• Published 24th May 2024
  • 358 Views, 4 Comments

Gold Just Stands Out... - G 5-1-6

(2nd person) You were enjoying your day when you are brought into a new world and see a weird creature in front of you..

  • ...

Two Sides, One Mind

Friends, family, even strangers impact our lives more than we know. But yet even when they go for just a second we feel the void appear. It’s a constant battle of trying no to be consumed by the darkness, but the more we fight it the bigger it becomes.

You could feel it all, your fist clenched and a vessel felt like it was going to burst. Anger filled your mind faster than you could handle.


“Don’t try…”

“I don’t care WHAT you say. I don’t care if you are me from a ‘better timeline’, but that’s YOUR life! This is mine and I can do what I want in this new home and new life!”

You felt like you were about to explode with anger, but before you could you woke up as you found yourself in your bed.

How the hell did I get in my bed?

As you got up and tried not to scream in anger you saw something on your side table. It was a sharp kitchen knife with a note on it saying “for her”


It had been a few hours since then and it couldn’t leave your mind. Why? You don’t care about what he claims to be good for you in this new world. You were you, and only you knew how you were going to do with this life.

You walked up to the familiar tree on a hill when you noticed something, off. The entire sound seemed a little quiet, but not as quiet as most stories would say.

“Hey, the rest of the ponies are off at the Summer Sun Celebration.” You look and see Derpy flying towards the tree.

“Tree.” You say before she goes to the side and onto the ground. You expected that ever since you saw her, because of her eyes she can be very clumsy and often get into crashes. Wait, what? You have heard of that celebration but you didn’t know it was today.

“Wait, then why aren’t you with them at the celebration?” You say as you sit down on that familiar soft grass.

“Eh, I’m not a fan of crowds and we do it every year. Besides, I wanted to spend it with my…only.. true friend!”

You could feel your heart warm up and shatter at that. Does everyone really leave her alone because of her appearance?

You both scoot up and sit next to each other as you put your arm around her and feel her coat of fur. While it looks like the ponies have a smooth skin but they have a short coat of fur that is very soft. She leans into your side to get some warmth as you both watch the sunset.

You have never felt this happy in your life, the last time it was like this was when your mom was still alive. This one pony changed your broken life and you have her to thank for it. You decide to do something you have never done before and move your arm up to scratch behind her ear. She seemed to melt into your side more as she looked the most adorable you have ever seen.

You couldn’t deny it anymore. This is what you want in this new life in your new world. All this time you have been in denial with yourself if it’s true, but you now know it is. You love Derpy…

It was time to end the day so you both went home and the entire time you felt a smile in your mind grow along with a warmth in your heart. But as soon as you entered it was filled with cold and bitter loneliness. I bet Derpy wouldn’t mind if we lived together. This house really is kinda lonely without her.

You went back to bed but then you were then filled with anger and distrust as he started to talk.

“You have one too far now. Loving someone!?”

“Why do you hate everyone so much?”

“Don’t act like you’re not in the wrong. You did crimes like stealing, trespassing, and even did fraud once or twice.”

“That’s because I wanted to help my friends! All the crimes I did were because I was trying to help my friends.”

“Going into an abandoned Gas Station?”

“My friend’s sister was sick and we didn’t have the money for the medication so we tried looking for some in there. Oh, I get it now. All the bad things I did was to help my friends and it made strong bonds with them. YOU only cared about yourself! You never did any crimes because you never helped ANYONE, the only thing you did was always think about yourself!”

“I never helped anyone because we know that they will just use us for themselves!”

“No! That’s what you have been doing this entire time! You only care about yourself because you think other people or ponies will use you and betray you when that is what you have been doing to others! Throughout your ENTIRE life you have used people for your own good and never did the right thing!”

“Well at least I didn’t commit any crimes! I only used them so that they wouldn’t use ME!”

You couldn’t handle this anymore, it felt like a never ending battle with him but you finally found out why. Many people only check if we did anything bad and then assume we are good. But for you, you did bad crimes in your life but yet you had good intentions because you wanted to help those close to you….


Days had passed since then and the voice kept on telling you to kill her and that if you did what he did then your life will be perfect. You kept ignoring him but it was slowly draining your sanity and patience. But that was not the point right now. You were planning on how to tell Derpy the truth, the voice, your love, everything.

After a few minutes you got it and then started walking to the local candy and bakery store. Pinkie had told you about her little store and despite her being a world bending creature like you have never seen, she can make some damn good treats. You walked up to the counter as Pinkie saw you.

“Hey buddy! What will it be today?” She said in her high pitched voice.

“I’ll just have a bag of blueberry muffins.” You tried not to look suspicious but Pinke got everything ready and you paid but as you were about to head out Pinkie jumped up to your ear and whispered.

“Good luck!” You didn’t know how she knew, was it mind reading, or were you really obvious. You shrug it off as ‘Typical Pinkie’ and go to the flower store.

You ordered some dandelions because of their golden nature. Huh, it was a good choice for my mom to be gold.

You then started going to the tree like normal and waited, then your mind began to panic as you didn’t know what to say.

“You are GOING to regret this….”

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