• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


Twilight has recently come to the realization that Princess Cadence and Prince Blueblood are family, both having been adopted by Princess Celestia in their youth. Despite this, Twilight can't think of a time when she's ever seen Cadence and Blueblood interact, or even mention each other.

Determined to find out why, Twilight decides to ask Cadence herself. Cadence is understandably hesitant to mention her adopted brother, for reasons she believes to be very valid.

But when Blueblood ends up suddenly hospitalized with a serious illness, the complicated relationship and estranged family bonds are put to the ultimate test. Cadence must decide whether or not she can put aside her personal feelings and be there for her adopted brother when he needs her most.

(Featured on 6/24/2024.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )
zachary12 #1 · 1 week ago · · 1 ·

it was ok

REALLY emotional one-shot with really good work on the dialogue, characterizations and wrap-up. I especially liked the work going into the flashbacks.

Dan #3 · 6 days ago · · ·

The Cadance of Cloudsdale version is better than the Crystal Heart Spell

Enjoy how this was written up. Blueblood is written as pompous, arrogant, and dismissive of other things. But sometimes people do just get distant when they have little to nothing in common or reason to interact.

The crystal prince sincerely stated.


this was a nice read

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