• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Sunday

A Winters Rose


In a Canterlot rife with political intrigue and hidden corruption, newly appointed Director Violet Codexa faces an uphill battle to establish the Royal Oversight Agency. Tasked with rooting out misconduct in the highest echelons of power, Violet quickly discovers that her idealistic mission is met with resistance at every turn.

As Violet and her team begin to uncover a web of financial irregularities and suspicious activities, they realize they've only scratched the surface of a conspiracy that runs deeper than anyone imagined. With the stakes rising and powerful figures moving against them, Violet must decide how far she's willing to go to protect Equestria.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

This is very good. I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

So far, so good Ill read this too

I can't wait to see more of your chapters, and remember:

The secret is to believe in your dreams; in your potential that you can be like your star, keep searching, keep believing and don’t lose faith in yourself.

Here's a song that will make you do whatever it takes. Enjoy!


Who did the cover art?

Purplesmart.AI ! With a filter and some edits by myself

Mhmmm... oh look at that thick, tasteful political maunvering.

My! It even has a character standing up to it! Oh I do like this. Quite a good start.

This looks really interesting. I've enjoyed this first chapter, even though I had a bad feeling when she didn't take Shining's offer of help on this one. It's good to have a pathfinder on your side and somepony that's been there and done that. Hopefully, she gets it done, also Celestia should have had that paperwork all handled ahead of time. With one signed and officially stamped note with the simple "give her what she needs within reason" and "If I think her needs were within reason anypony interfering with her needs is going to get a stern talking to" could've gone a long way towards expediting getting it up and running soonest. Unless this is a test by Celestia, in which case not taking Shining's help was a big mistake.
I am looking forward to more. Have a like and a follow.

Comment posted by PaintedPony deleted Monday
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