• Published 20th May 2024
  • 278 Views, 17 Comments

This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go - TheKing2001

When shes sent to help set up a town hosting the Summer Sun Celebration with another student of Celestia's, Twilight is forced to tolerate Sunset's jokes and more in order to save Equestria.

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Surely the princess will listen to me.....

Twilight groaned under her breath as she leaned against her tree, reading one of the many books piled around her, almost like a fort of knowledge that made her feel comfortable and away from prying eyes of ponies around her.

While Twilight didn’t necessarily hate ponies as a whole, she certainly hated when they tried to force themselves into her personal space like a certain Minuette or Lyra liked to do. She only really knew their names because Princess Celestia continuously mentioned them around her.

“What in Equestria are the elements of harmony?” Twilight muttered to herself as she turned the page of one of the many books she was reading. “I swear I’ve heard of them elsewhere. If I’m gonna have books on it, it’s gonna be in my house. Knowing Spike, he probably already has it somewhere in case I need it or asleep. Probably asleep.”

Twilight levitated all her books around her, stuffing as many as she could into her saddlebags till they threatened to break as she stood up, taking a few shaky steps forward till she was certain she wasn’t going to fall over from the sheer weight of her saddlebags.

Twilight broke off into a slightly faster trot away from the park she spent a majority of her time reading at if the weather was nice enough like it was today, ignoring Lyra and another unicorn wave at her as she continued her gallop.

“Hey Twilight!” Twinkleshine called out as she, Lemon Hearts and Minuette paused in front of her on a bridge Twilight was galloping on. “Moondancer is having a little get together in the west court yard. Wanna tag along?”

The three looked at her hopefully as Twilight inhaled nervously before scuffing a hoof against the road as she pushed down a panic attack. She hated the fact she always got them when being around ponies or the thought of large crowds.

“Sorry girls I uhm gotta put Spike down for bed! And study!” Twilight said as she shifted her weight, eyes flicking up at them as Lemon Hearts glanced at the sun in confusion.

“At twelve in the afternoon?” Lemon asked curiously as she raised an eyebrow, turning slightly to look at the other two.

“Bany dragons and all!” Twilight answered hastily and she inhaled before teleporting away with a pop behind the three, galloping.

Minuette let out a frustrated growl as the three glared at the retreating Twilight.

“I think that mare cares more about books than she cares about friends,” Twinkleshine huffed as she looked away. “Let’s go. She can go be alone and do whatever she wants. I don’t know why Spike puts up with her. She treats him like a slave instead of a baby.”

Twilight groaned as she continued trotting up the long spiraling staircase up to her house next to castle her parents never used, kicking up the door as she dropped her books next to the coat hanger.

“Spike!” Twilight screamed as she slammed the door. “Spike!”

Spike weakly stuck a claw up from the pile of books Twilight had accidentally flung him into. He idly reminded himself not to stand behind doors, especially around Twilight as she levitated him out of the pile with a small smile and set him down.

“Sorry about that. Can you get me a book please?” Twilight asked as she paused and examined the present Spike had stuck on the end of his tail. “The book is Predictions and Prophecies. What’s that for?”

“It was for Moondancer but well, not anymore I guess,” Spike sighed and shook his head as he tossed it off into a nearby trash can. “I’ll give her a gift card to the library or something.”

Twilight rolled her eyes but said nothing as Spike waddled away to search for the book she she had requested, leaving Twilight to her private thoughts.

She didn’t necessarily know why Moondancer had even wanted her or Spike at that party. Twilight didn’t necessarily know the mare but she did certainly respect the mare for her hard work she did. That mare damn near read as much books as Twilight and was her rival but certainly not as intense as some others in the school.

Moondancer did strike her as a bit weird though, even going as far as copying Twilight’s mane style which made her feel slightly uncomfortable around Moondancer. Normal ponies don’t just copy the mane style of a classmate they sit next to every day. That was the main reason she wasn’t going to the party.

“Here you go. Are you okay Twilight?” Spike asked and held out a large book in front of her with a concerned expression.

“Yeah I’m fine Spike. Thanks,” Twilight shook her head to clear her head and took the book with her magic. She opened it and started flipping though as Spike sighed, starting to put away all the books she had dropped in the doorway. “! Elements, Elements, E, E, E... Elements of Harmony, see Mare in the Moon?”

“Isn’t that a folk tale or something?” Spike chimed in from his ladder curiously.

“Allegedly. Mare, mare... The Mare in the Moon, myth from olden pony times. A powerful pony who wanted to rule Equestria, defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal! Spike! Do you know what this means?” Twilight dragged him down with her magic and squeezed his cheeks with her hooves.

“Uhm, that it’s gonna be dark for a few years?” Spike offered as Twilight gave him an unimpressed look, dropping a letter and quill in his lap. “What’s this for?”

“I need you to send a letter to Princess Celestia immediately. It’s important she knows about this now Spike,” Twilight levitated books and shoved them in their spots.

“I don’t know. Isn’t she super busy with the celebration planning?” Spike pointed out and picked up the quill, eyes never leaving Twilight.

“You’re right. Letter she might miss. We will go see her directly. Hold onto something,” Twilight warned as her horn glowed brightly and Spike groaned.

“This isn’t gonna end well,” Spike grumbled as he and Twilight teleported away with a loud pop.

Spike kissed the ground repeatedly of the throne room floor as Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance before approaching Princess Celestia tilting her head slightly to the right.

“What can I do for you Twilight?” Celestia gave the two a warm smile as she shifted on her throne, setting her crown down next to her.

Twilight inhaled and told Celestia everything she had found, from Nightmare Moon all the way to the elements of harmony. Celestia sat quietly as she listened, idly watching Spike snore on his back before Twilight nudged him awake accidentally with one of her flailing hooves that she was using to get her point across.

“And you really think canceling the Summer Sun Celebration is the way to avoid this folktales return?” Celestia asked curiously as Twilight nodded. “Thousands of ponies are going there. I can’t just cancel it on a dime. And besides, it’s just a tale. You need to quit reading those dusty old books. There’s more to a mares life than books.”

Spike burst out laughing as Twilight sat down on her plot in shock. Out of all of the things she expected, this was the last thing she saw coming.

“I’m sending you to Amethyst Harbor to catch up with Sunset Shimmer. She’s been there for about a day and a half doing most of the heavy lifting. According to this last letter she sent me about thirty five minutes ago, all you have to do is do some final check ups on the towns work,” Celestia placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder with a smile as Twilight scowled.

Twilight didn’t necessarily get along with Sunset that well. Sunset was fond of her jokes that were borderline very dirty and was lax about her work. Twilight wasn’t entirely sure why Celestia had taken her on as a student before she had found Twilight last year.

“I don’t know why you took her as a student. She’s cocky, loud, makes rude jokes, and takes forever with her work.”

“I know you and Sunset don’t necessarily get along all that well, but she’s a good pony who means well. And she has a lot of potential. I’m quite proud of how far she’s come in life, given her past. It’s actually only you who doesn’t like her. She doesn’t have an opinion on you really,” Celestia explained with a slight frown. “She may be a bit unorthodox in her methods but she always get whatever tasks I ask for down by the deadline, fully completed. Sunset is going to play a large role in Equestria very soon, I’ve seen the signs.”

“I like her a lot,” Spike chimed in as the two glanced at him. “She’s really nice to me and funny. She helped set up my birthday party that one year. And she’s pretty.”

Twilight decided to ignore that as she looked back up at her mentor.

“Fine. I will go see whatever it is Sunset did and pray she didn’t mess up,” Twilight sighed as she stood up. “I still think we should prepare in case.”

Celestia watched as the two left before glancing up at the sun with a sigh.

“Hopefully everything goes as planned,” Celestia muttered and looked at a old window with her and Luna depicted.

Twilight thanked the two stallions that had flown her and Spike from the castle away from Canterlot. Spike had long since fallen asleep an hour into the flight.

Twilight stood and curiously looked around the somewhat small town that had ponies trotting all around, some setting up finishing touches to the decorations before she glanced at the scenery of surrounding area. It was pretty much what she pictured on a post card from a resort town.

“Well, if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight jumped slightly and glanced over at a orange unicorn with a fiery mane leaning against a wall with a confident smile as Twilight scowled at her.

“Sunset Shimmer,” Twilight commented back as Sunset trotted to her slowly, maintaining her smile.

“Been a bit. Hey Spike!” Sunset rubbed his head with a hoof, tossing him a smile as he jumped up to hug her and she eagerly returned it with a nuzzle. “How’s it hanging, buddy?”

“Pretty decent. You’re a sight for sore eyes. Been stuck with book worm all day,” Spike joked as Sunset giggled behind a hoof and Twilight glared at him. “Up high!”

Spike held up his claw as Sunset high hoofed before Spike dropped his claw and she repeated her actions with a grin.

“How was Moondancers party? Told her I was sorry I couldn’t go because I had my orders. She was thankfully understanding. Gave her a gift before I left for this lovely little town,” Sunset gestured around with a smile. “Word of advice.”

Twilight and Spike both were slightly taken aback at her sudden shift in tone from playful to serious in mere seconds.

“Yes?” Twilight asked as Sunset inhaled.

“Don’t go into the woods after dark. It’s really dangerous. A stallion went missing a few days ago in them. I’ve alerted the royal guards and I’ve searched in the day light with em but we haven’t found anything yet,” Sunset stared out at the nearby woods. “I’m not usually scared easily but even I’m a bit afraid of them. Something doesn’t really sit right with me about them.”

Now Twilight was a bit concerned. While she didn’t really see eye to eye with Sunset, Sunset did have a reputation of not being easily scared. If something had her scared or worried, then Twilight knew to be wary. Sunset also had a reputation of being a playful mare who enjoyed making others laugh around her but also was stern and serious when necessary and had an anger issue.

Twilight can only think of a few times when she’s seen Sunset truly mad and it was enough to know she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of the fiery maned unicorns practically legendary ire. Especially Blueblood once he tried touching Sunset’s flanks and she quickly put him and everypony in the room in their place.

Twilight had admittedly found it amusing. She didn’t entirely like Blueblood herself, nor did many in Canterlot.

“Anyway!” Sunset stomped her hooves on the ground. “Let’s get a move on, shall we? I’ll show you and Spike to where I was ordered to take you. Celestia left quite a list of things to do and we are burning day light!”

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight correct instantly with a frown. Sunset rolled her eyes and wagged a hoof carelessly.

“Yeah, yeah! Anyway, let’s go. You can lead the way if you want,” Sunset gestured forward and gave Twilight a mischievous grin. “I’ll just watch your flanks. It’s been a while.”

“Absolutely not!” Twilight snapped as she blushed red.

“Fine fine. You can look at my fine flanks instead then,” Sunset snickered as she trotted forward and swayed her hips more than necessary, causing Twilight to blush harder than before. “And believe me, I know they’re fine. Silvy tells me that often.”

Celestia kill me now, Twilight thought to herself and fought to control her blush.

“Hurry up slowpoke!” Sunset shouted over her shoulder as Sunset looked back at the mare with Spike riding on her back. “You’re a bit behind me!”

Twilight rolled her eyes before hastily galloping to catch up.

She had a feeling this was gonna be a long day.