• Member Since 27th May, 2024
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Left my Heart in Sierra Madre


This story is a sequel to Canterlot's Hydra

Braeburn was a lonely stallion. He works hard every day from dawn till dusk.

But he swears he isn't alone.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Theory? Changeling trolling Braeburn. Helpful, but still a troll.

Little bro have a ghost name Casper

Okay now, I have an inkling of an idea where you might be going with these. I'm gonna keep quiet for now and wait to see.

This is creepy.
Whomever is helping Breaburn is making him think he's insane.

This... I like this. This is great. I think I know what is going on, but I doubt myself. That is very good writing. Cheers!

Goodluck Braeburn...

geomease #7 · 1 week ago · · 1 ·

I’m so glad the series is continuing. The false Hydra us such a terrifying concept for a setting its so interesting to see it from the characters perspective.

One question though is how will the pony world handle the inevitable end. Eventually it becomes too big to hide, it can be seen from miles away where the song cannot be heard, and at that point even if they get close there are too many overlapping misconceptions and they become to complex. Its why the world ultimately cannot be overtaken by the false hydra, eventually they become to big to function.

For anyone confused I think what’s happening here is the false hydra from the previous story ate all of Canterlot and is now expanding its territory near Appleoosa. This is Brauburns confusion from never seeing the Hydra but being in its now expanded singing range and working while under the affects of the song then going back to normal when it stops singing. If you don’t know what a DND false hydra is please look it up to understand its powers and affects on people.

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