• Published 17th Jun 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

"Rarity's Desires" - StarkyShy

Fluttershy has been especially upbeat, giggly, and stress-free lately, and it's all because of Pinkie. A rather burned-out and exhausted Rarity requests that whatever magic Pinkie worked on Fluttershy, she wants the same, no matter what.

  • ...

The Same

“Aaaaand...finished!” Rarity exclaimed, stepping back to view her latest fashion creation in full. She tilted her head, pacing around the mannequin, checking from every angle to see if every gemstone was aligned just right and there wasn’t a stitch out of place.

“...Perfect!” she declared, picking up the dressed mannequin and placing it alongside the others. “Only five more outfits to design and create before the end of the week,” she said triumphantly, puffing her chest out. Her confidence didn’t last long, as she quickly let out an exhausted sigh, falling back and reclining on her fainting couch, propping her feet up onto the pillows at the end. All those nights she stayed up working finally caught up to her.

Her rest didn’t last long, as she heard the door open, indicated by the bell ringing, and a familiar voice. “Rarity? Are you there?”

Rarity sat up straight, peeking over the couch. “Oh, Fluttershy! It’s so nice to see you! What brings you here?”

“Well, I was just...out, and I wanted to see how you were doing,” she smiled sheepishly, her cheeks already blushing. “Everything going ok with your upcoming fashion line?”

Rarity thought that the pause was odd, but didn’t try to probe into it. “This is one of the largest projects that I’ve had to do in a very long time. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little stressed out,” she said with another heavy sigh, lying back down.

Fluttershy moved over to the fainting couch, leaning over it to talk to Rarity. “I’m sorry, is there anything I can do to help?”

“No, just taking a break and talking to you is enough,” Rarity said, starting to smile. She paused, tilting her head as she looked at Fluttershy. “Why, Fluttershy, I can’t help but notice that you’re looking positively positive today!”

“Thank you! You’re looking as lovely as always, Rarity!” Fluttershy said with a giggle.

“Thank you dear, but I mean it. You just seem so cheery. You look about as happy as Twilight buying a new book, and you look so relaxed, too!”

“Oh, well, I guess I have been feeling pretty happy recently. Ehehe…” she giggled, rubbing the back of her head.

“So? What’s going on?” Rarity asked, sitting back up again. “Cute baby animals? New shampoo and conditioner? Oh! Perhaps a new treatment over at the spa?”

“Oh um, none of those. It’s...actually because of Pinkie Pie…” she said, the blush on her cheeks getting stronger.

“Hm? Pinkie Pie? Did she come up with a new recipe? Is she planning a birthday party for one of your animals?”

“Um, no…” Fluttershy stammered, her voice getting softer as she started to hide behind her mane.

“Ohhhh, I see, you want to keep it a secret, right?”

“Yes...if you wouldn’t mind...” she nodded, twiddling her fingers.

“Of course. Consider the topic over and done with!” she declared, pounding her fist into her palm.

Fluttershy’s mood instantly picked up again, her beaming face now fully visible to Rarity. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Now, how about you sit down and get comfortable?” Rarity offered, patting the empty space on her fainting couch. “I could make snacks and drinks for the both of us.”

“I’d love to, Rarity, but I have to get back home soon so that I can feed all the animals. It’s almost dinnertime for them, sorry I couldn’t stay for long.”

“Completely understandable, darling,” Rarity nodded. “It was nice to see you today, though!”

“Bye, Rarity!” Fluttershy said with a grin.

“Ta-ta, Fluttershy! See you soon!” she waved, watching Fluttershy run out the door.

As soon as the door closed, Rarity looked down in contemplation. What was it that made Fluttershy so relaxed and blissful? And what did Pinkie Pie have to do with it? The thought of a romantic relationship briefly crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to jump to conclusions, especially when it concerned that kind of subject. Although they would make a cute couple... Maybe Pinkie Pie was secretly an expert masseuse, and worked her magic fingers on Fluttershy? It certainly seemed like a possibility…

Rarity looked at the incomplete fashion line of mannequins. She did have a deadline to meet, but working on this project for almost a month has been very taxing on her. If whatever Pinkie did made Fluttershy so calm and happy, surely whatever she did would work on her too, right? She slipped on her high heels and adjusted her dress, making her way to Sugarcube Corner.

“Come back soon!” Pinkie Pie called out to the last customer, leaning against the counter as they walked out the door.

Not too long after the customer left did Rarity walk in.

“Hiya Rarity! What’s cooking, good looking?”

“Hello, Pinkie Pie,” Rarity waved, looking around to see if they were alone. “Do you mind if I ask you something in private?”

“Oooh, a secret conversation?” Pinkie grinned ear to ear. She picked up her baby alligator, putting him down on top of the counter next to the cupcake display.

“Gummy, you’re in charge until we get back!”

Gummy slowly blinked.

Pinkie gave a thumbs up before turning to Rarity. “Alright, c’mere,” she whispered, pulling Rarity into the kitchen.

“Pinkie, have you noticed that Fluttershy has been noticeably happier recently?”

“Mmmhm! She’s as happy as Twilight buying a new book!”

“That’s what I said!” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes widening. “Well, she told me that her happiness is because of you.”

“Yep! Guilty as charged,” Pinkie beamed, puffing out her chest with the pride of making her friends smile. “Why are we talking about Fluttershy, though?”

“If it’s not too much trouble, whatever you did for Fluttershy, could you make it happen for me?”

“Sure thing, Rarity! But why though?” Pinkie Pie asked, tilting her head.

“Well, the project I’ve been working on has really taken its toll on me. I’ve had to stay up nights to work on it, and I’m simply burned out on both energy and creativity right now. I really need a good stress reliever right now, and if you made Fluttershy that happy and relaxed, then I was hoping that you could do the same for me,” Rarity said, looking at Pinkie with puppy dog eyes.

“Of course I’ll help you out! It’ll be a lot of fun, too!” She giggled, wrapping her arms around Rarity in a hug, giving her a squeeze.

“Oh, thank you, Pinkie, you’re such a good friend,” Rarity sighed in relief, “So, what exactly is it that you do?”

Pinkie Pie reached into her mane, pulling out a black blindfold. “Here, put this on.”

Rarity blinked, grabbing onto the cloth. “Hm? Is a blindfold really part of what you’re doing?”

“Mmmhm! But I’ll remove it later if you want me to!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “...I’m afraid I don’t quite understand. How is this going to help me relax? Am I not supposed to see what you’re going to do?”

“Nnnnot yet!” Pinkie Pie sang out, dragging Rarity out of the kitchen, leading her to the base of the stairs. “Gummy, I need you to keep being in charge until I’m done with Rarity!”

Gummy licked one of his eyes.

“Glad you’re so understanding!” she grinned, walking up the stairs, Rarity followed behind her, trying to understand why Pinkie required her to wear a blindfold, and whether or not it was ok to put something that was recently inside Pinkie’s mane on her face.

At the top of the stairs, just outside of Pinkie’s room, Rarity finally put on the blindfold, tying a knot behind her head. “Pinkie, will you at least tell me why I need a blindfold?”

“You’re wearing a blindfold so that the surprise isn’t ruined, duuuh!” she giggled, opening the door. “C’mon, I’ll help you get to where you need to be.” Pinkie grabbed onto Rarity’s hand, guiding her into her room, making sure to go slow due to Rarity wearing high heels. She positioned her right in front of her bed.

“Alright, Rarity, take off your shoes.”

Rarity nodded, slipping out of high heels, placing them to the side.

“Ok, the bed’s right in front of you. Just flop down on top and get comfy!”

Rarity still wasn’t sure what this was building up to, but she wasn’t going to question things yet. She took a few steps forward, reaching in front of her to make sure she didn’t stumble onto the bed. She climbed on top, lying on her back, her body slowly sinking into the mattress. “Pinkie, this bed is so...relaxing!” she said with a relieved sigh.

“Well, don’t fall asleep just yet, there’s still some things I have to set up first!” Pinkie said, followed by the sound of rattling and clanking.

“Please, take all the time you need,” Rarity smiled, stretching her body, flexing her feet in her black nylon tights.

“Excuse me, gotta move some things around,” said Pinkie, lifting up Rarity’s ankles, placing them back down on something silky and cushiony. Rarity felt something gently pressing down on the top of her ankles, too, but she paid it no mind. Rarity finally felt relaxed. She didn’t even mind whatever Pinkie was wrapping around her wrist, until she realized that Pinkie was actually tying something around her wrists.

“Erm...P-Pinkie? What exactly is it that you’re planning on doing?” she said, her voice wavering, trying to pull her wrists either apart or down, failing both.

Pinkie Pie didn’t say anything, pacing back and forth on the side of the bed, giving light pokes to Rarity’s exposed sides and ribcage.

“Aaah! Pinkie Pie!? W-what are you-eek! What are you doing?” Rarity gasped, trying to squirm away from Pinkie’s fingers, finding out her body could only go so far on the bed, her wrists and ankles stopping before the rest of her body.

Pinkie began to add more of her fingers to the teasing, lifting up Rarity’s shirt just a bit to expose her midriff, and started dancing her fingers against her bare belly.

“P-Pinkie! Stop it! Haha! Thahahat t-tickles! Eeehee!” Rarity yelped, her body tensing up.

“Of course it does, silly! That’s ‘cause I’m tickling you!” Pinkie giggled, her fingers walking up her ribcage. “It’s how you’re gonna relax!”

“Wait, whahahahat!?”

“Oh yeah, turns out Fluttershy just loooves being tickled, so sometimes when she gets sad or stressed out, she asks me to help cheer her up. So I bring her up to my room, tie her down kinda like this to my bed, and I start tickle tickle tickling away!” Pinkie Pie explained, squeezing and poking at Rarity’s exposed midriff.

“P-Pinkie PiiiiieeeEEE! H-How is this in aaAAAaany way relahahahaxing?” she said, straining to get her words out through her laughter.

“C’mon, Rarity, being tickled is super, super fun! You get to smile and laugh and laugh and laugh! You can’t be sad or stressed when you’re laughing, right? Soooo...tickle tickle tickle!” she giggled, digging her fingers into her ribcage.

“Stohohohop it! T-this isn’t what I wahahahanted!” Rarity laughed, starting to regret her choices. If only Fluttershy had told her that her relaxation method involved tickling, she never would have agreed to this otherwise. She supposed there was good reason why that little tidbit of information was omitted. Fluttershy’s love of tickling would have been seen as unorthodox, and she certainly didn’t expect Rarity to try and find out what it was.

“Nuh uh! You said, and I quote. ‘If it’s not too much trouble, whatever you did for Fluttershy, could you make it happen for me?’” Pinkie said, imitating Rarity’s accent, her pink poofy mane turning into refined curls, although Rarity wouldn’t be able to see the visual change due to the blindfold. “That’s what you wanted, so I’m making it happen for you what I did for Fluttershy. I’m tickling you to get rid of your stress!”

“Pinkiiieeee! Hahahaha! Nohohohoho mohohohohohore! Plehehehease!” she pleaded. Rarity tried kicking her legs up, only to find the cushiony silk around her ankles locked them in place. Every attempt to move her legs or wrists resulted in some sort of thump against the bedframe. Despite nothing being used to block her magic, it’s not like she could do much with it anyway. Thanks to Pinkie Pie’s tickling fingers, she couldn’t concentrate long enough to even do a simple levitation spell, and with the blindfold on, she had no idea what she had to do to free herself.

“I’d love to Rarity, but I can tell you’re still stressed out. I can’t just let a friend be sad when I know I can do something about it!” Pinkie giggled, her fingers moving up Rarity’s upperbody, tickling along the way. She started with squeezing her hips, watching Rarity jump and jolt every time, never letting her escape her grasp. Next, she started moving up to her exposed sides, giving them similar squeezes, her thumbs inching closer to her navel. Then she walked up her ribcage, her fingers sticking and vibrating in the spaces between the bones; she made a brief trip down her ribs, before moving back up to reach her final destination: her underarms. With a mischievous grin, her fingers approached Rarity’s exposed armpits...and waited.

Rarity was helpless, her pleading and squirming did little to even slow Pinkie down. Her giggling and yelping continued as Pinkie made her way up her body. She quickly anticipated her underarms being the next target, and braced herself, tensing her body and bringing her arms as far down as she could. Rarity continued to wait, sensing that Pinkie was still close. She wouldn’t let her guard down for a millisecond. As long as she knew that her underarms were next, she’d be prepared for it.

Pinkie Pie also waited, staying perfectly still as she slowed her breathing. She knew Rarity knew she would go for her armpits next, she would just have to keep on waiting for the right moment. Her cheeky grin turned into a pout of concentration. Sensing an opportune moment, Pinkie readied her fingers…

...And blew a raspberry on Rarity’s belly.

The unanticipated attack made Rarity gasp before bursting out in laughter. She tried to wriggle away, but Pinkie grabbed onto her hips, pinning her in place as she took another breath, another raspberry assaulting her vulnerable skin.

Pinkie Pie removed her lips off of Rarity’s midriff, deciding that now would be a good time for a little break. “See? Isn’t this fun?” Pinkie Pie giggled, bouncing away from the bed.

“Pinkie Pie...let me go...I can’t take anymore…” Rarity said between gasps for breath, trying to shake her fists at her...wherever she was.

“Rarity, you don’t even have to do that much!” Pinkie huffed. “You just have to lie there and laugh your worries away while I do all the real hard work!” she said, rolling her eyes.

Rarity groaned, no matter what she said, it was absolutely pointless arguing with Pinkie Pie. “Please...no more tickling...a simple foot massage would be much more relaxing…”

“Ooh! Thanks for reminding me! I haven’t even gotten to tickle your feet yet!” Pinkie giggled, hopping to the foot of the bed, a rattling happening every time she bounced. “When we’re done, you’ll be suuuuper happy and relaxed!”

Rarity groaned, lying still on the bed, unable to do anything but wait, feeling the absolute opposite of happy and relaxed. She started to curse Pinkie under her breath.

Pinkie Pie approached Rarity’s feet, cracking her knuckles, her wiggling fingers getting closer to Rarity’s wiggling toes in her black tights. Once she had Rarity’s feet in her grasp, she started to rub her thumbs up and down her arches.

Rarity tensed up when she felt Pinkie Pie grab onto her feet, ready for the next wave of tickling hell that would follow. Instead, she started receiving a relaxing massage like she wanted. Her body started to relax again, Rarity rolled her head from side to side on the mattress, letting out little coos of approval. “Ahh...yes, Pinkie...that’s the relaxation I’m looking for…”

Pinkie smirked, watching as Rarity’s toes spread out and wiggled, stretching her nylon tights. Her thumbs began to move a little higher on her feet applying light pressure as her thumbs moved clockwise just underneath the balls of her feet.

Rarity felt her stress start to melt away with each little press Pinkie made. She was surprisingly good at giving a foot massage, it almost made up for blindfolding her, tricking her into being tied up, and tickling her silly. Almost.

Pinkie Pie began to play with Rarity’s wiggling toes, giving her covered digits a light squeeze between her fingers, giving them gentle tugs as she rubbed them. “Is this better, Rarity?”

“Haaah...this is so much better, Pinkie,” Rarity sighed, her shoulders relaxing as she started to feel drowsy.

“That’s good, I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” Pinkie nodded, pressing her thumbs back into her arches, as one thumb went up, the other went down.

“Oh, Pinkie Pie...how did you learn to be such a good masseuse? Ooh!” she gasped, her back arcing just a little bit when she hit two pressure points at once.

“Oh, Fluttershy showed me how!” Pinkie said with a grin.

“Really? Fluttershy taught you how to do this?”

“Mmhm! She gave me a really good foot rub one time when I was running around Ponyville trying to find my missing whisk. It felt soooo good, so she taught me how and I returned the favor! Shy really seems to like when I give her foot rubs too! It’s also fun for me because she totally lets her guard down and I get to tickle her feet and make her scream whenever I want!” Pinkie Pie quickly got her explanation out, suddenly scribbling her fingers up and down Rarity’s feet.

“Wait whaAAAHAHAHAHAT?!” Rarity suddenly jolted, processing the last thing Pinkie Pie said too late.

“Works every time,” Pinkie chuckled, her fingers working their way up to her toes.

“Noooohohohoho! Not agaaaiiin!” Rarity squealed, starting to jump up and down on the bed, little stains made by tears starting to appear on her blindfold.

“Oooh! Bouncing! That must mean your feet are reeeaaally ticklish!” Pinkie grinned, her fingers continuing to explore Rarity’s feet. Her fingers slid up Rarity’s soles, using her index fingers to go under her toes, before sliding back down, her movements tugging her tights down just a little bit each time.

Rarity’s feet flinched, trying to escape from Pinkie Pie’s fingers, but because of the blindfold she had put on herself, she was left in the dark. “P-Plehehehehehase! I c-can’t taaaake it!” she begged, trying to kick her feet out of the stocks.

“Now which part of your feet is the most ticklish, hm?” Pinkie wondered out loud, considering breaking out the paint and brushes. She doubted Rarity knew the answer herself. This meant there was only one good, reliable way Pinkie Pie had in order to find out on her own: Just keep tickling all over her feet until she finds it.

Pinkie got to work, her fingers moving all over her feet, poking, wiggling, and lightly scratching specific areas before moving onto another spot. Though her movements and actions seemed random and nonsensical, it was Pinkie’s special systematic way of determining whether a spot was really more ticklish than another, rather than the giddy aftereffects of the constant tickling. She was having trouble drawing conclusions though, having to double check to make sure rather than to tease Rarity.

Pinkie had hit Rarity’s most ticklish spots several times, and during one of the first times she accidentally came across it, Rarity was unable to contain herself. Her toes started to curl as her entire body tried to leap up from the bed, her refined laughter filling the room. The wet stains on the blindfold getting significantly bigger.

Pinkie frowned, tilting her head as she continued her testing processes, she had her theory where Rarity’s most ticklish spots on her feet were, but she wasn’t entirely sure. It was much easier with Fluttershy, what was making Rarity’s case so complicated?

“Hm…the tights might be interfering,” Pinkie mused out loud, before pinching onto the loose bit of her nylon tights at the tip of her toes with both hands. Her hands slowly started to separate from each other, the nylon stretching out, but not breaking. Pinkie pouted and pursed her lip, releasing her grip and trying again, this time grabbing at the tip of her toes with her right hand and beneath them with her left. With one swift motion, she slammed her left hand down, the nylon ripping before it could stretch.

Any moment of joy or relaxation Rarity might have felt the entire time she was strapped down and tickled was instantly gone. “AAAH! PINKIE! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” she yelled, more determined than ever to break out of her bonds when she heard the sound of her ripping tights.

“Well how else am I gonna get to your bare feet? I can’t exactly pull them off with the stocks in the way, so I have to improvise!” she explained, trying to defend herself while doing the same thing to the other foot.

“THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEAN! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW EXPENSIVE THOSE WERE TO BUY? I HAD TO HAVE THEM IMPORTED FROM CANTERLOT AND EVERYTHING!” she screamed, gritting her teeth, repeatedly thumping her ankles against the cushioned stocks.

“I’ll pay you back later, jeez,” Pinkie shrugged. “You really need to lighten up, Rares... Liiiike this!” Pinkie giggled, digging her fingers into Rarity’s now bare soles, redoing her testing method.

Rarity trembled, the ticklish sensations starting to override her rage. She was furious at Pinkie for ruining an expensive pair of tights, she just wished she was allowed to show her anger. “PINKIE PIIIIEEEHEEHEEHEE! LET ME GOHOHOHO SO I CAN DESTROOOOY YOU! WAAAAHAHAAAAHAHA!”

Pinkie Pie grinned, her method working significantly better now that Rarity’s feet were bare. She only needed to recheck a few spots once or twice. The other rechecks were simply for fun. By the time she was done, she had confirmed to herself that the balls of her feet and her heels were the most ticklish parts on Rarity’s feet. Now as for what to do with that knowledge, Pinkie decided to use two fingers each to slowly circle the balls of her feet.

The teasing to one of the most sensitive spots on her feet kept Rarity on edge, teetering between uncontrollable giggling and laughter, constantly switching between the two as she continued to beg. “Eeheeheeheeheee! S-Stooohohohohop it!! This-haaahahahaha!”

Pinkie’s speed and intensity started to gradually increase. Soon, she was raking her fingers all the way down her defenseless soles. “Tiiiickle tickle tickle!” she teased, saying the same three words every time her fingers went down Rarity’s feet.

Rarity’s curled hair started to straighten out, little locks starting to stick out as she howled with laughter. She let out a gasp for air between her chortling, then another, soon her gasps starting to get longer and more frequent the more Pinkie went on.

When Pinkie started hearing the gasping getting more desperate, she immediately stopped. She walked back to the side of the bed, lifting up the blindfold. “So? Feeling better?”

Rarity slowly opened her eyes, blinking in order to adjust to the light and to get rid of some of her tears. Some of her makeup had run off her face and onto the blindfold. She sighed, her breathing slowly returning to normal. “Pinkie...stop...please…This is not fun...or relaxing...” she begged, her feet starting to tingle.

“Just a liiiittle bit more, Rarity! I promise you’re gonna love what’s coming! Trust me!” Pinkie said with a wink, wiping away the stray tears. She then disappeared from Rarity’s sight, grabbing a few tools to help her.

Rarity doubted Pinkie’s promise, groaning as she looked around. She was finally able to see what was holding her to the bed. Looking up, she saw that her wrists were tied together with white rope. It felt like raw silk, and the knot that was tied was very complicated. At her ankles were a set of stocks, the holes for her ankles were padded with purple cushioning. On the side was a simple padlock. She tried to use her magic to release herself, but the key for the padlock was nowhere to be seen, the knot in the rope looked complicated, but if she concentrated enough, maybe she could get her hands free at the very least. Her horn lit up, trying to find the end of the rope.

“So! Now that you can see me, the fun can really start!!” Pinkie said as she returned, displaying two mop brushes in front of Rarity. She twirled them between her fingers, circling the bristles in front of Rarity’s face, before bringing them down to her belly, stroking up and down, alternating the movements between the brushes.

Rarity’s magic fizzled out as her concentration broke, her eyes widening as she tried to wiggle her body away. Without the blindfold, she could at least see where Pinkie Pie was going, although that didn’t help much in actually avoiding the tickling. “N-Noooohohohohoho! NO MORE TIHIHIHICKLING!”

“Kiiitchy kitchy koo!” Pinkie teased, putting both brushes in one hand, one of them going into her navel, the other swirling around it. The other hand crawled up to her armpit, her fingers wiggling back and forth in the hollow. “I’m gonna keep tickling you aaaalll over to make you laugh and laugh and laaauuugh…”

Pinkie’s teasing words started breaking her willpower, the blush on Rarity’s cheeks getting stronger. Her thrashing got less violent, most of her energy already spent, but her laughter was as strong as ever.

“Oooh, and how could I forget your feet? They’re so clean, soooo soft, and sooooooo ticklish!” she giggled, dropping the paintbrushes, exchanging them for hairbrushes. She began stroking from heel to toe, trying to make sure as many of the thicker bristles made contact with her feet. “Can’t forget to tickle your toesies, either!”

Rarity’s vision became blurred by her tears, she was unable to keep her eyes open as she laughed, her feet trying to bat away the brushes. She began to feel lightheaded, each little stroke sending a tingling sensation from her feet up her spine. “WAAAIIIT! Hahahaha! P-PIIINKIIEEHEEHEEHEE!”

“It feels sooo good, doesn’t it? The brushes going uuuup and dooown your feet...All this tickling is making you feel good aaaalllll over, right?” Pinkie changed up her tactics. On her right foot, the brush slowly dragged down her feet, starting at the ball of her foot to move all the way down to her heel, going back under her toes once the brush made its way down. The brush on her left foot moved much faster than it did before, stroking side to side underneath Rarity’s pedicured toes, some of the bristles sneaking their way into the gaps between.

Soon, Rarity became unable to beg, any sort of sentence she tried to get out was interrupted by her own laughter. The different tickling sensations started to overwhelm her. She suddenly arced her back, her laughter turning into a long, drawn-out moan. Her knees shook, her toes spread, her entire body tingled. She was taken away in her own bliss, all her cares being washed away.

Pinkie Pie grinned, knowing that her job was almost done. She put the tools down and began untying the rope, the complicated knot being undone in less than a second. “So? How are you feeling?” she asked, leaning over her.

After the rush wore off and she had calmed down, Rarity lay there on the bed in shock. Her hands lay at the sides of the bed, her eyes widened in disbelief, a bit of drool going down her cheek. That sensation...there was no way that she just did that. Yet, that wave of pleasure, that pulsing feeling in her nethers… It was untouched the entire time, and yet… What did Pinkie Pie do?

Pinkie Pie took the key to the stocks out from her mane, lifting up the top half to Rarity’s stocks to finally free her. “Helloooo? How. Are. You. Feeling?” Pinkie asked, tapping her on the forehead with every word.

Rarity snapped out of her trance, rubbing her wrists where the rope was. She looked at her hair, all frazzled and unkempt. Her makeup had been running down her face due to her tears of laughter. She felt exhausted and looked absolutely disheveled, yet... “Pinkie Pie...what you did was...actually a lot of fun.”


Rarity sat up straight, wiping the tears and drool from her face. “Yes, despite all my protesting I...I feel so much better now. I don’t know how you did it, but tickling me really has gotten rid of my stress. It...it feels refreshing!”

“See? I told you that you’d like it!” Pinkie Pie giggled, hugging Rarity tight, offering her the hairbrush she just used on Rarity’s feet.

Rarity playfully rolled her eyes, hugging her back. “Yes, I suppose you did.” She grabbed the brush, straightening out the stray locks of hair that popped out during her tickle session. “Well, I must get back to work, but this was a fun distraction. Thank you, Pinkie.”

“Hey, what are friends for?”

Rarity discarded her torn tights, slipping on her high heels. She bid Pinkie farewell, and returned back to Carousel Boutique with a spring in her step. Once she got inside, she got back to work, filled with a new energetic outlook.

A few days later, Rarity walked into Sugarcube Corner. “Oh, hello Rarity! What brings you here?” Mrs. Cake asked, waving to her.

“Hello, Mrs. Cake. It’s lovely to see you. Is Pinkie Pie around?”

“Oh, she is, but she went upstairs with Fluttershy. She said it was something super important and super secret.”

“I see...Well, I’ll only be a moment, I just need to talk to her about something,” Rarity said, walking up the stairs.

Once upstairs, Rarity went up to Pinkie’s room. She turned the doorknob, but it was expectedly locked. She put an ear to the door, hearing the faint sound of Fluttershy’s laughter. Rarity took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

The laughter stopped, Rarity heard a few indistinct murmurs followed by a scampering to the door to unlock it. “Hi Rarity, whatcha need? I’m actually pretty busy right now!” Pinkie said, propping herself against the doorframe, trying to prevent Rarity from seeing the tied up Fluttershy on her bed.

“Yes, I can tell, very busy indeed,” Rarity said with a blush. “Pinkie Pie…” she leaned to the side. “...Fluttershy. I was actually wondering if...I could join?”

Comments ( 2 )

Ah thank you dear author. Pardon the obvious word play, but Rarity getting tickled on her feet has become quite a rarity itself. And I am still not good enough to draw plantigrade anthros consistently to contribute, so yes thanks for this beautiful story. 😘

Indeed. I keep browsing pics and thinking "Man, this character hasn't had a good tickle pic in a WHILE."

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