• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Lives for platonic Pinkie/Fluttershy fluff. Proud Odd Squad connoisseur for over 9 years running. Master of playing Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.


Celestia does something very interesting with fallen changelings after the invasion. It serves a double purpose: prank her sister, and get revenge on those who dared to interrupt her niece's (and future nephew-in-law's) wedding.

Oh, and it knocks down Chrysalis's army by a few bodies. A triple win!

A non-entry into the third Thousand Words Contest, in the Comedy category. Because this is a non-entry, please do not add it into any contest folders.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

It's hard to write a complete story in a thousand words. I liked the context but agree that it is a little out of character for Celestia.

Still, I'd give it a solid 7/10.

In the future we'll all be eating bug filled cheese balls

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