• Published 23rd Jun 2024
  • 503 Views, 13 Comments

A Brony's Guide to Equestria - Blizzardz

What would you do if you were a brony, and then suddenly, you somehow find yourself in a world that other bronies only dream of visiting?

  • ...

Chapter 3: My New Life Starts Today

That morning, I woke up and found out that I was still in my guest room in the castle, meaning that all of this wasn't actually a dream and I was really here in Equestria. I mean, everything felt real up to this point, but it just seemed too good to be true, but now I was convinced that this was actually happening to me.

I wondered what time it was, but since there were no clocks in the room, it was a bit difficult for me to figure that out. So I just assumed, judging from the sunlight beaming through the curtains, that it was somewhere around nine o'clock. I then got out of bed, put on my shoes and stretched for a moment, that sleep was probably the best I've ever had, the mattress was soft and the room had the perfect temperature.

After stretching, I noticed that there was a mirror in the room, much like Twilight and Starlight had in their rooms, I approached it, looking at my messy, unkempt hair. I thought I at least had to look presentable for my first day in Equestria, so I started searching in the drawers, until I saw a hairbrush, Twilight really did think of everything.

When I was done brushing my hair, I walked out of my room in hopes of finding Twilight around somewhere, but the castle hallways seemed to be bigger and more spacious than ever.

Just then, I saw Spike walking by, I called out to him. "Morning Spike."

Spike turned to me and smiled. "Oh, morning Lukas, how did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, actually. Uh, hey, do you know where Twilight is?" I asked him

"Oh, she and Starlight went to work at the School of Friendship." Spike replied.

"The School of Friendship?" I said confusingly, pretending like I didn't know what that was.

"Yep, it's a school where different kinds of creatures learn about friendship." Spike explained. "Twilight is a headmare and teacher there, while Starlight is the guidance counselor. Usually I'd be helping Twilight with teaching, but she said she could handle her class on her own, which I kinda doubt."

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Well, you may not know this." Spike said while leaning closer towards me. "But Twilight tends to get a bit... well... freaked out."

"Well, isn't that the understatement of the day." I thought to myself.

"And if she doesn't have her faithful dragon assistant by her side, who knows what could happen?" Spike continued.

"Yeah, I can imagine." I chuckled, before my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything in a while.

"Oh, sounds like you're hungry." Spike said jokingly. "You know, I've got some gems I've been saving up."

"Uh, thanks Spike, but I think I'll pass." I replied, while wondering to myself what gems actually tasted like.

"Eh, more for me then." Spike shrugged, before he ran off, presumably to go chow down on his gems.

It took me longer than I thought it would, but I finally managed to find the kitchen. As I entered and looked around for something to eat, I noticed that there were a stack of pancakes on the table in the middle of the room, since Twilight and Starlight had already left and Spike was probably snacking on some gems, I assumed that Twilight made these for me.

After eating my pancakes, which were really good by the way, I wondered what I should do for my first day here, there were just so many possibilities, I could go visit Sugarcube Corner or Sweet Apple Acres, but given that the rest of the mane six only met me yesterday, I wasn't too sure if they'd be fine with me visiting them since they were probably still getting used to me.

Pinkie seemed excited about meeting me, so maybe she'd be fine with me visiting her, but then again, she was probably busy preparing for my Welcome to Ponyville party and I didn't want to bother her.

I left the castle, the sunlight beaming down on me as I walked down the steps. I stood there for a moment, taking in all the sounds around me, the birds chirping as they flew above, the distant chatter of ponies, the sound of a nearby flowing river, I still couldn't believe I was actually here, but I should just forget about the impossibilities and just fulfill my new life here in the magical land of Equestria.

Looking over to my left, I saw the School of Friendship, a lot more clearer this time. Since Spike had mentioned to me that Twilight was on her own teaching, I thought I would just check up on her and see if she was freaking out or feeling overwhelmed. With that in mind, I began walking towards the school.

I walked up the pathway that led towards the entrance, the sound of the waterfall flowing nearby filled my ears as I got closer towards the doors. I took in a big breath, before I opened the doors and was met with an array of ponies all walking around the hallways to get to class, this got me thinking, where were the student six? I assumed that they were already in their classes.

"Whoa, uh, what are you supposed to be?" A tomboyish voice called out from behind me.

I turned around and saw Smolder flying in front of me with a confused look on her face. "Oh, hey, uh, I'm a human." I replied, surprised by her appearance.

"A human? Huh, weird." She shrugged. "Oh well, I guess this place is for every creature after all."

"Oh, I'm not actually enrolling here, I just decided to visit." I explained, before extending a hand. "I'm Lukas, by the way."

"Smolder." She replied, shaking my hand with her claw, which was kind of sharp, but I didn't say anything.

"So, where are you off to?" I asked, wondering what class she had.

"Oh, I was just heading to the library to study with my friends." Smolder replied, before her face lit up, she seemed to have an idea. "Hey, wanna meet my friends?"

"Sure, I'm up for that."

I followed Smolder to the school library, and on the way, she asked me where I was from, since I didn't want to worry her about me being from another world, I told her I was from another town and she believed it, I just hope she doesn't find out the truth.

When we arrived at the library, the first thing I noticed was how big it was, even my school library wasn't this big. Smolder then led me towards a table, where the rest of the student six, Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus, Silverstream and Yona, were sitting at, books and paper scattered all around them. I wish me and my friends were this dedicated about studying, maybe then we wouldn't have failed that Geometry test.

"There you are, Smolder." Silverstream exclaimed excitedly. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, guys." Smolder said sheepishly, giving a nervous laugh.

"Uh, Smolder, what is... that thing?" Sandbar asked, pointing at me.

"Oh right." Smolder said in realization. "Guys, this is Lukas, he's a..." She paused, before turning to me. "Uh, what are you again?"

"A human." I replied.

"Right, he's a human." Smolder finished.

The rest of the student six just stared at me silently, unsure of what to think of me. Eventually, Ocellus broke the silence.

"A human?" She said nervously.

"Yeah, I'm a human." I repeated, stepping closer towards the group. "Nice to meet you all."

Just then, Silverstream jumped up from her seat as she flew up to me, before she shook my hand vigorously yet friendly. "Hiya Lukas, I'm Silverstream, it's sooooo nice to meet you too, I can tell we're gonna be great friends."

"I swear, Silverstream's energy could rival Pinkie's" I thought to myself.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, Silverstream." Smolder said. "You only just met him."

"Whoops, sorry Lukas." Silverstream apologized.

"It's okay, Silverstream." I assured her. "You were just excited, that's all."

"Anyways, Lukas, this is Sandbar, Ocellus, Gallus and Yona." Smolder said, gesturing towards each of them, like Twilight did when introducing me to her friends.

"So, what are you guys studying for?" I asked.

"It's this exam about the ancient artifacts of Equestria and their importance in Equestria history." Ocellus replied, pulling out a book, with pictures of various artifacts.

"Wow, sounds like a lot of work." I chuckled.

"Tell me about it." Gallus groaned sarcastically, resting his head on his talon.

"Yeah, test too hard." Yona said in agreement. "Yona stuck."

"I can relate." I sighed, feeling just the same way as they did when it came to studying.

"So Lukas." Sandbar said, getting my attention. "I'm curious, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just visiting to check on Twilight." I replied, before I remembered the whole reason why I came here. "Oh, that reminds me, I gotta go check on her. Well it was fun talking to all of you." I called out as I began to leave.

To Be Continued...

Comments ( 2 )

Why is Twilight twilighting this time?

"I swear, Silverstream's energy could rival Pinkie's" I thought to myself.

That’s why I like.

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