• Published 19th May 2024
  • 181 Views, 3 Comments

Starlight over the garden - HeirofHades

Hearts and Hooves day. A day filled with joyous love and crushing pain as Fleur De Lis sobs away. Dusk Shine's kind gesture opens her heart to him. Will this allow them to become friends or something much more?

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I'm back and sorry for the long hiatus. Life happened. As promised, I'm separating my Omakes into their own personal stories. This keeps my main stories more streamlined and orderly

Furthermore these stories can help improve my writing in preparation for the sequel of Crystal Prison

Principal Cadance found herself in a hyper-elevated mood. Her baby-blue eyes glimmered as she hummed to herself in her office. There’s a wonderful holiday this month. No, it's not Heartwarming. Despite its morbid origins, it’s the marvelous day of Hearts and Hands Day, the iconic day of love and romance, displaying how times can change. She examined her notes and forms detailing everything planned for this joyous holiday: cards, flowers, sweets, and a small party at the end of it. The bell rang.

“Good day, everyone,” Cadance beamed into her microphone. The students paused their conversations, glancing at the intercom relaxedly. No more Cinch’s frigid tone looming over them like a foreboding cloud. They can breathe now. “As you’re aware, Hearts and Hands Day is this month,” Students chuckled at their principals' childish glee for the holiday. This was their first H&H day under Cadance’s supervision, creating a casually appreciative atmosphere. It’s a breath of fresh air. They’re sick of the lavishly shallow events organized by Cinch, mimicking galas and other extravagant gatherings. Students competed against each other for best dressed, most stylish couple and H&H monarchs.

“And here we go,” Dusk Shine whispered, rotating his hand and pointing to the speaker. Candace always had a soothing flare enduring throughout this month. H&H is her equivalent of Hearthwarming. That’s how she obtained her other title of ‘Princess of Love.’

“Love is in the air. Friends, family, lovers, yourself, your fellow students, and all those around you,” Cadance consoled, referring to the various forms of love. “There’s a certain magic when it comes to love, and it’s your turn to experience that magic. This week, we’re starting the Pixie games,” She broadcasted to the student body with excitement buzzing throughout the halls. It’s their version of Secret Santa, where students sign up to exchange and receive gifts throughout the week, with a grand reveal at the end. Overall, the games are a formality among CPA, boosting the student’s morale for those without a significant other. Nobody wants to be alone on the day when love reigns supreme. It’s a gnawing feeling. “Please sign in with your teachers before the end of the day and get your pixie,” Cadance commented. Students approached their teacher, writing their names as Cadance explained the rules. “Also, this is a school event, so don’t try to invite outside parties,” Several students pouted as they desired to invite people from other schools as their dates. Few were indifferent, already having a significant other at the school. “I’m looking at you, Dusk Shine,” She emphasized as everyone gazed at him.

Well, okay then,” Dusk Shine deadpanned, lowering his eyelids as his classmates snickered. He pouted, wanting to invite Sunset or Trixie to the party. Sunset’s friends would be viable, like Pinkie, who can liven the party, or Rarity could show off her fashionable skills. Vinyl’s a good option, but she’ll be busy directing the music. Cadance determined this was best for him to ‘explore his options.’ The hate train finally stopped after the Friendship games as CPA shattered Cinch’s grasp on the students. They can breathe and have fun like normal teenagers. He shrugged.

Ah fuck it. This could be fun.” Dusk Shine stood in the queue. His classmates stared, gobsmacked, as he registered for the Pixie Games. Previously, Dusk Shine remained neutral in these events under Cinch’s orders as she . . . persuaded him to get involved with Sunny Flare. Neither could deny the mutual attraction but couldn’t act upon the insidious origin. Was his registration a formality as the Schola Perfecta, or was Dusk Shine putting himself out on the market? They gossiped as he did have a girlfriend before Cinch ruined it. Dusk Shine returned to his seat. This was out of his hands and up to fate to decide his pixie. He smiled. This could be fun for all he knew.

Cadance and Dusk Shine strolled down the halls, discussing the logistics of the games. She checked her notes. This is her first time leading a H&H event as a principal. Everything must be ideal. After all the torment Cinch put them through, these students deserved to have some fun.

“We divide them based on their ages, grades, and interests,” Cadance reported. She did that to create a wider net but also make it more fair to the participants. What should we do for catering or gifts?” CPA lost sizable funding and support due to Cinch’s actions, but thanks to Cadance, other alumni are slowly regaining their esteemed reputation. Plus, these are children; nobody expects them to break the bank for a single event.

“Some restaurants and local shops are doing a H&H sale,” Dusk Shine informed. Many companies took a hit due to Cinch’s plea deal exposing various prominent individuals. However, it’s excessive to blame an entire corporation solely for what a single person or a niche group did. They suffered ramifications and barely fought the accusations due to the implications. As a result, numerous businesses have used this economic vacuum to expand their net throughout Canterlot and nearby regions.

Is someone crying?

Dusk Shine paused and searched around for that noise. He and Cadance followed the noise, turning a corner and discovering the source. It’s Fleur De Lis. She wept with her smooth hands covering her face. Sobs convulsed her body.

Dusk Shine stepped back before Cadance stopped him and pointed to her. His eyes slid to Fleur De Lis, frowning as he shook his head. No. Cadance nodded with a smile. Yes. Dusk Shine continued, mouthing No to Cadance. Fleur De Lis is at the bottom of all the people he could’ve consoled. Their dynamic has been reused and regurgitated in countless Slice of Life or coming-of-age teenage shows. He’s the nerd who gets bullied by the school’s queen bee. Furthermore, she actively tried to torment him, whereas most students would simply ignore him. Why the fuck should he help her? Dusk Shine crossed his arms as Cadance continued to gaze. No deal. Fleur De Lis’ sobs grew louder and more pathetic as she blew a snotty trombone into her sleeve, hiking Dusk Shine’s shoulders. His inner compassion gnawed at him to do something. Cadance’s gaze didn’t help either.

“Fine, I’ll do it, shit,” Dusk Shine groaned, dragging his hand on his face. He pulled out a H&H card and wrote in it, making quick edits. Cadance smiled as he grumbled, approaching the queen bee. Dusk Shine exhaled before opening his mouth. “Hey, Fleur De Lis, are you okay?” He started, waiting for her to be hostile.

Does it fucking look like I’m okay?!” Fleur De Lis snapped, glaring harshly at him. Why?! WHY HIM?! Of all people to see her like this.

Well fuck you too, then. Sorry for asking since this isn’t like you,” Dusk Shine countered, fully expecting this hostile reaction while returning the glare. “What happened?” He softened his expression.

“Why do you care?” Fleur De Lis muttered, holding herself tighter as her throat burned.

I don’t,” Dusk Shine duly admitted. “What I don’t want is Principal Cadance or my brother lecturing me about it’s my duty as the Schola Perfecta and a gentleman to help someone in need, especially with love in the air,” He confessed, briefly glancing over his shoulder. Cadance still offered her moral support in this conversation.

“Well, that sounds like them,” Fleur De Lis muttered, rubbing her bloodshot eyes with the back of her hand. She made space for him to sit beside her. Fleur De Lis took the time to collect her thoughts. “Since this is a CPA-exclusive event, I had no shortage of potential dates,” She bragged as Dusk Shine rolled his eyes at her bravado. However, he doesn’t blame her. She’s absolutely stunning. “So I was talking to one guy I really liked and went to meet him near the sports field to ask him out as a surprise. Only to find him balls deep in one of his teammates!” Fleur De Lis seethed, recalling that painful memory from barely an hour ago. Did she even mean anything to him? He didn’t call or text her to attempt to explain himself. Was she just a beautiful prize for him to win and brag to his friends, only to be tossed aside when he’s bored?

Oh,” Dusk Shine said. How was he supposed to answer that? He shot Cadance a glance, who shrugged. That’s entirely outside her specialty.

“Go ahead and laugh. Ha-Ha. The hottest girl in school got cucked,” Fleur De Lis laughed dryly, flapping her hands disinterestedly before wrapping around her knees. She knows that he’s relishing in her misery.

“Why would I laugh about that? Dusk Shine questioned, raising a confused brow.

“Because you hate me?” Fleur De Lis sniffed, staring at him with bloodshot eyes. Their mutual animosity towards each other wasn’t a kept secret. Some teachers refused to have them both in their classes to avoid drama with students picking sides. “It’s probably karma for how shitty I treated you,” She admitted softly, recalling all of her hurtful comments and actions to him and other students. All of them probably had a date to the dance while the gorgeous flower was withering alone in the dark.

“There’s very few things that I hate; you’re not on that list,” Dusk Shine confessed. Her eyes gleamed, widening with shock at his answer. He. . . doesn’t hate her? After everything she did to him? Fleur De Lis assisted him during the Friendship Games and has been widely neutral since then. Everyone was waiting for Dusk Shine to leak his dossier on her as he did to countless others. Nothing happened. They speculated on his future actions after the fire quelled and went to his usual self. Was Fleur de Lis innocent, or was Dusk Shine biding his time to drop a nuke on her? “Hating people takes too much time and energy, which I can use on other, more important things,” He added as she stared deadpanned at him. If that wasn’t hatred, what was that after the games?! The bell rang. “I know this doesn’t mean much, but here,” Dusk Shine handed her a card. She gingerly took it. The card was science-themed, fitting for Dusk Shine. “Late, late, late,” He fretted as he ran to class. She opened it.

Naturally, I select you,” Fleur De Lis muttered, reading the H&H card. The original receipt name was crossed out. This card wasn’t for her, but he gave it to her anyway. She wiped her tears, stood up, and peeked around the corner as Dusk Shine rushed to class. He can’t afford to be late. “Dusk Shine,” Her eyes glimmered, shaking her head with a chuckle at his antics. Was Dusk Shine always like that? Always cute? She cracked a smile, holding the card to her chest. “Thank you, Dusk Shine,” Fleur De Lis also sprinted to her classroom. Her friends can cover for her why she’s late to class. Cadance hid herself, pressing her back against a row of lockers. She beamed at this. Cadance furiously scribed into her notebook, detailing this interaction as her romance senses roared.

“Enemies to lovers. The classic shy boy with the popular queen bee. Day of love,” She muttered with a few nods, formulating these factors into her specialized love equation. “Oh, this might be my best work yet,” Cadance boasted as her nerves electrified for this upcoming H&H day.

Students received their Pixies at the day’s end. Their teachers used a random number generator to deliver the sealed envelopes. This ensures mystery and random chance among the participants, leading to exciting reactions to the reveal. It’s a gamble. Some had familiar faces as their pixies, much to their relief as it made gifts a simple task. Others required refined thinking due to their pixie’s unfamiliarity. However, that’s the fun part. Dusk Shine stared at his pink envelope after closing his locker, wondering who his pixie was. Is it one of his classmates? Nah. Too easy. Hopefully, it wasn’t someone that pissed him off.

“Hey, Dusk Shine,” Trenderhoof called out. Neon Lights and Jet Set were right behind him. Dusk Shine waved to them. He joined their group as they strolled through the hall. They became somewhat of a friend group within the past few months, much to his family’s shocking relief. “So, who’s your lucky pixie?” He inquired about the letter.

“Haven’t checked yet,” Dusk Shine answered, surveying the contents about the myriad of possibilities. His pixie was allegedly chosen randomly, but he didn’t trust Cadance. She likely shifted the odds to whomever she ships him with. However, that’s a massive list. “I was going to check when I got home, but Principal Cadance encouraged us to check,” He asked, glancing at them. “What about you guys?” They signed up for the games after him.

“I got Varsity Trim,” Neon Lights answered dully, remembering the back of his head. They winced at the name. She’s on several CPA varsity teams and ensures that everyone knows it.

“Mulberry Crusade for me,” Trenderhoof commented as they suppressed a shudder. Mulberry is headstrong regarding her beliefs. Those two are or were a part of Cinch’s faction during the power transfer. They fit the bill. Snobby, entitled, callous with an ego that dwarfs Jupiter thanks to being an elite. They’re not the most approachable people. Even when the school board officially ousted Cinch, their parents adamantly tried to restructure CPA to their or Cinch’s brutal standards. It failed. Jet Set smirked before speaking.

“We know you got Upper Crust, Jet Set,” They deadpanned as Jet Set blushed. They’re the primary couple in CPA. Thankfully, they’re not one of those annoying couples who frequently make out and baby talk. These two have some self-respect.

“Do you want me to hand her your gift again?” Dusk Shine contributed, recalling that H&H day with Jet Set twiddling his thumbs as he glanced anxiously at Upper Crust. The two briefly chatted before Dusk Shine handed the gifts to Upper Crust. Her golden face flashed crimson upon receiving the gifts. She received a H&H gift from the newly crowded Schola Perfecta. Anyone worth their weight in gold would be ecstatic and boastful from receiving such a rare opportunity. It’s a lifetime opportunity for Upper Crust. Theoretical: Dusk Shine is the most prestigious student in CPA. The fact he’s approaching Upper Crust with gifts on H&H day. It proves that she has desirable traits more so compared to her peers. Furthermore, they’re both single. Practical: Both are from elite, well-established families. A simple relationship, even a platonic one, can create substantial long-term boons for both families. Upper Crust gave him a flirtatious expression, but he clarified any misunderstandings and directed her focus to Jet Set.

“I can do it myself,” Jet Set vowed.

“Yeah, this time,” Trenderhoof and Neon Lights chuckled as they climbed the stairs. Jet Set rolled his eyes but was thankful for Dusk Shine’s assistance. His words echoed.

Jet Set, you’re not the only one who finds her attractive. If you want to drag your heels, then that’s on you. But don’t be surprised that when you’re invited to her wedding as a guest,’

They exited the building and went to the outside seating area. Students lounged around waiting for the next bus while sports teams practiced. The group sat as Dusk Shine opened the letter.

Let’s see who it is,” He started as his eyes scanned the notes. It began with a greeting and his name as the rules were laid out. There’s his pixie’s schedule and preferences. Dusk Shine arched a brow at the subtle familiarity. Was it someone he knew? He continued reading and discovered his pixie’s name. Dusk Shine blinked owlishly, gazing at the chosen name. Wait a minute?! He rubbed his eyes, hoping that would clear his vision. That can’t be right! Not her! His expression sharpened, and he frowned as he continuously reread the contents, hoping he hadn’t misread them.

“WHAT?!” Dusk Shine exploded, startling the nearby students and causing jolting birds to take flight. He slammed his face on the table. His friends peaked at the letter.

“Congratulations, Dusk Shine, your pixie for the year is . . .” The guys read, pondering what made him erupt like that. Their faces were thunderstruck at his pixie. “FLEUR DE LIS?!” They exclaimed.

Comments ( 3 )

Come on Dust shine she can't be that bad it's probably just her parents making the way she is just give her a chance

I would describe their relationship similar to Dipper and Pacifica from Gravity Falls. I'm using these side stories to help world build and give development to various characters


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