• Published 18th May 2024
  • 221 Views, 0 Comments

Apples to the Core - Neon-Nights-Library

  • ...

Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Possible Trigger Warning:
-Mentions of childbirth

ALSO, brief note:
-I just wanted to let anybody know, who might not have, that real life ponies (and horses) are pregnant for around 11 months. And although this is a funny little fanfic based on a horse cartoon, I did want to include some elements of their real-life counterparts. Obviously some other elements are more like how humans give birth, but I wanted to include the actual animal behavior where I could. Thus, why Sugar Belle is pregnant for so long.

The fresh scent of blooming flowers and newly-thawed rivers flooded in through the windows of the Apple Family home. Spring had returned to Equestria, and nearly an entire year had passed since Sugar Belle and Big Mac learned of her pregnancy.

It wouldn't be much longer until the Apple family "officially" met their new family member. Finally, after several months of preparation and paranoia, Big Mac had finally settled back into his farm work routine, now only occasionally fussing over Sugar Belle and their un-born foal.

Sugar Belle was more than relieved that he had finally calmed his nerves over being a parent, mostly anyway. She was somewhat nervous too, and excited! But Big Mac's constant worrying in the months previous hadn't helped her feel any better about their situation.

But their family proved, time and time again that their loyalty and wisdom could over-come any potential trouble. Years ago, when Sugar Belle had initially joined the Apple Family, their headstrong and can-do attitude seemed... naive at times, or at the very least somewhat unrealistic.

But as the years dragged on, and she became more familiar with both the individuals, and their history, she began to realize just how precious the love and loyalty the family showed was. Of course, those things were important to most families, but the Apples, above all other ponies she'd ever met were the most caring, passionate and wise in all of Ponyville- heck all of Equestria!

She loved Big Mac, and had wanted so desperately to share a life with him, and was delighted to find that being a part of the Apples also meant sharing her life, and the lives of the other members as well. They had each other's backs, no matter what.

And even with the flood of anxiety, panic or worry that could over-take a pony, the Apples had always been there to lend a hoof, and would likely do so for generations to come. Thoughts like these ran through Sugar Belle's mind as she lay curled-up on the couch of the home's living room.

They made her feel even more comforted in her home, knowing she was always safe and cared for. The lively spring breeze that drifted in through the open window was a comfort as well. Sugar Belle closed her eyes and savored the moment, nestling in closer to the soft cushion of the couch, and hand-made throw pillows.

Outside, she could hear the faint chatter of Apple Bloom and her friends. The CMC where just outside the house, talking amongst themselves on the farmhouse's front porch. Apple Bloom sat on a stool, flipping through the pages of a well-used notebook.

Sweetie Belle sat close by on a bench, watching Apple Bloom with a curious expression. Scootaloo shifted in her seat on the rocking chair, still not finding a comfortable enough position to sit in. The old wooden chair creaked loudly in protest. Apple Bloom quickly shushed Scootaloo, before returning to the pages of the notebook.

"Look- it says right here," Apple Bloom said, holding up the notebook and panning it around for her friends to see. Sweetie Belle leaned forward and squinted, finding it difficult to read the tiny hand-writing. "All we need is to either solve a friendship problem, an write it down in a 500 word essay..." Scootaloo cringed at the massive word count, shaking her head at that option.

"OR," Apple Bloom continued, "Each of us has to make a NEW friend, and do an activity together, and then write that down in... a 500-word essay..." Apple Bloom frowned at the notes before her, taken in their last class that had been taught by Starlight. It was the options for their final project for her class, and by the looks of things, Starlight's teaching methods had been heavily inspired by Twilight.

Scootaloo groaned, her wings buzzing in annoyance. "So our options are," She vocalized, "A stupidly long essay- or a stupidly long essay!" The orange mare rolled her eyes, throwing back her head to further emphasize her bitterness towards their situation. "What great options!" She spat sarcastically.

Sweetie Belle fidgeting with her hooves nervously. "Well... at least we have a few months to do this project... I think." She expressed, hoping that would help alleviate the tension. It didn't really help. Apple Bloom sighed and tossed the notebook next to her side, rubbing her temple with her hoof.

"Well I hate to say it, but we should probably get started on this as soon as possible." Apple Bloom said, getting up from the stool and ushering her friends to do the same.

"Aw, c'mon, it's still the weekend!" Scootaloo whined, "Why rush to do homework, Sweetie said we have like, three months!"

"I said a few months... maybe." Sweetie replied, already unsure of how much work the three of them would get done with Scootaloo's constant complaining.

"Regardless of the deadline-" Apple Bloom interjected, already annoyed with the bickering starting between the three of them. "We've still got to EACH write an essay, and I ain't leavin' that work to the last minute, unlike SOME." She snipped, giving a look to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo shot back a disturbed look, lifting a hoof and about to snap back at Apple Bloom, when a clatter erupted from inside the house. Surprising all three of them, and immediately drawing their attention. Apple Bloom called out first, remembering her sister-in-law had been napping just inside the living room.

"Uh, Sugar Belle, ya alright?" Apple Bloom paused, waiting for a response. When one didn't come she panicked, shooting a concerned look to her friends. The three teenagers rushed the door, slamming it open just a little too loud.

Just inside the girls could see Sugar Belle had risen from the couch and was stumbling her way around the small coffee table just in front of it. Her legs were trembling immensely, her face contorted into one of clenching pain. Apple Bloom immediately reacted, stepping inside the home and rushing to her sister-in-law.

"What's wrong? A-are you okay?" She asked, helping Sugar Belle maneuver around the coffee table. The pink unicorn's forehead was slick with sweat, and every few moments she scrunched up her face as her body trembled.

"Uhm, no I'm not okay..." She said, through clenched teeth. "I think I need to go to the hospital." Sugar Belle gave a pleading look to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was in mild shock, but quickly nodded back as a response. The yellow mare turned towards Sugar Belle and pushed against her side, allowing Sugar Belle to lean on her for support. Carefully, the two stepped outside the home and onto the porch, Apple Bloom using her back hoof to pull the door shut.

"What's wrong with her?" Scootaloo chirped, looking on at the scene in worry. Sweetie Belle was also looking on in concern, though Scootaloo's question snapped her thoughts away and she briskly replied to her friend.

"She's giving birth- duh!" Sweetie Belle replied, pointing to the very obviously pregnant mare before them.

"She ain't givin' birth just yet, but we need to get her to the hospital before she does!" Apple Bloom interjected, desperately hoping her friends would end their bickering. That was the last thing she needed to deal with at the moment.

Sugar Belle felt awful, not just physically, as she had to rely on this young mare to help her in this moment. Apple Bloom was still so young, it shouldn't be on her to bear this burden of helping her sister-in-law to help her to the hospital. But, unfortunately, there was no-one else available.

The rest of the family had stepped out into town for the day, everyone so sure that nothing would become an emergency today. Unfortunately, everyone had been wrong about that, Sugar Belle included. She couldn't even recall if today was one of the possible days she was set to deliver. Though it seemed the foal inside her was running on its own schedule. Still, Sugar Bell- despite the immense pain and hazy-ness her body was experiencing in the moment- couldn't help but feel bad about the situation.

Apple Bloom was looking around frantically, desperately coming up with a plan that would aid all parties involved. Finally, her eyes settled on an apple cart not far from the house, and Apple Bloom came to a decision, albeit a scatter-brained one.

"Scootaloo, I need to you run into town, an' find my family, they need to know we're headin' to the hospital." Apple Bloom stated. Scootaloo nodded, and rushed off to her scooter she'd parked along the fence. Painted by her own hoofs, and made for her larger teenage body, meant to stand speeds she could've never achieved on her older one.

The orange pegasus kicked off, intentionally digging her hoof into the soil below her, and pushing off with force. Once she gained enough speed, she began buzzing her tiny wings, giving her another boost as she rolled far out of sight from the other mares.

With Scootaloo gone, Apple Bloom looked to Sweetie Belle. "You're goin' with me to the hospital with Sugar Belle, I need someone to make sure she'll be safe back there." Sweetie Belle's eyes grew in surprise. Apple Bloom ignored this, and began making her way towards the apple cart, keeping pace with Sugar Belle, who still leaned on her for support. Thankfully, the cart seemed to be mostly empty.

"Um- okay!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. Quickly following after the other two. Sweetie Belle unlatched the backboard, and together, she and Apple Bloom helped Sugar Belle into the cart bed. Her legs were still shaking, though she forced herself to step inside and carefully lay down on the dark wood. Sweetie Belle looked to Apple Bloom in confusion, very much out of the loop on her friend's plan.

"So... what now?" She asked hesitantly. Apple Bloom had already moved to the front of the cart, and was hooking herself up to the harness. "Well, I figure the quickest way to get her there is by cart..." Apple Bloom replied, pulling the restraints tight enough around her. "An... well I think I'm the only one that can pull it..." She said, her words tainted with uncertainty.

"So... what do I do?" Sweetie Belle asked, desperately wanting to help, but not sure how she could. Apple Bloom turned her head towards the cart, her friend, and the cart again. "Well, I think you'll have to be in the cart with her just to make sure she's safe."

Sweetie Belle wasn't entirely sure what that meant, and she was certain neither did Apple Bloom. "Girls-" Sugar Belle sounded from the cart bed, lifting her head just enough to be seen by Apple Bloom. "I don't mean to argue- but we should really be getting there- ah!" She winced once more in pain, and curled in on herself.

"Right!" Apple Bloom replied, and Sweetie Belle promptly stepped into the cart, latching the backboard shut. She sat upright, careful to give Sugar Belle enough space. With that, Apple Bloom began pulling the cart, her muscles straining in response. Still, despite the weight of two ponies, the cart began to roll, albeit slowly.

Apple Bloom desperately hoped she had the same strength as her father and brother. Sweetie Belle looked worriedly from her friend to the slowly rolling cart. At this pace, they would have been there already if they had walked. But, being in the cart was safer for Sugar Belle at the moment. Suddenly, an idea struck the pale mare, and she turned around, facing the back of the cart.

Lighting up her horn, the back wheels became illuminated in her pastel-green magic. She grunted as she worked the wheels faster, rolling them quicker, and allowing Apple Bloom to have slightly less weight to carry. Apple Bloom yelped in surprise, but quickly realized how Sweetie was trying to help. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, the mare quickly gained trotting speed, going from a light sprint, to full-on galloping.

The cart raced down the hill, through the orchard gates, past fences and trees. It rolled over bridges, and finally made its way into town. Apple Bloom called out as she raced towards the hospital, ponies and other creatures dodging out of the way as the cart barreled through town.

Inside the cart, Sugar Belle winced at any bump the cart went over, but only whimpered in response. She knew the speed meant that they would be getting there soon. Her head felt light and cloudy. She could hardly form a coherent thought, but the re-occurring spasms of pain snapped her back to reality, every few moments.

Sweat was cascading down Sweetie Belle's face as her magic aura continued to spin the wheels of the cart. Her hooves dug into the wood before her, and she was sure she'd find some splinters later. She felt her magic almost give out, and she shook her head furiously. They were almost there... probably. Anyhow, she couldn't let go just yet. Though it was in that moment Sweetie realized how under-practiced she was in her magical abilities.

She made a mental note to strengthen her magic if she ever got the chance. If she'd been able to teleport, like Twilight or Starlight, their day would've been so much easier. Still, Sweetie was helping in her own way, and she hoped that's what counted.

Apple Bloom called out from up front: "I see it! We're almost there!" Ponies jumped out of the way, cursing at the cart as it stormed by. Finally, she skidded to a halt a few feet before the hospital doors. Sweetie let go of the wheels and gasped, feeling an on-coming headache. Apple Bloom quickly unleashed herself, and rushed to the back of the cart. Despite the throbbing pain in her skull, Sweetie Belle began to help once more, pushing down the backboard and helping Sugar Belle back down.

The three mares made their way inside, and as Sugar Belle leaned on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle rushed up to the front desk. A griffin sat at the desk, typing away at a typewriter. "Um, hi." Sweetie Belle stuttered, suddenly nervous to be asking for help. "My uh friend, I mean my friend's sister-in-law is-"

"She's in labor!" Apple Bloom called out! The griffin's eyes widened in surprise, and a nurse who had been walking through quickly responded.

"Here dear, let me take her." The nurse said, wrapping a hoof around Sugar Belle and allowing the mare to lean on her instead. Apple Bloom continued to look worriedly at Sugar Belle. A nearby door burst open, and two more nurses rolled a wheelchair in. They promptly helped Sugar Belle in and began wheeling her away.

Apple Bloom looked on as Sugar Belle rolled down the hall and out of sight, with Sugar Belle giving her a kind, warm smile as she disappeared past a far corner. Sweetie Belle walked up to her friend and gave a worried look. "Apple Bloom... are you okay?" She asked.

Apple Bloom shook herself and looked back at her friend. "Yeah, I think I'm okay now... that was kinda scary, huh?" She asked, chuckling a bit. She realized how strained her muscles felt, and was sure she'd be sore for the next few days.

"Yeah, it kinda was." Sweetie Belle replied. "I hope it won't be like that if I have kids some day." She commented, the reality of pregnancy and birth dawning on her for the first time. She shuddered slightly at the thought.

"So... what do we do now?" Sweetie asked, hoping to pull her mind away from such grizzly thoughts. Apple Bloom looked around the waiting room, which was mostly empty.

"I guess, we wait for the rest of ma' family." She said, taking her exhausted legs over to a nearby chair. Sweetie Belle followed suit, and sat down. She gently massaged her forehead with a hoof, sure that her head would be sore for the next few days.


Dust spiraled and puffed up in clouds behind Scootaloo as she raced down the hill the Apple Family home stood on. The incline and force of her hooves gave her scooter enough of a boost to shoot her across the Apple Acre lot and into the borders of town. The moment she noticed her scooter loose speed, Scootaloo shot her back hoof back to the ground and began pushing off again with force, propelling her further.

She needed to make it there, and fast. Scootaloo was hoping upon hope that all the Apple family members would be located in one area, despite the size of the marketplace. Her hopes, however, were mis-placed as the first member of the family she could see wasn't anywhere near the rest of them. Scootaloo groaned in frustration, realizing her task was bound to be a frustrating one.

So far, the only member of the Apples she'd been able to see, just outside of the marketplace actually, was Granny Smith. The elder green mare was waving off to her friends, who were already some distance from a small table they'd all previously congregated at. Scootaloo skidded to a halt some ways away from Granny Smith, taking care to not coat the mare in a thick layer of dust and debris.

Granny was also picking herself up from the table, when Scootaloo rushed over. "Wait!" She called out, dropping her scooter and rushing after the old mare. "Granny Smith!"

The elder mare turned her head slowly, her face slightly puzzled. Scootaloo galloped over and caught a massive breathe, it just then hitting her how fast she'd skated, and how much of a tole it'd taken on her body. "Well youngin'?" Granny questioned, mildly bothered that the teen had only stopped her to then huff and catch her breath.

Scootaloo puffed a final breath of air, and began waving her hoof frantically as she spoke. "Where are the rest of the Apples- y'know Big Mac, or Applejack?" Granny raised an eyebrow, but pointed a hoof towards the first curved pathway of the marketplace.

"They're workin' the Apple stand." She replied, starting to trot her way towards there. "C'mon I'll show ya where..." Scootaloo followed, though quickly grew impatient with the slow pace of the older mare.

"Um, is there anyway we could hurry this up?" She asked, not caring to hide her clear frustration. Granny Smith rolled her eyes but kept her walking pace.

"If yer in such a mighty hurry..." The old mare said, "Then why don't ya just walk ahead of me yer-self?! I ain't in a hurry, personally." Granny Smith huffed. She didn't know why the younger ponies always seemed to be in such a rushed mood. Goodness knows it didn't do them any good.

"Well- everypony needs to know what's going on! Sugar Belle is giving birth- or well, she's in labor, I think."

Except for a situation like that, of course.

Granny's attitude shifted completely, and her pace quickened, as much as it could and she snapped a reply to Scootaloo. "Well fer cryin' out loud girl! Why didn't you lead with that?!"

The two rounded the bend in the Markplace's pathway, and just a few stands before them were the Apples. A small line was gathered at the stand, each pony happily waiting for the Apple Family spoils. It was just a shame there was such an emergency this day.

Granny Smith was the first to call out to the family, stopping a stand before their own. "Sugar Belle's in labor! C'mon you lot- scatter!" She snipped to the waiting line, shooing them away with her hooves. Applejack, who had just finished helping the pony up-front promptly gave them their change and began pulling down the stand's cover.

"Sorry y'all- store's closed!" She said. Big Mac, however, was standing still just beside Applejack, staring blankly into nowhere in particular, a shocked expression the only notable feature on his face. "Big Mac!" Applejack snapped, ripping her brother back into reality.

The stallion shook his head and also quickly began to shut the store down. The line called out in disappointment, to which Granny snapped again at them to leave. "Go on now- get on! Family emergency!" With that the line dispersed, and Applejack and Big Mac rushed from the stand towards Granny and Scootaloo.

"What happened?" Applejack questioned.

"Where's Sugar Belle- is she safe?" Big Mac also questioned, the real panic of the situation finally settling in. The anxiety of the last 11 months flooding back into him in a matter of seconds.

"I don't know- ask Prima-donna here." Granny replied.

Scootaloo shot a confused look at the mare, but quickly responded to the two Apple siblings. "Well, me, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom were hangin' out on the porch, and we heard Sugar Belle make a noise inside. She said she needed to get to the hospital, so Apple Bloom and Sweetie said they'd take her there."

Applejack interjected, "How?"

Scootaloo shrugged, but continued. "I-I don't know, but she sent me to get you guys, and she said that we'd all meet at the hospital. They're probably there by now... I think."

Applejack nodded to her brother, and before anypony could speak, the two took off in a hasty gallop. Leaving behind Scootaloo and Granny Smith. "Scootaloo, you find a way to get Granny there, we'll meet ya there!" Applejack yelled over her shoulder.

Scootaloo groaned, what was it with ponies asking her to "meet us there"?! Granny looked to Scootaloo, a clear expression of annoyance written on her face. "Ain't nothin' like bein left in the dust." She commented. Scootaloo was inclined to agree.

"So, how're you gonna get us there, youngin?"

Scootaloo thought for a moment, then answered.

"I have a scooter."


Sugar Belle only winced slightly as the IV needle pinched her foreleg. Her mind was in a million places at once, though her body was constantly reacting to the pain of labor. She hoped the pain-killers would kick in soon; if she had to keep on like this, she might pass out from the pain.

Her mind was slightly hazy, from the immense pain, but the parts of her brain that were still fully awake were doing leaps in logic and understanding, only occasionally punctured by moments of clarity. Mainly, her worry was whether her husband and the rest of the family would make it there in time. It wasn't necessary, of course, for the rest of one's family to be near the delivery room or even hospital. But that was a formality the Apples blatantly ignored. They'd be there for the birth of a family member if it was the last thing they'd do. Their undying loyalty was truly something to be upheld.

A nurse who'd been positioning Sugar Belle's hind legs walked up to Sugar Belle and gently grabbed her hoof. "Now, dear," she cooed, her voice bringing Sugar Belle a surprising amount of comfort; "I must be honest with you." Sugar Belle felt a sting of panic in her as the nurse said that, immediately worrying that there was something wrong.

"This isn't going to be a fun time." The nurse continued, and gently padded the top of Sugar Belle's hoof with her own. "Even with the IV, you're still gonna feel the pains of pushin' that little one out." The nurse smiled kindly, and the panic in Sugar Belle melted instantly.

"But I'll help you through it all, and every medical personnel in this room will make sure you and your little one are safe the whole time." The nurse let go of Sugar Belle's hoof and trotted towards the far end of the room, where another nurse was looking over the documents.

For the first time since she'd arrived at the hospital, a wave of relief washed over Sugar Belle. She was still nervous, and she was sure it would be a painful and exhausting time... but she felt comforted that the nurses and doctors here were doing everything they could to help her and the baby get through this.

She was thankful that she was only having one foal. After hearing the tales from her mentor Mrs. Cake about birthing twins, Sugar Belle was more than grateful to just have the one baby to deliver.

Another sharp pain pulled Sugar Belle out of her temporary relief, and she cried out. The nurses across the room nodded to each other, and made their way over to Sugar Belle. A door swung open, and a doctor quickly entered, following after the nurses.

The same nurse took Sugar Belle's hoof again and gently placed another hoof on top, gently holding Sugar Belle's trembling hoof in her own. "Alright, dear," the nurse said, her expression still one of gentle kindness. "I don't think we can wait any longer; you've got to start pushing now."

Sugar Belle blinked away the tears that had welled up in her eyes and nodded slowly. Sugar Belle's other hoof gripped onto the side-railing of her bed, as she prepared herself for the worst pain she would ever have to go through.


The front doors of Ponyville hospital burst open as both immensely strong Apple siblings barged in. The noise startled a few nearby staff, and made Sweetie Belle yelp in surprise, which in turn made Apple Bloom jump in surprise.

Her attention was immediately drawn to the two who were responsible for the noise. Her heart leapt as she saw her elder brother and sister barging in through the doors. Finally! Apple Bloom hopped up from her seat and rushed towards them.

Her reuniting was cut-off, however, by the very annoyed Griffin working the front desk. "Excuse me!" She snapped, the feathers on her neck bristling in frustration. "If you're gonna come barging in here, you better have a good excuse for doing so!" The Griffin was glaring down the two elder Apple siblings, who looked like deer in headlights back at the Griffin.

"Sorry ma'am!" Applejack quickly replied, the quicker of the two to respond. "We didn't mean no harm by bargin' in like that." She explained, giving a sheepish grin. It was a good thing the doors were metal... had they been wood, the two Apple siblings would've had no trouble breaking them down. Especially considering the hurry they were in.

"My sister-in-law was taken in here, not too long ago I think." Applejack continued. "We came to be here for the delivery- him specifically, well he needs to be in the delivery room!" Applejack exclaimed, pointing a hoof towards Big Mac. The stallion nodded in energetic agreement.

Big Mac didn't technically need to be in the delivery room, but Applejack knew he'd never be at rest unless he was allowed to be with Sugar Belle during the whole process. The Griffin rolled her eyes, but pointed a claw tip towards the delivery rooms. "Walk to the end of that hall and take two rights. The waiting room will be right there."

Big Mac nodded to Applejack, and shot back a grateful look at the Griffin. "Thank you." He said. And with that, Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom began making their way towards the delivery wing. Sweetie Belle sat starting for a moment, watching the family pass by. She blinked, wondering whether to follow or stay. She looked around and realized she didn't have anything better to do, so she promptly got up and followed the Apples.

Just a few minutes after that interaction, the doors to the hospital burst open again; the Griffin gripped the desk in fury, locking her gaze on the new trouble makers who were entering the abused doors. Scootaloo heaved a massive breathe as she climbed off her scooter.

Her legs were shaking intensely. In front of her, Granny stepped off the scooter, in a far calmer manor. She whipped the helmet of her mane in a dramatic fashion and casually tossed it back to the younger mare.

Granny Smith chuckled as she walked inside. "I gotta get me one a' those!" She commented, walking away from Scootaloo, as though the two hadn't just skated across town at a speed that would scare even a Wonderbolt.

Scootaloo's legs were still shaking when she set down her scooter beside the left-behind Apple cart. She had a new-found fear and respect for Granny Smith. She'd been so sure, that when Granny had offered to drive, and Scootaloo hold on from behind, that they'd take forever to skate to the hospital.

It was terrifying how quickly Scootaloo had been proved wrong on that front. She was sure they'd been going fast enough, that had Granny not slowed down in time, they would've plowed straight through the hospital, and right out of Ponyville.

The Griffin at the front desk grimaced at the new mares, briskly pointed a talon towards the delivery rooms. "Your families already over there!" She snapped, not wanting to deal with any of this nonsense a second longer.

Granny nodded to the Griffin as she walked by the desk. "Thank ya kindly." She said, waving a hoof for Scootaloo to follow her. Scootaloo did, dragging with her, her still shaking body. She wasn't sure how long she'd be scared to go fast again. Her heart was still pounding in her chest when she and Granny caught up to the rest of the family.


Big Mac took note to trot quietly as he was guided by a nurse to Sugar Belle's delivery room. They didn't always allow partners to enter in with the deliverer, but Big Mac's pleading expression had been enough to sway the staff into allowing him to stay with Sugar Belle during the delivery.

The staff pony stopped in front of a door and gently pushed it open, shooing Big Mac inside. He was startled at first to see Sugar Belle in such a predicament. Sweat drenched her forehead, and her hoofs gripped either side of the bed rails. Doctors and nurses surrounded her, all focused on the task at hand.

Big Mac carefully rushed over, and came to an available side of her bed. Sugar Belle opened her eyes, letting herself rest from a terribly hard push she'd been forcing her body into. Her eyes were prompted to come back into focus as she felt a familiar hoof come to rest on hers. She blinked, clearing the haze from her eyes, almost ready to ask if it was the nurse again.

However, when her eyes cleared, she was more than delighted to see it wasn't a nurse who gently held her hoof. Her eyes pricked with fresh tears, and she smiled a faint smile. "H-hi." She said, all she could muster herself to say in the moment.

Big Mac smiled back, feeling tears well up in his eyes as well. "Hi." He simply replied. There were a million things the two could've talked about, and probably would after the birth. But for now, all the comfort the two needed was each other's presence. Now, Sugar Belle felt just a little less afraid of starting another push. It would be over before the two would realize it, she was sure.


Out in the waiting room, Apple Bloom was resting her head against her sister's shoulder. She let out a loud yawn, which made her whole body tremble. Applejack chuckled at this and shook her head as she spoke.

"My, you worked yourself harder today than any bovine on the farm!" She said, looking down at Apple Bloom with pride.

"Yeah..." Apple Bloom replied, rubbing a hoof over her eyes. "An' I think I'm gonna be sore for... the rest of my life!" She sat up and looked at her sister with an expression of bewilderment. "How in Equestria do you an' Big Mac haul those things around all the time?!"

Applejack smiled and patted her sister on the head, much in the way she would when Apple Bloom was small. "Practice. Lots an' lots of practice. I wouldn't normally recommend haulin' two grown ponies around town as a first try..." Applejack remarked. "But, well, you seemed to do just fine. You got Sugar Belle here, and safely, after-all."

"Well, I can't take all the credit." Apple Bloom replied. She peeked past Applejack a few seats over, where Granny was telling a story to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "My friends helped too; we did all that together."

Applejack grinned. "An that's a real fine thing, y'all did. Anyhow, you should still be proud a' the work you did today. I know I'm proud of ya, and I'm sure Mac's more than grateful too."

Apple Bloom smiled, and blushed slightly at the compliment. She did consider herself a hard worker... but it helped that her family could recognize that in her too, and encourage it.


After many, strenuous and laboring hours, a weary Sugar Belle had given her final push. The foal was quickly taken care of by the nurses on hand, cleaned up, and made sure his vitals were fine.

He was wrapped in a pale blue blanket and carefully handed from a nurse to the open arms of his mother. Sugar Belle sat up as she was handed her son, and Big Mac also promptly straightened up in his seat. Somehow, fresh tears poked at Sugar Belle's eyes again, and began pouring out as she cradled her son in her hooves.

Big Mac also began tearing up, and raised a single, gentle hoof up towards the tiny purple pony. Gently, he peeled back a corner of the blanket and looked at his son's small face. His eyes were closed, and his small snout wrinkled as he sniffed a puff of air. Big Mac was sure his heart couldn't melt anymore, looking at this tiny, and beautiful little pony before him.

Some time later, he was taken to the nursery, where on the other side of the viewing window, the rest of the family cooed and awed at the new-born. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all took turns making the squeakiest of noises as they stared at the tiny purple earth pony.

The Apples were all thrilled, now that their newest family was here, and here safely. Though after all of the chaos, worry, sweat, and tears involved, all family members were more than ready to be under the same roof again.