• Published 24th May 2024
  • 250 Views, 21 Comments

When Darkness Shines - TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm

Princess Cadence lives the life many dream to live. Now she is just waiting for her handsome prince charming. However her daydream expectations are thrown out the window when she meet her betrothed, a sassy and mysterious umbrum prince, Sombra.

  • ...

Forever Ours

Tamaar rushed back in with three healers who began looking him over. How much time had it been since the vision. The room didn't look the same. The blue blanket now red and a chair was in the corner.

"Sombra do you remember where you are?" A large male asked him.

"Crystal Empire. There was a blast and me and Amore got hit. Where's Cadence?" He said quickly, attempting to stand up despite horrored looks from the healers. The large male pushed him back down on the cot. "Queen Cadence will be here soon but you need to lie down. You could hurt yourself."

Cadence was in a meeting with the other councilors. They had a few policies they wanted to go over that Amore had said no to that they wanted her opinion on. "It didn't make the most sense before when we had half as many subjects as we do now but now might be a good time to start surveys about the Empire. Give some new jobs to our new expanse of residents?" Cinch the earth pony representative suggested. "Like surveys on life in the empire?" Cadence inquired. Cinch nodded. Cadence pondered a moment before nodding as well. She was new to being queen and could use the insight on her subjects. Suddenly the door slammed open and a panting Tamaar rushed in. "What I have I told you all about-" Cinch was cut of by Tamaar looking up and Cadence and smiling. She nodded repeatedly and tilted her head to the door. Cadence took a sharp breath in before asking, "Sombra?" She started nodding faster and ran out of the room. Cadence gasped and didn't bother to excuse herself before following Tamaar. When they reached the infirmary Sombra's door was open and a small crowd of ponies standing there. They parted so Cadence could step through. When she reached the inside she saw Rabia, Samaar, and Selena in Samaar's arms. Rabia was caressing her son's face and she kissed the top of his muzzle.

"Oh my precious baby! Wear what you want and be what you want. I'm just so glad your back here with us." He nuzzled his mother back and when he saw Cadence his eyes lit up with joy. He climbed up and crawled to the edge of his bed as she walked up to him. They gazed into each other's eyes both saying how much they missed the other. When they reached the edge of the bed Sombra hugged her deeply. Cadence, shocked at first, immediately reciprocated. They didn't hear the healers, or Rabia, they were in their own little world. Cadence pulled back with a smile before Sombra leaned in and kissed her. Cadence's lips tasted like crystal berries, sweet and spicy all at once. Sombra tasted like smoke, like addicting, rough, hard, smoke, Cadence was hooked. Cadence brought up a hoof to caress his jaw, the fluffy beard feathering her. Cadence hadn't had nearly enough when he pulled back. He let his forehead rest against hers.

"I couldn't imagine a forever without you in it either." He whispered.

Cadence pulled him in for a hug againand he leaned his head against her neck and wrapped a leg around her. Rabia was wiping her tears when an expected sound occured.

"Somba!" A tiny voice chirped. He looked down to see little Selena motioning for him to pick her up. Sombra smiled before pulling her into his hooves. By now it was just Rabia, Samaar, Selena, Sombra, and Cadence. The healers must have given them some space when Sombra wasn't looking. Sombra realized something and grabbed Cadence with his other leg and pulled her on the bed. He gave them both a tight hug yet again. "That's from Amore." Cadence looked shocked and he explained the trip he went on while he was out. He left out his grandparents comments though.

Sombra was free to leave the next day. He would have to come and visit the infirmary once a day for the next week just so they could keep an eye on him. He figured out that in between his vision of Cadence and when he woke up was nearly two months! He was out for over three months! Selena had learned a couple of words since then. Somba, Raba, and of course, Pop-pop. Shining Armor had eventually started doing training to better understand his horn magic so he couldn't cause an accident again. He felt terrible about what happened to the queen and wanted to do whatever he could to make it up to them. Tamaar actually suggested he join the guard. Cadence insisted he stay with her for the first night. He didn't want to feel like he was rushing things between them but Cadence said it could all wait until tomorrow. She wasn't ready to let him go yet. The two cuddled on her bed not having to worry about Selena as Samaar had also insisted on keeping her for the night. Sombra insisted he definitely did not need too but Cadence said it had happened quite a bit lately. Samaar had a bit of an attachment to his granddaughter, his little sidekick he called her, and that they would have to share her. Now Sombra was laid on his back with Cadence curled up on his chest. He ran his hoof over her soft wings while she nuzzled his neck. He really did love the nuzzling, that would never grow old. He stopped petting her to look at her in the eye. She had her head slightly tilted and her eyes were droopy. She was growing tired.

"You know I love you right?" He mumbled, pressing a kiss to her forehead diamond. Cadence smiled and pushed a peck on his lips. "I love you too." She said sleepily. Sombra purred and wrapped his hooves around her.

The spirit world would freeze over like the north before he would ever let her go.

Author's Note:

Yay happy ending!

Comments ( 1 )

I'm very happy that Sombra came out of the coma and is back with Cadence and everyone else that cares about him.

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