• Published 25th Jun 2024
  • 180 Views, 1 Comments

Teenagers Dreams - Allendy

The pressure and lack of adrenaline in the teen life of the CMC leads them to look more and more for increasingly extreme situations

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sweets lies

It was nearly ten at night and I was shaking madly, not cold, but nervousness.

"Damn Applebloom, we shouldn't be here." I turned to look toward her. "Rarity will kill me if she finds out I'm in this part of the city."

We were in a dark, dirty part that was almost outside Ponyville, where most of the decent ponies tried to stay away or ignore the place as they passed him. In that place everything happened, from illegal drinks to drugs and prostitution. Police avoided evacuating the area, because there was the only place for this type of person to live, if they didn't stay there they would end up invading and pollute the noblest areas of the city.

I was backed by the wall of a decaying building, shocking one leg and stirring in the pockets of the coat, beside me Applebloom was sitting on the steps and looked at something on the cell phone, which I couldn't see what exactly she was watching.

"I came back! As I said, I got it." Scootaloo suddenly appeared in the company of a strange boy, he had deep eyes and looked too thin to his age.

Applebloom got up and we started following Scootaloo, who was being guided by the boy and exchanged some conversations with him sometimes. The walk lasted about five minutes until we approached an apartment building, where it was our main destination. Entering the back toward the basement, an older man was standing in the door, realizing that we were accompanied he opened the door and let us in.

Upon entering the 'clandestine party' Scootaloo thanked the boy who accompanied us, after that he disappeared and we didn't see him again at night. Inside it was a real oven, even doing 4 degrees, inside the apartment was hot like hell.

The place was totally different from what I thought. I thought the parties in clubs and bars were super fun, people dancing to the sound of music, drinking and kissing, as showed the movies and series. But inside the basement people were mostly sitting on a huge plastic bench or on the floor, some people made some crazy dance steps with their feet, and others moved to the sound of the song (which was very heavy, there was nothing of Britney Spears or Usher. That hurt the eardrums).

I blamed it for being there in Applebloom and Scootaloo, they had the idea of going to a real party. All of this started when Diamond Tiara posted on his private profile some photos of Silver Spoon drunk, the next day everyone talked about how they had a lot of drinks and gone at a hardcore party. Both girls displayed the photos and talked about the party proudly to everyone who asked them about it, and it didn't take long until they came to us and said "the babies should not hear our conversation, I doubt they went to a party besides the Sweetie Bell Pity Party."

Applebloom got angry and simply kicked out Diamond with some offensive words, it didn't take long for Scootaloo to say "I think we are old to go to a real party." I protested that this was a lie, we were only 13 years old! But Applebloom agreed and said he was not a problem, because Scoots already smoked almost a packed cigarette pack a day and we could consider her mature enough to decide if we could go to a party.

This argument made no sense, Scootaloo began to smoke because of her negligent parents, not because she was mature. But Applebloom was as curious as Scoots to go to a party, and since my word was worth nothing in the midst of that discussion, I ended up accepting to go too, just not to be left out.

The plan to find a party was very well architected. Scootaloo went to talk to Rainbow Dash because she knew that the woman was aware of this, invented an excuse about being curious about the parties that the girl frequented and managed to make her talk about a party that was weeks ago, was in a basement and happened every Saturday. Scoot managed to find out the exact place and informed us, she just didn't tell us the part where Rainbow Dash said she didn't like the place and there were only young people who sometimes used drugs.

It was not difficult for me and Applebloom fooling our sisters, we said we would sleep at Scootaloo's house as we always did. Due to the absence of Scootaloo's parents, who were on a trip to Manehattan for business, we had complete freedom to do what we wanted. We dropped our backpacks in the house and took the subway to the place, probably we would only come back the next day as the last subway passed at 1:30 am.

I looked scared at the girls and the two looked at each other surprises, so Applebloom's expression became angry.

"Scootaloo, you didn't say the place would be like this." She shouted due to loud music.

"I didn't know! By the way, it shouldn't be so bad, we just need something to drink."

Scootaloo began to move through the place quickly, followed by the girl with red hair. I tried to follow both but soon got lost between the people and the rooms of the place.

I didn't panic, it was a basement and the door was most of the time closed, there was nowhere to run away. Decides to wander the place and know a little better what the hell that was.

I realized that it was really a big basement and not an apartment that was underground, had a large open area, where the speaker was and the accumulated people, and two other smaller rooms, where some specific groups of people who seemed to be smoking something or in a deep conversation. There was also a precarious bathroom and a kitchen, with wooden cabinets and an aluminum sink, the drinks and plastic cups were on the cabinets and seemed to be available for anyone to catch without having to pay.

With a little fear, I took one of the cups and turned some drink that was there. I had no idea what it was, but I didn't want to drink much, I just wanted something to hold on and don't look like a complete strange of empty hands walking through the place.

I left the kitchen and returned to the main area, where I found Scootaloo sitting next to a group of people and with a cup in hand, they talked happily and when they realized my presence they called me to approach. I smiled shyly and stood by the bench where they were sitting, these people looked much older.

"Dude, how old are you? You have a baby face!" A boy spoke to me, he seemed to be around 15 to 16 years old just like everyone there.

"We are friends, we have the same age, 15." Scootaloo said, then taking a sip of the drink. I preferred not to think too much about the fake age, I knew it would be necessary to lie a little if we didn't want to be kicked out of that place, but those people didn't seem to be very worried about how young we were, on the contrary, they seemed intrigued. "We are three, the other has disappeared."

Even in the eyes of a stranger it was possible to realize that we were quite young (maybe Applebloom could look older). I insisted on wearing more adult clothes to come to the place, we couldn't appear wearing colorful and flowery clothes in a place like that. Like me, Applebloom was wearing a leather coat that belonged to her sister and tight pants, in my case I borrowed a rarity luxury leather jacket. Scootaloo did not worry so much and put on her usual clothes that has that insurgable cheap cigarette smell.

"Did you see Applebloom?" I asked.

"She was talking to a group of girls in the hall." I got up, leaving those guys behind, I had the feeling they were eating me with their eyes.

In fact, I found Applebloom talking to two girls in the hallway, they looked friendly if we ignored the tight and adult clothes. On the way I decided to taste a little of what I had put in my cup, the drink had no good taste, I would only take a few sips to quench my thirst and not have to talk.

"I was looking for you." I said as I approached the girl. Applebloom drank her drink normally, sometimes her brother let her have some cider, she should be used to the taste of alcohol.

"You suddenly disappeared, these are Pumpkin and Moonless." She introduced me to the girls.

Pumpkin had red hair, lighter than Applebloom's, she was wearing tight pants and a short blouse, her clothes were strange on her body as she looked too young for that type of style. Moonless, on the other hand, had dyed red hair, wore a skirt and a leather jacket, had heavy makeup and looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Hi, I'm Sweetie Bell."

"Sweetie... how strange to see someone like you here, it's your first time, right." Was it so obvious that I was so young? "Are you guys the same age? It doesn't look like it."

Applebloom and I didn't look the same age, she already had a more developed body for her age, thanks to her family's genetics. I was thin and seemed to have stopped growing at 12, I still looked childish, while Applebloom already had breasts and could easily say she was 15 years old.

"Yes, we have 15." I said the same thing Scootaloo had said before.

"Pff, I doubt you're 13, but we won't judge you, we're under 15 too." Monless spoke.

The conversation flowed normally, we ended up sitting in the hallway amidst people passing by and occasionally tripping over our legs, I believe that because we are a similar age it was easier to talk to the two girls. Without me realizing it, I ended up drinking everything that was in my cup, and when Applebloom went to fill her cup for the second time, I asked her to do the same with mine.

Scootaloo soon joined us in the hallway, already a little drunk and smelling like cheap cigarettes. It was also easy for her to talk to the girls and later a guy joined us, he was with Scootaloo before. I was already dizzy and had difficulty staying awake, I don't know if the sleep was because it was late at night or if it was an effect of the alcohol.

Time passed without me noticing, before I knew it a man turned off the music and said we should leave, the party was over. I stood up with difficulty and grabbed Applebloom's arm, who guided me out of the room.

The orange lights from the streetlights reached our sensitive eyes, Applebloom checked her cell phone which had a low battery and informed us that it was four forty in the morning, we had spent almost five hours inside that claustrophobic and windowless place.

We started walking towards the subway, the first subway of the day started running at five in the morning. On the way Scootaloo lighted a cigarette while talking about how fun and unique the experience had been, that smell of tobacco made me sick and I ended up vomiting all that drink, at least I felt more sober afterwards.

But in fact, the experience had been unique. I met new people and got out of the circle of just talking to a limited number of faces, removing the side effects of alcohol it was good to feel drunk and forget about momentary problems. There in the basement it seemed like I didn't need to please or look decent to anyone, just like Rarity said I should.

When we arrived at the station and waited for the subway we saw some young people who were in the same way as us, some seemed to be under the influence of some substance and others were just drowsy. Now with access to the internet, Applebloom saw that she received some messages from her sister, asking if everything was okay.

Like Scootaloo, I hadn't taken my cell phone, I was afraid of losing it or being stolen, but I imagined that Rarity had sent me several messages asking if I was okay and how I was doing. Applebloom took advantage of the internet and posted a photo on her social network of the three of us in the basement hallway, along with the other two girls and the boy; Before publishing, she withdrew permission to view the publication from most of the people we knew, for now no one could know that we spent the night there.

The subway arrived and we continued on our way home, if it weren't for our destination being the last one we probably would have missed it, as we came the entire way lying on the seats ready to sleep.

When we arrived at Scootaloo's house it was already close to five thirty in the morning, it was winter and it lasted until dawn. We went straight to bed and slept until two in the afternoon, we weren't used to spending the night without sleeping or staying up late at night, for someone like me who had never stayed up until midnight, the night had been very hard.

When we finally got out of bed we were exhausted. We had horrible headaches and bags under our eyes, my makeup was running down my face and it looked like I hadn't showered in days.

Applebloom was taking a shower and Scootaloo was looking for something to eat, they were both hungry, only had alcohol in their stomachs. I was already used to going a few hours without eating so I didn't mind going to the kitchen together, I went to look for my cell phone and get ready to respond to Rarity's messages.

But to my surprise, there were none. It was as if I didn't even exist, she didn't even send a good morning message or ask if I had slept well.

Actually, Rarity never did this kind of thing, due to the anxiety of sneaking out I ended up worrying about my sister and the fact that she would end up finding out that I was lying about the slumber party.

Normally, whenever I left the house or went to sleep over at one of the girls' houses, Rarity was very happy to see me go, it was like she was getting rid of a problem for the night. I found out later that she was taking advantage of the fact that the child in the house had left and invited some boyfriends to spend the night. When I returned the next day I noticed her happy mood and the boxes of wine and pizza in the kitchen. How absurd! And I thought she would take the opportunity to rest or end up working too much during the night.

I threw the cell phone away and took advantage of Applebloom coming out of the bathroom to also take a shower, I couldn't show up at home like that, and if Rarity saw me with those clothes and makeup she would end up fainting (I don't know if the fainting would be because of her little sister be dressing like an adult or being a huge fashion disaster in her eyes).

I dressed in the clothes I had brought the day before and sat in the kitchen along with Scootaloo and Applebloom, who were eating an old pie. Even though I felt a little sick, I also ate a piece.

"We should go out again next Friday." Scootaloo said. "Now they know us, we don't need another person to 'invite' us and enter the place"

"Yes, my brothers probably won't notice, we always slept at each other's houses when we were kids"

"By the third time they'll notice, we'll have to take some time off without going out afterwards." I spoke.

We always slept at mine or Applebloom's house because we had someone to 'watch' us, If we suddenly started sleeping every week at the house of the only one who had no one at home, our sisters would get suspicious

"We'll see how it goes there, we can say I bought a new video game, or we have school work... something like that" Scootaloo got up and took the dishes to the sink.

"Well, I need to go. It's almost three in the afternoon and Applejack said she needed me at the farm after four." I said I would go along, Scoots' house was a real mess, and like her I couldn't stay in there for long.

We said goodbye to Scootaloo, she was a little sad about us leaving but thanked us for coming to the party. I grabbed my backpack along with the rest of my clothes and followed Applebloom to her house.

Our houses were very far from each other, the Farm was almost outside the city, having to walk a good half hour to get to the city center or school, Scootaloo's house was twenty minutes from the center and in a middle-class neighborhood. Rarity's boutique was in the city center and was closer to the school, that's where we usually met if we had to do homework or pass the time.

I decided to follow Applebloom home, I was still a little drowsy and needed to walk a little to wake up and lose my tired look. A 40 minute walk would do me good.

"Diamond Tiara viewed my photo." She handed me her cell phone so I could see it. "I'm curious to know what she'll say when she sees us at school, the party was much better than hers."

"I just hope she doesn't say anything to our sisters." I spoke apprehensively.

"If she says anything we will tell her father. Imagine his reaction when he realizes that his little girl wasn't at Silver Spoon's house on Saturday night."

"Maybe she'll even start a war over who of us goes to more parties." It was possible that this happened, she was always such a child.

It was a long walk and lots of talking, when we arrived at the farm Applejack was sitting in the back of the truck with Rainbow next to her.

"Wassup girls." Rainbow Dash greeted us, I preferred not to think too much about why she was always around that farm, maybe it was for the cider. "Did you guys stay up all night at Scoots' house?"

Was it that obvious? I tried to hide my tired eyes a little with makeup but maybe it didn't cover them as well.

"Well... we haven't had a sleepover in a while, we have a lot of things to talk about." Applebloom spoke for me.

"Don't worry, take the opportunity to do this at this age. When you get older you won't be able to stay up past two in the morning." Applejack warned us.

She wasn't wrong, we should take advantage of going to parties while we were still young and without many worries in life.

I smiled and said goodbye to the girls, it would be better to take advantage of the fact that it was still early and go home.

After the usual half-hour walk, I arrived at the boutique and went up to enter the apartment, Rarity was there, sitting on the couch and drawing some project in her work notebook. She was in a good mood, I noticed some marks on her neck and the two glasses of wine on the coffee table in the living room. I definitely didn't want to know who this other person was who spent time with my sister.

"Had fun at Scootaloo's, Sweetie?"

"Yes it was very good, I should sleep there more often. Maybe next Friday again." I already tried to show my interest in returning to Scoots' house, it would be better to let her know beforehand.

"It's better to leave it for another Friday... Mom called and said that you would spend this next weekend with them." What?

My parents never invited me to spend a few days at their house, except during the summer holidays. That had been Rarity's idea, of course she called them and asked them to let me spend the weekend with them. Just when I had found something interesting to do on the weekend.

"Are you kidding? I don't want to go." My voice cracked.

"Sweetie why? You don't want to spend time with your parents?"

"You're the one who asked them to stay with me there, right? You sure did that to spend time with this person who's been fucking you recently!"

I didn't stay to see her reaction or hear her words, I ran straight to my room and closed the door. I threw my things in the corner and didn't bother taking off Rarity's expensive jacket and putting it back in her precious place, I was in shock at her selfishness.

I put on more comfortable clothes and lay down in bed, I spent the rest of the day sleeping, I was still tired and the recent conversation helped make my headache worse. Rarity didn't come to the room or wake me up to complain about my language or my attitude, maybe she was feeling guilty, even if she acted a little selfish, deep in her heart she was still very generous.

I woke up in the middle of the night after having a strange dream, Rarity had found me in the basement where the party had taken place and gave me a big scolding in front of everyone, how horrible! I got up to drink water and noticed that the kitchen seemed to have been cleaned, the bottles that were probably around the kitchen were now in the trash can.

I tried to go back to sleep as I thought about how long it would be before I frequented the basement again, I just hoped that the people I met the day before still remembered my face.

Author's Note:

I wrote this for fun, don't take it seriously! forgive me if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my language

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