• Member Since 8th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Thirty-one short stories of events that take place in Mandatory Motherhood but could not fit in or happen in between future events in the story. Some things such as new character names and races have been omitted to avoid spoiling events too much. I will try to upload 1 chapter per day after the story is published.

Last year, for October the artist Midnight Premier held a challenge called OC-tober and while she is an artist she invited writers to take up the challenge. For fanfic writers, it was one 1 short story per day of the month of October, and each day had a theme. I successfully wrote a chapter for each day and finished the challenge.
Each chapter will be named after the challenge for that day in October.

I'm sorry for the long wait on posting these short stories, I have been slowly working on cleaning them up and when my foot can stand being at my computer desk. Sadly my editors have many irl issues so they have not had the free time to help out, so I hope you will excuse any oddities, weird grammar, and spelling errors or any missing tags. if you notice something please don't be afraid to let me know.

Cover art is an emote Smallducko made for me.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 3 )

What happened to the other story? Will it be finished? Since this is a sequel

The first story isn't dead and this is not a sequel. These are just side stories i wrote for a challenge the artist midnight premiere held last year during the month of October.

It was just slow to even self edit these because I couldn't sit at my computer desk for very long without causing sever pain in my left foot. I am currently recovering from surgery on my foot now so hopefully I'm on the road to getting better.

Ah ok nice and hopefully your foot gets better! Best of luck in recovery :twilightsmile:

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