’s the matter. Please, maybe I can help you.” Twilight gave her distressed friend a reassuring look, but it didn’t seem to affect her that much.

“I...” Rarity suddenly broke own into an uncontrollable sob. Twilight stared in shock for a moment, before quickly pulling Rarity into a tight but caring embrace, allowing her to just let her feelings out. She had no idea what had caused Rarity to get like this, but this rarely happens, so something really bad must have happened.

After a few minutes the white unicorn began to calm down a little, Twilight rubbed her back softly with her hoof and waited until she was ready to speak. “It’s alright Rarity, I’m here for you. Just let it out.” She comforted her dear friend as best as she could.

“Th-thank you so much Twilight...I’m..I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” Twilight let go of Rarity and she wiped her eyes of her tears and took a deep breath. “I know you’re probably very confused as to what’s wrong, so please allow me to confide in you for help...I need somepony’s help.”

The smart unicorn gave Rarity a soft smile. “Of course Rarity, whatever is wrong I promise I will help you in any way I can.”