• Published 31st May 2024
  • 504 Views, 17 Comments

The name's Tony Sparkle Stark - Some Random Fella

Who would have thought a simple wish would have led to this?

  • ...

Chapter 9- Klugetown

"So, what are we gonna be doing again?" Grubber asked as he walked beside Tempest shadow.

Tempest just sighed.

"For the last time, were going to be preparing to infiltrate a city"

"Oh, didn't we do that already?"

"That was Abyssinia"

"Ok then, well this should be a piece of cake too right?" Grubber said as he flashed a cheeky grin.

"We can't get too cocky, especially with the hippogriffs" Tempest said as she looked down at grubber.

"Eh, it'll be fine, you're too awesome to fail!"

"Whatever" Tempest said as she walked through the crowded and cramped paths of Klugetown.

Out of all the cities and towns she had assisted in taking over, this was definitely her least favorite.

But it was one of the more important ones, since it was relatively close to mount aris, and the city at its peak.

"Alright, we'll be heading out later tonight, hopefully we'll get there by morning, do you remember your cover story?"

"Um, no"


"It's fine, we'll go over it during the trip"

"Ok.. hey, tempest, you think we could stop by somewhere to grab a snack?"

"Didn't you just eat?" Tempest asked a bit irritated.

"I said a snack, not a meal"


"Fine, maybe they serve something here, try not to take too long, ok?" She asked as they approached a local pub.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick!"


"Really? A bowl of nuts?" Grubber asked as he grabbed said bowl.

"It was the only thing they had, now eat them, we need to prepare for the mission"

"Alright, at least it's something" Grubber said as he grabbed a handful of nuts.

Tempest decided to look around the bar they were in as she waited for grubber to finish eating.

The tables in the establishment had customers that were common to Klugetown.


Except that table with ponies.


Tempest focused her gaze on the table with the ponies, spotting three individuals.

There were two mares, one with a blue coat, and the other with a grey coat.

But the third individual was the one that catched tempest's interest the most.

All three of them were wearing what looked to be business suits, something tempest hadn't seen in a while.

In fact, she was pretty sure the last time she saw someone where something like that was in Equestria.


What were they doing all the way out here?

"Stay here" She told grubber as she got off her seat.



As tempest got closer to the table the three were sitting in, she could faintly hear the conversation they were having.

"This place is, rather interesting" said the blue mare as she looked over to the stallion.

"Dude this place fucking sucks, I'm pretty sure I got pickpocketed by a cat" The stallion started to say as he grabbed a glass of water.

"Is this water even safe to drink?" He finished.

"I'm not sure master Stark" said the grey mare.

'Master?' Tempest thought to herself as she reached the table.

"You three don't look like your from around here, may I ask what your business is out here?" She asked.


"You three don't look like your from around here, may I ask what your business is out here?" A feminine voice asked.

I look over to where the voice came from, and see a pony mare.

A rather tall one too.

She had purple fur, and a darkish pink mane and tail.

She was rocking a mohawk, and was wearing what looked like a dam combat suit with a weird symbol on it.

But the features that are probably the most notable, are the scar on her left eye, and her broken horn.

She looks kinda badass not gonna lie.

"Well?" The mare asked as she crossed her arms.

Oh yeah.

"Um, why do you want to know?" I ask idly, wich was probably the wrong move, as it looks like she just gets irritated.

"Just. Tell me"

"Alright, jeez lady, you a fed or something?" I start saying as I raise my hands.

"We're just headed south, alright? Were looking for a place, more specifically, my cousin" I finish saying as I take a swig from my water glass.

It sucks.

"Is it good?" Amira asked as she raised her own glass.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a parasite now"

"..oh" Amira said as she slowly placed her glass back on the table.

"There is nothing out there" The newcomer said.

"Oh yeah? Well we found this place, how much would it hurt to venture out there a bit more? Besides, I was told my cousin was out there" I say, to wich the mare squints her eyes at me.

"Whoever told you, is wrong, there is nothing out there, so you will head back the way you came" She says as she starts heading back from wherever she came from.

"And what if we don't?" Trixie asked, making the other mare stop in her tracks.

"You will do as your told" she said as she started walking again.


"Are you done?" Tempest asked as she returned to her table.

"Yeah" Grubber responded.

"Good, let's get going then"

"Who were those guys?" Grubber asked as he hopped of his seat.

"Don't worry about it"

"Do you think we should take them to the big guy?"

"There not worth his time"

"I dunno, I've got a funny feeling about them" Grubber said, making tempest eye the table with the trio again.

That stallion character did look rather interesting...

"If they try anything, then we'll capture them"


Trixie snorts as the other mare returns to her table.

"What's her problem?" I ask.

"Maybe she lives here? And has ventured out south as well?" Amira suggests.

"Trixie doesn't think that she lives here, shes the only pony we've seen out here"

"Yeah, and what about that suit she was wearing? I don't know about you girls, but that looks secret police to me" I start saying as I get up from my seat.

"And that's probably not good, so I think we should probably head out now" I said as I grab the duffel bag and hand it to Trixie.

"It's your turn to hold the bag Trix" I finish saying as I hand Trixie the duffel bag.

"Master, are we still going to head south?" Amira asked as trixie slings the bag over her shoulder.

"Uh, yeah?" I respond.

"Why wouldn't we?" Trixie added.

"Well.." Amira says as she gestures behind her, to the table where that other mare was sitting.

She was currently watching us like a dam hawk.

I'm probably not gonna like her.

"Eh, it'll probably be fine, c'mon, let's get out of here" I say as we head towards the entrance of the bar.


"This place is like a maze" Amira says as we walk through the crowded and cramped paths of whatever the hell this place is called.

"Don't know why, but it kind of reminds me of the Middle East" I say as we continue walking.

Is that racist to say? Probably.

"The middle East?" Trixie asked.

"I'll tell you about it later, right now, let's find the exit to this place, this is the way we came from right?" I ask as I suddenly stop walking.

"Yes?" Trixie said.

"You don't sound very convinced"

"Well, it was your idea to come here, were you not paying attention where we came from?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah, I was, we came from over there" I say as I point down another path.

"Or, wait, was it over there?" I ask as I look at yet another direction.


"I think we may be lost" Amira pipes up.

"Jeezus christ, how the hell did that even happen? We weren't even walking for five minutes here!"

"I'm not sure master, this place is rather confusing"

"It's fine, well just uh..."


"This isn't good" Trixie says with a monotonous tone.

"Ok, what if we just find that purple mare again? Maybe she can tell us how to navigate this place?" I suggest.

"I'm not sure that's a very good idea master"


"You're right, don't worry, we can figure this out..." I say as I look around my surroundings.

Bunch a weird, crocodile people?

"What if we get one of those?" Trixie said, pointing at the air.

"One of what?" I ask as I look to what she was pointing at.


Blimps? At least that's what I think they are.

"Jeez, where those always there?"

"I'm pretty sure they weren't" Amira said.

"Don't matter, let's get up to one of those, and.. borrow it" I say as I start looking around for any way of getting up to the ports.

"Excellent! Trixie will get an airship!" She exclaimed.

"Master, do you think there's a way to get up there?"

"I mean, they wouldn't park them up there if they couldn't get back right?" I ask, to wich both mares nod.

"Then there should be a way to get up there, we just gotta find it" I say as we start walking again.


"Wow, there gonna borrow one of the bosses ships? Do you think he let them?" Grubber asked as he poked his head out of the alley they were hiding in.


"Of course he didn't! There planning on stealing one" Tempest replied.

"Stealing? From the boss? That's pretty bold"

"And stupid" Tempest said as she exited the alleyway.

"Grubber, get going over to where we agreed to, and wait for me there"

"Ok, what will you do?"

"I'm going to capture some inconveniences"


"So, you don't know of a way to get up there?" I ask what I can only assume is an anthropomorphic crocodile.

"No" He said quickly, then fucked off.

"Dam" I mutter to myself as I head back to where my friend's were at.

"Did you get anything?" Trixie asked.

"No, it's like there afraid to talk about them or something" I start saying.

"Hey, where's Amira?" I ask as I look to Trixie's side.

"Trixie saw her walk down there" She said as she pointed down an alleyway.

God dammit.

"I swear to god, if they try mugging me again..." I say as we start heading down said alleyway.


"Amira! You down here?!" I exclaim as we walk through the alleyway.

"Hopefully nothing happened to-" Trixie started to say, but was interrupted by a voice we didn't recognize it.

"Whoa! Alright, alright, let's not be too rash here"


British accent?

We hurry over to where the voice came from, and eventually come across Amira, as she held the other individual at sword point.

Probably the most British thing I have ever witnessed.

"What's happening here?" I ask, making Amira and the other guy look over to us.

"Oh, master, your here, good" She says as she holsters her sword, then grabs the guy by the shoulders, and throws him to the ground in front of me.

"Oof! You, are stronger than you look" The individual said.

"Who's he?" Trixie asked as I got a better look at the guy.

Red coat... Cat....

"Hey! Your that asshole who tried pickpocketing me!" I yell as i point at him.

"Well, I mean, can you really blame me? You're wearing some expensive looking clothing!" The cat said as Amira placed one of her hoofs on the dudes chest.

"What should we do with him?" She asked, making the cat guy look at me with what looked like a pleadingly look.

"I don't know, uh, how much do you like your spine?" I ask the cat, making his eyes widen significantly.

"I'm joking, I'm joking.." I said as I think of what to do with him.

"Who are you anyway?" Trixie asked.

"Names capper, and I sincerely apologize for trying to snag ya pockets, but this is a bit of an overreaction, isn't it? Capper asks as he gestures towards amiras hoof on his chest.

"I mean, this is the way we deal with trouble makers down in Arkansas" I say with a slight southern accent.

"Really?" Amira asked.

"Yeah, good job by the way" I say as I give amira a thumbs up.

She smiles, aw that's cute.

"Maybe we should steal from him? Make it even?" Trixie suggested.

"Na, look at him, he's probably got nothing of value" I say, making capper frown.

"Now that's just hurtful"

"Maybe he knows of a way to get to the airships?" Amira suggests.

"Hm, hey, garfield, you know a way to get up to one of those?" I ask, making capper raise an eyebrow.

"Garfield? I just said-" Capper started to say, but stopped after I interrupted him.

"Don't care, do you know how to get up there? Or not?"

"I do, why do you want to know?"

"Why do you think? We're taking one!" Trixie said excitedly.

"Stealing? You do know who those airships belong to right?" Capper asked.

"Who? The government? Believe me, we've already pissed off two other kingdom's, I think we'll be fine" I respond, making capper stare at us blankly.

"What? Listen are you going to help us out? Cuz if your not im fine with just beating you up and finding some other guy to help us" I say as I pretend to walk towards him in a threatening manner.

"Yes! I'll help, just calm down, alright? And, can I get up first?" He asked.

"Sure, amira, you can let him up" I respond, making amira remove her hoof from his chest.

"Thank you kindly" Capper said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"Now, If you'll follow me-" He began to say, but stopped when I interrupted him"

"Hold on, just so you know, if you try anything.." I start saying as he looks over to me and I make my way next to Trixie.

"Gimme your hand real quick" I ask her in a whisper.

"Oh, ok?" She responded, also in a whisper as I grabbed the hand that was wearing the gauntlet watch.

Capper, Amira and Trixie watched with curiosity and confusion as I stared at the watch I had given to trixie.

"what are-" Capper began to ask, but was interrupted when I suddenly pressed on the watch, and a small compartment sprung out.

All three individuals watched with astonishment as I clicked on the compartment, then expanded the glove over Trixie's hand.

It was practically instant, and trixie was left with a fingerless, metallic, and red iron man glove.

"Then my friend here will probably kick your ass" I finish saying.


"Yes! Trixie will mess you up!" She exclaimed with pride as she pointed her open palm at capper.

"Hey whoa, not yet, he's gotta do something bad first" I say as I lower her hand.

"Oh, sorry" Trixie says as her cheeks redden a bit.

"Isn't that a glove from your suit master Stark?" Amira asked as she approached trixie.

"Yeah, that's a prototype of something I've been working on, cool right?"

"Very" Trixie says as she closed and opened her hand.

"If I may interject, what exactly is that? A glove?" Capper asked.

"Yes, it's a glove that will blind and deaf you, so don't try anything funny" I say, making everyone's eyes widen a bit.

I'm pretty sure I saw trixie smile deviously.

"Alright, I won't argue with the magical glove, just follow me" Capper said as he started making his way deeper into the alleyway.

"Should we trust him?" Amira asked as we started following capper.

"Maybe not, but, as Stark said, if he tries anything, I'll blind him!" Trixie says.

Probably a bit more happy than she should be.

"You sound way too excited to do that" I say, causing trixie to blush lightly.

"Hey, It is not my fault I want to try out your prototype" She said as amira placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll get to use it" she says as we continue following capper.


"Yo, heathcliff, we almost there yet?" I ask as we climb another ladder.

"Funny you should ask, because in fact, we are about to arrive" Capper started to respond as we arrive at the top of the platform.

"Also, my name isn't heathcliff" He finished.

"He knows. Where are we now?" Amira asks as she gets to the top of the ladder.

"As far as I'm taking you. you can reach one of the airships if you continue straight, but I'm gonna head back, because frankly, what you're planning on doing is stupidly dumb" Capper says as trixie makes it atop the ladder.

"Ok fuck you too" I say as capper gets back on the ladder.

"So vulgar..." He said as he climbs back down, eventually leaving our view.

"Well he's gone now" I say as we start walking straight.

"At least he didn't lie, I can see one of the airships from here" Amira says.

"Great" I say as we make our way to said airship.


"You know, now that I'm actually looking at this ship, it looks very military to me" I say as we make it to plank connecting the ship to the platform we were standing on.

The airship was colored in mostly dark colors, like black, and grey.

As we walked up the plank, I noticed all of the wooden crates on the ships main area.

They looked like supply crates, and they all had a weird looking blue symbol on them.

It looked exactly the same as the symbol on that purple mares suit.

"Uh oh" I say blankly as we reach the middle of the airships main deck.

"What is it?" Trixie asked.

"I think we may need to get off this ship" I say.

"That wont be happening" A familiar sounding voice said behind us.

The three of us turn around, and see the same purple mare from the bar, and two creatures standing at each one of her sides.

Whatever those creatures were, were big as hell, had a lot of dark fur all around their body's, wore armor and a mask, and had that same symbol on them.

"Aw, fuck" I say as the purple mare starts approaching us.

"I didn't actually think you would go through with this, but apparently your dumber than I thought" She said as she and the yeti looking guys got closer to us.

"Whoa, whoa! Let's try to calm down first and talk this out alright?" I say as Amira takes out her sword and trixie lights her horn and points her open palm to the other mare.

"Sure, we can talk, after your in a cage of course" The other mare said as she lit her own broken horn, Wich started to spark bits of what I assume to be small sparks of electricity.

But before she can do anything, trixie suddenly shoots a disorienting wave of energy out of the glove she was wearing, making the three arriving individuals stumble.

"W- what the?.." The purple mare asked, but before she could try to do anything, Trixie's glove shot a bright flash of light, acting as a flash bang, disorienting the three other individuals even more.

"Ah!" The purple mare screamed as she and the yeti guys covered their eyes.

I took this opportunity to run up to the purple mare, and punch her straight in the face.

I succeed, but it seems to only help her get her bearings back faster, as she throws the coldest death stare I have ever seen.



The mare proceeds to hit me in the gut with her knee, then punch me in the face, throwing me to the floor.

"God.. dam.." I say as I try to catch my breath and stand back up.

The mare doesn't let me, as she grabs me by my shirt collar and brings me up to her.

"You know what? Maybe I will take you to my master, you've proven to be more annoying than I thought" The purple mare started to say as she relit her horn, but stopped when she was tackled by amira.

Both mares exclaimed as they hit the floor.

I take this chance to quickly get up, and spot trixie levitating multiple crates with her magic, and slamming them onto the two yeti looking guys, knocking them out.

I see her smile as she looks at me, but it quickly turns into a worried look as she spots me struggling to get up.

"Stark, are you alright?" She asked as she hurried over to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just underestimated that girls punch is all" I say as I fully stand back up.

It's not for long though, as amira suddenly was thrown and slammed into the both of us, making all three of us fall to the ground.

"I'll say this, you three are definitely the rebels who've put up the best, and worst fight" The purple mare says as she makes her way over to us again.

"Deploy" I say as the three of us start getting back up.

"What?" The purple mare asks as she stops in front of me.

"Deploy!" I exclaim again.

Hopefully the mark seven doesn't take too long to get here.

"Deploy, what?" The purple mare asked as she lit her horn and crossed her arms.

"Uh, something very awesome?" I say as I start seeing something flying towards us in the distance.


"What is he talking about?" The purple mare asked trixie and amira.

But before they could answer, the object flying towards us gets closer, catching the attention of all three mares, making them turn towards it.

"What is-" Amira started to say, but stopped when I started booking it towards the ships railing.

Then jumped overboard.

"HOLY SHI-" I scream as I start falling.

I could faintly hear all three mares scream something too, but I couldn't make it out as I started falling straight down.

I try not to freak out, as I had planned to do that, and am proved right as I see both red lights scan my bracelets.

I sigh a breath of relief as I feel the mark seven confirm the scans, open up, then start closing itself over my body, covering me with my new iron man armor.

"Awesome" I say to myself as the armor finishes it's suit up sequence, with the face plate.

Almost instinctually, I point my hands in front of me, and activate the repulsor and boot thrusters, making my way up to the airship again.


Tempest watched the other two mares run to the railing.

"Stark!" They both yelled as they looked down.

"Why did he do that?" Tempest asked, as another thing suddenly flew above her, then straight down, almost as if it was following whoever stark was.

The other two mares don't answer her, in fact, it almost looks as if they start smiling.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, making both mares turn towards her.

"Why did he do that?" She asked again.

Both mares just flashed grins at her.

"You'll see" said the blue mare.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tempest asked, and almost as if answering her question, a third individual rose up from the air.

"What's up" The stallion, who tempest could only assume was stark, said.

He was now wearing a suit of red and gold metallic armor, wich was covering his entire body and somehow allowing him to fly.

"How-" Tempest started to say, but was interrupted by stark raising one of his hands and shooting her with a short beam of light, hitting her in the chest, sending her back towards the ground.


"Hey girls" I say as I land next to them.

"Stark! Your alright!" Trixie exclaimed.

"You gave us a scare master" Amira added.

"Sorry about that, I'll try not to do anything like that again, no promises though" I start saying, but stop when I notice the purple mare start to stand up again.

"how about we get the hell out of here?" I ask, to wich both mares nod.

"Ok, both of you hang on to me tight, ok?" I say as they both hug me from each of my sides.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Ready" Both mares respond.

"Alright, let's go!" I say as my boots light up and I start to fly off in a seemingly random direction.


"Oh, your back! Took you long enough" Grubber started to say as he got off his seat.

"Did you catch the guys you went after?" He finished.



"No? What do you mean no? Nobody has ever escaped you before!"

"I know"

"Well, what are you gonna do now? Are we still gonna infiltrate that city?"

Tempest takes a minute to think of a response.

"Yes, this Stark, could very well be a threat, but he's only one stallion with a few companions, I can deal with him later.

"Ok, and what if he goes to the city we're supposed to be going to, and warns them about the attack?"

"He doesn't even know about the attack, and even if he did, I don't think he knows where the city is"


"C'mon, we need to head out" Tempest says as she grabs the bag with their supplies and starts walking out in the direction of mount aris.

"Hey, wait up!"

Author's Note:

(Glove watch)

(Mark seven suit up)