• Member Since 27th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


The Low Budget Anthro version of Some_Leech. Now with 30% more Human trash!

Comments ( 8 )

never expected to see a helluva boss crossover, this was great

There aren't enough futa Loona stories. Always good to see more!

Luna x Loona story.
A crossover shipping we need to see more

Wonder if we will get more info on this alt universe of Equestria?
Like on how characters like Spike are?

Krauser #4 · 1 week ago · · 4 ·

There too many imo. What is the point anyway with futa when you can just make an r63 on anyone.

For those who want to see the full version of the cover pic, check out 55664106 on Fur Affinity.

D-F #6 · 1 week ago · · ·

“I do hope one of that glizzy gobblers' holes open soon,” Luna complains as she continues her gooning.

i... i dont even know what to say here. i think i just cracked a rib, fuuuck me :rainbowlaugh:

now a sequel please:eeyup::trollestia:

Gotta be creavtive my friend, never let them know your next move

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