• Published 9th Jun 2024
  • 1,019 Views, 33 Comments

Journey - Crabulon

After her friends abandoned Sunset after the Anon-a-miss incident, she decides to take a trip back to her old home.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The start

Sunset opened her eyes a bit, she could see the light coming trough the window, so, she knew morning had came. Sunset was not a morning person at all, she hated getting up in the morning for magic lessons with Celestia and she hated waking up at 8am to go to school. She closed her eyes, hopefully the sleep won't take too long to embrace her once again. Her wishful thinking proved to be very rudely interrupted as the young dragon assistant of Twilight knocked twice. Sunset didn't want to answer, thinking that if she did not answer, maybe the young dragon would go away. That too was wishful thinking as Spike came into the room and she knew all her wants to sleep more would be utterly destroyed.

"Wake up Sunset, It's already lunch time. Twilight got a little concerned and asked me to come get you" The young dragon said.

"Ugh, five more hours please" The orange unicorn said as she pulled the covers over her head in an attempt to block the material world. She found out soon that it didn't work, as spike came beside the bed, grabbed the covers, and pulled as strongly as he could. Sunset with no more protection left, decided that it was not worth sleeping anymore now that she did not have covers, with a sigh, she got up.

Stumbling to the bathroom as best as she couldto not fall, Sunset tried her best to brush her teeth, take a shower and to untangle her bed hair as best as she could. After finishing the tasks, she entered her bedroom once again only to find Spike waiting for her. "Took you long enough. Still, less time then Twilight, even with my assistance."

"Glad to hear?" Sunset said half asking half confused. "Anyway, what brings you to my room? Except to wake me when i was having the best of times."

"Twilight told me to come wake you up and get you to the dining room, and she was also a little bit concerned, it is noon after all and you were still sleeping when i came in." Spike said.

Sunset's stomach made some noise. "I am kind of hungry, what's for lunch?"

"My specialty." The young dragon said proudly. "Hayburger with a lettuce and tomato salad."

"Lead the way chef." Sunset said as she wiped her mouth a little. The Anticipation of the taste of the Hayburger was too great, and Sunset didn't want to wait any longet then she had to.

Making their way down the hall to the kitchen, they met Twilight sitting down reading a book. From the looks of it, it was an old history book named 'The war in the south'. Detailing the war between ponies and dragons 459 years ago. It wasn't a big war, hardly any creature died, and the ones that did, dies because of stupidity rather then being killed by the enemy.

"Finally decided to come back to the waking world Sunset?" Twilight said, raising an eyebrow in a playful manner.

Hearing Twilight say that made Sunset's cheeks become a little pink with embarrassment. "Heh, yeah. I'm not a morning person. Sorry you had to wait for me to wake up."

Twilight waited for her friend to sit down before she started making conversation. "So, what do you got planned for today?"

"Actually." Sunset said, knowing that what she will have to say now, it will be embarrassing. "I kind of need some bits. Tomorrow i will start the journey, and i need to make some preparations. I would buy them myself, but i don't think ponies accept human currency."

Twilight was silent for a moment. She was calculating how much money could she give away. After figuring it out she turned her attention back to Sunset. "I can give you about 50 bits. These are the money that i got from Appaloosa after me and my friends defeated a bug bear. And before you ask, i tried multiple times to refuse, but they just wouldn't have it. Seems like i finally found a use for them."

"Hmm, if my memory serves me right, and if the prices didn't change much, it should be enough." The unicorn said.

Before anyone could say anything, spike came with the food that was promised to Sunset. Seing that beautiful Hayburger made Sunset remember about the times she asked the royal chef for one. The chef refused her several times, saying that such a low quality dish will not be served in the palace as long as he works there. She still remembered the face of the chef when Celestia herself asked him to cook a simple Hayburger, at the request of Sunset, of course.

As the two began to eat, Twilight decided to ask some questions that she wanted answers for. "Sunset, I've been wondering for some time now, but it never came in our conversations. How did you become Princess Celestia's personal student?"

"Hmm." Sunset closed her eyes for a moment, deciding what to say and how much she could reveal. "Before i was Celestia's student i was an orphan. You see, i am not originally from Canterlot, i was brought there by someone. Don't exactly remember who. After arriving in Canterlot, he tried his best to take care of me, but, unfortunately, he died shortly after. Luckily for me, a mare that was working at the orphanage nearby found me and took me in. I spent a few years in there, but one day some kids bigger them me decided to bully me. Saying that i was a dirty orphan, saying that even my parents didn't want me, saying i was better of dead as they trew rocks at me. hearing them say that made me very angry, and in my anger, i released my magic. Apparently, the magic pressure i was exerting was powerful as it didn't take long for Celestia to come from her castle to the lower district. Seeing my magical power and display, i guess she decided it would be better to take me in then to let me there and cause trouble." Sunset finished.

"So that's how you became Princess Celestia's student.... I am sorry for how you were treated." Twilight said. "But, does that mean that you came back to Equestria to try and find out where your original home and parents are?"

"No. I know where my parents are and i know where I'm from. I know the destination, all i need to do is go there." Sunset said while taking a bite of her food.

"Ooh. I see. Say, where exactly is your home? I can come with if you don't mind." Twilight got out of her chair and trotted beside Sunset, placing a hoof on her back. "After all, a journey is better with friends by your side." She said with a smile.

Sunset smiled as well, but it was a fake smile more then anything. She wanted to have friend with her on her journey, but she knew just how dangerous it will be. "Sorry Twilight, i can't take you with me. This is one road that i must travel alone."

"I see." Twilight was a little disappointed at the fact that Sunset wanted to go alone, but she understood why. Deciding to not press the matter any more, she enveloped her plate in magic and levitating it to the sink before turning her attention back to the orange unicorn. "Well then." Twilight teleported a pouch of bits to her side, before giving it to Sunset. "Want to go purchase everything you need?"

Sunset ate the last bite of her food. "Sure, let's go."

"This is a scam! A scam i tell you! You can't seriously tell me i have to pay a two bits for some backpack." Sunset said, her voice raised.

"Miss, i keep telling you. This is the standard price for this type of backpack. This is an explorer type backpack, they are designed to be resistant to the elements and are enchanted with anti-dirt and anti-water enchantments." The shop keeper said.

"The hell it is! These enchantments are sloppy work at best, the one who enchanted it needs to go back to school if they think this is acceptable. I'll have to re-enchant them, so you can surely give me a better price for my troubles." Sunset said.

The shop keeper at this point was tired of the orange unicorn in front of him. "Fine, I'll lower the price to 1 and half a bit."

Sunset huffed. "Let's go Twilight, if this scamer thinks he can get away with this, then i wish him luck." She said as she started walking in a different direction. Twilight on the other hoof was trying her best to hide behind her hair as Sunset and the shop keeper argued so loudly that half the market were looking in their direction.

"Wait! Fine, you win miss. One bit for the backpack. No less." The shop keeper said in an annoyed voice.

Hearing him say that, Sunset turned her head around. "Now we're talking." She said with a grin. She turned back, payed the stalion his bit, got her backpack and left with Twilight.

"Was it really necessary to argue over the price that loud?" The purple alicorn said. She was looking left and right to see if ponies were still looking at them.

Sunset on the other hoof, was walking confidently, as she just fooled the station into giving her a 50% discount. Truth be told, Sunset knew that the original price of the backpack was correct, the enchantments were pretty good work. She was still going to enchant the backpack herself, as she didn't trust other ponies work.

"Yes Twilight, i had. Bartering is a very useful skill, you should learn it yourself. There are many merchants looking to take advantage of ponies as naive as you." Sunset turned her head to Twilight and grinned at her.

Twilight scoffed while rolling her eyes. "Whatever you say Sunset. Next time I'll stay twenty feet away from you, you know, because I don't want ponies to look at me when you start arguing." She said. "Anyway, what's next on your list?"

"Nothing much really, just a map and some rations. The climbing gear, the tent and the portable sleeping bag are already bought." Sunset kept walking while thinking. "Should i get some self defense weapons as well, just in case?" She turned to Twilight.

The alicorn stopped in her tracks, as to use her full brain power to think of an answer. "While i do not like violence and weapons, it might not be a bad idea as seeing you want to travel by yourself, i know someone who could help you with that, but first, the cartographer is this way."

Twilight let the other mare in between stalls and ponies to a small wagon. The wagon itself was a light blue, decorated by all manners of weird stuff. If Sunset didn't knew better, she could swear that those decorations are the same ones as Trixie uses for her magic tricks. As the two mares were looking around, the shop keeper appeared from her wagon to greet her newest costumes.

"The grrrreat and powerful Trixie welcomes you to my shop. We've got magic artifacts, maps to undiscovered ruins and..." Before she continued further, Trixie saw the Purple alicorn. As soon as she saw her, she rolled her eyes as if to show Twilight just how annoying Trixie was by her presence.

"Oh, it's you." Trixie tried her best to sound calm and collected, but she failed miserably. "What can i do for you Twilight?" She said in an annoyed tone.

Before Twilight could say anything, Sunset started talking. She could feel the mood of those two, and she decided to step in an attempt to distract the two mares from their hate. "Hello miss Trixie, i am looking for a map of Equestria, if you happen to have one on hand." She said with a smile.

Trixie was taken aback by how polite the orange unicorn spoke. Looking one more time at Twilight, she decided not to start anything for the sake of her costumer. "I do have a map somewhere around here, let me take a look in my shop." She said as she went in the wagon.

After a few minutes of waiting, Trixie got out, holding the map in her magic, passing it to Sunset after she got close enough. "Here you are miss. One map of Equestria, just as Trixie promised!"

Sunset took the map in her how magic and opened it up.

( https://imgur.com/gallery/e7FfIKH )

Sunset was studying the map carefully. She still remembered the geography of Equestria, so she could easily point out the mistake. "How much for the map?"

"One bit and a quarter, miss." Trixie said. "You won't find a map of better quality in Ponyville." She said full of confidence.

"Best i can do is three quarters of a bit." Sunset said. "The map is missing Alca's Mountain."

Trixie hearing that, she took the map back from the orange unicorn to inspect it. Seing as her costumer was right she cleared her throat. "Ahem. It seems like you are indeed right miss. Seing as today is such a wonderful day and it would be a shame to ruin it, the Grreat and Powerful Trixie is willing to lower the price."

Sunset took the agreed money from her pouch and handed it to the shop keeper. "It was a pleasure doing business with you miss Trixie." And with that she turned around and left.

Sunset was silent. She didn't know what to make of this building. The exterior was a joint mess of different building materials such as wood, cobblestone, stone, what seemed to be terracotta, some moss and many more materials that Sunset could not identify. By the laws of physics that Sunset knew, such a poorly built structure shouldn't stand. The building had no structure, just random bits and pieces scattered and joint together by Celestia knows what. The interior was even more confusing. There was a small library, that was near the forge, a storage room that doubled as a bedroom for the shop keeper and the Forge Master. Sunset wondered how such a building or the books didn’t caught on fire from the amount of heat that the furnace was displaying. The weapons that the forge master made were on display on the windows, doors, and anywhere they could fit. Luckily the building was on the outskirts of Ponyville, so if the building did catch on fire, it was a safe distance from anything else to affect it.

The Forge Master was an old and big earth pony with a gray coat and grayer mane. The stalion was massive, twice as big as Sunset. She was always considered taller then the average pony, but to see such a behemoth of a pony, she felt very small. The shop keeper was his daughter. Just like her father, she was big and an earth pony, not as big as her father, but still bigger then Sunset. She had a jet black coat with gray mane. Contrary to her hight and big build fit for a warrior, the shop keeper donned clothes that fit a scholar, with a monocle on her left eye and a Beretta on her head.

"Quill, it's nice to see you. How have you been?" The alicorn said happily at the sight of the scholar.

Quill turned her head in the direction of the voice. Once she saw who was it that spoke, Quill nodded. She quietly finished arranging the books on the shelf began climbing down the stairs. After she dusted herself, she looked at Twilight with a poker face that would give Maud some competition. "Princess Twilight, it is wonderful to see you again." She said as she bowed her head a little before inquiring more informations about the sudden visit and about the guest. "What i can help you with, Princess Twilight?"

While Quill was a big pony with a stone cold expression and intimidating aura, Twilight found out that she enjoyed her company way more then she first expected. Her first meeting with Quill was one to remember. She still remembered with embarrassment as she fell asleep on a bench, only to wake up to Quill looking at her as if she were about to eat her. Of course, after Twilight found out that Quill was a scholar, they quickly became friends.

Returning to reality, Twilight cleared her throat. "Today i came here as a costumer. You see, my friend here needs to embark on a journey, and although she is a unicorn, she could do with some self defense weapons just in case things don't go as planned. Think you can help us?"

"Always, Princess." She turned her attention at the unicorn. "Greetings miss. My name is Lili Quill, shop keeper and manager of the Moonlight Forge, as well as a scholar from the University of History and Preservation. May i inquire if you had any experience with weapons before?" Quill asked.

"I do miss Quill. My preferred weapons are the Claymore and the heavy long sword, But i would like something small like some throwing knifes as well." Sunset said.

"Understood. Do you already know what you want to purchase? I could show you all of our stock if you would like." Quill said as she was secretary studying the unicorn. She wanted to make sure she got a weapon that wouldn't work against her because of pride or some other dumb reason. While Quill was a scholar at heart, she had always had a talent to somewhat know what type of weapon fits someone. Just as the unicorn said, Quill could see that a big weapon would fit Sunset the best, however, if she knew how to wield such a weapon, she couldn't tell.

"Yes, i already know. I'd like to purchase three Claymores, five throwing knifes as well as a short sword." Sunset said, making both Twilight and Quill confused.

Both the alicorn and the earth pony didn't know what to say. Sunset was taller then the average pony, that was for sure, but wielding three weapons at the same time?

Quill stayed silent, thinking for a moment, before gesturing for the two mares to follow her to the counter. While Sunset and Twilight waited, Quill went to fetch the items. Coming back shortly after, the earth pony placed each weapon on the counter. "Here they are. Just as you requested."

Sunset smiled a little before she started inspecting the items, taking her sweet time doing so. From the weight distribution, to the sharpness, the design and the craftsmanship. "Wow, these are nice. The craftsmanship is first rate." She said while spinning one of the swords. "Still can't believe that Ponyville has such a shop and such a talented forge master."

"Thank you miss Shimmer, my father will be pleased to hear it. For the matter of why such a place exists in Ponyville, it is because my father grew up here and didn't want to leave. We are employed by the commander of the royal guards, who is a friend of my father from his time as a guard, to make quality weapons for them. We don't sell such items to regular ponies, but you came with Princess Twilight. If she trusts you, i trust you." Quill explained. "Do you wish to go outside to test them? We do have a testing area with wooden mannequins."

"I would like that very much." Sunset said, now visibility exited.

The area wasn't much to look at if Sunset was being honest. She was expecting a little more decorations. The place was a fenced off area only donning a few weapon stands, a few straw and wooden targets and a small golem enchanted with low level magic. She knew this place was not designed for the public, but she also thought that this place could look a little bit better.

Twilight was looking around excitedly. She never had any business at the imperial Barracks, so this was a first time for her. Turning her attention at Sunset, the alicorn saw the three big blades on her back, seated in their scabbard as well as the short sword and throwing knifes. The length of the big blades were the same as the length of an average pony, so, she was interested on how Sunset was able to carry them easily on her back. She was also wondering how would Sunset use all of the weapons and why three big swords. The Royal Guard were only using one sword or one spear. Deciding it's better to ask then just wondering she started. "Sunset, I've been meaning to ask, but, why do you need all these weapons? I get that it's a last resort just in case you run out of magic or something else happens, but aren't you a mage?"

Sunset stopped checking if everything was placed on her body so she can answer Twilight's question. "Yes, i am a mage. When i was under Celestia, she only taught me magic, but, as i was watching the royal guards train i had a thought. Why limit myself only to magic? Magic has it's weaknesses, and from my training with the royal guards, i found out that most of those weaknesses can be overcomed with melee weapons. For example, a mage always needs to have a certain minimum distance for their opponent." Sunset moved right next to Twilight. "If the opponent can get in close and personal, the mage is as well as done for, as most spells would engulf the caster as well. And, while mages have defensive spells to help in those situations to a certain extent, it's is ultimately meaningless. There are very few ponies that can cast offensive magic while protecting themselves with defensive magic."

Sunset created some distance from Twilight. "I am a special case however. While i was training in both magic and swords, i developed my own fighting style, unique to only me. You'll see what I'm talking about when i start." Sunset finished as she started heading for the targets.

Seing as the mage was ready to start, Quill gave her an approval nod.

Sunset closed her eyes for a moment, to calm down. This was the first time she would be using magic and swords to fight since leaving Equestria. Opening her eyes, with a grin, she enveloped the three great swords, pulling them out of their scabbards and levitating them over her head and back, rotating them a little before launching them in an arc. Each sword was a little bit higher then the other, and because of that the straw target was cleanly cut into four segments. Returning her great swords to her side once more, she fired off a fire ball at the wooden target, using the fire to act as a cover for the swords to finish it. The swords each struck in different places, each moving in their own way. While controlling more then one object was difficult for normal unicorns, Sunset Shimmer was far from normal, able to control three great swords, fire magic and staying on the move all on the same time. Sunset retracted her swords once again, this time getting out her knifes and launching them at another target. The knifes were controlled by Sunset, and as they got near the target, she changed the direction, controlling each of them individually to strike from different angles at the same time.

As she looked around she found the last wooden target. Spinning her great swords faster and faster, she launched them, causing the swords to dig into the dirt as they were going for their target, leaving a curbed line in the dirt were the swords have been. it didn't take long for the great swords to find their target, cutting the targer so clean that it didn't fall untill the great swords were already at Sunset's side once more.

Placing the swords back in the scabbards and levitating the knifes back in their pouch, Sunset stood there, a smile on her face. It has been too long since the unicorn felt like this.

"Wow." Both the alicorn and the earth pony said. Twilight and Quill were left speechless. Just as Sunset had said, her style was unique to her only, masterfully wielding both magic and sword in a stunning display, and just as Sunset said, using melee weapons in combination with magic really got rid of most of the weaknesses a mage is dealing with. Twilight was sure that if the two of them were to fight, even with Twilight being an alicorn, she would most likely lose. After her realization of just how strong Sunset was in an actual fight, Twilight was pondering if she should ask Shining Armour for some lessons.

"Impressive work Miss Shimmer, these weapons will serve you well if the need arises in your tavels." Quill said giving her a nod of approval and a little smile. For those that knew Quill, they knew that if she ever smiled, even a little, she was very happy or impressed.

"Thanks, but what is impressive is not me, it's your father, for providing me with such quality products. He really deserves the title of forge master." She said with a smile. Turning her attention to Twilight. "When we get home, could you help me with enchanting all of my stuff? I hate to admit it but enchanting magic was never my strong suit."

Twilight smiled. "Sure thing Sunset."

The next day arrived, and with it, the time for Sunset to leave. After they got home from the market and forge, Twilight and Sunset got to work on enchanting all of Sunset's things. The backpack got enchanted with protection from the elements as well as durability. The rations were enchanted with preservation magic to last longer. The climbing gear, tent and sleeping bag were enchanted with more durability. The weapons were more work then they had anticipated, enchanted with size changing enchantments so Sunset could carry them easier and more hidden.

The two of them stood in front of Twilight's castle, looking at eachother, neither wanting to break from it. It was hard for Sunset to leave on her journey alone, but she knew she couldn't take Twilight. And it was hard for Twilight to see Sunset go. After the battle of the bands, the two mares formed a relationship that grew more and more, especially woth Sunset coming over to Equestria. The alicorn princess was extremely sad that she could not go with Sunset, but like the unicorn said, this road was for Sunset only. The only thing left for Twilight was say her goodbyes and wish her safe travels.

"Well, this is it." Sunset said as she was looking in the distance. She turned her head back to Twilight who was looking sad. "Thank you for everything Twilight. I mean it."

"It was my pleasure." Twilight said with a sad smile. After a few moments Twilight hugged Sunset. "Safe travels Sunset, and may your journey be filled with only good things." She said as she let go of her friend.

Sunset nodded and turned before she started crying. With a sigh, she started walking. Here we go.

Author's Note:

I will be honest, i did not expect this chapter to be this long. I was expecting around 3000 words max.

Also, the reason it took so long is because i had a busy week. I'm talking about 12 hour shifts at work. When i got home i was too drained to write.

Now, i want to answer a few more things.

In regards to the link. Do you remember last chater when i said that there will be a surprise? Well this is it. The link, if it's working, should have pointed you to a hand drawn map of Equestria. I didn't want to just use an official one, i wanted it to have character. (If the link does not work, let me know and I'll post it in the comments.) I plan to draw more in the future. Important places that the characters are in and important characters. I am not an artist, so don't expect quality from me, but I'll try my best. I'm currently working on drawing Quill, so I'll probably post an image next chapter in the Author's notes.

As you can see, i posted the link directly, as the site didn't let me post the picture. I put it directly in the fic, hope it didn't violate some guidelines.

On another matter, i tried my best to write a fight scene, and as it was the first time i did such a thing, hope it turned out good and i hope i managed to get it as close to my imagination. If you are wondering about the spinning swords behind Sunset, i will try to give you a better representation here. Basically, the swords are pointed one north, one south east and one south west and Sunset spined them, kind of like how the 6 dofus in wakfu are spining behing yugo, only with swords.

Also, in this fic, as you just saw, Trixie also does cartographer work. Honestly i just wanted to include trixie, i could have made a new character, but i wanted Trixie.

Next chapter will be about the human world.

Before i go, please answer me this. How in the fuck do i write the journey? Most of a journey is walking, how do i do that? Do i jump straight to where she needs to go? Do i write some encounters before her destination? Like, what do i write?

Comments ( 5 )

Can't wait for the cmcs to mess up and reveal the fact that sunset was innocent all along.

Sunset Shimmer sounds like she has the same layouts as a battle mage that's rare. Typically, battle mages specialize in some form of magic, but also specialize in monk style fighting, which means inhuman strength or stats that are specifically built for strength for anyone who's played a tabletop RPG, but her battle mage is a swordsman and mage interesting combination regardless

Since I'm relatively new to writing, I'm probably not the best person to ask for advice about this, but if I were you I would have her journey be full of thought and contemplation on what's going through her head like have her or reflect on scenes from her past and then have her be interrupted by some meen ponies or other creatures, be descriptive and exciting and have her or do something interesting. Like a destruction spell to clear her path or an umbrella over her head to keep her dry.

I thought of doing it as well, but the problem is, i am not confident in pulling it off. Tell you what, i will try and do that, since in next chapter, Rarity will be the main point of view. If i manage to somewhat pull it off then i will do it for Sunset as well. Your advice is actually a good one.

Also, don't worry about it, that magic system is this fic will be heavy. I always thought that the shiw didn't really have a magic system in place. The most a pony would do is teleport, telekinesis and some magic beams. That's it, and i don't like it. I will fully try to create a magic system will all kinds of spells. Divination, elemental magic, summoning magic, illusion magic, dark magic and so on. Combat magic, defensive magic and all that. I will have Sunset peform a lot of magic, but I'll probably explain the whole system later on, as i have an exact place i want it explained in detail.

I will take your advice, and if you don't mind, I'll use your umbrella ideea. It's such a small thing but it adds so much character and it's so cool.

Also, you might have to wait a while, real life has been busy. No problems, just busy. I don't exactly have a lot of time to write. Can't tell you an exact estimation of when the next chapter will drop.

I wonder if you have any lore rules for this AU regarding enchantments.

How many enchantments can an item have?
Do spesiffic enchantments require more magic/catalyst?

For Sunset's new backpack, she would probably have enjoyed...

  • Self mending (/repairing)
  • Bag of holding
  • Weight lightening
  • Internal area of stasis (no need to enchant perishables)
  • Protection against the elements (like you did)
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