• Member Since 7th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Digital Artist | She/Her/Hers | 20


"Isn't it fascinating how even the smallest decisions can effect a ponies' life?

When one small pegasus doesn't win a race, the lives and destiny's of so many other ponies are effected.

One, singular act, and yet an entire world is seemingly turned upside down.

How many other paths have been changed? How many familiar faces have become new?"

The time of Nightmare Moon's return draws ever closer, and Celestia knows it's only a matter of time before she'll have to confront her sister again. After loosing touch with the elements, and the many years spent apart weighing on her, Celestia isn't entirely sure she can handle Nightmare Moon's return on her own. So, with the help of her most trusted student: Sunset Shimmer, and her adopted daughter: Cadence, Celestia is determined to bring up a new generation of magical scholars and warriors. Hoping to be her best bet against Nightmare Moon's return.

Many things are different in this world, and many lives have changed from one incident not happening the way it did in other worlds. Despite that set-back, ponies lives continue and flourish, and change in un-expected ways.

Cover art by Neon-Nights-Library (me)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )
SIar #1 · 6 days ago · · · Prologue ·

Nice to see alternate path for Sunset. It probably will not be easy though, since she is still... far from perfect to say the least.

Interesting start can't wait to see how it goes.

lets see where this goes

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